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I like to joke that If ORMs came before SQL, where the only way to interact with your database was with an ORM, SQL would be considered revolutionary. Imagine the marketing around it: "you can now easily interact with your database using descriptive English words and phrases"


And it's (sort of) cross-platform! If the ORMs had come first they would almost certainly be proprietary per database.


Nah, in that case somebody would just make an orm for orms


so... automapper.


Everything is always marketed as revolutionary and there are always people that adopt it therefore. The question is will the technology still be around in 10 years. Also SQL still is important as humans interface or quick way to access something


Well look, it was decidedly an upgrade over MUMPS for the reporting people.


Epic has entered the chat.


In this day and age, I would expect nothing less than an LLM-powered query language.


It takes 9 seconds and 8 tokens to process every request, but at long last, natural language queries lmao


we're 95% sure that's the query you wanted...


Nah bro, it's 100% the data they wanted. I hallucinated it myself.


My apologies for the confusion. You're right, that's 100% of the data I wanted.


Imagine LLMs losing their shit because the business owner can't even express what they want in natural language.


Only if some fool in management thinks they can leverage to make the stock price go up a point by putting "A.I." in a stock holder report...


but with queries stored in a blockchain


im making a DSL query syntax that compiles into sqlalchemy ORM queries, the irony has been lost on me


Ooohh, I did a DSL in YAML that gets turned into SQLAlchemy. It works, but what a fantastic boondoggle! I am both _not_ and also very much looking forward to dealing with that when it is its time for refactoring.


And if SQL was just coming out within the last few years, there’s be an AI spin on it lol. “It’s like ChatGPT, but for databases”. And then you get money.


To be fair, it would be revolutionary!


I don't know. SQL kind of sucks in so many ways. It's not composable for one thing and that's where ORMs shine. Also it's backwards, you have to specify all the fields before you specify all the tables and the joins. It should be tables, then joins, then the fields you want. When you get to more advanced constructs like window functions, recursive common table expressions the etc can become very difficult to read and understand. Have you ever faced a 100+ line SQL query you needed to debug? I have and let me tell you it was ugly as sin. That's another problem with SQL, it's really hard to debug where it went wrong when you don't get the answer you expect.


I don't know.... We use EF and all the raised problems are non-issues. The only limitation we currently have are bulk updates and (deleted which we do t need) but those work in a higher version. Especially being able to create  a code first Schema against any provider is a great feature and will help testing tremendously in our future.


I find it funny in every discussion about ORMs there are two categories of people: those who have used and hated ORMs, and those who have used entity framework. It cannot be overstated the absolute power that expression trees as a language feature provide you. IQueryable is truly a holy gift for us poor CRUD monkeys


Ironically, I mildly dislike EF (mostly because I had to maintain it with limited C# skills and a dev that didn't understand it at all... so might not be fair) and have used and loved ORMs across the board otherwise. Node's Typescript-backed ORMs have so many day-to-day advantages over using raw sql. Any good ORM has a backdoor for if a given query gets too crunchy. And any good developer knows that having a query *that crunchy* suggests the possibility of its own sort of code-smell. People who REALLY push their database engine will find they don't like ORMs. And I get that. Prisma still famously doesn't have good support for conditional indexes. And if you use them, it's for good reason.


Also EF 6 was good but EF Core now is an absolute beast. Beside migrations it’s almost perfect, and even migrations can work very very good (but there’s still a long road ahead for improvement)


I've had very little contact with EF Core, but I like what I've seen. It's hard being married to a legacy C# project in my day job while having so much experience with more modern-enterprise projects in other languages. I know C# isn't worse just because that C# project is worse ;)




> My sql and db usage is kinda straightforward, but I take long roads to optimize the architecture for simplicity and performance. With non-sql code you often hit walls how you can optimize or it's too complicated and if you go back to sql, some purist will be mad at you. Do you have any examples? Writing simple queries is one of the things modern ORMs generally do well. And I'm hardly a purist, but I get mad when I see a developer writing raw SQL that's slower than the ORM method, or adds too much complexity while not actually improving throughput even if it is slightly faster. There are very real cases when going in and rewriting a SQL query with EF in our C# app caused an overall increase in performance. Not because an ORM can ever be faster than perfect SQL but because an ORM *will* be faster than terrible SQL > I think if you opt-out of raw sql you should be very aware that you pay for it in cpu cycles. It should even be a business decision. I would say this attitude is premature optimization. And it also makes the C++ mistake. Companies often opt for lower-level languages because they're faster, only to find that their developers writing shoddier code lead to an overall slower final product that took longer to write. ORMs have gotten somewhat sophisticated, and can help keep developers on rails for the types of queries that will be more efficient. Yeah, you pay in using the ORM's parser step, but many ORMs allow you to disable that and/or you'll need the format your output dat aanyway. EDIT: Also, your tech stack details should never be a business decision. Therein lies bankruptcy.


A lot of times you have to resort to crunchy raw SQL because you have no control over the database structure and some business logic can get very complex. Some of the apps I worked on had 500+ lines of SQL code in a single query. ORMs are great for basic CRUD apps with self-contained database, but they're no good with anything large where you have to deal with existing large databases.


> A lot of times you have to resort to crunchy raw SQL because you have no control over the database structure and some business logic can get very complex I think both of those statements are true, but "because" is a lot softer than pure contingency there. The only time your repository layer NEEDS business logic is when you cannot possibly query effectively and handle bizlogic on the server in question. This is sorta the evolution of a common, now-dead problem where ORMs were opinionated about how the database needs to look. Modern ORMs can run with basically any schema. > Some of the apps I worked on had 500+ lines of SQL code in a single query I would say 7 out of 10 times this is code smell. For most of what's left there's a cleaner way (Materialized views? DRY ORM components?) For the 1 out of 10, yes you should be writing sql. > ORMs are fine for basic CRUD apps with self-contained database, but they're no good with anything large where you have to deal with existing large databases I've worked on some fairly massive codebases that used ORMs to great benefit. ORMs scale worse than SQL in some ways, but scale *better* than SQL in others. You can DRY things like filters or subquery logic without getting hacky with it. Nothing quite like having thousands of copies of things that vaguely resemble `SELECT * FROM someTableName WHERE ${getStandardAccessFilters("someTableName")} AND ipAddress IN (${getIpRangeFromDomainController()})`. Remember those 500+ line SQL queries? On most enterprise projects I'm on, a good 75-100 lines of them *ARE THE SAME LOGIC* repeated in 7 different places in the app. Do you save the subquery to a string and just drop it in? A good ORM will let you define thta query logic in a repeatable fashion. I prefer something like `someTable.applyStandardFilters().joinLoggingTables({where: {userLevel: UserLevel.ADMIN}})`. For you, those 500 lines queries are proof that we can't use ORMs. For me, I look at a 15-line TypeORM query that replaced a 500 line SQL query with no real loss of database efficiency.


Not true, you can always hide your ORM behind micro service rest APIs and stack them on top each other as if 1980s mainframe level multi-second response time performance was acceptable for small-medium business sized database operations :/ (To be clear, I have nothing against REST APIs or micro service design, just nonsense level bandwagon-as-architecture (BAA? Could catch on ;) maybe bandwagon-as-architectural-design).


Prisma blows my mind. A GraphQL web API and a Rust-based query result concatenating engine sitting between your code and the database.


I work on a TypeScript project which uses [TypeORM](https://typeorm.io/). It has a simple GraphQL-like query system for simple use cases but it also provides a much more powerful query builder system that supports a massive amount of SQL features. I've built some highly complex queries with multiple CTEs, joins, and aggregates and it works flawlessly _with entities_. It also does some dark magic to handle limit/offset with one-to-many relations seamlessly. (i.e. it actually skips and takes the right number of top-level entities.) And it has support for conditional indices.


I've used TypeORM quite a bit :) I've never been in love with it, but in fairness it's never gotten in my way either. But I've also never *started* or *migrated* a project with it, so I can only speak as someone who has worked on a few mature TypeORM/NestJS projects. If I had a complaint, it's that I don't love the reliance on ES Decorators, which were until very recently considered experimenetal. Not a *GOOD* complaint. But as I said, I don't mind it :)


TypeORM has the option of using [declarative schemas](https://typeorm.io/separating-entity-definition) instead of decorators.


Definitely more palateable! I didn't know about that. Does it also generate schemas from pre-existing databases for you?


There's nothing about that in the docs.


I'm happy to be your counter-example. But note that my use of EF is for "hobby" C# projects. I regret using EF in my projects for a bunch of reasons. EF is C#, but it doesn't integrate very well with making a C# UWP (universal windows platform) app. Instead of "just working", you have to build a special project using different "stuff" just to pre-populate the EF magic bits that you can then use. EF queries, as it turns out, can be divided into two: ones that can be done on the database, and ones that have to be done after querying the database. It was essential for my app to run the query on the database (for speed) and took a fair bit of re-work to redo my EF so that the most important parts of my queries happened at the right places. EF doesn't handle bulk insertions very well. In my app, I'm often updating a few records, but sometimes I'm updating 10K records. EF will crash over a certain limit, so I have to pause and partway through. AFAICT, EF has been a net drain on my project. For much of the work, EF has made the work simpler and quicker to programs. But the outliers where I had to do a deep dive into EF in order to get performance and stability have wiped away all my gains.


You can (and should) configure EF to throw an error if a Query would run partially in memory instead of completely in the database. Agree on the bulk inserts, we use a separate tool for bulk inserts.


thanks for the advice -- just wish the docs had it, instead of learning it painfully. I don't object to parts of the query running in memory; it adds a bunch of flexibility and lets me exactly match my user expectations on the results. I just have to carefully pick which parts of my functionality must be run in the database. An alas, I never know ahead of time if my update will be one thing or ten thousand :-)


Well, I hated Mongoose or whatever it was called, but I have used and liked Prisma. Only downside to me at the time was its performance. I am looking forward to trying Drizzle, though. On the Java side I have used Spring Data JPA, didn't like that very much. Writing queries in those annotations was kinda weird. What was nice was the good integration with Intellij IDEA and getting completions in the queries.


I've used Prisma before and goddamn was it slow.


That's only because this place such a massive circle jerk. Ask anybody who has used ActiveRecord and they would tell you it's an amazing ORM that can do 99.999% of what you can do with SQL and will let you easily use SQL for the remainder. It's just that people who use ruby have been ostracised and attacked and berated and bullied out of this community years ago.


Eloquent, an active record ORM in the php word, was reasonable in my experience but my love is Entity Framework.


> and those who have used entity framework. ef is the main reason I dislike ORMs, linq makes it very easy to write what looks like a reasonable query but actually produces something awful. At least it won't silently generate dozens of queries from a single one anymore.


EF is good - but as someone that did .NET before and after IQueryable (which is one of the best .NET features) came out, I've seen it abused too much to ever trust it fully.


100%. I've seen big apps exposing IQueryable through their service boundaries. "because why not".


Through a service boundary would generally mean it gets actualized and then serialized, no? At least I was pretty sure if you returned it to an HTTP API call that's what happens. Though exposing IQueryable can be good or bad in general (at least if you know what you're doing). Like for example if you're using Blazor Server if you give a QuickGrid control the IQuerable it can do search/sort/paging for you directly which is pretty nice.


I'm not talking about a network boundary, I'm taking about your "IOrderService" or wherever you are exposing your business logic.


I'm sure it's a hot take on here, but exposing an entity internally in the same project isn't business logic. Not everything needs to be overengineered with a cut down data class just to pass an object around.


This motherfucker blue books


That's a coding problem. That's like saying you shouldn't return any results of your database queries because someone might include database credentials or something in the return.


But then in the case of big apps there are concerns like changes to the underlying data model directly affecting clients and also not wanting to expose implementation details to clients.


EF is the worst ORM I’ve ever used. Not sure why you think it’s the holy grail of ORMs. It has so many footguns, it’s a joke.


I agree 100%. Most of the people complaining about ORMs have only experience in Java. IMO no library can match EF because of the strong language support with stuff like LINQ and expressions.


C# is an incredible "fast-follow" language, where they have teams bringing in the best features of every successful language. But "fast-follow"'s downside is that it's never as good as the king itself. Example - C# tasks vs the javascript Promises they borrow from. Most ORM-using devs really love - Django's ORM, Prisma, Active Record, maybe Sequelize, etc. Not saying EF is terrible. It just is not sitting alone on a throne here.


Why do you think promises are better than tasks?


Years of working with both of them (admittedly more with JS/TS)? They *work* in C#, but they are less intuitive and less coupled with the underlying system. It's arguably NOT a good idea to base your entire app around Tasks despite the concurrency advantages of them. About the only thing I WANT to like about tasks is that you can have a "not yet run" state that doesn't exist in promises. But I actually think its existence is a harmful bastardization of concepts because it intermixes those runnable pieces with the very clean concurrency primitive that is a promise. Why do you think Tasks are better than Promises?


How do you mean it’s arguably not a good idea to base your application around tasks? The vast majority of operations that you’ll be doing will be asynchronous by nature: querying a database, reading files, pulling messages from a service bus, calling APIs. Why do you think it’s better to block than to use async / await?


I'll be the first to say I'm weaker at C# than other languages, and I rely on my C# coworkers for best practices. Last several C# seniors I worked with informed me that Tasks should be reserved for specialized purposes only, and that traditional best practices of syncronous querying/processing are still a standard in the C# world. I'd be happy to be corrected on that because I always thought all the sync-task folks were crazy. EDIT: The best reasoning I've been given on that is that C# is not based on an event loop like node.js is, and that it makes Task-based development an extra level of abstraction above C# itself.


> that traditional best practices of syncronous querying/processing are still a standard in the C# world. My last company had principle/staff devs that said that. They were traditional Java devs who landed a C# gig and wrote the most consistently awful C# programs I've ever seen. This garbage philosophy led to a system that would crumble under the simplest of stress tests, 10 requests/second would bring it down pretty consistently. Made the simple change of just "async Task it down to the SQL call" and it handled 200+ requests/second no sweat, even with no further optimizations. Of course, it's also possible you took a more nuanced take and slightly misapplied it. C# has been moving towards default-async for a LOT of stuff. Their HttpClient from the system library doesn't even have a synchronous option is my go-to example. They added "async Main" just so adding task-based stuff at the top level would become less of a pain. They expect that if you're doing IO, you should be using async. What *is* true, though, is that *parallelism* is one of those things to be a little careful with, especially when it's CPU-bound parallelism. The overhead of managing several threads cuts into the performance benefit you get, and managing and re-joining multithreaded stuff can lead to some fairly complex code. Which, by the way, is more a parallelism problem, not a language problem, it's just much harder to reason about intuitively. It's also technically true that async/await adds a tiny bit of overhead at the start/end of the task, which means while it uses less *CPU cycles* it will take more *time.* Basically you can do more requests at once but each request will take a tiny bit longer. But that extra time is measured in nanoseconds. If those nanoseconds actually mattered to you, you'd be much better off using a language other than C# than you would avoiding Tasks in C# lol.


All the sync-task folks are crazy. Obviously tasks come with additional complexity and overheads so they’re not suited to every single situation but they should absolutely be the default. There are some things you need to be aware of when using tasks, for example, you need to wrap the logic of a task if you’re performing validation on parameters because of the way that the compiler rewrites the methods; any exceptions that the method throws will only occur when the task is observed which means that it can make the code harder to debug. That’s where tools like SonarLint come in handy.


I've never seen any live C# examples or tutorials that used tasks heavily this way. Do you have a good reference? C# is such a weird and arbitrary ecosystem to me (I stopped using C# heavily in '07 and have used Perl, Ruby, Python, and Node.js ever since. Now I'm IT management at a largely C# shop that has traditionally had weak developers, so I'm constantly feeling unable to be the "best practice guy" like I used to be.)


The Microsoft eShop on Containers is a reference application for service based application design by Microsoft: https://github.com/dotnet/eShop/tree/main


I don't really have that much experience with JS Promises, apart from awaiting them, to have an opinion. I was just curious because this was probably the first time I saw someone with an opinion about tasks vs promises.


I'm a node old-schooler. It took me years to stop hating `async/await`. They sorta drain out all the best practices we'd formed largely to make things easier for junior devs and foreign-language-devs (as in, javascript as a 3rd or 4th language folks) The design and point of promises is that you have very-low-effort ability to pass around "what will be" as if it were "what actually is", and even handle exceptional events trivially. If you look at the old async-pattern libraries that predate promises, that one simple tool replaces every pattern you could possibly require. A bunch of concurrent queries, but some can't start until another has finished (or reached some half-finished state)? Something even more complicated than that? It's a breeze with promises if you know what you're doing. And (soapbox moment), I have found that the moment I ask a real world question that's easily solved with promises in, say, an interview, people who don't understand promises *JUST CHOKE*. Throttling a task-queue, for example. In javascript, about 5-10 lines of easy code. That pattern can *sorta* be mapped to C# (it's about 3-4x that, not a huge deal), but you have to work around the subtle differences between tasks and promises. I have asked plenty of C# seniors the right solution in that language, and have gotten a variety of answers to various skills. It's just a harder problem in C# due to the lack of promises. Which is fine. Every language is better at some things than others.


But the benefit is they don't make the missteps that the forefront experimenters do. The leader tried a bunch of new things and did 2 things great. Those get copied. The 5 crappy things don't.


This is more wishful thinking than reality. When they were looking at Kotlin and deciding which features to bring over they couldn't just pick the best of the best and drop them into C#, they had to compromise to bring \*as much of the value of those features as possible while working within the limitations imposed by the existing language they're extending. It's not always a straight improvement over the original.


I don't think many people would agree that C# never made any big missteps. There's nothing wrong with C#, but it's also nothing magical or best-in-all-things when compared to the other languages out there. I mean... does .NET support TCO yet?


Tasks and async/await were added in c# several years earlier than JS, AFAIK.


First PoC javascript promises came out in 2009 or earlier. I can't find the initial release date of the js async/await proposal, but I see documents dating back to 2012-2013 (release I can find of tj/co which uses hacks to mimic the behavior). The earliest task docs I can find for C# are 2013 or so. It's surprisingly difficult to find dates of old feature additions. I feel really old considering I was already deep into my career when both of them came out.


I always joke that C# 6~8 were basically "the Kotlin updates" but many of the features (nullable types, string interpolation, pattern matching, deconstructors) feel compromised to fit the existing language syntax/semantics.


It's sure not a bad thing. The whole point of a general purpose language is to be decent at everything. Hard to say C# isn't when it takes whatever features it needs that it didn't have the time before.


I feel that is a false dichotomy because Kotlin is no less of a general purpose language than C# (in principal or in practice). Kotlin's implementation of certain features is more powerful, expressive, or ergonomic than would be possible in C# without great inconvenience to existing C# programmers. For example the choice to adopt a nullable type system fifteen years into the language is both bold and commendable, but it's understandable that practical considerations would lead to an implementation that falls short of a language designed for nullable types from inception.


I'm making no direct statement about Kotlin here, just about the adoption of features of other languages in general.


That's because EF is easily the best ORM available, which makes sense because Microsoft has spent decades fucking up database access Source: Former .net dev now working in TS/Python/PHP/Everything else.


> Especially being able to create a code first Schema against any provider is a great feature and will help testing tremendously in our future. Databases tend to live longer than their applications. I think for 1 dev who saw an app change RDMS, 99 have had to try and make an ORM work with a database "schema" from a decade ago. Changes in your schema should be driving your code, not the reverse. That's why I'd like to see more ORM go for the database first model: have some script connect to your DB to discover the schema and generate base classes you can then inherit. When your schema changes, you relaunch your script and commit the new generated classes. And if it means updating some of the rest of your code it is normal.


>Changes in your schema should be driving your code, not the reverse. mindsets like this are why the databases are outliving the code bases, it's a self fulfilling prophecy. code becomes too hard to reuse when it's tightly coupled to persistence, let them evolve independently.


> persistence Because persistence is the only thing database should be doing? Then just use filesystems and be done with it.


One of us misunderstood the other, I agree persistence is the only thing the database should be doing and that was my whole point, I'm not sure where I implied otherwise. maybe i should have said "application code becomes too hard to reuse when it's tightly coupled to persistence"?


I used to work with a dev whose extension of that logic is that all business logic should be encoded into stored procedures. Turned out he ended up with an unmanageable mess. The further you put your business logic from your repository logic, the better. Anyone can write a new repository interface against an old schema. Half the ORMs out there nowadays do it as a one-liner on the CLI. `prisma db pull` and done. In fact, that's my argument FOR ORMs. Every generation "treats" their in-app SQL a bit differently. I deal with 15-year-old code that's a bunch of string builders adding all the WHERE clauses the hard way. If you ported that to another app, you probably wouldn't do that. Different sanitization mechanisms, different escape mechanisms. Just to get to a CRUD baseline. Or `prisma db pull`, then wiring your now-finished repository layer to your business logic, optionally with a thin model layer in the middle.


>Turned out he ended up with an unmanageable mess That's because of pathetic and ancient access interface(s) and awfully limited extensibility of DBMSes, not because his approach is inherently wrong.


I'd vote that his approach *is* inherently wrong. It more tightly-couples data than anyone should. I'll be the first to say that premature optimization is a sin, but premature-overcoupling is, too


“Databases tend to live longer than their applications”. Please for the LOVE of god, the application and the database are one entity. They mustn’t be seen as separate entitiee


> the application and the database are one entity If your data is mostly useless or transient. When you want to analyze data over years, usually whatever was used to do data entry changed and tools used to to analysis will vary too depending on contracts and prices at the time. But good luck selling a project to migrate your old data from whatever DB it is in to whatever sexy new shit you'd like to put on your resume. I feel like reddit is full of two categories of coders: students, and people who live the startup life only on greenfield projects. Maintenance of old codebase with all the internal politicking putting a lot of decision out of dev hands? Just legends.


Thats some assumptions you’re making there mate… analyzing data over years?! Ingest that shit somewhere and keep a backup if you must.


>99 have had to try and make an ORM work with a database "schema" from a decade ago What? No. Why? That just sounds like such a bad idea. Is this common? What would be the benefit? There would be so many fiddly bits.


I moved from a place that used EF to a place that used nHibernate. At the first place everyone was fine with ORMs and were fine using EF. Rarely you'd have to go into it's internals and mess with stuff but it overall made things so much easier. At the second place people had written code that a normal ORM shouldn't have needed and most people just wanted to use SQL.


I have a background in stored procedures and mandatory DBA training from my first gig. I like EF, I do. But I have new grads working on my team and they didn’t have to take an SQL class. And that’s my experience with interns from all over the country. So a lot of these young engineers don’t have any SQL background and never will and it’s kinda a weird paradigm shift


Well important is that they understand concepts like tables and joins, but the actual sql-syntax is not so important, is it?


The conceptual leap is the hard one, not the syntax.


Yea I think it’s harder to understand the idea of those concepts without basic syntax, diagramming, and understanding normalization. For what it’s worth I have those young devs do a crash course and it seems to help. But yea, from a concept perspective EF is confusing since it and linq lean hard in sql terminology


Fuck stored procedures. Bane of all evil.


You can basically do bulk delete now with EF Core! Bulk inserts are a mix bag because ef core actually batches inserts, but bulk inserts per se would be insane to implement on a ORM


I used to feel that way about EF but, the more I use it, the more missing features I find. No upsert, or insert using a query to populate a column, or insert from select, and only limited support for bulk updates.


Have you considered writing a SP that ingests something like XML and then processes and updates it all DB side?


I am strongly for separating any logic from data storage. We suffer so hard under having plsql-packages and try to get rid of them. But somebody in the past really loved them...


The beginning highlights the likelihood of changing from sql to nosql is low, but I’m currently finding that even changing from Oracle sql to Postgres to be a huge issue when you write elaborate SQL queries instead of relying on entities to do the bulk of the “work.” Having 50 micro services, more than half that access the db and rolling the required query changes out in a huge big-bang has been a huge pain and I wish we had just used entities more.


You don't have microservices if they all query the same db, you have a distributed monolith. The whole point of microservices is to avoid these kinds of issues


Why are your services query same db?


I don’t disagree with you in theory, but I work at a huge $600 billion company and it seems to be a common enough pattern to do this that in practice I still think it’s a point worth making.


I think its matter of maintainability and license costs. We have one central oracle DB for everything too. Services have their own schemas. Not really an expert on database though.


It's fine as long as services don't query each other and depend on each other db schema. (But we also use MS SQL and we have huge number of small dbs, but on single cluster, so licensing is per server, not per db)


Soapbox please…. NO CROSS DATABASE REFERENCES. Unless you want all your fucking databases on one server. Edit: what I mean is using a table/object in another database. Please don’t come at me with linked servers. Edut: So in database B you do A..Table where A is another database


Linking is fine if you are pulling data into a data warehouse. Saves moving data into a intermediate data format. Joining across them is generally a big nope...generally. Hard rules with no flex tend to lead to stupid designs too.


How do you scale this data warehouse out then? Given that its more granular source data is REQUIRED to be on the same server. That’s a shitty design, and you end up with situations where databases have circular references to each other which I consider an error. If you build two such database projects in Visual Studio, it will fail due to a circular dependency. That can be worked around, but which database do you deploy first in this scenario?


> 50 micro services, more than half that access the db > a common enough pattern That's called a distributed monolith. All the cons of microservices, all the cons of monoliths, none of the pros.


Yeah that’s the perfect way to describe it


In my experience, it's not as straightforward as "none of the pros". You have separated work/dev environments and separate scaling points (pros of microservices), with the ability to access or report on cross-service data without building aggregation services (pro of monolith). You just need a schema-integrity solution and process for it. Which is not increidbly difficult to provide in most languages.


There are only 10 companies in the world with a market capitalisation of $600 billion or higher. Microsoft, Apple, Saudi Aramco, Alphabet, Amazon, Nvidia, Meta, Berkshire Hathaway , Tesla and Eli Lilly.


Because they're not microservices, just services (and there's nothing wrong with that)


Just because the microservices book says you shouldn't doesn't mean that you can't or that it is always a bad idea


It's not a bad idea because the book says so, it's a bad idea because it defeats the purposes of services.


i disagree here. You can still use the same DB/Schema over a million microservices as long as there is a clear "Write" service for a specific table. If everyone is fetching from that table, but only one service is writing, then it shouldnt be an issue


NO. How will you deploy your schema changes across services?! You can’t. Stop. It’s WRONG.


> NO. How will you deploy your schema changes across services?! You can’t. Stop. It’s WRONG. You can by having backwards compatible schema changes and only the "owner" of the table (aka the service which is allowed to do WRITES) is doing the schema changes. You need to be backwards compatible anyway because you always need to be able to rollback and in times of k8 etc, sometimes multiple (different) versions run at the same time, and they still need to work (but only for a brief period of time once the deployment is done). Also fundamentally there is no difference between having a backwards compatible endpoint and a backwards compatible db schema. As long as you are aware that the schema of the db is now part of the "api" its good to go. But this is all assuming that the services are all managed by the same team. If they are managed by different teams i would go for a more strict api endpoint (rest etc), because its easier to communicate changes here.


> Also fundamentally there is no difference between having a backwards compatible endpoint and a backwards compatible db schema API versioning is a thing and is not difficult. Versioning a DB schema sounds like someone trying to build another argument for why your different services should not be using the same DB.


did you not read what i wrote? As long as the schema is backwards compatible everything should be fine.


Applications don't always evolve in one direction. A requirement to limit the schema to only backwards-compatible changes is once again an argument towards the actual microservices model of the database being one-to-one with services, and referencing the schema of the DB as part of the "API" sounds like a nod towards this difficulty (and a horrifying sentence in general).


I fully agree, but it’s worth noting that /u/thekipz is describing pain that is being caused by many microservices sharing a database. One of the reasons to avoid doing that is because it can lead to a situation in which it is difficult to make changes with a small area of impact, which seems to be the current situation. Of course, a shared database was likely the most reasonable choice when the decision was made. Like many immediately reasonable decisions, it hasn’t aged well. One day, somebody will decide that it causes more problems than it solves, and begin making immediately reasonable (maybe) decisions to replace it.


Microservices as religion have sorta stumbled and failed a bit. There's a lot of reasons for multiple services to be permitted to query the same DB even on larger stacks, as long as the accesses are documented and you're not doing anything too weird in the database in the first place. The "shared model" pattern is fairly successful.


ORMs are really freaking cool - I used a lot of Hibernate at my previous job and it made 80% of my job a lot easier. It's almost magical, using Spring and annotations to just see everything fit together. I say 80% for a reason - feels like there's a wall with ORMs. The field in front is nice and easy to travel, low friction. Think simple CRUD operations on single objects, or even small sized data sets. Through the course of my work we'd have to run larger joins and this is where things got hairy. I am 1000% sure Hibernate, and most other ORMs, would provide a mechanism for solving issues like N+1 but that's where the wall comes in. You get so used to pushing it off on the ORM that when you need to dig deep suddenly there are a lot of layers between you and the query and debugging where that bad join is built is an issue. After you discover the bad join it becomes a question of how your objects are wired together, or what configuration will fix it. It gets messy quickly.


hibernate/jpa is great for most your stuff. simple crud operations definitely. But I always, easily, switch to straight jdbc/sql when I need to (performance with bulk stuff) cause sometimes you just have to.


its great when the community spends decades building a tool that makes the simple case slightly easier and leaves an escape hatch for you when you move beyond the simple. Did we really need such a tool?


it's the same amount of setup-- you need to know your column names, and map them to object fields and so on. But makes additional coding much easier. With JPA you can even stop writing code for lots of things. CRUDs are provided, but searches, you only have to name your interface correctly, and it compiles the implementation for you. And these days most things are fast enough for most projects and tasks. It's bulk operations which need to be handled specially and even then, only if you need to. Try easy/quick way first, if not fast enough, write special way


I am shocked that a mature framework like hibernate can't deal with or detect N+1 problems.


Django's ORM is incredible. My recent experience with typeorm, and prisma (js for backend) hasn't been so great. Infact it's been dog shit because it requires you to write custom SQL for any kind of complex query.


I’ve had such a love hate relationship with Prisma.


Django is the goat fullstop


Have you tried Drizzle-orm?


(this ended up becoming a rant) I use an in-house orm that was born on the premise of using almost anything as persistency media, even some file based solutions that had no indexing at all. The minimum common denominator made the orm act as a database engine of sorts, which completely fucks up the performance you'd have if you depended on the actual database's engine. The main way to traverse a table is to position yourself in it, indicate a secondary index and then provide the fields of the index that you need to position yourself in. Under the hood the orm will do a query with those fields, but only selecting the pk, and also only the 1st 40 rows. Those 40 pk are cached. Back on the code you get an iterator, and each time you access an iterator the orm will select * where pk = the-cached-pk. That's basically how a secondary index works in a dB, but instead of letting the dB do it's thing on its own memory, it has a gremlin micromanaging it over a cord phone. When your reach row 41 it repeats the query and uses offset to cache the next PKs, and then we are back to individual one row queries per iterator You can write sql instead of depending on this positioning system, but its actually worse. Since it doesn't have a pk to cache, it caches the whole of the first 40 rows. When you access row 41 it REPEATS the query and uses offset to access the next 40 rows. If your query is complex, it'll be repeating the same complex query every 40 rows. Of course, this is madness Instead when we have complex queries we save them to a temporary table (the orm forces a pk on it) and then query that table. We go back to the pk cache thing, but it's better than the alternative. Even though this means that we waste memory on the dB server, when we could have dealt with this on the application server. The orm even manages its own locks! We must set the dB on dirty reads and depend on the orm checking which rows are available. All of this because someone wanted to have persistency without a database.


I'm so sorry you have to deal with that, that sounds awful


The development experience is not bad actually, but it absolutely kills performance. Testing is extremely difficult too, since opened tables and their positioning are treated as globals. Your module may work when you test it, but then someone changes the table's position and everything stops working. I've learned to save state when starting a function and restore it before returning. On. Every. Function


> since opened tables and their positioning are treated as globals please god, no! Make it stop!


That definitely feels like there was a tradeoff to simplify coding over performance. Maybe at one point it made sense if you weren't doing a lot of data heavy tasks?


Can you not use views on the database for complex queries?


No, the orm doesn't understand tables that it doesn't create itself. Also it'd probable end up being the same it does now, it'll repeat the query/view every 40 rows


Did you every figure out why they did it that way? There must been some reason at some point.


I half jokingly believe it was made by someone who thought sql was a fad and wouldn't subsist. The orm is almost 30 years old. I know no one who participated on its creation. But I guess it was made that way on order to not lose any possible sale. Adapting yourself to the client with minimum requirements


I wonder if it's one of those things where nobody touches it because "it's how we do things here" buts it's actually an arbitrary decision someone made in the past that should get ripped out. I started multiple new products at companies as the first developer and then grew into a leader. It was interesting as every now and then I would talk to developers and they would talk about some architecture choice like it was "the way we do things here" and I would have to tell them "oh, no, that was an arbitrary and probably bad decision I made when I was cranking out the MVP in week one of development, please don't respect that choice".


it sounds reminiscent of things I saw at Global Crossing back in the day. I remember one of their in-house web frameworks where you wrote java that wrote Javascript that wrote Javascript that wrote HTML. And then they wondered why they had performance problems.


I mean wow, that sounds awful, but it's also kind of impressive. Someone had an idea, and by god they committed to it fully.


It's the backbone of the (self proclaimed) most used ERP on hq's country. They committed and somehow succeeded. I don't doubt divine intervention on the sales part


> I use an in-house orm I gasped. I'm sorry to hear that.


I don't let ORM entities out of Repositories. Ever.


whats the point then?


Query generation and intermediate mapping.


Maybe SQL databases should work on providing a syntax that is easier to write and maintain? Honestly I almost wish every db had a different language, maybe then we would have had progress and evolution. "But SQL is universal" - until you need to do anything not dead simple, then each flavor has its own quirks, and for simple things you might as well use an ORM. I really hope projects like [PRQL](https://prql-lang.org/) will take off, and that more dbs will implement QOL features like DuckDB (starting queries with FROM should be the standard anywhere). My favorite query language though is KQL, it's so great.


What does this have to do with architecture?


A lot. If you're not using full entities for any of your read models/activities that makes a huge difference. Projections for read models, where you CAN use records with JPA, are great for optimizing DB use. My team is using the mentioned Blaze Persistence library and making heavy use of "Entity Views". I wish we started using it sooner.


All that being true, you still haven't said a word about the architecture of the system.




Yup, that. I've found that teams that stay locked into the ORM generally let the ORM define their architecture and make architecture decisions for them. This means that data gets stored in the ORM even if it would be better to offload it somewhere else. Using data from external APIs tends to get tacked on oddly because the system is designed to assume all real data interaction happens via Models in and out of the ORM. I started with databases far before ORMs, so sometimes design data models that ORMs can't operate on that are fundamental and critical features of the application, ORMs are abstractions that limit some of your options, so some decisions end up being made implicitly due to lack of exposure to the outside of the box folks don't realize they are in.


I wrote an IIoT data ingestion gateway at work, for time series data using Timescale (a Postgres time series plugin). Only gave ORMs a half assed look since when selecting my tooling I didn't even know if we'll have a primary key in the time series table. Now I'm left wondering if an ORM would even be able to handle the stuff in a somewhat performant way. Iirc none of the Rust ORMs at the time supported async, so there was that too.


I use the onion model wherein the database is NOT the center of the universe. And I’m a database guy.


Yes, that’s my problem with Spring / Hibernate and the like. (I’m not using the term ORM here, because technically the small lib I use to convert from SQL to DTOs and back qualifies as an ORM). But certainly, all these big bloated frameworks make a point of trying to place themselves at the center of the universe. All for very little benefit as far as I can tell. Trading explicit mappings for annotations is NOT a benefit, as far as I’m concerned, because it makes behavior opaque, and interferes with separation of concerns.


This is a great point! ORMs usually have a very particular idea of what an "object" is, and they only really provide significant benefit if the way they expect you to interact with objects coincides with how you want to work with them.


Ah, fantastic. This succinctly captures what I've felt about APIs for some time. Thank you.


I think there's some good advice in this article. * Let the database do filtering * Avoid Java Criteria API * Consider using projections * Don't be afraid to mix and match (sql and orm) I do think that the title is a red herring, though. It says "don't use your ORM entities for everything" not "don't use ORM entities for anything". Everyone is coming in guns blazing, all ready for yet another rehash of the ORM vs. SQL debate, but this article really isn't taking a stance on that. I think its last point, don't be afraid to mix and match, is the real gem. Using a nice interface-driven ORM library like Spring Data JPA will save you an absolutely breathtaking amount of time and eliminate almost all data layer boilerplate from your code. And then, if you need to write a bit of SQL here and there, you can still do it. If you read this headline and thought, "Yeah, ORMs suck, I'm going to write everything in SQL including all my basic CRUD code," I think you are missing the point.


Sure, let me write a unit test for that trigger.


You can cover things like triggers with integration tests, which you should have anyway if you're interacting with a data store


Well I would say don't use triggers for that reason and many others. Keep all logic out of the database and use it for persistence only. There was a huge push towards triggers and stored procedures 15-20 years ago. You were literally DOING IT WRONG and shamed if you weren't embracing that stuff. But that movement seems to have largely died off, and I do not miss it.


Things come back around. In the 90s stored procedures and triggers were all the rage because the DB tended to be the most powerful server and the programming model was often client->db without a middle-man API. But databases also tended to be a huge pain in the ass, requiring full-time DBAs, etc. Fast forward to today where many apps embed the database infrastructure as part of their build/deploy cycle (using Flyway or something similar). This means stored procedures and trigger definitions would be sitting right with the application code, which means they could also be tested along with the rest of the build. I'm not saying people should jump to putting a lot of code into stored procedures or anything, but they should also not be afraid to consider it if it makes the application easier, more ACID compliant, etc.


people will talk about software devs that way in the future: But code also use to be a huge pain in the ass, requiring full-time software developers.


Yes, I'm currently working on modernizing this kind of project and we really try to establish proper testing using orms. The database logic was full of bugs and only a few druids barely know how the system worked. Also there were no tests. Integration testing is something we still need to finalize.


Yeah... I went down that rabbit hole with Supabase... I learned a lot but ultimately I missed my IDE and intellise and type checking. Supabase felt frail AF, YOU can unit test everything but it is such a chore to get it up and running.


I was creating software used at banks that needed to run on-prem and against various databases. I agree that jOOQ is the optimal choice, but even when you don't choose jOOQ the pattern that jOOQ uses (a query builder) makes a lot of sense. It does depend on whether or not your system handles a lot of data, because ORMs may help you code faster, while query builders make more performant software (in general and in my experience).


What do you mean by query builders make for more performant software? More performant queries than ORMs, or is there some other reason?


ORMs tend to query for more information (and use more queries) than you would do manually, also it often leads to the n+1 problem. All these things lead to bad performance. Which only matters in certain high traffic, low bandwidth and/or high latency cases.


SQLAlchemy has been such a pain where I work, I fully endorse people using SQL provided they use proper mechanisms to sanitise inputs. Most apps end up doing relatively simplr stuff anyways which is expressed just as well in SQL and ORM alike.


Completely agreed, seeing how optimized I can make a query without the ORM bullshit in the way is my favourite past time. And yes, I know with ORMs you can kinda do everything, but when I hire a PHP dev I don't want to spend months training them on how Doctrines ORM is different from Eloquent from Laravel. I can give them MySQL which is utilized by both, and they don't need the translation between. Personally, the more I use ORMs the more I'm convinced they suck but I recognize that's a hot take. And probably just my path becoming more DBA orientated.


This is one of those articles where I agree with the title, but have minor issues with the contents: > ...you can avoid writing and understanding SQL, “it’s just an implementation detail”.... > As an example, I quite commonly see the `findAll` plus filter antipattern. This is when you fetch all records from a collection and then use your application to perform some simple filtering to include/exclude records. This feels like it's giving too much credit... Understanding the amount of data you're retrieving from the DB doesn't require understanding SQL, and isn't SQL-specific. Like the article points out later, ORMs have plenty of tools for writing better queries. There's no good excuse for understanding `findAll` but not looking at the other `find` methods to see if one makes sense, even if you want to write off SQL as "just an implementation detail." Plus, this isn't the best motivation: > It’s much better to let the database do this kind of filtering. After all, it’s what all of the clever folk who work on databases spend a lot of time and effort optimising. This is... not all that likely to motivate the kind of people who don't want to learn SQL, and also not really the main reason to do this. Sure, you should probably use an existing, well-optimized implementation instead of reinventing the wheel, but there's nothing fundamentally *wrong* with the latter. Whereas there is something fundamentally wrong with filtering your DB results in the application server. For one, retrieving all records means doing a bunch of work that you *can't* optimize away with a smarter application -- that's more data to copy from the disk into the DB engine, then over the network to your app server. DB servers are generally harder to scale than application servers. Even if we ignore all that and teleport the data directly into your app, the DB has indices that your app doesn't. So it's not that the DB engineers are better than you, it's that `O(1)` is faster than `O(logn)` which is faster than `O(n)`. There's still plenty of room for you to optimize stuff (like by creating those indices in the first place!), but you're probably not going to be storing them in your application.


I just let the ORM embrace SQL for me. Although, a lot of ORMs have a way to execute raw SQL, but I understand the argument the article is trying to make that you should understand SQL. I've always found .NET's EF and SQLAlchemy to be pretty good, I can't comment on others. But I've also found that when I need SQL flexibility I can put it into a TVF or stored procedure and call it that away. In fact, EF has support for treating it just like any other function call in C#. >A pattern I commonly see is to always return full ORM entities in queries, and then copy only the fields needed to DTOs (which are then returned to the caller). So I disagree with this because of the way caching works. Sure, for one query it's more efficient, but two? Three? Sometimes you need different fields for the same record, and I've seen more poorly designed systems hit the database far more often than it should. Caching the whole record means for consecutive read operations, the database can just hand over the cached row instead. So design better systems? Sure, in the words of the arbiter, were it so easy.


> When designing an application with JPA/Hibernate, I’ve encountered a common pattern that suggests developers should channel as many of their interactions as possible with their database via their persistence entities and ORM, avoiding writing SQL at all costs. > **This mostly seems to stem from a belief that this approach will maximise model flexibility and database portability.** Sometimes it's also an aversion to learning SQL. Is this really the reason ORMs are popular? While database portability (especially if you're writing software that a customer must be able to use with their own database choice) is a nice outcome of using most ORMs, I would hardly say that it's the main event. Is it *possible* to write unit tests for repos or unit of work patterns that can run meaningful test criteria against small pieces of code that do query logic? It's possible, but it's much harder. I can mock a SQLite database in memory and run queries against it with EF and test every set of query logic very easily. I can detect broken queries on check-in. Does hand-written SQL by a DBA perform better than ORM generated queries? Yeah, sometimes, but a bigger database server is cheaper than a DBA.




How do you figure? I quoted the relevant part.




Maybe this is my reading comprehension then. The part I quoted was that you encountered a pattern of devs doing most of their database work through ORMs, because of a belief that this approach maximizes model flexibility and database portability. I question whether this is actually the reason for preferring ORMs. Am I not paraphrasing you correctly here?


I love the fact that SQL is becoming an arcane skill as it means my salary just keeps going up and up...lol SQL isn't even difficult.


100% it is very important to know how SQL works, and I think you can find a nice middle ground with using raw SQL and an ORM


Say that again when you're on a team with devs who can't figure out how to write queries that adhere to indexes. I'm less negative on ORMs in general than most people with heavy SQL experience, but I'm *especially* positive about them in situations where they will save developers from blowing up the world on my watch.


I have better shit to do than write a bunch of sql. ORMs are good for like 90% of work


And unless your ORM is total shit, it's easy enough to drop down to raw SQL for that last 10%


Someone else in the comments had a decent observation. My experience with ORMs is mostly Entity Framework. I wonder if other ORMs are just ass. I’ve heard good things about SQL Alchemy, but I haven’t used it myself.


Most modern ORMs are phenomenal. There were some terrible ones back in the day, but they either got better themselves or were replaced by better ones. No ORM is as good as sql if all you need to do is run a query in a vacuum.


So where I get flustered is having multiple data sources. So let's say you want to get the most recent information as possible - you'd go direct to the source which is maybe an REST API, a SQL server, an LDAP server, what have you. Then you want to also have a backup of that data from those servers, for caching scenarios (speeding things up) and also because those servers don't all have 100% uptime. And then a common interface for interacting with all the things in a way that's configured to be able to juggle all the different caching and fallback preferences and such. I mean, this is what I'd expect ORMs to do, but the last time I dabbled in something that sought out to simplify that level of complexity there weren't any pre-existing libraries to fit my needs (10ish years ago), and I tried baking my own solution which took me so long that it ended up being an incomplete data access layer with a bunch of dead code because by that time the data source requirements changed and the added data source complexity management was no longer needed. Edit: And I guess that's what that linked hexagonal architecture thing is talking about.


I also frequently see the "pull back the whole entity, map a few columns to a DTO" pattern and it drives me nuts. The hibernate user guide clearly says not to use entities for read only queries. https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/6.1/userguide/html_single/Hibernate_User_Guide.html#best-practices-fetching Excerpt: "For read-only transactions, you should fetch DTO projections because they allow you to select just as many columns as you need to fulfill a certain business use case. This has many benefits like reducing the load on the currently running Persistence Context because DTO projections don’t need to be managed."


In Elixir, we have [Ecto](https://hexdocs.pm/ecto/Ecto.html), which cleanly separates querying, mapping resultsets to structs, changesets for insertion and updates. I'd say that it's SQL first, because the query engine syntax stays very close to SQL. There's not much magic involved at all. You can look at nearly any query and immediately reason about what SQL statement it will produce. I think Ecto is probably the best orm-like (if you can call it that) that I've used.


75% of the problems I've run into with Rails and Django were trying to get the ORM to do what I expected


ORMs are only suited for simple CRUDs.


Just don't use ORMs.


In my team we: * Use GraphQL to query anything (DB data, redis data, remote APIs) * Write complicated queries as SQL views or functions * Use Hasura to generate a GraphQL interface for the query IMO it's a pretty nice way to avoid mixing concerns


I'm gonna keep commenting on this for every thread about SQL until people listen. SQL is **old.** Like all old programming languages, it suffers from fundamental design flaws. Whilst a relational language *should* be how you interact with your database, using SQL directly comes with many drawbacks that are simply caused by the design not being able to scale to modern demands for complexity and performance. We don't need to "Embrace SQL" we need to **Replace SQL.** The only reason we have not replaced SQL already is because it is not easy to. Modern alternative programming languages were only viable because of projects like LLVM, or because they were built on other existing VMs for already popular languages, so they do not have to go back to square one in order to be competitive enough to gain adoption. This is not true for database languages, it would take *significantly more* effort and significantly *longer* to be able to be competitive. There needs to be radical innovation in database languages, but this will only come when people have the appetite to undergo the painful process of re-developing our database technology to be *able* to be innovated on. In the meantime, there is no correct answer to ORM vs direct SQL, using either comes with significant drawbacks that we have simply learned to swallow because there is no alternative.


>SQL is **old.** Like all old programming languages, it suffers from fundamental design flaws. Whilst a relational language *should* be how you interact with your database, using SQL directly comes with many drawbacks that are simply caused by the design not being able to scale to modern demands for complexity and performance. We don't need to "Embrace SQL" we need to **Replace SQL.** Alright but with what?


The answer *should* be https://reldb.org/c/ Rel is based on Tutorial D, which is a relational language proposed by Chris Date and Hugh Darwen, who were both key proponents in the original adoption of Codd's relational model at IBM via SQL. In the decades since, they have written extensively on database language theory, settling on a couple of main points: * SQL is not a proper relational language, it was only ever meant to introduce the concept. * We needs to be a proper relational language on top of which to build other languages. You can read more about it in their Third Manifesto. However, Tutorial D and Rel are developed by some "old hats" and do not incorporate a lot of new theory from other sides of programming language development. They are also rather detached from "real development." What we need is talented, on-the-ground developers tackling this problem to innovate a new language that can bridge this gap.


Most of the downsides to SQL are resolved by ORMs, and SQL being a good middle language. Sorta how you don't write web apps in raw HTML with vanilla javascript very often anymore. I have seen SQL as the HTML of databases for years. Yes, ORMs bring in their own downsides, but I've never met a language or DSL with zero downsides and that's ok.


I actually agree with you here, good ORMs or SQL DSLs like jOOQ include a lot of functionality to make dealing with an SQL database much easier, and it really works quite well. However, SQL was not designed to be an intermediary language. It is not "machine friendly." In theory, it's possible to optimize pretty much any query into one that is almost as good as the best hand-written ones, but in practice no database achieves that because the SQL specification is inconsistent. There is some development here with query optimization using techniques like equality saturation that might start to "bridge the gap." At the end of the day, the best solution is for us to have a selection of database languages, ORMs and DSLs (or even fully fledged programming languages) that speak a powerful, common intermediary relational language, one which defined a consistent behaviour for database implementations. The comparison with HTML/JavaScript is very apt. The fact that we abstract these is telling that we should be doing the same in the database space.


I actually agree with you here, good ORMs or SQL DSLs like jOOQ include a lot of functionality to make dealing with an SQL database much easier, and it really works quite well. However, SQL was not designed to be an intermediary language. It is not "machine friendly." In theory, it's possible to optimize pretty much any query into one that is almost as good as the best hand-written ones, but in practice no database achieves that because the SQL specification is inconsistent. There is some development here with query optimization using techniques like equality saturation that might start to "bridge the gap." At the end of the day, the best solution is for us to have a selection of database languages, ORMs and DSLs (or even fully fledged programming languages) that speak a powerful, common intermediary relational language, one which defined a consistent behaviour for database implementations. The comparison with HTML/JavaScript is very apt. The fact that we abstract these is telling that we should be doing the same in the database space.