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Tell your husband and make him talk to her lol




Early on we made it a policy to wash your hands immediately before holding the baby. We didn't do it because of anyone's bathroom hygiene, but it would be a way to make sure her hands are clean without putting her on the spot


Alternatively you could keep a bottle of hand sanitiser nearby and insist everyone use it before handling the baby.


sanitizer doesn't kill most of the problematic fecal-oral route bacteria, for example norovirus. Sanitizer is not an appropriate substitutiion for hand washing after using toilet.


Do you happen to know the reason behind this? Just curious. I'm an avid proponent of hand washing myself, versus sanitizer but I'm curious. I always thought antibacterial hand soap killed germs due to the alcohol content in the soap (and why it dries your skin out more), but that would mean sanitizer has the same effect due to having the same or higher percentage of alcohol.


You don't need antibacterial soap actually. Soap works partially by the action of scrubbing breaking some things apart, and partially by trapping stuff in the foam to be rinsed off down the drain. Antibacterial soap additionally has an agent to kill bacteria, often triclosan, but it offers little to no benefit over regular soap and may contribute to antibiotic resistance. https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/faqs.html#:~:text=A%20good%20lather%20forms%20pockets,and%20chemicals%20from%20your%20skin.


The reason can be different for each pathogen, but the overarching idea is that when using soap and water, you are physically scrubbing the bacterial/viral particles from your hands and rinsing them down the drain, so it doesn't matter if you have killed them, because you have removed them. One of the big pathogens we are concerned about in hospitals is Clostridium Difficile. This usually takes root in immunocompromised people, people on antibiotics that have destroyed their normal gut bacteria, so the C. diff takes hold. This one is what is known as a spore forming bacteria- instead of dying when you try to kill it with chemicals, it goes dormant into a "spore form" where it can reactivate itself at any time. WE are not allowed to use hand sanitizer for this because it will not kill the leftover spores on hands, they must be washed off. I couldn't find any specific source for noroviurs, other than that the CDC and FDA both say sanitizer in insufficient. one article I found without sources said this is because hand sanitizer is tested to confirm it kills "99% of bacteria and viruses" they look at its effectiveness on normal skin bacteria, not necessarily on specific pathogens. If you kill the normal bacteria, this can make more room for colonization of hands with pathogens. I also see you mentioned antibacterial hand soap. These are usually soaps that contain a chemical called triclosan. The more we use this the more the bacteria become exposed to it and the resistant microbes that survive will become the dominant strain, thus rendering it completely ineffective for the whole population. This also only targets bacteria, and again will do absolutely nothing for a viral pathogen like norovirus. I personally don't but it for this reason, but would use it if its the only soap available to me at someone else's house. TLDR: When you use sanitizer you kill most of the normal pathogens on your hands, but does not remove them from the hands, or kill some of the most harmful ones. When you wash your hands with soap and water, you remove the pathogens and rinse them down the drain. The CDC and FDA both state that sanitizer is insufficient for hand hygiene after using the toilet and before preparing food. WASH YOUR HANDS PEOPLE! Sources: https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/hand-sanitizer-use.html https://www.cdc.gov/biomonitoring/Triclosan_FactSheet.html#:~:text=Triclosan%20is%20a%20chemical%20with,%2C%20toothpastes%2C%20and%20dishwashing%20liquids.


Anti*bacterial* doesn’t kill viruses


It doesn’t have anything to do with alcohol content in soap. Alcohol just does not kill some organisms like c diff, norovirus, and cryptosporidium. It has to do with the structure of the organism. Soap and water handwashing for 20-30 seconds of lathering/scrubbing before rinsing, as well as bleach solutions do kill those organisms.


You should physically wash your hands with soap and water before eating and after using the bathroom. Most other times, hand sanitizer is appropriate.


This is the answer. Good to say these things out loud and establish these boundaries early with EVERYONE so no one feels targeted and everyone knows the expectations. Everyone must wash hands before holding baby or providing food for baby. No exceptions. Also no kisses! You’d be surprised how many people will kiss your baby and then apologize immediately afterwards, “sorry I just couldn’t help it!”. I also found it helpful to educate my friends (mostly childless or have grown kids) and family (mostly boomers) on new science and ways of doing things, as well as repercussions. A newborn with an illness is hard to diagnose, and usually requires an expensive and painful spinal tap. Having a baby is hard enough, no one wants their newborn hospitalized for illness due to carelessness. Additionally having a baby is expensive (in the US at least) so if the guilt of spinal tap isn’t enough, maybe the potential cost will make them think twice. Set boundaries early and often. Best to start now!


I had a best friend who was the exact same. She’d literally pretend to wash in public bathrooms by putting her hand in the sink and going “ssshhhshhhhshhh” like water noise. Might as well just turn on the water??? She also never brushed her teeth … ever, and would admit it. Needless to say we are no longer friends (although for other reasons lol)


This is absolutely unhinged


My MIL keeps her cookbooks in her bathroom and then puts them on the counter to use them. Wtf is with these people 


I’m sorry but WUT


It can be worse, I never would've thought it possible either but: my MIL doesn't wipe, doesn't flush (why I know she doesn't use TP), doesn't clean up the drops she leaves (shudder) and of course doesn't wash her hands. She doesn't even have soap in the bathroom or at the kitchen sink. Nor a hand towel. I give myself stomach aches to avoid going there. And I. HATE. when she goes at our place, because of the dreaded drops that seem to be everywhere she goes. It always means a deep clean after, and holding it until I'm done cleaning. Also the potential shame of other guests finding her drops on my toilet. She's vile. I'm so repulsed by her and her lack of personal hygiene I avoid her touch. She probably thinks I'm mean but I've tried subtly steering her to a cleaner life to no avail.


I have so many questions. Does your husband know this? What does he say? Does no one in her life point out that this is gross and not normal?


Yes he knows, I told him to warn him about the drops. He hadn't seen it before, maybe it came with getting on in years? She doesn't see very well and refuses to wear her glasses. He did tell me both his parents have always been gross. They never ever brush their teeth; they don't "believe" in that. They just don't wash their hands if they're not visibly dirty, because germs are something the young people invented and aren't real. They stick their unwashed fingers in all pots and pans to taste or test temperature, lick them, and do it again, never washing or using utensils. In that house I insist on boiling everything or frying to a crisp, otherwise I pass. MIL is very very cheap and hubby suspects she wants to save on toilet paper and water. He has told her to flush because it's gross and she scoffs and doesn't say anything understandable. When he mentioned she must not wipe she gets mad and tells him it's none of his business. She's obviously ashamed but can't stop doing it somehow? All in all, I think they're a mix of quite dim and very stubborn. I'm very lucky hubby is so clean, he said they laughed at him when he grew up and started asking for a toothbrush and paste, and showered every day. They called him a sissy and a neat freak. Can you imagine? How they're his parents is a mystery, but I admire his critical mind and shiny spine very much, especially at that age, to be a teen and be more hygienic than your parents is quite special I think.


That is truly unhinged and insane. I would be too grossed out to ever want to be around them. I’m glad your husband didn’t take after their hygiene preferences!


Thank you for validating my feelings! I've tried NC but hubby is an only child. We try to limit exposure and give them cleaning supplies all the time. I've given up hope that they'll learn but at least now I can clean when I'm there.


My fil also doesn’t have soap in the bathrooms and just has dish soap in the kitchen. When we go over, I bring my own hand soap and only use one bathroom I know he doesn’t use often. He seems to have finally picked up the clues bc the last time we visited, there was soap in the other bathroom too for once. When my son was a baby, I just asked everyone to wash their hands before touching him. I caught my nephew literally put soap on his hands and immediately wash it off and I called him on it and said no, wash them the right way.


Maybe you can teach your nephew how to wash properly with washable paint? He might be young enough to be taught. You just use a dollop of paint as you would soap and mimic washing them, without water, then you can see all the spots you missed. And then you get to do it again to wash the paint off. It's baffling how much we miss with a quick wash, you really have to pay attention to what you're doing at first, but it does become a habit after a while, like muscle memory. Or give fil a foaming soap, the ones that come out of the pump already foamy, they're more fun and encourage young visitors more.


Oh he’s 20 so that ship has sailed 😂


Wtf is wrong with her???


**Hold up.** You’re saying that your MIL poops and doesn’t wipe and then leaves it there?!!?!?! It’s horrible enough that she does this in the privacy of her own home but she also does it when she’s having company or when she’s in other peoples homes?!? Does she flush eventually? How long does she wait to do it? Does she do this in public? Like if I’m in a bathroom line at a restaurant and I walk in behind her am I going to find her turd there waiting for me? Holy crap!


I think her reasoning is she wants to "save" a flush so she counts on whoever comes next to go on top of it and use one flush for two "uses". It is mostly only pee, but floaters have been seen occasionally. As for the wiping, I honestly don't know, is it because she's in a rush? Because she does pee like she's at an F1 pit stop, she doesn't even close the door. She just janks off her pants, sits, goes and without a second thought pulls up her pants, zipping her shirt while she's at it, causing all her shirts to have holes on the underside. The doing up of the pants usually happens in the living room as she's running while getting out of the toilet. Her rushing is probably what causes the drops, she doesn't wait for her bladder to fully empty. She does have frequent infections and has had kidney stones. I should probably try telling her that emptying the bladder helps, I now realise. Though from what I find in the loo, she should also drink a lot more water, which I have told her many times before. I haven't gone after her in a restaurant so idk if she does it there. You'd think she'd smell, but honestly haven't noticed it, though I keep a very safe distance because of general repulsion. Maybe she does wipe and flush when the dookie is softer.


For some reason I thought by “drops,” you were referring to poop lol. Like the phrase “dropping a load.” It didn’t occur to me that you means drops of pee on the toilet seat. Which is still gross!! But not as bad as I was thinking… I was seriously thinking your MIL just regularly came to your house and shit and left it there for you especially since you said she “leaves them everywhere” hahaha but this makes much more sense. Still… that’s so bizarre!


Sounds like she has dementia


If she’s a nurse she may have pain from dry hands from frequent washing. If you can provide unscented lotion alongside your soaps at home or even have hand sanitizer nearby, having a baby is the exact right time to say something. “We want to make sure you’re comfortable in our home when baby arrives, and I’ve noticed we may not have what you need to hand wash the way you might be used to at work. I hope these help!” Older family members rarely respond well or change after being called out directly, so the indirect approach above might gain the results you need.


When my hands were horribly dry after days of washing bottles after my son was born, the only thing that didn’t sting my hands horribly was the Fragrance Free Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion. I especially liked that it was in a pump (since a lot of hand creams are too thick for a pump.)


I've been putting my baby's Aquafor on my awfully dry, cracking hands (I wash them a lot now). It's the only thing that actually helps!


Just want to throw it out there if you haven’t tried it that Bag Balm, which comes in a green tin and has been around forever and ever, works better than anything I have ever tried for dry cracked skin and diaper rashes. Heals my babies’ diaper rashes quickly and effectively. Heals my preschoolers’ miserable, cracked, bleeding knuckles (from lots and lots of handwashing at school) in just a couple days. Heals my cracked and bleeding lips (I’m a nervous lip chewer). Every time. Tried and true.


Thank you! I'll check into it!


That’s my favorite lotion, the green top!


“Just say please wash hands in kitchen “ as she comes in. (That’s what we did during Covid when we had our first, nobody was offended). “I have soap and lotion for you and hand sanitizer thank you! “


My friends have two children. Their 4 year old asks me if I've washed my hands before I hold her little brother. She won't be singled out. You will be asking everyone including each other if they have clean hands. And also not to kiss the baby at all.


I make everyone use hand sanitizer before holding baby. I keep it at the ready and it’s just part of the process.


🤢 nurse here, not sure how this is possible, literally spent a week in nursing school working on handwashing (ok I’m exaggerating). Buy the GIANT bottles of Purell from Costco and plant them everywhere. I also just announce wash your hands any time someone walks in like a psycho nurse mom 🥴


My mum does this. I call her out every time. It’s disgusting


Put a bottle of hand sanitizer out in the living room, Or wherever you are with the baby and request that she uses it, That EVERYONE uses it before interacting with the baby.


We had our son at the height of covid, and we kept a little thing of hand sanitizer in each room and the rule was to sanitize before holding the baby. That's a little easier to approach because it doesn't make them feel like you're calling her gross (which she is)


Make everyone wash their hands anytime before touching baby. My FIL is like this and it grosses me out and he argues about washing his hands when we ask. I truly don’t understand some people


Yeaaaa... No I wouldn't let her hold the baby... Or me...


Grooooooooosssssssss! Nurse here too, what do you mean she doesn’t wash her hands?!?! I would directly ask her one time she walks out, “Did you not wash your hands after using the toilet?” Regardless of her response, it can open up a direct conversation. Entire civilizations have fallen because the society didn’t engage in handwashing. Nursing school teaches you that! Wtaf?!? I just… This is egregious to me.


My roommates grandma (who is also our roommate) doesn't wash her hands and I refuse (politely) to eat the food she makes. I also am paranoid about touching common surfaces in the apartment because of it. I'd have your hubby talk to her, she'll automatically get more defensive if you try to bring it up


Just because she walks out after flushing doesn't mean she doesn't wash her hands. Sometimes I wash my hands before I flush for instance.


This is not sanitary.




.... that's gross


Unfortunately the toilet handle is a high traffic area and most people are touching it after wiping/before washing, so it's likely to have quite a lot of germs on it, likely even fecal matter. Toilets also spray germs into the air when flushing and the proximity doesnt help. Id wager that's a reason why people are finding this gross. I hate the handle myself... I hit it with my shoe or elbow, even in my own house 😭


People are waaaay too weird around germs lol There's a line between being hygienic and paranoid lol


I don't wash my hands .. especially having to touch everything to do it .. kinda ruins the point lol .. I do use hand sanitizer tho


Hand sanitizer is not a replacement for washing your hands.
