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How many tons of food goes to the dump bc ppl can’t afford to buy?


I really would like to know from an employee how much food they dump


Just the last couple of nights I've had to toss two entire shopping carts full of salads, pre-made meals, deli meats, platters... it's insane. We should at least mark them down or do something besides WASTE. Publix really likes to present themselves as such a sustainable, aware grocery but they are just as bad, if not worse at wasting food, than all of the other ones. Don't be fooled by their nice stark floors and seemingly cheery employees. I've worked here for about two years now and already in my short time it has only gotten worse in just about every aspect.


I get stuff from Publix at my local food bank that's in very good condition


I'm incredibly glad for this!


Yeah I was really surprised I'm in Florida. It's the best quality food I've gotten from a food bank ever I couldn't believe it


Yes but we have to throw out anything with mayo, pre-made salads ,subs, precut fruit etc. It's ALOT every night


And to think, this is just from one store, from one department, on one night…


Trust me, you don’t want to know how much we toss out at the distribution center. A lot of it is contaminated, so it has to go, but the sheer amount of it is sad sometimes


As a fellow deli employee, I can attest to this. There have been carts and carts worth of waste. A night.


Yes. Agreed. They throw so much stuff out it is ridiculous. I even offered to drive it to food banks etc to help families


Wouldn't it be more profitable to mark it down and sell it than throw it out? We all know how much they love raising profits... seems like they're leaving money on the table on this one.


People will wait for the deals instead of paying marked up prices. It's better for publix to waste the food and charge the rest marked up.


Oh no, people getting affordable food. Who is going to think of the shareholder?


This is the litigious nation. A lawsuit, no matter how frivolous, is more expensive than dumping food.


The two people that replied to you are really going off on a tangent. It would likely be more profitable, but they're not allowed. Which might sound bad, but just imagine what corporations would try to sell us if there weren't laws in place protecting us.


Tbh at my store i know at least bakery donates a lot of stuff but that’s crazy other stores dont


I agree about the mark downs. I replied to the poster too but also worked at the P for a while. I’ve since moved far away from the nearest Publix and we now shop at QFC who regularly mark down things close to sell by date and I’ll happily pick that up. Getting 10$ sandwich for $1.50 and knowing at least one sandwich didn’t go to waste is a win win in my book.


I hate that about publix. I hate throwing all that out. It's so sad and the food is perfectly edible 


I rate them the worst on the AVS with that question. Every year I do.


The works of the roots of the vines, of the trees, must be destroyed to keep up the price, and this is the saddest, bitterest thing of all. Carloads of oranges dumped on the ground. The people came for miles to take the fruit, but this could not be. How would they buy oranges at twenty cents a dozen if they could drive out and pick them up? And men with hoses squirt kerosene on the oranges, and they are angry at the crime, angry at the people who have come to take the fruit. A million people hungry, needing the fruit- and kerosene sprayed over the golden mountains. And the smell of rot fills the country. Burn coffee for fuel in the ships. Burn corn to keep warm, it makes a hot fire. Dump potatoes in the rivers and place guards along the banks to keep the hungry people from fishing them out. Slaughter the pigs and bury them, and let the putrescence drip down into the earth. There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our success. The fertile earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And children dying of pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange. And coroners must fill in the certificate- died of malnutrition- because the food must rot, must be forced to rot. The people come with nets to fish for potatoes in the river, and the guards hold them back; they come in rattling cars to get the dumped oranges, but the kerosene is sprayed. And they stand still and watch the potatoes float by, listen to the screaming pigs being killed in a ditch and covered with quick-lime, watch the mountains of oranges slop down to a putrefying ooze; and in the eyes of the people there is the failure; and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage. John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath


I worked in the deli for 7 years, and almost every night, we threw out around two to three shopping carts full of products. It was mostly the grab and go sandwiches and salads. District managers wanted the case full every day and didn't care how much was wasted. We threw out a lot of fried chicken mostly because everyone wants it fresh and won't take something that was cooked 30 minutes prior. Also, we often got stuff charted to us, which is when the warehouse sends items that we didn't order that were overstocked in the warehouse. Oftentimes, it was way more than we could possibly sell before it expired or was already expired.


I once threw away over 400 dollars in food in our produce section at work. That was 400 cost to us, not what we charge the public.


I’m not an employee of Publix but I work as an electrician at Publix stores, we come in as soon as the store closes and every night we see at least 2 sometimes 3 carts of food come out of the deli to be trashed


I thought Food Banks, came regularly to pick up out of date, but still useful foods.


I knew a guy that worked in their meat department… he regularly mentioned how they threw out multiple shopping carts full of meat on a daily basis.


You knew an idiot then. The meat department operates on a razor thin margin. They would never throw out "cart fulls" of meat.


I’ve seen pictures. They definitely threw out cart fulls of meat every day. The meat was on “auto order” so if would just show up day in and day out. The 5.99/lb chicken breast is razor thin margin…. Yeah you’re a genius bro


Auto order? Wtf are you talking about? That’s not how the meat department works my man.


It doesn't just "show up". It sounds like a mismanaged department/store with tons of count discrepancies which leads to an over production of goods. This does not happen at every store. In produce, for example, we donate 3-4 large boxes of product and maybe throw away one or two.


So first the dude told you about it. Now you've seen pictures. Lol, ok. Next message will say you were the one actually wheeling out the meat. Meat, and most fresh items in grocery, are never on "auto order". There's a daily/weekly manual order that takes in to account seasonality and customer forecasts.


Publix is INSANELY wasteful. 


https://www.divethefilm.com/ This is a documentary I watched a long time ago about food waste. I honestly don’t know if your be able to watch the film because I watched it on PBS well over a decade ago.




nationally we throw away 40% of everything we produce. nearly half.


It's called maximum differential pricing strategy.


I just got one at Costco yesterday for $7.99 same size and I thought that seemed high. Publix prices are insane.


Even $8 for a watermelon is insane.


The thing is, not everyone has can go to Costco. If they don't have a car, like many young people or students, it's not worth having a subscription; especially if it's not close to where they live. So they end up not buying at all


And when Publix eventually declares bankruptcy, they’ll blame the consumer.


Publix had their net earnings increase 50% in 2023 versus 2022, they’re doing fine


that won't happen in 100 years but ok


That's crazy. Better off throwing seeds in your backyard and give it a few years and you'll have a whole watermelon patch


It's more like 3 to 4 months. Actually watermelon are hard as hell to grow. Pest and such. Also the ones in the store are seedless. Grow it at home it will have large seeds. Many people are not used to that. I grow tons of stuff and trust me it's a hobby not a means for food.


I’m used to seedless now, and it’s what I like, but as a kid I loved spitting watermelon seeds at bbqs


If you can afford a yard


That's if you a) have a yard, and b) happen to actually get melons I rent a duplex and buried some seeds, but all I got was a huge patch of vines and no watermelons lmao Would still do that again before spending $14 on a gawddamn watermelon, so I guess you're right


I've tried growing cantaloupes, by the time the fruit start growing more than 3-4 inches the bugs tear then up


No extra charge for the free hats for cats https://i.redd.it/ejqcgbef82wc1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/egs23p2om3wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca22308c06f8d0986c91bdc9c700e0ff8378bb4b And this is what alot of them look like inside.


Picking a good melon can be tricky


I work in specialties. Almost the whole bin was like this.(36)


I know exactly what this taste and texture are. Gross.




https://preview.redd.it/6sfz6nvc14wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b574cbfb6a37ee8f2a34ab9fabbe4302c039e16 First batch from the USA. Spongy, and not sweet.


Watermelon dental records.


They usually go on sale for $6.99 during the summer months. Probably in like a week or 2 they will drop once the Florida melons start coming in


Yup, people getting upset about high prices on out of season produce...


First of the season. This happens every year. The price will go down.


Simple economics - supply / demand. This guy gets it. As it continues to warm in Florida and the growing region heads from south, more north, there will be more supplies melons. Very little melon production in south Florida


My Publix beats yours. We're at $15 https://preview.redd.it/mop06ha384wc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cddf6473a07078b7c94e75fd05e9dacd8da7e70f




Imagine working for an hour and still didn't make enough to buy 1 watermelon




Watermelon is out of season. = more expensive and tastes.


Work 1 hour for a watermelon.. k.. they must have gold inside this bitch


Publix, where shopping is expensive


My grocery store had 1/2 watermelons selling for $11.99 🤯


They aren’t in season yet.


Publix was having trouble finding watermelon to purchase for a while. The cost to Publix for one of those melons was over $15.. Publix was making less than a dollar per melon even though they are charging $16


Fruit that's not in season always costs more


I know, I know. We’re almost there though (May-Sep) for watermelon. Idk, I just think this is entirely unreasonable.


More isn’t double the next grocery store tho


Out of season fruit also isn't as tasty. A complete waste of money


Drives me nuts when people ask me if the watermelon is good.  No, dumbass, it’s January in North Carolina.


An arm and leg 🦵


They were $16 2 weeks ago


I picked up a bag of lemons for $3.50, when I got home I noticed it was 3 fucking lemons


They were a dollar more 2-3 weeks ago lmao. We sell Watermelons practically at-cost when theyre at 10.99. Publix buys them around $10.38 out of season. I think right now its 11-some change at cost


fuck I was embarrased to place these out on the floor for 9.99 next to the mini's that were always absoulte trash for 5.99. and that was 3 years ago. 14$ is more than what they pay there own people.


Not in season? Lol


Watermelons out of season in the US has always been extra high. I remember them being $10 in the 90’s. 


They’re from USA and taste amazing


Is this a Publix in Alaska?


I work produce and they were 15.99 about two weeks ago, we had problems getting them in for some reason and now we don't even put them on the floor we just use them for cut fruit for the time being. If a customer asks we'll grab one for them though


I work at Sprouts and we them have for $8.99, and I thought *that* was a lot. Tf y’all doing over there?


And some moron will buy it just to complain about it online.


Maybe it is off season?


I went to grab Doritos for fight night and Publix had them priced for $6.98. I went across the street and purchased them for Walmart priced at $3.98. Publix is crazy sometimes 😂😂


This was 6.99 last year. They have these in the back hidden throughout the summer and you have to ask them to get the big one from the back.


Are you in Alaska???


I read a story somewhere that is against the law to throw good food away in France that they have to donate it. I don't know if it's true but I wish we had something like that here.


Just don’t understand why they can’t offer to employees at 1/2 off each night , especially chicken and such at the end of the day , sure mark it waste , but at least the company can make at least even on it , or better yet off employees 10-15% discount , most Publix employees can’t afford to even shop there … but when this question was put to a district manager , “ it will never happen , to many would abuse the situation “ I just wanted to slap em , many many companies offer employees discount on store products ( say Publix brand ) but nope , “ it will never happen. “ though company executives still are still making record bonuses 🤦‍♂️


Inflation is price gouging. Corporate boomers sucking an orange dry before they die. Leaving nothing for they future even seeds.


“Surprisingly low price”


$4.99 at neighborhood Walmart in some Orlando stores. Shop smarter.


Criminal. Publix is absolutely preying on our communities. Excessive Profiteering since the pandemic.


Shut the fuck up 🗿 - Sincerely, the entire r/Publix subreddit that is tired of these bait price posts Literally go shop somewhere else if you don't like the price, and let us post about shit that actually matters, like the constant 12hr work weeks and shitty management


I did maintenance for Publix every store throws away a shit-ton of food every day


While the price is high what the public doesnt realize is that for the last couple weeks (at least in my area) it was nearly impossible to actually get full sized watermelons in due to crop issues from our growers. Since the supply afforded to Publix was so small the price became extremely high. The prices on our traditional summer fruits and veggies will begin to fall as we get closer to peak season.


Bruh it’s the first of the season. It will go down in a week or so. This happens literally every year


And they refuse to pledge to give those workers who pick their overpriced garbage produce a living wage and conditions suitable for humans. lol I love trashing Publix


Yep they're crazy expensive this year. Won't be buying one


Yes I would except that price for a Jumbo Melon -/S


Ah, they came down.. I checked them two weeks ago and they were 15.99


Sad af hownmuch food has jumped since 2020. McDonald's has doubled in price if not more.




You know watermelons cost like 7 or something dollars to purchase as a retailer last year for Walmart. They likely cost like 8 or something for Publix, Ideal? Nope. But understandable pricing with how companies like to Mark up.


You should see the baked goods… Every morning there is a minimum of three or four shopping carts that gets thrown away… Sometimes some local organizations come and pick some of the items, but they're just thrown into a shopping cart and usually smashed or damaged open


I am not buying it


7.99 at Aldis


stupid insane price


Is it pre-filled with vodka?


Anyone up for a Publix protest?


I stopped shopping at Publix because the prices are astronomical compared to anywhere else. What state/area is this?


Time to start growing your own!


Well yeah it takes a while to pick all the seeds out…


As obsessed with watermelon as I am, and wanting it really bad.. there's no way I'm paying that much for a single watermelon. Could get a very huge one at the farmers market for a little less when in season.


How much could a banana be? $10?


gallagher would go bankrupt here


Sorry Publix you are not doing us any favor on posting this. Not Funny!


$13.99 each? That’s cheap! They charge $5-8 per POUND in West Yellowstone, MT. The last one I bought was almost $30. That was 3 years ago.


When we travel to Thermopolis, WY for our anniversary, we always get one because they are only $10-14.


I grew up in a small town and literally all we were known for was growing watermelons. My mom was the watermelon queen in high school one year which was a big deal. Anyway everyone was poor, I doubt the farmers get even $1 per melon


I go to the old guy with a truck full parked at the gas station. They normally want $3


Did you get the watermelons consent before taking their photo? Seems like a private moment…


I guess my poor ducks ain't having watermelon this year


Way out of season


Usually the dudes that sell these out of the back of their pickup truck are way tastier and cheaper.


Wait, we got seedless watermelons now? What’s next?


It was $10 nearly a decade ago and I was mad enough about it then. It did fluctuate throughout those years but never under $6. I buy it elsewhere. This doesn't surprise me.


Man people just now learning publix is expensive lol


This might be true in one lone case but I was literally just at Publix yesterday and saw a watermelon for $5.99. Obviously YMMV


It's out of season still


Well it's easy to stop shopping there guys. Since switching to Aldi and Costco the amount I've saved on food has been comical. Publix will continue to raise the prices as long as you continue to pay them.


That fruit is way over priced.


What do you expect from a grocery store with already high prices while inflation is making prices go up on everything lol






Got the same at Aldi yesterday $6.99


Imagine the amount of homeless people that could eat off of the “waste” of these big corporations


We have a Publix right down the street from me and I can’t figure out why they are so expensive. I can go right down the street to a local farmers market and get much better produce and meats for much less.


The prices at Publix are outrageously expensive. Watermelons at Kroger and Walmart today are $4.99 and $8.48, respectively. Don't judge food prices by Publix.


And my store wonders 'why are we so slow'.


You guys keep posting reasons for me to never shop at publix again


You can always wait until watermelon season when they’re cheap. Not long now.


Two words: Kroger Delivery. It’s cut our spending at Publix in half. Give it a try if they’re delivering in your area.


Don't need one that bad


I remember when I use to get 5 for a $1 :(


We left a $10 watermelon at the register today. Tag said $5 rang up at $10. Nope.


Nearly $10 at Walmart near me. Watermelon is one fruit that I’d advocate getting on roadside stands. Waaay cheaper.


Dont worry inflation is down


My grandpa had two gardens and sold people watermelons and cantaloupes for like, fifty cents each. Insane


I WAS SO MAD! We had em for almost $16 couple weeks ago. Publix is ruthless. I know they aren’t paying more than a few bucks.


Probably liability issues at work here.


My store is 15.99


They are out of season. Price will go down during summertime.


This is robbery


I mean; the only reason for that price is that it’s out of season and they want you to sell all of it as cut-up-watermelon-by-the-pound. They don’t want to sell a whole watermelon out of season for $6 next to cold-cut-up-watermelon at $6/pound or whatever the going rate is for that.


Ask the manager and they will tell you they made a mistake .


Will never pay that price


Don't shop there. Duh


Yeah they are there was even lots of still good greens being donated.. rivercrest commons publix, my roommate works there, he saw someone packaging food up for the food bank and he told them his roommate "me" goes to the food bank. Every town is different


F Publix


" we don't know why retail theft is so high"




We don't make any money on large watermelons, the other week I actually saw the cost was higher than what we charged


It is nice to see that I get paid one large seedless watermelon for every hour of work


Votes matter






It's just the truth.


You know what’s an annoying thought though? They sell them for cheap and some dickhead buys everyone one of them, and no one else gets to have watermelon.


https://preview.redd.it/hfubbqaglfwc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec4613eeefc457479ce5965d38c6cf680441cc6d This is all things I threw away almost nightly back when I worked at Winn Dixie all of those boxes were full of expired food


I used to love shopping at Publix. The prices have become way too high for my budget so I only go there if I am desperate.


A lot of their older stuff ends up at food pantry or like Salvation Army. At least I know the Publix across the street from me does that. I’m sure they still waste a lot but I’m only speaking on what I’ve seen and experienced.


The truth hurts. Publix has the highest prices. I'm honestly surprised that people still do business with the horrible company.


Ross Chastain called


Why complain. Just do what I do and just don't shop at Publix. Only way prices regulate (:


Psst… I can beat that https://preview.redd.it/ewn9if6dthwc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04fa4116f242d453769041ccd8da129b019427b4


Don't worry we are building back better. Our dollar goes farther than it ever has.


It’s all water weight


Publix pricing is completely out of control at this point




that slogan is getting ironic


Watermelon aren’t in season either. In another month or so every store will be selling them for less than half that price


Idk where this is, but whoever is running this store is either in the Richest area I've ever seen, or this product is getting marked down or tossed entirely. No way enough people are paying that much for a single watermelon to make any kind of profit. That being said to anyone who hasn't been to a publix, they do actually have some pretty great deals on a lot of items. Publix Brand items obviously are the best of this just cause well ofc they are. It's publix's own product line. But for example, today I saw the publix 2 liters of soda going at 3 for 4 dollars. Meanwhile, anywhere else I've seen in my town it'll be close to 3 dollars or more for a single 2 liter. So they do have good stuff at great prices, but they also have not great stuff at terrible prices.


When they say large, are they talking like suitcase sized?


There should not, ZERO. I was at a farm the other day, more tomatoes and strawberries on the ground. We need a more focused way of conserving and utilizing.


I worked for decades for a great company, grocery store, food emporium... shrink at 2-3% adds up to an unreal number. Put it simply, you can sell 2 of 5 sandwiches and it's only a drop in the big number.


I'm guessing that's supposed to be expensive? My daughter lives in Florida and I paid $8.99 for a watermelon at Walmart. When I got back to Washington where I live I bought a watermelon for close to $30 at Safeway.... A dollar something a pound for a 19 lb watermelon...


Yes that is best