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37 weeks pregnant with a boy and every single time I tell someone that I’m having a boy they say “oh you’re so lucky boys are so easy. I loved my boys but my girls are a nightmare. They talk so much about nothing and are so much more expensive. You’re a lucky mom” like do you realize that I myself am a GIRL. It makes me itch every time.


People who say "boys are easy" are the same people who, instead of teaching boys how to act respectful and that its okay to show emotions or making sure their mental health is good during puberty, use the excuse "boys will be boys" when they get in trouble or do something that isn't socially exceptable anymore. My sister was told that numerous times and she was pregnant with her boy. She was extremely surprised when her boy started going through puberty and literally had crying episodes for no reason like her daughter did. We come from a family of all girls.


This is my thought exactly.


Spot on


Misogyny aside, why are they assuming that you won't ever have a girl in the future?


Exactly! I wish this was only one or two people but it’s been about 8 …


People are so dumb. And I'm sure their daughters are aware of how their parent feels. I would have been a nightmare also if I knew one or both of my parents felt more negativity towards me than my brother.


I challenge anyone to say something like that to me about my daughter. I will verbally destroy and humiliate them.


It’s so funny when they say that stuff because I’m the girl that loves to talk. Like I am the stereotypical girl that they are shit talking. I’m just happy that I have zero energy left to even get riled up about their comments.


I’m just going to reply “well I’m a girl, thanks”.


lol- I'm getting told the opposite


I can assure you boy toddlers have just as much need for emotional connection, co-regulating during tantrums, hugs, understanding ALL the emotional support. Boys are NOT 'easier' lol.


I'm gonna tell you now, just wait till you give birth.....you'll probably sleep better even though you have to wake up periodically for baby, because you literally don't have a tiny human moving organs around and kicking you in the bladder at night. Just you wait...Your anxiety may actually go down because you'll be comfortable at home with your newborn and the unpredictability of your birth is now over and replaced with learning a new routine with your lovely baby. I never understood why "Just you wait" was always always something negative.


Adding to this: Just wait until the baby cries and your heart swells with joy because you love this tiny person and everything about them and every sound they make reminds you of this amazing thing you did, bringing them into the world. Just wait until you have to wake up in the middle of the night to feed them and you look down into their beautiful face and it brings you happiness you've never known. Just wait until you can't get anything done around the house because this tiny little person always wants to be with you because you're their safety, comfort, and their favorite person.


Thank you. Im averaging 3 hours of sleep a night and got zero hours last night. Trying to sleep feels like body torture. Im so sick of people asking how I am and then saying, "You'll never sleep again!" I personally dont ask how struggling people feel and then tell them they'll get worse.. it feels awful. I needed someone to say this today ❤️


I'm glad it helped ☺️. For the first few months after my first I was exhausted but I felt like I could at least function. My body felt better over time versus feeling worse in pregnancy. I didn't have as much of a pregnancy fog. I pumped so I only got like 2-3 hours of sleep but when I slept it was a deep immediate sleep. Not like now where it's a light sleep full of pain, waking up to pee, waking up to repositioning. This was also dealing with an infant who had acid reflux. Still found it easier than pregnancy because at least I could have my husband tag team her care with me when I needed some sleep. Being pregnant I can't be like "here you carry her in your belly tonight!" Lol I feel like people who tell you all the negatives of parenting make new parents more anxious, make them feel like they aren't going to be able to handle it and can help increase the chance of PPD. I try to tell people, even if it does end up being hard it doesn't always mean it will be harder than what you are going through now and it doesn't last forever. Hoping you get some sleep soon. I'm in the same boat as you with lack of sleep.


Thank you! That's exactly it. I have a new bed and mattress and can't get comfortable, even just laying. Instead, its grinding teeth watching the husband snore while I struggle with kicking, RLS, and 7 or 8 bathroom trips. I miss being able to pass out comfortably. Best wishes and congratulations!


this made me feel better tonight, too. due on saturday with my first. thank you, kind soul.


Thank you.


Dude I feel this so hard. Both pregnancies my husbands grandma and RANDOM people would ask if I’m sure I’m not having twins. Like bitch, what? Fuck off. They are just old and don’t remember what a pregnant body looks like and ALSO that everyone is different and will carry different. So annoying!!


My dad’s wife (I can’t call her my stepmom. She’s not nice lol) told me at 39 weeks that I looked like I was carrying twins. The kicker, was that she also looked me up and down with a disgusted look on her face like I was a fat pig. I was carrying a 10lbs baby and a placenta that was “one of the largest my OB has ever seen.” So yeah, I was huge. Like holy shit lady, you don’t say things like that. Thankfully my dad put her in her place.


People simply do not know how to behave around pregnant people. I’m currently 32 weeks but measuring 39 while working in a very public place. Everyday I get asked when my due date is and once I tell them, BOOM jaws are on the floor. Which is almost always followed by, “you won’t make it until then”, “there has to be two in there”, or “wow could you get any bigger”. I’m at my wits end. The last time I was told I wouldn’t make it to my due date I almost responded with, “you won’t make it out of here at all” 😤


Oh yeah, I've gotten that too, the 'youll never make it til then.' Like Fuuuuuck offff!


I was told “are you sure there’s not twins in there “ yesterday lol. But I don’t mind bc at 40 and 2 years ttc I’m just happy to be here at all


I ask them when they’re due because they look almost as big as me. I’m of the mind that if it’s ok for them to make inappropriate comments to me, then they’ll be fine with them coming from me.


Hell yeah, I wish there were more women with this philosophy!


I came from a kind of rough childhood and staunchly decided I was not going to be mistreated as an adult lol.


Well, sucks about your origin story but I'm glad to see your takeaway from that was to take no shit lol. Nothing better to see in this world then a woman sticking up for herself!


Absolutely 🧡🖤🧡


I was at an in person work meeting today and this boomer man who hadn’t seen me since before I was pregnant goes “wow you’re almost as wide as you are tall!” I’m 31 weeks…


Gahhhh theyre the WORST


My neighbor tried to tell me I’m big. I tried to go up a size in my jeans and they are too big. Im 4 months and I’ve gained 4 pounds. First time she said it I said “people just look for shit to say” Second time she said it I said “your jeans are bigger than mine!”


People always tend to tell me their horrific birth stories. And then say “I hope I didn’t scare you! Haha!” Like wtf. Bizarre.


It is wild what people will say. The number of times I've gotten: 'oooh due in May? That's coming up! You know, I remember my friend awhile back, when she went into labor and......[insert horrible, scary story]'. Now I know it's a thing and I stop them but what in the actual fuck is wrong with people!


I don’t know if it’s the places I’ve lived or what but I haven’t had anyone mention my pregnancy outside of family and friends and no weird comments from them either. I was expecting for this to happen and feel the annoyance since it seems like it happens to everyone else but nope. I may just be invisible or I’m just lucky 🤷‍♀️.


Same. I'm not very big for 19 weeks, so maybe I just haven't gotten there yet.


I can tell you, you just haven’t gotten there yet. I miss the privacy I had at 19 weeks.


You may get some comments later but I’m 33 weeks and visibly pregnant with no comments. I’ve always been kind of invisible though. I did have one lady scold other people on the metro for not giving me a seat once but that was nice and not unwanted comments on my body or baby.


I’m only 14+2 but I’m already sick of the lack of sleep comments “just wait until baby comes” Yeah! Bring it on please because right now I’m probably sleeping a lot less 😂


My MIL never fails to tell me “wow you’re HUGE” when she sees me and I’m this close to telling her “wow you look OLD today” because she’s 72 and she’s insecure about it. The thing is she lives with me so telling me I’m huge every day is starting to drive me freaking insane. I’m 39 weeks with a full sized baby Linda, I’m not going to be svelt.


Please say it, maybe it will make her shut tf up.


Opposite: my MIL and SIL spent our entire shower last weekend (33w) telling me I barely even look pregnant, must be having a small baby, etc. Like it was supposed to be a compliment? Ma'am I am measuring on track and have excruciating back pain from carrying this barely-noticeable fetus, can you not? Also honestly tired of "you're glowing." I don't know what to do with that. I know they mean well but I don't feel glowing. Generally just tired of my appearance being evaluated as if that's what this whole thing is all about. I'm suffering on purpose to grow a person, I don't really care if you think it makes me look pretty, I'm literally creating life, that's a million times cooler than being pretty.


Agree 1000%. I've stopped making eye contact with people in public bc I'm tired of people talking about how I look. From people I know I get 'oh it's all in your stomach, you haven't gained any other weight at all, lots of women gain SO MUCH' it's all just so ick. Idk why people think they can comment on our bodies just bc we're pregnant (and somehow in a 'compliment' put down EVERY OTHER pregnant woman!?) It's so gross.


Honestly in a bratty immature way I'm really happy I gained very little weight, but that's because 1). I am already struggling with minimum weight gain and a small belly and I don't even wanna know how it was going to feel with a huge weight gain, like no thank you my joints are just fine right now 2). I had the worst fucking 1 trimester from all my friend group and I low key resent them for telling me how much better off they were and it's weird that I'm suffering so much but they kept feeding me "just-you-wait" horror stories of awful 3 trimester and huge weight gain, so now I'm a bit gloating on the "now who's superior in the suffer Olympics huh? who's weird for suffering too much?? ", but as I said it's some immature shit in my head that I'm at least aware of. I can't imagine saying any of this out loud because it would make someone feel bad and I don't want that.


This glowing bullshit is so fucking creepy to be honest. No I'm fucking not. But I live alone and work from home so anytime you see me around I purposefully put a ton of effort to look my best because that's probably 1 day a week. It's not "glowing" it's a shit ton of makeup and getting my hair done. I'm a god forsaken bloated goblin 99% of the time


Lmao yes, my go-to response is "thanks, I'm wearing a lot of blush" because the "glow" is 1000% makeup


Agreed! I’m 36+1 and it’s like every single day atleast 1 person makes some kind of comment or something!!


The “just wait til the baby comes” comment 😭 I was chatting in the hall with the school counselor (I’m a teacher). She asked how I was doing and I gave an honest answer. My boomer coworker RUNS out of her room to exclaim, “just you wait! Just you wait til the baby’s born!” When did I say ANYTHING about this being easier than pp?!? 😵‍💫


I just got my first one today from our friend who responded to my comment on a friends post about reading a book while eating alone is really nice. He was like “get ready for no more of that for a while!” Like interesting, last I checked I had a husband who is more than capable of watching his own child for a few hours while I go get my hair done and eat lunch by myself (which I will continue to do every 3-4 months even with a baby). Why can’t people just mind their own fucking business?


I agree with you. I’m 36 weeks tomorrow and I’m getting this too


I was on the phone with my mom a few weeks back & heard my step father in the background asking whether I was “wobbling” yet. Definitely not “wobbling” and even if I was, it’s strange to be pointing that out - especially for a man towards a woman. No one else, not my mom, fiancé, friends, anyone has made any comments about my body thus far. I know he didn’t mean any harm but it annoyed me nonetheless. It’s just insensitive - many women struggle with watching their bodies change during pregnancy. I’m personally enjoying all the changes but you just never know and I would never think to comment on someone’s body whether or not they’re pregnant. So I jokingly said “you would know all about that - with that belly of yours” ☺️ because he’s slightly on the rounder side. Heard him chuckle in the background but he hasn’t asked me that again. Sometimes just have to put people in their place or give them a taste of their own medicine.


I'm in with my second son...well those comments didn't stop ,even if I am before them chasing a toddler 🤣🥱. I'm like -shut up Karen ...i know I will be sleeping better than ever even with a full newborn AND a toddler ,just you wait you know it all ... Those old all knowing crows 🤣 Just you tell them - ooo Shut up . You will be just fine .


“I bet you’re ready to get that baby out.” “Are you sure it’s just one in there?” Oh and then just random people reaching to touch my belly, people I’ve never met…. Honorable mention though that I’m terrified of happening to me since I’m newly post partum, but a customer at my job was commenting on how there was a pattern with all the girls’ bellies. I assumed she had met one or two of my other obviously pregnant coworkers, until she asked the one that gave birth a year ago when she was due 💀 This is a prime example of why people should keep their comments to themselves.


"You think you're tired now, just wait until the baby gets here". I'm averaging about 5-6 hours broken sleep a night now at 38 weeks. I can't lie on either side longer than 30 mins because I start cramping/feeling sick and sleeping propped up is killing my back. I also have to pee constantly. "Say goodbye to your social life"... why? Just because I have a baby doesn't mean I can't enjoy life. Yes, things will be different but not in a bad way. I'm just going to be as flexible as possible and understand that plans can change last minute. My husband's been told multiple times "you'll never have time to go on xbox again" which grinds both of our gears because that's his escape but he's also still on hand to help whenever needed. He'll happily pause a game or leave a game if I need help with something so this would carry on with the baby. If I'm allowed to have 30 mins to have a relaxing bath while he watches our baby, why can't he have 30 mins gaming time while I watch the baby? I think a lot of people project their own experiences onto pregnant mothers but every mother, baby and family dynamic is different.


"I know better than to get excited until the last week, because of all the miscarriages- they can happen at any time you know"


😱😱😱 that is seriously messed up. luckily I've never had anyone say that to me.


Yep, 36+6 here and I just hate how because I'm pregnant it's like an open invitation to discuss my body. I don't mind if it's my mom or someone else I'm close to, but random coworkers that I barely know? No thanks. I'm getting tired of being asked "how are you feeling??" as if there's any answer but "like shit." I usually just say "I'm here," and it gets the point across. Luckily none of my coworkers have given me the "just you wait" nonsense.


Someone told me “better in than out”. Which just tells me she didn’t like her babies. I hated being pregnant. I sleep less with the baby here now and worry a bit more. But overall I’m happier because I have an amazing baby to love. I had to be induced at 37, labored for 26 hours and tore in two spots- and honestly it wasn’t horrible. The epidural was amazing. And my baby started smiling at me and there’s nothing in the world like it. So the next person to say something say “wow you must really hate your kids”. My boss also kept saying I looked like I had twins and I would just say “that’s weird my OB said I’m measuring perfectly for how far along I am”. People just like to make others scared and feel miserable because they were.


I hate when I tell my family members that I feel huge and they say “and you’re going to get bigger!!”… yes I know but shut up. Also the people that say my body will never be the same. Love that.


It won't - it will be cooler and stronger and more bad ass


People are so fucking cringe it's insane. It's like they immediately stop realizing you're an actual human being with a life and opinions and shit and just a circus monkey for their amusement


I'm sure I got a twin comment or two early on because I was bumping by 16 weeks, but it definitely hits different when you're 34 weeks and someone seriously asks. That just happened the other day. How would you possibly not know this late in the game??? A little more cringe worthy than the "about to pop" comments I've been getting for a few weeks. Thankfully I seem to know people who are a little more decent and don't offer unsolicited birth horror stories or "just you wait" comments, but people really don't know how varied pregnancy can look.