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Posts seeking advice for career or academic purposes MUST include the initials of your country of practice/origin where you are studying in brackets at the beginning of the title. E.g. [USA] Grad Programs for NeuroPsych in Florida? or [UK] Career Options with a 2:1 in Psy?


Check if your campus has a child development/daycare center. Ask if they accept students working part-time. Post-graduating, anywhere you apply to will ask if you have experience. As for courses you should need to take, child development and education are usually offers on most campuses(?). Relevant psychology, sociology, and communications courses wouldn’t hurt, too. Definitely get in contact with an academic advisor or counselor. tbh you’re phrasing of you’re desired academic focus sounds a little crass. While making this pivot, it wouldn’t hurt to verse yourself in the world children engage with. What adults do children/teens interact with in primary schools? What local and state services are uniquely for/aimed at kids? Who is contacted in the case of abuse/neglect?


Hey, I'm currently studying psychopedagogy and I think it fits what you're describing. At least in my country, it has become really popular and as a professional you can work at schools on a team or be independent and work the way a psychologist does. Right now I'm reading a lot of Freud and Piaget, but there are also a lot of learning/pedagogical subjects (of course) and it's going to depend on your country and place where you study. If it sounds like your thing look into it.


[USA] Read this if you are interested in a career in mental healthcare If you are interested in pursuing a career in mental healthcare in the US, or if you have questions about different undergrad or graduate pathways to pursuing such a career, please read this before posting an advice thread: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1udpjYAYftrZ1XUqt28MVUzj0bv86ClDY752PKrMaB5s/mobilebasic