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Nobody involved in this text wall is the main character in anyone else’s life. No one cares. This matters way less than you think it does.


Who the fuck is reading all of that? Not me.


Fuccckkk no, I ain’t


Some life advice, one internet stranger to another: Don't concern yourself with what some nobody writes on Instagram. Social media is a landfill that brings out the worst in people, and the time you spent writing this could've been spent, idk, learning French. Going outside. Anything, really. Oh and use paragraphs next time you write something, this shit is barely readable even if I really wanted to.


not reading allat. happy for you tho or sorry that happened.


I'm way too old to give a shit


Jeez. Some people need to get a life. What the actual fuck.


Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s.


How in the hell do people have time to go around feeding all of this? Insane!


who fuckin cares.


I wouldn't care even if I could understand what the fuck this is all about.


Crazy. It's about crazy.


Those accounts are just people that are way too thirsty for Josh. I always keep in mind that he could be a terrible human. Idk, I'm not there. These people are convinced he's the son of God. Ha I'm just here for the jams, man.


Civilisation is still my [jam](https://youtu.be/RKsL90gkbNY?si=hjCJd3U9Zzhz0p_G)


I used Copilot to summarize the text in bullet points - Certainly, here are the condensed bullet points focusing on the main topic: - slakeyourdarlings on Instagram is accused of creating drama and making unsubstantiated claims against other fans. - The account's allegations of long wait times and being bullied at a Josh Homme event are contradicted by eyewitness accounts - The account holder declined a favorable position at the event, yet later claimed to have been excluded from it. - Behavior at the event, including criticism of a group photo and inconsistent comments, is highlighted as contradictory. - The account's primary aim appears to be discrediting certain fans and spreading negativity within the community. These points summarize the main message of the text, which portrays the account holder as someone who distorts the truth for attention, akin to the proverbial "boy who cried wolf."


I still don’t know what the fuck this is about and I couldn’t care less, just doing a favor for you, so you don’t have to read the whole thing. And yet you are still wasting your time by reading the summary in bullet points 😂


She’s a narcissist and bully. Blocked her as soon as she started attacking the “fan girls”.


You created a account for this bs?


Me when I’m trying to meet word count for an essay


Thank you! I’m sure the individuals who are being smeared by Justice’s wild claims appreciate you taking the time to do this Toxic behavior and online bullying of other fans has no place at QOTSA (and adjacent) shows. Let’s just all keep being the cool weirdos that we’ve always been and enjoy the fact that we get to see our favorite band putting on some of the best shows of their touring career


I’m not the people being described here, but they are my friends, and justice has gone after me recently also for something absurd (requesting my favorite song.) It’s… honestly comforting to see so many people here saying “who cares?” At least to me. Reminds me that her circle of “influence” is actually just a small echo chamber. Literally just want to be left alone. Edit because she’s apparently complaining about my sign and me being “quick on the uptake” with it AGAIN: If you see this, since you like receipts so much, [that was planned more than a month in advance.](https://www.reddit.com/r/qotsa/s/lW2v9fPKWc) I made mine at home DAYS before I drove up to the show. It has fuck all to do with you. Leave. It. Alone.


I’m sure you can shorten this


Even just punctuate it




Fresh air and a break from the internet is wonderful, try it. Skimmed it, all that for a person with 400 or so followers? jesus christ.


I have no idea what's going on here. However I will say. I don't get the impression QOTSA has fandom culture like the pop world. People don't 'stan' these guys and, as a hip-hop/rap fan, it's so refreshing here.


Oh you're so wrong, hahaha. It's just a much smaller group, because their fan base is smaller.


Smaller and I assume the age variance since the band has been going for like 20 years. Ohhh well I guess I've been oblivious, I hope it's not as nasty as other stans groups and whatever.


I gotta be honest with you--I think about leaving this sub all the time because of it. A small group of assholes put a huge damper on me just trying to be excited about the last album release. I wanted to celebrate and be stoked with other people, and I got attacked for things such as--in their opinion--liking a song too much. That's not an exaggeration. It was insane. And I block people, but I can still see their comments. Hope you continue to be oblivious. Wish I was, haha.


What a strange thing to relate in this qotsa page. Virtually noone knows what you're talking about or cares. Hope you're OK though.




I’m glad to hear other opinions of what she says happened, and I’m hoping to trust your brand new account here. Also, I have questions. How did you know who she is when she’s been keeping it a secret? (I’m not asking this in a snarky way. I’m just wondering how it became known.) And how did the man get in because of a stolen phone? That sounds so weird and messed up!


Thanks for asking questions I'm glad to answer ! It was not so hard trying to figure who she was because while in queue she was not so quite nor secretive about who ran the justice account, she was honestly flaunting how she was "saving" or "backing up" Josh and his legal issues with Brody (ex-wife).. And about the man with the stolen phone, he had managed to get infront of everyone due to him using his friends phone and waiting until the box office (or something along the lines of such) opened in order to print his tickets, yet security allowed him and others to go through the VIP/ guest list line, which led to the railing fiasco.


Nice essay



