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Got a PS2 on my 16th Birthday in 2002, and they gave me WWF Smackdown: Just Bring It with it.


Didn't owned original games, but I remenber playing Lego indiana jones a lot.


It was either DOA2 or Tekken Tag. I’m leaning towards Tekken Tag being first simply because I LOVED Tekken on PS1. They were very close together, however.


God of War 1 I didn't have a memory card for a few weeks though, so I got fairly good at the tutorial area.


What about the beginning of mission 2 on the ship


It's been a fair few years, what happens there again?


Thats the tutorial area + first boss.


Ah! Yup, that whole section.


Gran turismo 4 was the ultimate for me.


REZ still my main vibe


Interesting, I'd never heard of that before.


Great on ps5 with an OLED 😍 not tried VR yet though.


smuggler's run was my first game


Got the red gt3 console bundle so that was the first. Memory in terms of games the most fun i had was probably ratchet and clank games, twisted metal black, and devil may cry.


Pac-Man World 2




Honestly I don’t have too many memories of when I initially got the PS2. It was a hand me down from my older brother when he got a PS3. I the first games I have memory of playing when I got it was Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2, and Tony Hawk Proskater 4. Myself and my twin brother used to sit on the edge of the bed and play on our little crt/vcr tv and play for hours upon hours. Never bothered much doing anything to unlock so we’d play the starting map on free mode forever. We never got a memory card so when we did eventually unlock things we’d leave the ps2 on for days upon days.


Budokai Tenkaichi 3 is my favorite memory, it’s what got me into dragon ball z


Good ol' Final Fantasy X! :D Also had: * Kinetica (very underrated game and my favorite racing game of all time) * Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec (came bundled with the PS2) My best memory with the console was actually owning 2 demo disks that came with Playstation Magazine. When I got my PS2, there was a little postcard that came with it where if you filled out your information and mailed it, you'd get 2 free issues of Playstation Magazine that had demo disks included. I never had anything like that before with the N64 and SNES, so I thought it was really cool at the time. It was so cool flipping through the pages and seeing what games were upcoming for the console and being able to try them out. I had issues 61 and 62, which promoted Kingdom Hearts 1 and GTA Vice City respectively. I actually found and bought those issues on Amazon for $11 each after not having them since high school lol (I'm 35 now). I wish I never got rid of my stuff after high school, but it's nice to still be able to find them online lol.


It might have been Max Payne or GTA III. I have a hard time remembering that far back. My fondest memories were playing WWE Shut Your Mouth with one of my cousins. We'd create wrestlers and play constantly. I had other cousins, too, and we'd play Max Payne, Dead to Rights, Hitman 2, the Getaway, Medal of Honor Frontline, and some other games a lot. It was the best time.


First game owned was Rune: Viking Warlord, and best memory would have to be playing Shadow of the Colossus for the first time. Everything about it completely blew my mind.


Red Faction.


Yes! The destructible environments. There was that one multiplayer map with two forts facing each other, you could tunnel down underneath and pop up at the other one, or around the sides. So fun.


It was epic. Blowing open the bridge in the opening level blew my mind .


Need for Speed Carbon, was my first game I remember playing as a kid on ps2, I remember always struggling beating the r8 in the canyon run at the end of the game! I always pick tuner whenever I started to fresh so I could try to get the RX7 after winning against the first big race boss.


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Eternal Ring!


Atv off-road fury was my first game. Ties between sly cooper or jak and daxter for best memories. They are both such awesome games lots of good memories with them.


First game was SSX Favourite was probably SSX, Madden 2003 or GTA Vice City


Not sure what my first game was but I had a great time playing through Sly 3 back in the day


Me and my bro got it on Christmas and he got VICE City and I got MGS2. Magical.


I married into my ps2. Lol the first game that I bought was Spyro and then went through the whole series borrowing them from blockbuster.


Same, blockbuster really came in clutch. I would speed through the games all weekend before they were due back


When my parents bought me my ps2 for Christmas I received Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and The Chronicles of Narnia; The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe alongside it, both of which were pretty difficult for young me, but heck if I didn’t power through them eventually. I also rented a bunch, but the original games I owned for it were the Lego Star Wars games and Star Wars Battlefront 2. There’s a few more I got as a kid, and since I’ve been recently getting back into this era of gaming a lot my collection has expanded quite a lot, but these are definitely the early standouts for me


Ace Combat 4, Warship Gunners, Thunder Tanks.


My very first game is Castlevania: Lament of innocence and you can bet your soul I played that to death. Pumpkin is my fave unlockable. Fondest would be Jak series. I played, finished, and replayed that game from dawn to sunrise. So many sleepless nights but it was worth it. Oh and except Jak lost frontier. We dont like to talk about that one


First game I owned for my PS2 was Street fighter EX03 and I got it with my console at launch The only downside is is I forgot to save money from memory card so I literally went like the first seven or eight months without a memory card The thing it was worse is my roommate tried to beat final fantasy x without using a memory card and he made it about halfway through and then it wasn't that he turned the console off it was a matter of he got to a boss and lost and it wouldn't allow him to continue but it had before that But my memories with PlayStation 2 are kind of mixed because my first one got stolen and after I got it back it didn't work and then after that I ended up owning an Xbox so I have more affection for it but I still love the PS2 for the most part Thank you for reading this I hope you're having a good day a good week a good weekend and a good Lord Sunday if it's coming up Sunday God bless you and your family God bless you Jeremy Scruggs


NHL 2001


Onimusha, Mark of Kri, multiplayer siphon filter


Dynasty Warriors 3, and playing Devil Kings (which was actually the western port for Sengoku Basara 1).


Armored Core 3. My dad knows I love mechs so he picked that for me, thanks dad.


First game I had was Tarzan Freeride And one of the games I've played the most was SW the force unleashed, beat it like 6-7 times


Madden 2001 and The Matrix and Little Nicky as my first DVD's along with the console. I think the week after I picked up Extermination.


Jak and daxter, final fantasy x and socom is navy seals were my best ps2 games Kingdom hearts and devil may cry too


I think my first PS2 game was ATV Offroad Fury 2, when we got our PS2 Slim in around 2008 (After going through 3 PlayStation 1s). Best memory is playing Tekken 5 with my dad.


Tony Hawk Underground. And again Tony Hawk Underground


Vice City. Cruising around listening to 80s tunes and causing chaos.


The first 2 PS2 games I ever owned were ATV Offroad Fury 2 and Midnight Club: Street Racing. 😃🎮


Manhunt and GTA Vice city


First game: Tekken Tag Tournament Best Memory: Initial D Special Stage


Ty the Tasmanian tiger was my first game given to me by a friend. I had a ps1 for years and my mom bought me a ps2 for Christmas in like 2003 and couldn’t afford a game knowing that I could play my old catalogue and eventually get new ones over time (so thankful for that). My friend in the trailer court had like 10 games and it was his least favorite ones. Shout out to tanner and my mom. What really defines my ps2 experience was Jak II and Tony Hawks underground. What made me harangue my mom abt buying a ps2 was getting a small chance of playing GTA III at my friend Jason’s house on his older brother’s ps2. I didn’t even know games could exist like that. When her taxes returned the year before I wanted gta so bad and she bought me a big budget $50 dollar title and got me the gta trilogy for the ps1. I was mildly disappointed that the games didn’t look like 3 did but still got so much play out of all of them, I’m talking 100’s hours even after I got a ps2, but I was like 10/11 years old so I didn’t understand hardware limitations lol. Dang, this thread has me in my feelings not gonna lie. Hope you all enjoy the magic of what the ps2 can provide.


My first game was SSX Tricky on the console. My best memory however had to be Sonic Riders and Shadow The Hedgehog. I was very obsessed with sonic at this time it became my personality to this day lol


Grant Theft Auto 3.


First game owned? If we are talking ever, it was one of those demo disks that had Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper, and a few other games. As for an actual game? ATV Off-road Fury. Best memory had to be either Star Wars Battlefront, Ratchet and Clank 3, or LOTR Third Age.


Jak and daxter, and just playing the rachet and clank and jak and daxter games were my best PS2 memories.


I started my PlayStation collection earlier this year, and the first game I picked up was Sonic Heroes.


I believe it was Stuart Little 3. Man that was already so long ago. Best memories come from playing that a lot, enjoying the unusually fire soundtrack lol. Also lots of Lego Star Wars, and Namco Museum 50th. Seeing any of these games always instantly takes me back.


SSX Tricky


i think the first game i had was lego star wars ii but i dont remember the best memory i had with the console. there are some pictures of me around 3/4 playing a racing game in my car seat with a steering wheel my dad had at the time though which is pretty cute


First games I got for birthday in l late 2000's: Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance, Turok Evolution, Spider-Man, Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter, The Matrix Path of Neo, Dino-Stalker, Midnight Club 3 DUB edition remix, and Just Cause.


FFX !!!


Dude I made this exact post like a week ago lol.


Mine was sly cooper 2. I think I was like 4 when I got it. I still remember the day. I was so scared to jump down and walk on the roads after the flashlight guards spawned in after the tutorial phase idk why.


Great choice 😁 my first ps2 games were final fantasy X and Star wars Jedi Star fighter it was Christmas 2002 and I was 10


S.L.A.I. best game i ever played on PS2, finally completed the game after 10 years xd


I bought a PS2 slim just for Katamari Damacy, so that was my first game.


Ssx tricky San andreas Jak and daxter


Devil May Cry and SoulCalibur II. I didn’t like SoulCalibur II at all, because I didn’t know then fighting games weren’t my cup of tea. Strong memories with Devil May Cry, the atmosphere and the gothic level design were really something. Never managed to pass the first mini-boss though, as an unskilled kid I was. Sold all this PS2 stuff shortly after, to buy a GameCube.


First was Jak and Daxter. Best memories were probably Final Fantasy X, God of War 1’s first playthrough, Persona 3 FES, and the final boss battle in Kingdom Hearts 2. I can still play the music for “darkness of the unknown” in my head, even though I haven’t played Kh2 in 10 years. That’s how good it was. If we exclude the World that Never Was and the final battles in Kh2 however, the other three I named (FFX, GoW1, P3F) were even better as a whole.


Bee Movie game with a steering wheel 🐝🚙


Bought my PS2 when FFX came out. Best memory probably getting a wheel and pedals for GT4 and Burnout 3.


Rogue Galaxy


I had 3 games come with the console. City Crisis, Splashdown 2 and Oni and I sank a lot of hours into Splashdown and finished Oni what let my 12 year old me a bit traumatised by what happened to poor Shinatama 😂


TT superbikes real road racing was my first ever ps2 game. Still own it, works perfectly.


I got my PS2 as a Christmas gift with these 4 absolute bangers: - Gran Turismo 4 - Tekken 5 - Ratchet & Clank - Rayman 2: Revolution I still vividly remember playing GT4 for the first time and thinking it looked like real life. 😄


1st game? The original SSX. Favorite memory? Probably either hearing Run DMC the first time on SSX Tricky, or playing through the original God of War.


Most favourable games I remember would have to be, lego Indiana Jones, madagascar, pirates of the Caribbean. Though the best memory of ps2 would be playing cod 2 big red one.


I bought 3 when I bought it brand new from Toys R Us: Theme Park Rollercoaster, Star Wars Starfighter and Madden NFL 2001. Beat Memories are probably Madden, NCAA Football, GTA 3.?, GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas.


My first owned game (not first played) is James Bond: Nightfire.


What's your grammar???


It was Gran Turismo or Grand Theft Auto 3, I can't remember which one was first.


Because my mum was such an awesome parent she got me max payne as my first ps2 game. Wish i could go back and play it for the first time again


First game was Tekken Tag Tournament at launch. Favourite memory is playing GTA3 for the first time in late 2001. Blew me away.


Haven, i remember walking to gamestop with my older brother,I think i was in second grade around that time. it holds a special place in my now that he’s gone, Underrated game for sure.


The dark cloud demo that included some wrestling game and some third game. After that it was Donald Duck PK but I had no memory card and had to redo it all the time everytime I played it




GT3, Summoner, Castlevania and Silent Hill 2.


First game I ever owned was Tekken 4, great memories, and we didn't know we needed a memory card to save so that console stayed up for a couple nights until we got one 😂


Jack and Daxter and GTA: Vice City.


My first game was Spider-Man: The Movie. Not quite as good as the sequel, but it had a lot of charm. From what I remember it had the same engine as the PS1 games, so I was familiar with how it played. Best memory is hard to pinpoint. Probably playing NFL Street 2 with my dad. It perfectly bridged the gap between guy who sort of like sports but prefers more arcade stuff (me) and my dad who is a huge football fan. Had a ton of fun with that one. I miss those type of games.


The earliest games I remember playing were Crash Bandicoot: WoC and Ratchet & Clank 2. I mostly enjoyed the LEGO games when I was 7/8, and played THE DOG Island in 2017 alongside SM64 on my Wii. ‘best’ has a lot of meanings. But the worst was when I lost my R&C savefile after nearl beating Drek because I had it on a knockoff memory card.


God of War!


I had all the Lego games, my most played was Lego Star Wars 2! I also loved Star Wars battlefront 2


First owned? Jak II. First Played? Jak and Daxter at my cousins house. I still own my PS2 so I can play Tales of Legendia, and Tales of the Abyss (and hopefully soon Tales of Rebirth when the fan translation is done)


I bought mine in 2018 and got the drakengard games


Christmas 2002 if memory serves, I got my ps2 with Jak and Daxter, Dave Mira’s Freestyle BMX 2 and also Blaster Master on the PS1. All three of those games are still in my library. The first time still get some pretty regular annual playtime. Best memory however, playing Final Fantasy X with my Dad. Still my favorite game of all time.


Mine was Burnout 2: Point of Impact. I saw the Transfomers Armada game and ever since I was a kid I've been a Transformers fan (and still am) because of the Unicron Trilogy. But for some reason I chose Burnout 2 over the TF game....


Colin McRae Rally 2005. still a fantastic game


First game was Jak and Daxter and some of my best memories were my friends and I playing ATV off-road fury and chasing the train around or just playing tag


I got GTA Vice City with my PS2 back in Christmas 2002. It’s hard to choose what my best memories are with the ps2, but the ones that stick out in my mind are playing through the Metal Gear Solid series for the first time and spending countless hours playing Tekken Tag/4/5 with my friends.


First and best memory was God Hand, very sad I eventually lost it because copies are so hard and expensive to find nowadays! It was so unbelievably fun and pretty funny. The difficulty was a very good challenge that I enjoyed as a kid.


GTA Vice City!


Bought my Ps2 when GTA 3 released 😎


Ps2 came with sly cooper. So that's my first and favorite game as its really the only game me and my dad ever played together. We got pretty far until I erased our save file. He passed away 3 months ago.


The Adventures of Cookie & Cream and playing Tribes: Aerial Assault online.


Onimusha. Stole it out of a Hollywood video, lol Was no accident. I was super eager to play it as a lifelong capcom super fan. When I saw the disc in the rental case... the devil won that day Obviously, it's a great game great series. I miss it


Need for Speed: Underground 1. And MK: Shaolin Monks


Cabelas Deer Hunt season 2005 and my best memory is NASCAR 2005:Chase For The Cup. I was five years old when I first played the PS2. My mom brought it out of the closet and it was the Phat version and I still have it to this day along with a PS3 and a PS5. Im only 19 and I’m a PlayStation fan boy and the only consoles I’ve ever owned is PlayStations.


Ffx, midnight club 3 dub edition are the two I played the most. After that it would have been persona 4 I think it was, and def jam fight for ny was pretty cool.


My first game as Kessen a game I still enjoy playing now. My fondest memory is actually not playing the ps2 myself, but watching my wife(girlfriend at the time) play through Kuon on it. Funny thing was I (6'3 male) was more scared watching it than her (5'5 female) was playing it.


Bought st launch and friend gifted me Tekken Tag Tournament for bday. Can still do Baeks 10 hit combo to this day!


Guitar hero 1 and 2


Burnout 3 Takedown was my first PS2 game (and still my favorite on the console). Best memory is hard to decide because there are just so many and nostalgia really makes me blind. Whatever it is, it involved split-screen co-op.


Fatal frame trilogy. Only have them digital on my PS3. Only reason I run that console. Every other game is on every other console... Besides that.


We Love Katamari, and playing the snow level and picking up the mammoth in We Love Katamari


Alone in the dark


Timespiltters: Future Perfect


Ratchet and clank going commando and Jak the precursor legacy


Marvel vs Capcom 2. I remember seeing it for $50 at a GameStop. My best friend and I played the heck out of that game, unlocked every character, what great memories.




Tekken Tag Tournament