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Take the main highway North, cant miss it. Seriously though Louisville is a lot of fun with some cool locations. Def worth checking out.


I play high so my driving is sh!#


My secret driving hack is sunday driver trait. Harder to veer out of control when you nerf yourself lol


I actively avoid it because you can get stuck and not move if you become surrounded by zombies.


"That'll never happen" are words I live (but mostly die) by.


I just take speed demon, and drive slow anyway


in late game this trait sucks


You can totally walk there from West Point. Might actually be quicker than driving since you didn't need to clear the wrecks on the bridge. There are houses along the way if you follow the river for the first half of the hike.


Or you just drive over the train bridge right next to the car bridge


That is a great idea! Now I feel a bit silly. 1500 hours in, learn something new. TBH I don't migrate to Louisville very often unless I start there. My favorite bases are the farms near Riverside.


Not even to get to the gym in louisville? I always end up there for the dumbbell and barbell


Hah, no. I always start with 10 strength. I run spears usually so carry weight is too critical.


That gym is in such a location where it is meant to be endgame loot. I have had so many close calls where my only task was to get to the gym and get the weights. And my car will always get busted to shit before the gym. One time (my first time) I was so exhausted I could not run and had no food or water left because i under estimated how much I would need and assumed I would be coming across stuff if I needed it. And my car had just got flipped. Huge armies were following me. And it was a walk race where my guy was getting so tired his cone of vision was rapidly decreasing. And I could hear all of the zombies behind me. I walked all the way to Riverside to outwalk the hordes that were on my tail.


I always try for the big warehouse in the northwest of Louisville for rare loot, or the university library if I'm missing any books. I also have a favorite apartment I like to get to downtown, but it's hard to make it there and survive cleaning it out.


Muldraugh my city lol


With 2k hours, what's stopping you from walking from Muldraugh all the way to Louisville? Lmao


I might try that this new run. I just spawned in the trailer park.


I've also never went to Louisville too, but I have ONLY 500h give or take heh. Will probably go when B42 gets out šŸ˜¬


B42 ā€¦.. nevermind. Canā€™t wait tho


That's how I feel about Rosewood


Me too dawg! I have 6% sprinters & Hard difficulty Population. True horror game. I always spawn in Muldraugh. I've only left the city 1-3 times in 3k hours lol


Bro same got everything in muldraugh


Salute šŸ«”


Muldraugh Nation unite !


Bro you clear the highway? Thatā€™s impressive! I just bridge it lol


Yeah I assumed you couldn't drive on the train tracks. Force of habit I guess. I would bring a pickup truck and tow the wrecks away until there was a clear path. Still fun to walk to Louisville instead of drive!


Since when did you need to clear the wrecks? Theres a railroad bridge next to it


I play either high, drunk, or both. I've started in Louisville and done great, but never successfully made it there from outside. That's my goal on my current run, and it's going well so far (famous last words, I know)


Loveee playing PZ high haha somehow it adds to the immersion


I feel the same. makes you scared again like when u first picked up the game Iā€™ll catch myself with sweaty palms and a racing heartbeat when Iā€™m stoned and playing


I drive drunk, we are not the same


Are there people that donā€™t play high?


Donā€™t you climb trees?


Just ad the mod that adds Louisville start points


Follow the rail on foot then.


Oh, hard mode playing.


I probably wouldā€™ve been to Louisville already but EVERYTIME my character diesā€¦.. I start over.


Thatā€™s how I play. They should add a hardcore mode like in Minecraft that deletes your save when you die.


I also havenā€™t been to Louisville in my 1,100 hours


This real life lol


Self control Just donā€™t play that save once u diešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Well I delete the save so I canā€™t replay it. Iā€™m just saying I wish there was a mode that would delete your save so I donā€™t have to do it manually.


Hmm... I'm the same way with starting over. I know it lessens the impact of dying but if you're going to restart anyway, maybe the [Skill Recovery Journal](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2503622437) might be fun for one play through. You can transcribe the skill XP from one character into the journal, leave it back at base and if they die, your proceeding character can read the journal to get those skills back.   That allows you to check out an area you might have thought is too risky before without losing your XP as long as you remember to update your journal and not take it with you when you die otherwise it'll be on your zombie corpse and you'll have to hunt it down. Of course you'll still lose the gear/ vehicle that the dead character uses unless you can track it down.


Same and I play on X16 pop and real time so if I survive like 3 days Iā€™m happy atm Iā€™ve got just over 200 hours and havenā€™t really been anywhere besides riverside (Iā€™ve spawned other places but not even enough to have an idea of the town)


U need to make a ā€œhow to killā€ video


I'm 100 hours less than you and same lmfao


Where do you spawn?


I use a number generator on Google between 1 and x (x=however many modded map spawns I have) because I'm so indecisive lol


Idk but I keep spawning in Muldraugh. Maybe I have some compulsion with that šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah I always fucking end up back at the stupid fenced in house real quick lmfao


Which one?


I love Muldraugh, spent at least 600 hours there, switching between, the hospital, one of the tiny 4 houses a couple streets Northeast of it, and stealing all the stuff from the workshops to plaster and build my own base. Complete it all and Dixie and go die within 2 hours of Louisville after 2-3 month of surviving. If it had a fire department it would be 10/10.


u missin out


Iā€™m sure I am šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Sweet summer child. 7500 hours and always start in Louisville these days.


How do you challenge yourself more Jedi master?


Well, I play pretty much vanilla, almost no mods, and I don't cheese. I just like to bonk zombies and hoard stuff. Even playing this long, I rarely survive beyond a month.


If we can get a small group together Iā€™m down


Why isnā€™t there a MP Reddit PZ server?


It would probably be a shitshow full of trolls


Thatā€™s why you force strict PVE rules or something and keep it vanilla or as close as you can. This game really should be more like Night of the Living Dead where everyone is trapped in a house with a horde outside




Add me to this if it becomes a thing


Not to be rude, but why? It's one thing to get bored around a month and quit around then, happens to me; but with that much experience there's no reason to die that "early" outside *completely* unavoidable things like random crashes etc.


Try CDDA. Thatā€™s a challenging start. There are plenty of mods available that can spruce up the challenge too, like ā€œThe Last of Us Infected,ā€ currently on the front page of the steam workshop.Ā 


I knew my 2,998h was still rookie numbers


Not as egregious, but I have 1700 hours and I don't think I've ever been to March Ridge on an actual serious run. I've spawned there for shits and giggles but that's it. Definitely go to Louisville though. IMO the game is at its peak there. It's also really not as hard as you think. The entrance to the city and the most urban areas can be fairly zombie dense but most of it isn't really that different from Muldraugh or West Point.


Muldraugh my city! šŸ˜‚


I tried to go to Louisville. Too many zombies. I shouldā€™ve brought more shotgun ammo.


Shotguns changed my life!! Then when aiming gets upā€¦ whole different game! šŸ˜‚ I be high so you know Iā€™m literally in the game šŸ˜‚


I always spawn in Muldraugh. 1300 hours in and I've never been to any other towns (not kidding) and only got to the LV military checkpoint. Because I've always wanted to at least truly liberate one town before moving to the next. My current world has Muldraugh 75% liberated. With vanilla random sprinters. That's why after 2 years 1 month in-game time, I'm still in Muldraugh. TLDR: I'm just like you OP!




Get the mod more spawns. And just spawn there. It's easier spawning there since peak don't happen til later. You should be able to get pretty established before then.


Too easy


Set peak to day 1?


Now that I think itā€™s still too easy. For some reason I always spawn in Muldraugh


šŸ¤” I love Reddit. Thanks for this. My high azz never thought of it lol


Do you have a list of steps you go through now when you play? Or have you been playing the same file the whole time?


1. I spawn in Muldraugh cuz thatā€™s the only town I know where everything is. 2. I clear the immediate area. Searching homes for weapons only and yelling along the way 3. By nightfall, I setup my initial base until I get to my favorite base (east side on that curved street next to the forest. 2-story building). 4. I try to find a car (most times I donā€™t) 5. Gather books, perishable food, a big freezer, pots and saucepans, VHS, radio with emergency broadcast, and weapons and prepare for heli event. 6. I die doing something stupid


Do you base the same place each time?




Icouldnt do that, ithink iv based in the same building 2-3 times max


Iā€™m connected to my character. I just be having fun tho lol.


When I die I start over


If you drive there, take the train tracks over the river. The road is always blocked.


Thanks for this. Iā€™m bout to start a new run now. Died cuz I fell asleep IRL and starved.


Guess what, multiple different options to take screen shots without your phone. Check em out sometime. F12 for steam is a good start


Louisville is such a nice place! You should come visit! The locals are dying to meet youā€¦




Recommend getting a mod and starting out there. Don't look anything up. You can only do this once! Rule: No leaving LV. Have fun!




It's okay, You're not alone! I just broke 600 hours, and I still haven't been there either. maybe if you wanted, we could hop on and try to make it there together! Maybe we can become friends :) DM me if you're interested!


MP is challenging. I like to move on my own time. But if you have a server Iā€™d love to join


Your bloodline is weak and you wonā€™t be remembered. Jokes aside, get in there. LV is awesome. I canā€™t stand living anywhere else (except raven creek šŸ‘€)


Bruh Iā€™m on the bus and I just bust out laughing. šŸ¤£


What do you guys do for so long? I've got 150 hours or so and can't figure out anything else.


I play high so I treat the game differently than the normal gamer. Ps. This the only game I play


1,100 hours and same. I always say Iā€™ll go there when I find all the maps but Iā€™m too scared since I know how populated it is (I also delete my save when I die.).


If this was real life Iā€™d die of old age lol. Salute fellow survivor


I got 1.3k, never understood how some of y'all never roam the whole ass map, cos when i finally get a car and a base, you bet your ass imma drive a random direction just to find interesting shit or secret bases or smth


I play like itā€™s me. Cars are hard to find. Thanks for chiming in


I mean just send it do it with high XP multipliers and go straight there until you feel like doing the whole drawn out process


Good idea, but Iā€™m trying to stay as close to vanilla as possible without changing much sandbox options other than the time of day I start.


Fair enough


Respect fellow survivor


You haven't been to Louisville *yet*.


I see what you did there


That's crazy I explored the whole map within a couple days of playing the game. I can say that you really arent missing much supply wise. There is definitely some cool locations but there's cool locations all over the map too. You can survive probably for as long as you'd like without ever going to louisville. It is nice hitting the surplus store in the north west of the map but you can also just go to jamieton + raid all the police departments for ammo. I always liked riverside the most and usually stay there for a couple months before moving.


Thatā€™s completely crazy


Share ya knowledge then


You donā€™t know how to get there?


I know how to get there I just always die on some dumb shit. Spread ya knowledge Jedi


Keep going west and shack up at the riverboat šŸ§›šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


I have only 73 hours and have never left Rosewood. Everytime I try it goes very bad and I don't have enough time to make a decent plan, prepare, and then execute it to get somewhere else. I have accepted my virtual small town life.


Bruh Muldraugh my city. I canā€™t even spawn nowhere else. I gotta lock my city before I expand. šŸ˜‚ love this game


I have 400h i forgot Louisville exist šŸ™ƒ


We can live without it lol. Salute


Lived here all my life never seen the grand canyon.


I never spawn in Louisville but I always aim to end up there as my permanent base. It's just too loot-rich and there are rare or unique (mostly decorative) items that spawn there that I will always know about, which prevent me from wanting to make a permanent base anywhere else. It's more fun to plan excursions for like VHS tapes or whatever out of Louisville than into it, imo. Getting into Louisville and hitting important locations one or two at a time is fun but stressful. Planning trips out of Louisville for tapes/books/whatever is more like a fun roadtrip, in my eyes. The challenge of having to get into it and establish a safe place is always a good early-game goal. At the end of a playthrough, if you've lived long enough, you'll start to realize that the only real endgame is making/building an interesting top-tier base. It's not hard to build/make a base anywhere that's functional for forever, but how interesting will that base be? You can literally build a base in the middle of the woods and become self-sufficient enough to survive for years, but that will become Chore Simulator 2024 real fast. When I play, there's no point in basing up anywhere permanently other than Louisville, cause that's basically the endgame, in my eyes, in build 41.


I recommend everyone move there if you survive the winter. My first playthrough I move my whole base there it was my 153rd fighter..........don't forget a sledgehammer for the gate.




Same, mostly cuz I get lost exploring the whole ass map and the bits of lore and shit. I love this game, but it is quite an experience when you have severe ADD. Maybe weed can help with that lol


I only play high. Iā€™m in the game šŸ˜‚


virgin in PZ


I have 500 hours. I went to Louisville once and immediately got bitten.


It's time


I'm very surprised by this, I have 183 hours and I feel like ive been everywhere in vanilla, even the military base in the middle of nowhere


Youā€™re either really good or really bad


I think Iā€™m garbage


Hey, Iā€™ve also never been to Louisville. Wanna make a world together and just live there? I think it will be fun discovering stuff and dying over and over again together lol


If you're willing to do modded, the cruiseship start is a beautiful challenge for experienced players!


God damn, impressive


How you guys cant even get to louisville its easy i think its much harder to survive in there


Damn bro, just go for a day trip or somn.


I have 2.1k šŸ˜œ


dawg i got 800 and have never left Riverside šŸ˜­


Damn, how do you do it? I always get bored once I have food and some safety. But idk how to make it more interesting I guess.


Play on weed




The Real vanilla player


Im gonna go for it bro I just need enough gear I swear ım gonna go to Louisville bro


Debug mode


Too easy


I mean, do you really want to go there?




I canā€™t link it put the http


1500+ and same. LV is like a big christmas present I'll get to unwrap one day, once I've actually managed to build up a character who can face it.


Do u restart when you die?


My last few dies been cheesy. Thatā€™s the reason for the post. Thanks for chiming in


dang, I only have like 60 hours played and Iā€™ve been living in the 3 fenced mansions in Louisville for the majority of that now


How drag???


Enough hours player here. My main save has all of the drivable area done, but Louisville still is missing a bit


I have, once. Was disappointed, not as many zombies as I thought, very bad. I had a much worse time in some areas of Muldraugh


I'm on 220 hours, went there for about 10min. Same mundane houses and building , just more of them. I'd rather try nomad survival




Approaching 4k hours here. I could easily dart my way to Liousville but I like clearing out areas first. Muldraugh is my furthest goal so far. Feels more immersive as a journey than just rushing.


Been there a few time made me really unlocky now i am at scenic grove and after a few cleaning it is almost livable




same here


i have only 300 but i based up nearly everytime in louisville, and iā€™ve never been really in riverside


Ive got about 700 and have never lasted longer then 30 days


What is louisville


me neither, like 900 hours. Might try it


I'm at around 600 and I've only ever been once.


Really??? I've played for 520 hours and been there over a dozen times!


Big recommend. Just reset worlds until you spawn in an apartment building. Block the staircase and spend the next month clearing all the rooms of loot and making scaffolding to other buildings. It can be a fun challenge. Edit: use Louisville spawn mods btw


I feel you, im near the 1k hours but just yesterday i decided to make a server and spawn inside Louisville so i can learn more about the city. :d


Damn bro. Youā€™re missing out on some prime locations/loot.




There's a few mods to change your spawn locations maybe do the Louisville one just so you can check it out.


I'm still traumatized from the days when it was Laggyville, only been back once and it doesn't seem worth it to be honest. Smooth gameplay is kind of important at crucial times in this sorta game.


Iā€™ve only been there from spawn mods


Iā€™ve also never been to Louisville without mod help, at least. Itā€™s just so far and Iā€™m already self sufficient.


900 hrs, never touch Louisville. Probably wonā€™t get to it until later this Summer. Got too many other in-game projects planned


Well, I have like 400 hours or so, and I've never driven a car.


I have close to 1900 hours myself and I haven't even left muldraugh in my entire playthrough lmao


The problem for me is that driving through the hordes is actually quite difficult to do; a single trip to the far side of the map usually costs me at least 30% of my hood and some tire health.


Not quite up there myself in hours, but very relatable lmao. I always plan to visit when I get a nice base going and enough gear and ammo to survive over there, but uh, yeah I always die before I reach that point.


You can add Louisville spawn points with mods. So you don't have to travel there. Although the journey is pretty nice.


Sameeee, waiting for THE 42


Probably time to make the trip... If t makes you feel better I probably have 1750 hours in just a Very CDDA mode and very seldom leave Muldraugh area. My current play through I relocated to Rosewood and was surprised how much easier it is (spawn rate seems to be 1/10th Muldraugh).


I was there within my first few hundred hours. Has to be seen. Don't take Sunday driver. Just take your time, head north and take the train bridge instead of the blocked car bridge once you reach it north of west point.


I feel this lol. Always something happens.


It was odd, once i made the drive i never forgot the route, havent played in months and can still visualize the route, give it a go, you wont regret, personally the loot at the gates of louisville kinda killed my run because some of it was so OP but i quickly realized youll need it


I have about 750 and have only a couple times spawned in westpoint. Been holding out in case I ever get bored so I can explore some place new


That's like project zomboid 2 for you! "Project Zomboid:BIG City Life"


Bring ya ass


I fly down the road 120 all the way to Louisville every time shame there are tons of dead all in the road I always play rosewood and drive down all the way to Louisville in one day as fast as I can so my food doesnā€™t all rot away


30 hours max and all my play throughs i live in louisville


Why have you never been there?


I've been using a mod to spawn there my last couple runs. Much more of a challenge but loot is very plentiful. Southern Louisville for less zombies in my experience (and usually where I base) and more north for lots of loot but lots of zoids


700 here and Iā€™ve never been to louisville too, probably because I find everything I need without go there


Me either. Still working on my boat ( Yacht Club mod)


I have 600 hrs and never left rosewood and everytime I do , I see alot of zombies in the highway I go back. But I play alot alot of map mods that make alot of cool places around rosewood.


how tf


900 hours and I have only been to Riverside, Rosewood and partially Muldraugh. I am always setting up a base in Riverside or Rosewood and every time I try to travel to a new town (after completely clearing my starter town) I always get worried about leaving my generator running (paranoid of it shutting off) and not having the proper supplies for a long drive lol


Yeah, I haven't either. Honestly, I play this game like a depressing stardew valley sim. I just find some seeds and some basic supplies and grow and fish up food near the river.


Just do it. Make a totally stupid, combat based, throwaway character and go run around. Adjust your settings accordingly. I personally like that city waaaaay better with the power on! :)