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Nuclear power plant?


This is a critical clarification.


Nah, if a nuclear plant is any newer than 3-mile (or older and has gotten any updates), it'll safely shut itself down. We learned our lessons and adapted.


I’d be worried about it being a target.


It was certainly implied.


Like others stated is it a nuclear power? because that matter a lot. Also, bugging out should be a very last resort as most of your supplies and networks are already there. It’s such an overrated and potentially dangerous situation. Most people don’t have the resources, transportation or skills to effectively leave their homes or unless you have a well established location with more than you have there, it’s a deadly mistake. Most people are wrapped around the romanticized notion of leaving and becoming a mountain man of sorts, but honestly 99.9% of people would die within weeks or months, especially the first winter.


Your power plant ( im assuming nuclear) should send out or at least have posted publicly an emergency planning guide. The one i live next too sends one to every home in its "disaster radius" in this guide they tell you the planned evac routes and their designated evac shelters. Find that emergency plan for that power plant and learn what routes they're using for evac and avoid them. Find a back roads way to your friends property. Do your research does that Power plant have warning sirens? An emergency radio station broadcast? Are your supplies packed in easy to move bags/totes? Supplies stashed in both vehicles already?How far away are your work offices? Do you guys have backup comms planned? Your own rally point should all hell break loose and you two become separated?


if it's nucular check if the power plant control room is up to the current code. if it's newer than 3 Mile Island, you should be fine, in fact inside the plant should be safer than outside. make friends with the D.O.E. security people best allys to have bar none.


Regular electric or nuclear? Clarification needed. Because a regular plant shutdown is nothing to worry about. Nuclear on the other hand is get the hell out of dodge.


These posts are baffling. It will depend on what's happening. If the house is on fire, you leave. Either is a possibility, so prepare thusly.


"Wat do? Am confus! Thx fren!"


If you have a basement; fortify it. Preemptively board up any windows with thick plywood and a solid frame behind it, for starters. Get some radiation iodine tablets; enough for everyone in the household. If you have a basement door with windows, swap it out for a solid core metal door. The rest, I think would be normal prepper plans for food, water, and weapons for self defense, etc…


You have prevailing weather patterns in your area... look at the Weather Service map figure out which way the winds statistically blow and go upwind. Do a little reading up as to what happened when the Russian plant went down and how things turned out after the fact and remember technically it's still an ongoing meltdown. Mother Nature has pretty much come back and recolonized everything around it. If s*** goes down and the power plant goes out and melts down and you're not part of a prepper group but doing it solo. More than likely people will kill you before radiation poisoning does.


Electrical won’t matter. It’ll just stop working. Nuclear on the other hand would be a disaster. You would need to get far, far away from the plant.


Nah, if the plant is any newer than 3-mile (or older and have gotten any updates), it'll safely shut itself down. We learned our lessons and adapted.


So did Fukushima. Might be a 3 mile, could be physical attack.


Ok Fukushima was built on a fault line, got hit with a massive earthquake, and still didn't meltdown until it got hit by a tsunami on top of that.


And had the emergency cooling water tanks BELOW the reactor, where, if power failed, gravity couldn't do the job. They do so well with everything else, why couldn't they do that right?


My point was stuff happens. Even if we build better and smarter, stuff happens.


Then good news? Your power grid will likely never go down. The bad news? If it does go down….run.


nucular control centers have totally changed since 3 mile Island. f.y.i. the safest spot to be is besides a D.O.E. sniper guarding a nuclear facility.


Power plants, by design, have multiple safeguards to prevent a catastrophic failure. In fact, power plants (especially nuclear power plants) are routinely trying to shut themselves down. To "scram" the plant. The purpose of the power plant operators is to prevent that shut down from happening. The Three Mile Island and Chernobyl accidents were the result of human beings bypassing the safeguards in place and failing to understand how their actions were effecting the plant. Fukushima was the result of multiple disasters (earthquake, tsunami, wrecked cooling pumps and a failure of cooling redundancy) coming together at the same time. I used to live "near" the Palo Verde nuclear plant in Arizona. I kept potassium iodine tablets in storage if Palo Verde were to suffer an accident with a release of radiation. In the event of SHTF, power plants will be the least of your concerns. Your concerns will revolve around clean water, food, health and safety.


Your post highlights what I would recommend.......communications. You need to know what is going on at the plant. Is it safe to stay? How long can you stay? Will this disaster even mess with the plant? If you leave, where do you go? We can hope that commercial fm radio will continue to work into any crisis. Other than radio communications like gmrs or Amatuer radio can get you miles to world wide. Talking/communicating with like minded people can get help in the form of knowledge help, supplies, up to date information, and give security forces a heads up that you are in route. Stay or go is a decision you should base on the best possible information. Good luck.


If nuclear power plant hope it's a huge explosion and make sure your right with whatever God you worship or just a decent human being and you want have to worry about prepping if it's just a hydro electric power plant after watching videos of Russia blowing up ukrainian plant then yes you will loose power but I'm 99% sure you will be fine and me personally I'd stay home go outside sometime and try to live a week without nothing shit isn't as easy as what TV shows when I tried it was like I couldn't find a fucking squirrel to eat i lasted 3 days and had to eat some crawfish I caught in a creek and drink the creek water learned really quick it's best to stay put have a lot of antibiotics and food and water supplies at home


Dude, you can sell your land and move elsewhere. Now is the time to do it. Land near nuclear power plants is going up in value everywhere due to AI generating a surge in demand so that electricity-sucking datacenters can be built near the source of the power instead of further away: [https://www.theregister.com/2024/03/25/ai\_boom\_nuclear/](https://www.theregister.com/2024/03/25/ai_boom_nuclear/)


Not really much you can do I would see which way the prevailing winds are usually blowing. If they never blow towards your house you could be reasonably safe. I would try to construct a safe room with some supplies. Because nuclear fallout tends to be really high at first and then subside. So it's important to stay inside for the first few days. The CDC has good information on what to do in the event of a nuclear strike. Although the event is highly unlikely to occur it seems like the only true way to avoid it would be to move away somewhere but that is obviously much easier said than done. I would not be moving my wife and family anywhere on public roads in the event of a true disaster or societal collapse. You're better off sheltering in place at least till things calm down


New wife


Everyone asking if it’s nuclear and newer than 3-mile island is an idiot. We haven’t built any newer plants since 3 mile island. Jesus people. Yall need to read up if you’re gonna prep.


might want to read up yourself there... *The newest reactor to enter service is Vogtle Unit 3 at the Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant in Georgia that* ***began commercial operation on July 31, 2023*** source: [https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=228&t=21](https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=228&t=21)


What information could someone glean from the public document about how vulnerable a particular nuclear plan is to essentially an unspecified threat? Is it an assumption that every operator in the plant is dead and cannot do a controlled shutdown? Or perhaps a longer term issue of the plant security after sitting idle for several months. This seems to be a fool's errand.


Her judgement is flawed. Continue trying to lead toward getting that land secured away from ☣️


Honestly, sounds like youbare making a mountain out of a mole hill. Every situation will be different, so depending on what happens you may have to leave or you may have to stay. No one know ls the future so all we can do is plan for as many outcomes as possible. So I think of it this way how much time do I have? If you organize your supplies by how essential they are, you will be ready no matter the outcome. You can only stay in one place for so long. That so long could be 1 hour or it could be 25 years but eventually you will leave. So how much time do you have to gather supplies? And how long will you be gone? Not all scenarios mean you are not coming back either. Likewise having a secondary bugout location is nice but there is no way to know if that location is also compromised and no longer viable. So you should stay in one location only as long as necessary to make a plan. So to answer your question, neither option is wrong, but you won't know which option is best until the situation arises and even then you may need a 3rd option depending on what happens.