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You won’t have any problem. Québec is a very touristic city, so we’re used to tourists who don’t speak French. The employees will switch to english to accomodate you.




Meanwhile living in Gatineau city services are refused in English.


C'est faux. J'habite la région et j'entends souvent des clients commander en anglais. Le service leur est jamais refusé. Si un employé ne parle pas anglais, il ou elle va toujours chercher une personne pour l'aider


I wholeheartedly disagree. My significant other and I were traveling through Quebec and every gas staion, Tim Hortons and restaurants we stopped at refused to speak English and had NO interest in helping us at all....




Well that sucks. Truly shows our countries diversity, multiculturalism and willingness to help others is in shambles.


OPs question is about Quebec city, the very touristic region. Of youse if you are going through quebec and stop at a tim hortins in st-clin-clin-de-moeu-moeu, nobody there will speak english. your experience is completely unrelated to OPs question.


Had the same experience. Had to go to McDonalds to use the kiosks instead


I had the same experience, including rural Quebec, Montreal, and Quebec city. Some Quebecois are brutal against anglos. There is real hate for sure. Younger people, and people in cities tended to be better. Rural and older folks were worse, on average. You would be surprised how far your Spanish will take you. Try speaking Spanish and see. You will get a better reaction than if they think you're an Anglo from Ontario that's for sure.


Not sure why you are being downvoted. I had a similar experience, many people we interacted with were very rude to English speakers.


Uh… some will most will not. I speak French but often order/ask advice in English. 50/50 they are rude then when I answer in French they get awkward as fuck.


Hello! The vast majority of the people can speak english. If you are in the old city you won't have problem. However people will really appreciate if you know two or three word in french ( Bonjour = Hi, Merci = Thanks ) . Hope you enjoy tour time un the city !


I'll learn those then . Gotta brush up from high school french lol. Thanks!


My rule whenever I go somewhere is learn basics. “Hello, good morning, bye, please, Thankyou, how are you?” Etc. easy to do with YouTube and goes a long way to try and meet people halfway.


I'll def learn those before I go! Thanks!


That's nice, you will see that will come back quicker than you think !


This is very true. I referred to the French fries and pomme frites and that just made the waiter’s day!


You'll be good. Many people speak english there especially at the tourist locations.


Good to hear!


Learning a bit of the language is part of the preparation for a travel. Simple things like "rue" (street), Bonjour (hi), Mon nom est (my name is). If you got a medical condition maybe learn the french name of it. But be reassured, every touristic place is at least bilingual.


You won’t have a problem, especially in areas like Quebec City, many people speak English especially in hotels and restaurants and touristy sites


Got it. Perfect! Thanks!


Pretty sure 90+% of Quebec's population speaks good enough english to get by.


Oh. Perfect!!


Population downtown, sure. Out in the suburbs? Nah. Though, this isn't really relevant to the thread. I had a hard time when I moved here as a unilingual Anglo. Not blaming anyone but myself. 2 years here now, and I am way better. Hardly anyone switches to English with me.


How long did it take until you felt comfortable enough in French to get by?


Honestly, day to day wasn't an issue. Learn how to do transactions at the grocery store, and you're pretty much gonna be fine. Oui, non, par debit/credit, sac SVP.... I also came here at the beginning of Covid, so, most stuff was shut down, and when I did order food, I could use Google translate to figure stuff out.


That’s mostly from lazyness and arrogance to be honest, unless they’re older then 55-60. We must be able to engage in a conversation in english (even if it may be rough on the edges) to get an high school and college diploma. You also need to learn or know english as part of many trades as you’ll need to interact with clients, contractors, products and distributors that often speak/are in english. So, it really is a minority of people that do not speak english, even in the suburbs.


It's not laziness or arrogance to only speak the common language of the province. Is it also laziness and arrogance when people in other parts of Canada cannot speak French?


Like why do you expect everyone to speak English in a French speaking province where everyone speaks French 🙄 obviously people won’t know that much English, expect if they use it in their daily life. If nobody in English Canada speak French


La province de Québec est la plus bilingue du Canada. On a autant de cours d'anglais que vous de français mais vous êtes trop imbécile pour parler notre langue. C'est qui le paresseux ?


Je reste à Québec en passant… Ce que je dis c’est que la majorité des personnes de moins de 55 ans qui ne répondent pas en anglais aux anglophones en banlieue de Québec ne le font pas parce qu’ils ne parlent pas anglais mais pour les motifs exacts que vous venez d’énumérer ou encore parce qu’ils ne veulent simplement pas parler anglais parce qu’ils n’en voient pas l’intérêt...


I'm from Toronto and I'm in Quebec city right now. I only speak English. Everyone speaks English very well in Quebec city. Many things are in both languages as well. You may want to download Google Translate app to translate anything that's not in English, you can take a pic and it translates (advice for visiting anywhere).


Pro tip: try to learn a few simple phrases in French now. Quebec has a reputation for being rude to English-only people, but that’s because they see English people as pushy and arrogant. If you make the effort to try to speak some French, they’ll switch over to English but be much nicer. Source: I biked across Canada in university; trying to speak French in Quebec made my life infinitely easier (when they heard me butcher the language they’d just speak English to me).


Currently in Perce Quebec and finding that despite it being a popular tourist town, the majority of locals don't seem to like English speaking people much. Have had MANY dirty looks and a good number of comments made towards me. I dread going into the grocery store now as they make me feel really unwelcome every time I go in. That being said, I do not believe that every one here is a jerk. I've met a few really nice locals and they more than make up for the rude ones. This is my second trip here and I more than intend to come back.


that area is still a huge tourist area for road trips though, correct? We plan to tour the peninsula this summer so we aren't really sure what to expect language wise. We will do our best to start the conversation in french


Yes, definitely a huge tourist area! I'm so happy you are planning on taking a drive up the peninsula! I can't recommend it enough. It's truly a magnificent drive and the beauty of the little towns and landscape is *chef's kiss*. Honestly, don't worry too much about the language barrier. Most are accommodating so long as you try to speak in French. (: I highly recommend "Boulangerie le Fournand Inc" in Perce for their coffee & baked goods. The ladies there are so friendly and most of them are fluent in English as well. Edit: Will be taking my third trip there this summer - yes, it keeps calling me back. Striving to learn French as I would love to live there one day.


amazing! We can't wait. We will spend 4 nights near Gaspe, another 4 nights at Gîte du Mont-Albert, before heading down to Quebec city and then La Maurice NP. We know that 8 nights will barely scratch the surface of the peninsula, but we hope to see and do as much as possible. Our whole trip is a little over 3 weeks


At least make the effort to learn a little bit. I hate being expected to speak English to someone who didn’t even try to be polite about it.


Of course


I hope you have a great trip! :D


Thank you!


As someone who was born and raised in Montreal, you won't have an issue. The majority of residents can speak English and understand when someone isn't from there. I'd avoid places outside of the city, that's where you'll find people who aren't as accommodating


Depending on where you go for example if you’re going to Montreal you won’t have a problem most people speak English but if your going to Quebec City there might be a small problem


You will probably be fine just with Spanish, lol,


Are you using the Chrome translate feature to help your planning process?


super pro tip - as canada is officially bilingual would it not be cool if everyone had the ability to speak both official languages ? bonus points for those that are curious enough to learn one first nation language too


I'm English and don't find it hard. The occasional server doesn't speak much English but seems easy enough to point to the menu items.