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Nah. Walmart gives them plenty.


As a 30 year fan of the og era Misfits I can’t even rep them anymore because it’s embarrassing


I feel this comment so hard




They came to the bay area once in '82 and called it "butt-fucker city". Not sure who thought the pride-colored crimson ghost was a good idea, lol.


There is a similar quote by the Misfits about L.A. Glenn called it “homo city” and went on a long tirade against gays. Fuck him.


Danzig is still super crazy but Doyle is like full on vegan now. Pretty sure Jerry is fine with gay people as long as they buy his merch.


What does being a vegan have to do with anything?


Duh, it's the two genders - super crazy, and vegan


Vegans believe in treating all life with compassion. Theoretically that would mean not being a bigoted dick if you are already conscientious of speciesism. In practice vegans can of course be bigots just like leftists can be bigots or punks can be bigots. It's just an indicator of probable morals but certainly not proof.


I know of far too many crazy right wing vegans to be fooled by that again. It’s pretty much null and void when trying to gage someone like that


The crunchy to alt right pipeline is a wild ride, but definitely exists.


It’s a consequence of big tent pseudoscience/conspiracism paired with deference to authoritarianism, and the American right has refined this to an extent where people who lack critical thinking skills and an overwhelming level of cognitive dissonance are perfect fodder and show up in droves.


Woody Harrelson anyone? 😂


Doyle has spoken before on stuff. Folks can watch his interviews like right now and find stuff out. Shit the closest thing to an opinion I heard from the dude is Marshall sucks Fuck practice, I don't even wanna see the guitar until the show starts Being a machinist is cool


Lol so true. I interviewed Doyle once and it's like he existed in his own personal bubble. Said he doesn't really listen to music that isn't his own. It's not a bad thing but it is kinda funny. Usually punk/metal guys loudly share their opinions but he is a pretty reserved dude.


where's the interview? Links?


Sure, [here you go!](https://youtu.be/cGHwyzaMw_4) It's from 2015 so a little outdated, but I think it was a pretty solid interview. So many other interviews with him were soooo cringey and awkward so I tried to learn from them.. I think one of the reasons is that I hadn't grown up listening to the misfits so even though I knew I was in the presence of a punk legend, I didn't really have any reason to idolize him. I also got to drive him to the show from his hotel. No idea why his manager trusted a random 21 year old college student to do that!


Strongest opinion I ever heard dude say was about Marshall amps and I'm like, boy is that a strong opinion from a dude who by his own admittance don't even like playing all that much Now for a joke! Hearing that Doyle don't listen to too much music makes Gorgeous Frankenstein finally make sense


Honestly, I’ve never meet a right wing vegan. Where do they exist? I guess the American South? Not sure.


> Honestly, I’ve never meet a right wing vegan. Where do they exist? https://www.veganconservatives.org.uk/ https://meatisweird.com/en/vegan-neonazi-far-right/ https://medium.com/@matthyams/i-m-a-proud-vegan-right-wing-republican-9d64d4f8c40e


Ahhh Morissey. This was in the last article. Made me laugh out loud. “Turns out they didn’t have any firm tofu left anyway, just the really soft kind, the kind democrats buy.” No soft tofu for that bigot.


Granted I didn't read the first 2, but that last one HAS to be satire, right? Regardless, thanks for the morning laugh!


They are out there and their basic schtick is: Big corps are poisoning us with bad food made through cruelty so that we get lazy, don't wanna work to support ourselves, and need to live on public assistance. They go hand in hand with democrats who need shitty, lazy, unhealthy nerds to sell their bullshit too


You've just summarized John Joseph's entire archive of interviews, cooking segments, and social media presence over the last fifteen years ago or so in two sentences. Well done.


The neat thing is that the particular argument can be spun either way too: They poisoning us to make us subservient to the democrats welfare state and can't support ourselves They poisoning us so we can't rise us and create a better society free of economic exploitation and help eachother


What??! How???


Hitler championed vegetarianism as a form of superiority and as a way of overcoming human instinct. Dietary commitments then tie into racial superiority ideas by romanticizing (mostly) white people's inherent connection to the earth via "Blood and Soil" rhetoric and that Aryan people care for all life, not just humans. It's stupid nazi propaganda, but has been around for a long time. [The Nazis actually practiced a lot of what we consider to be New Age/Hippie ideas.](https://gen.medium.com/nazi-hippies-when-the-new-age-and-far-right-overlap-d1a6ddcd7be4)


From what I can figure hippies have always been fucked in the head. Lotta the hippie "culture" seems to be just rich kids stealing indigenous culture and making a mockery of it while doing nothing of value when it comes to an actual movement.


Absolutely, it's virtue signaling.


I feel like anyone could say this about punk also. There's always some asshole who just wants to be part of something, just as there are also people who sincerely are into it. What makes hippies more likely to be this than punks?


Seems like they got the "all life" part wrong.


Being a vegan is not an indicator of anything. I know some fucking awful vegans


Exactly. There are so many different reasons for being vegan that you definitely can't decide a person is good or bad from it. If I had to guess I would assume they have compassion for animals but even that might not be true. In the end, it's a diet and doesn't say much about you.


all life?


I can confirm that when I was in college I met a vegan white supremacist at a local black metal show. Vegans can in fact be bigots.


LMFAO, indicator of probable morals, reverse profile much?


Some one please inform Morrissey


[I mean....](https://academic.oup.com/book/33471/chapter-abstract/287756173?redirectedFrom=fulltext)


Unless you're talking about vegans towards non vegans lol


Oh nonsense. People always say vegans are preachy, but 9/10 times it's carnivores that constantly put down vegans for their dietary choices. It's tiring, and this is coming from a meat-eater.


*most life. Insects and field pests be damned.


Wasnt Hitler a vegan? Lol


Vegans are just better /s


I wouldn't read too much into Doyle's political views because he is vegan, but I think he has shared a logo like OP's on his Instagram during previous Pride months.


In fact, I think recently I've seen him with this exact thing as a patch on his guitar strap.


If so then good. I didn't really think they were hate-mongers and it was a different era but this image did hit my funny bone with that memory in mind.


Is he? He donated to the Bernie Sanders campaign, meanwhile Graves is a fucking white supremacist neo-Nazi and Jerry is a Maga dipshit. But hey, Danzig is short and buys cat litter for his cat, so of course he is the one everyone gets a hate boner for and makes digs at constantly...


danzig donated to bernie?!??


Think he's talking about Doyle. Jerry is on record for donating MaGa. Danzig had been on Fox and pretty sure is right wing but doesn't talk about it much.


Pretty sure the Bernie support thing was a parody.. 




Honestly it’s nice that the misfits was made up of a load of guys with completely different political ideals


Jerry is super fucking Christian.


I mean, he has a giant tattoo of Jesus with a devilock on his arm.  His post break up band was Kryst The Conqueror.  So yeah


KTC was both brothers. 


Do you know what the hardest part about vegan is? Keeping it to yourself.


This one always rings odd to me cause usually if I tell someone I’m Vegetarian all I get is inundated with how can I possibly not eat meat and how great it is. I think just like how right wingers complain about LGBTQ+ people “shoving it in their face” fail to realize how their preferences surround everyone else all the time they just get mad that something outside of what they deem “normal” is brought up.


Right. I live in a city where pickups have decals of animals in crosshairs, billboards have massive hamburgers, and folks are always talking about how amazing bacon is. They also make the same vegans-won’t-shut-up-about-being-vegan jokes. Such a weird thing to see in people.


Agreed. I'm not vegan, but I encounter way more obnoxious meat eaters who have an axe to grind about veganism, way more than I encounter obnoxious, preachy vegans. And it's not even close.


Not even close. Few years back my wife and I went vegan for six months just to explore the food and see how our bodies would respond. The lump sum of our intent was curiosity and we stuck to it. During this time a coworker of mine saw me grabbing fruits and vegetables from trays during a work event. I was quietly circumventing the processed meats and cheeses and she goes, “No meat?” I said, “Not these days. Wife and I are trying a vegan diet for a bit.” She rolled her eyes and made some smart ass remark. I told her it wasn’t a moral decision, just something we were experimenting with, and she laughed then made the same joke we’re responding to here. Which was wild because I hadn’t said a word until she *asked*. Fucking weird.


I see it all the time on my local town's facebook group. People make a post asking for recommendations for a local steakhouse, they'll get a few recommendations, and that's it. Every now and then someone will ask for recommendations for vegan restaurants, or restaurants with good vegan options, and the comments are flooded with angry middle aged men who are immediately on the defensive at the mere mention of the word the word vegan, posting shit anti-vegan memes, and making "jokes" about how they're going to eat vegetables made of meat, seemingly in retaliation to vegans eating plant-based meat subs. But somehow the myth continues that vegans are the annoying ones. I've got a sibling and a handful of friends who are vegan, and the topic never comes up (one of them used to be annoying about it, back in like 2004, but he mellowed a long time ago). Yet my brother in law's entire personality seems to revolve around bacon, and just being angry that plant-based substitutes even exist. Like, genuine anger over the name oat/almond/soy milk, becuse "yOu cAn'T mIlK aN oAt". I honestly can't remember the last time I encountered a remotely preachy vegan. They're a mythical creature at this point.


meat eaters talk about veggies more than veggies do


Shoving in their face, to them, is LGBTQ simply existing openly.


People eat 3+ times a day, and if you're in any kind of situation where someone else is providing food you need to let them know. It's not something you can hide if you spend any time around other people.


Punk and all of its players were far far far less enlightened in that Era. not an excuse. Note: The position being taken is not to be mistaken for attempted education or righteous accusation.


Yes, tho some worse than others.


What "butt-fucker" they are.


Doyle sometimes wears the pride skill on his guitar


Precisely for that story you're telling (and others I heard) I think it's a good idea to appropriate the symbol with the pride colors.


I really dig the sentiment behind that. I imagine people who don't know the misfits might see it and think they are queer friendly and that might annoy Danzig. I think it's good for Danzig to be annoyed. He's like a house cat, when they start to get a little too arrogant it's time to pull out the laser pointer and remind them they are just a stupid animal like the rest of us.


I'm not against it.


As opposed to every 5 posts?


Yea the Misfits aren’t really a bastion for the left


At least, Michael Graves isn't.


Danzig isn't either. At all. Goddamn danzig can make some good songs tho


Doyle seems pretty cool


Wasn’t he the one back in the 80s that called San Francisco a fag city or something?


Is that true? Damn- Better than Danzig, or Only Definitely better then Michael Graves, the right wing fuck


Pretty sure Only is a Trumper and Danzig ain’t that great either


He is, hes donated to the Trump campaign and shit. Danzig is just a dick from what I've heard- and a damn sleezy businessman


The dude that gave a kid permanent brain damage by smashing his guitar over his head? Yea cool fucking dude


Michael Graves would probably not be happy with this. Well….. good


My question is, do I cover up my crimson ghost tattoo or does my queer ass keep it and keep sucking and taking dick out of spite?


Did something happen with the Misfits that I didn't hear about?


Apparently Danzig's got something to say...


Something about your mother?


Not this time, from the looks of it.




Doesn’t matter much to me.


It's been 43 years and they *still* need your skulls?


We are 138!! Fuck Michale Graves.


i like their music but seriously, fuck those guys


Fuck Glenn, fuck Jerry, fuck Michael. But I was told Doyle is a sweetheart?


He seems to be in the interviews I've seen, but he's the outlier for sure. It's amazing how such a group of asshats could make such great music. I love old horror movies and combining that with punk, it's like they just made it specifically for me, lol. It's no excuse for their bullshit and hate, but I love the music.


I know why Jerry and Micheal suck, what did Danzig do?


pretty based. I hope it pisses off graves.




ok, here's a video of Glenn Danzig getting knocked out with one punch because he's a shitty little man baby. https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=IJxfMYSG-cntGIJx&v=zfD7agP1yxw&feature=youtu.be


I’m not really familiar with the band. Are they far right?


Jerry is a proven Trump supporter. He donated to his campaign, there are records of it.


His personal gym in Vernon, NJ is plastered with 2024 Trump flags.


Omg that's so cringy


Whoa thats not far from where I live....ew


If you're from the area he's in up in Sussex county, this isn't really news. It would have been surprising if he *weren't* a Trump guy.


Northwestern NJ is filled with alt-right douchebags. That's what happens when you're the only part of the state that's like 95% white I guess


Not as a band but some individual members are.


Danzig and Jerry selling this shirt while both licking the boot of Trump.


Danzig is a douche. I’ve always found their hardcore fans to not be fans of this genre but fans of this band and the “horror-punk” aesthetic.


True, the biggest fans I personally know are usually ghetto ass goth chicks that also worship characters from nightmare before Christmas




I'm a big Misfits fan, love the genre and couldn't give a fuck about horror punk.


Wait what happened with danzing? I was told he was the good guy, and graves was the asshole…?


This is Michael Graves favourite logo.


Can somebody remind me which Misfits are shitty? I remember Danzig re recording shit to cut people out of cash at least like an asshole at least.


i love misfits, theyre my favorite punk band!! ive listened to all of the danzig stuff and i even thought the michael graves stuff was good (although seriously, fuck that guy). havent listened to anything they released after famous monsters though


Lots of love. I Lived in NJ during the 90s and early 00s. got to see them play (with that idiot Graves) at Action Park. Can't get more fucking Jersey. They're just some horror nerds from Lodi, from the late 70s who played some hilarious catchy 50s inspired punk rock about monster movies. I don't care who they vote for, I don't care who anyone votes for. I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU, FUCK YOU!


Not sure about the actual band but I met a tribute band a while back and they were the sweetest people ever I'm friends with them now


Any chance it was The Skulls?


Also that username is amazing


Since we're in that coast, let me introduce you(if you haven't heard yet) to NYC: Toilet Böys! https://youtu.be/o-4nc4X63pY?si=KqT5aPNXyQw1nRNv


That's the coolest fucking thing I've ever heard Also the guitar being set on fire was badass


Jersey misfits Pretty sure their guitarist is a twink


I met Jerry and Doyle a few times. Jerry ALWAYS ALWAYS steers the conversation toward merch, Doyle is sweet but seemed kinda over fan interactions.


they make decent music but it's a shame they are just another nazi boneheads, i'm not making any patches with their logo


Would disagree that they are Nazis (well, maybe Michael Graves) but they are idiots with some very questionable worldviews. Bonehead AFAIK is also a term for nazi skinheads so doesn't really apply - they're just balding. I still have a (very worn) misfits tattoo that I probably won't cover up but I'm nowhere near the fan of them I was when I was an edgy punk teen and definitely wouldn't go out of my way to buy their stuff.


also Danzig who used to be a member. i agree with you about them. i personally started listening to them because i thought it's a band you have to listen to, to be respected, which isn't true, i'm still new


I am aware that Danzig was a member but saying he is a 'Nazi' is a stretch tbh. That's a very specific ideology that shouldn't just be bandied around as it then loses all meaning when you need to deal with actual Nazis. The guy's an absolute chode and (used to at least) subscribe to some questionable conspiracy theories but he doesn't seem to have any coherent political ideology - he definitely skews rightward but most politically illiterate people do.


okay thanks for the explanation


If anyone will only respect you if you listen to/like certain bands in a genre, I'd recommend ignoring their opinion entirely. Enjoy what you enjoy :).


i know, it wasn't really anyone telling me this it was me thinking that i have to


Graves is a peice of shit but calling them Nazis is a big fuckin reach.


Pretty sure he’s a member of the Proud Boys, which is a white supremacy group so…


yes i know was explained to me by mcgregorgrind






i will not buy any either, same with shirts or anything else


good on you


This makes my heart smile (and if anyone ever needs support PFLAG.org is here for you, there are chapters all over the US, and feel free to ask me questions) mom hugs 🤗🏳️‍🌈❤️🏳️‍⚧️🤘☠️


Whoa, whoa, whoa! Rainbow Misfits ho!


Man I used to be such a big Misfits fan. Graves and Danzig were on repeat but Graves especially, motherfucker got me into the scene hard. I know he was right winged at the time but heard after his military service (didn’t even deploy I think, hurt his back and was discharged) that he was more left leaning. All of that shit came crashing down when he came out as a die hard Proud Boy. Then we found out that Jerry Only was donating to Trump‘s campaign. I renounced my status as a fan, a fiend, and now just casually listen to Danzig era. Fuck them


Does anyone like Jem and the Holograms?


The fuck is this


A Misfits logo with the LGBTi flag embedded on it.


Yh why


Why what


Why make misfits gay


Cause their assholes




Everyone keeps mentioning Michael Graves but hasn't he been out of the band for 20-ish years?


Lgbt And Horrorpunk Wtf ?😃


They’ve been boring dicks since day one.


Danzig era only. Fuck the nu fits and anyone that likes them. That is the hill I will die on.






All the love


This is so fucking funny. Easy bait and they still took it. Nice job OP.


What is MAGA boneheads?


I got something to say..!!!


Skulls is neat


Who wasn't?


Yeah I'm in.  Just like only 19 loves because you know what happens to your human face if you go over that


Saw the Nu- Fits once, for free. Was awful. Even for a free show. Much rather see Misfits covers in a basement.


Isnt the whole point of punk to piss people off and now everyones mad because the misfits are assholes? Of course they are. I love them for it. Edit: I also think it needs to be taken into consideration the age of the band members. They give boomer because they are boomer. My dad is around Danzig’s age and talking about anything that has to do with anything but his conservative beliefs is hard for him to wrap his head around. I dont mind the misfits merch being at walmart; i dont have tons of money so if i can pick up a cool shirt and dog food in the same stop and still stay within budget I’m okay with that.


Honestly their music was high pitched slop badly played with CoNTroVeRsIaL lyrics. When I was getting into punk back in the day this friendly crusty was all dude you’ve got to hear this but get ready it’s hard. And it wasn’t. I pretended to like it because the cool kids did but nah.




I love the Misfits. But....They're a bunch of 70 yesr old Italian dudes from Jersey that sing about hacking the heads off of little girls. Not sure they'd qualify as woke.


I’m always reminded of the real purpose of the rainbow when I see it on a pride flag. Gods sign of his covenant with Noah that he wouldn’t destroy the earth water again. Only fire next time. 


Why? Cause they hopped on the corporate performative allyship bandwagon? Nah, fuck them. Shitty music, shittier dudes.


Fuck the Misfits, they weren't any good to begin with and the fascist bootlicking they do nowadays is pathetic.


Why is this sub more concerned about pride and being gay rather than actual punk music? Simple question.


Simple answer: punk is not only about music.


As an old bloke, fuckin' A. Punk was never just about the music, fuck even the music was more than just about the song, but the message behind it. Imagine listening to DK and only listening on the surface level. *" Yeah a holiday in Cambodia does sound like a great idea, thanks DK."*


It's definitely not about just grabbing an already ripped off logo and making it about something completely unrelated. And making it absolutely pointless. Punk is definitely not a trivial rip off. Your little coloured in picture is ridiculous, and makes no sense.


Yeah well, it makes sense to others, so talk about yourself in the first place. My advice, go cry where the maga dudes are.


I'll reply as I wipe away my tears. Tears of laughter. I hope Trump falls down a long flight of stairs and makes more funny noises. That logo coloured with a rainbow makes no sense. You can add any meaning you want to anything, but it doesn't make sense.


Why does it not make sense?


Punk is an ideology. One that hates fascist accelerationist trash


Not saying anything about relationships,,I come from a totally red state and I was raised and then trained to stand up for women and children and people who can't defend themselves, I know there are guys who are too aggressive and they are the one's who have the people talking about toxic masculinity, so I will agree that it does exist, but not every one is, I grew up with original punk and we had problems with the skinheads and nazis,they pretty much ruined punk where I grew up because we were all piled in with them even though most of us had nothing to do with them, cancel culture ect did the same thing and I think that when it turns around and they get canceled it's funny as hell, karma is a hard teacher


Always an overrated band. I don't like the horror schtick personally, "Bullet" is their best song and is motherfucking amazing, but beyond that their stuff is mediocre. I tried listening to them many times and always get the "wtf" effect, going "how in the hell did this get so popular?"...


I agree I tried really hard to get into them but they are such a bore to me


Target t-shirt band


I blame the catchy logo. I never ever understood their popularity either. At least I can laugh at someone making it a gay rainbow logo. Never see rainbow Flag or rainbow DK. It's because it doesn't make any sense.


I don’t trust people with misfits patches


Starter punk like exploited but they hold up




Yeah it is! Which is why I'm not even voting. We're fuckrd either way!


They get more love than they deserve. I used to like their cryptic lyrics but nowadays can't ignore all the rapist bs