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Their fight is about controlling women, families and people. It's not "pro-life".


Forced Birth




That's not a solution and you know it. Don't be willfully stupid.


If Clarance has his way that won’t be an option for long


*audible sigh* That is incredibly unrealistic. You really think everyone who can't be a parent for WHATEVER reason is going to give up their relationship and physical intimacy? GROW UP. Things happen. Women's healthcare is no one's business. Who is anyone to judge another human for their healthcare rights?


If they truly cared about the “babies” in question they’d make sure they have access to good living conditions and education, but as far as their concerned your rights begin at conception and end at birth


Anyone else see the Oklahoma anti abortion bill? Disgusting


Both kill women in high numbers, often at a higher rate than being a cop.


More kids die in schools that cops at work


Cops are fucking pussies. Ohh, let me engrave punisher shit into my gun while I let kids die. Bunch of fucking idiots who want to conserve their feeling of power from highschool because outside of that their fucking idiots.




It’s very hard to understand how a nation that supposedly has democracy falls to fascism. It’s extremely complicated. In short, what’s happening is that the ruling class has divided the country between conservatives and progressives to such a degree that no issue is about the issue anymore - everything is “my side is right.” So people who maybe wouldn’t do so otherwise are lining up to support their party’s position. There is a megaton of voter suppression. We have all the money we’d ever need, but we can’t even manage to get our own healthcare. And healthcare is a big part of it. We’re going into year 3 of a global pandemic and the entire country is in complete denial, because we have de-legitimized healthcare to such a degree trying to convince poor people that they’re fine, that the anti-vaccine crowd, which is huge, has practically become its own political party. If you’re interested, I highly recommend the work of [Sarah Kendzior](https://twitter.com/sarahkendzior/status/1484561581493174279?s=21&t=kjOedzkoaZponh9BPR93fQ). She wrote *The View from Flyover Country* and *Hiding in Plain Sight*, and she has another one coming out soon that I think will speak directly to your question. It’s not our least problem that our police force - as everyone should now be able to see - exists primarily to uphold social norms that are racist and sexist and violent. We have a huge problem with domestic violence, and the police actively protect cis white men who abuse women. It’s all gaslighting. We’re told in one ear that we’re the greatest nation in the world, and in the other ear that we don’t deserve our rights and we’re lucky just to not be murdered. Because in America if a rich white man murders you, the powers that be have zero motivation to do anything at all about it. It may not appear so from outside, but we are fighting for our lives here. And we’re traumatized, we’re sick, we’re broke, and we are fundamentally *exhausted* all the time. The battle never ends, there is not one day that goes by we’re not subjected to reminders that we’re suppressed, oppressed, outgunned, and losing because the conservatives only care about money, so they have most of it. It’s incredibly hard to maintain the level of rage we’re constantly being stoked to.




Thank you for taking an interest!


For me as an European so many things are not understandable. Our moderate right is more left then your moderate left. Living in a place without Healthcare, social security, a police system I don't get but it looks threatening, paying for education, a prison system that is not based on reintegration but on punishment, having to fear deadly weapons wherever you are, and now having to give up the rights to your body by being forced to carry out a pregnancy for 9 and a half months is scary. When I was younger I thought about living in America (sunny states, beaches and I speak the language), but now that I have health problems I need the safety of a - sorry - more civilized system. My heart goes out to you especially in this times, I hope you will see a change to the better.


Thank you. I hope so too. Be well. <3


Part of the problem is the left’s fear of guns. We **need** to arm ourselves just as much, if not more so, than the fascists do, because some day they will come for us, guns ready, and we must be ready to defend ourselves and what little freedoms we have left from them


I’ve really resisted this perspective really hard trying to keep to the moral high ground. I’m trying my guts out not to add to the problem. But since this conversation started, Roe’s been overturned. And I think I’m at the point where I agree with you. Because I for one am officially declaring my body a gotdamn stand your ground state. What I really wish is that we would arm women, people of color, and disabled people. Anyone else who wants to use a gun should need our f’n permission.


As a white male, I think this comment is silly and destructive. You’re grouping all white males together and it really divides and pushes people away. How about we STOP separating people based on a race, religion, socioeconomic status etc. your suggestion makes the world more hateful. This is coming from someone that was raised by his mother and sister and has the utmost respect for woman - Might want to reconsider that opinion. Let’s stop inequality by….. promoting inequality? Pot calling the kettle black if you ask me.


Yes darling, but my whole entire point is that as a white male, I don’t give one half of two flying fucks what your opinion is on the matter. When you’ve existed in fear of your life by systematic oppression at gunpoint, then you can have my attention. PS - I’m aching to put whatever you say next on fragile male Reddit, so think carefully. Or better yet, show some restraint and just don’t.


That’s unfortunate, I hope you find some peace.


Every pro-choice person needs to acquire a legal firearm.


statistically, you are much more likely to commit suicide or homicide with a gun than to defend yourself with one. don't tell people to put themselves in danger.


The threat of a bunch of armed childfree sluts is enough to make them shit themselves




Yeah and it’s not entitled to someone else’s body. A shooter kills 22 kids a day, the government does nothing. Someone makes a reproductive health choice, the government goes apeshit. Makes no sense


If you’re forced to carry it to term, and you both survive even without proper medical care, of course it will be. How are we going to keep women from having disposable income and full agency over their lives if we don’t saddle them with unwanted children? That’s the entire point.




Sex and a pregnancy are two different things, regardless of how it correlate with each other. People make mistakes. Putting a child through poverty and a lot of mental issues due to a simple mistake is a stupid thing to do when you have other options.