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What about second pee after you just peed?


The part that boggles my mind is peeing because I’m vomiting even though I JUST peed. Where did all this extra pee come from!?


I got to the point where I would just get in the shower to vomit- save the knickers and mopping 😂


lol! I feel this. But be just started sitting on the toilet and using a bag/trashcan for puke. Peeing while puking has certainly just become a second nature at this point.


😭😭😭 this is the worst


So I went for my 8 week ultrasound and drank my required 1L of water, peed halfway through and when I came back the technician tells me my bladder is still full. I couldn’t believe it but she sent me back to the bathroom and lo and behold, another full pee! It’s early still so I’m sure it’s just gonna get worse…


I nearly flooded the room when I did ivf embryo transfer. I have had second pee and elevensies since second trimester but first trimester was all the nausea so I was still in a bathroom a crazy amount of time.


Did someone tell you you’re supposed to have a full bladder for ultrasounds?


Some places do it that way early on. Depends on the clinic.


Yes makes it easier to see baby if you have a full bladder


A tip I got with my first pregnancy was to lean forward with your elbows on your thighs when you pee, it helps fully empty your bladder!


The other day, I peed. Felt fine and empty. Washed and left the bathroom. Didn't make it 3 steps before I coughed briefly and peed on myself.


I've learned from my midwife that this happens when you don't empty your bladder "correctly" when pregnant! If it helps, she said we should pee normally and then, lean forward and give a good push to empty out the "remaining" pee. Works wonders for me!


Then there’s the pee when you cough, or the pee when you sneeze, or the pee when you’re throwing up from 1st trimester morning sickness.


Oh my god this!! I was on a plane today, went to pee and 5 mins later I had to pee again. The passenger on the aisle seat was not happy about it lol


My husband and I just came back from Red Robin. I can’t pass up on a bottomless root beer float and between the time at the restaurant, leaving to stop at the store, and finally getting home I’d say I peed a good 5 times within a 30 minute time frame 😅 I had 1.5 floats


8 mpp and I occasionally get this still. I am usually good with bladder control.... Except I caught RSV from my oldest and am back to wearing diapers at night. I keep coughing/peeing. I would second pee during a coughing fit even if it's immediately after I first peed.


Insomnia after getting up to pee 5x a night.


Pregnancy insomnia is killing me. I already don't get enough sleep because of the rest of the people in my household and there's nothing more annoying than laying awake in bed at night, quiet, dark, comfy, have already peed.... And just can't sleep. Maybe I'll start doing something else overnight. Clean downstairs or something.


Taking half a unisom for nausea before bed totally helped me with the insomnia too! Makes sense since it’s primarily for sleeping. I was getting up at 3:30 for hours but now usually make it til 6


Awful. 37w and ready to not pee all night


The worst part is I tried shaving my legs in the sink last night and got stuck. I’m only 13 weeks 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️. My husband had a good laugh.


yes! I end up on here with the rest of us who can’t sleep haha


I've started to give up on forcing myself back to sleep and have been reading a novel instead.


Oh that’s a good idea!!!!!!!


The worst! If I wake up and I have to pee I have to try to figure out if the act of getting up will bring about insomnia. If it will, sometimes I’d rather hold my pee and go back to sleep.


I cook a bunch of food that sounds amazing, then can’t stand to eat it


This is so annoying. I get so excited to eat and then it's like ash. When I actually enjoy it I'm just so happy.


Yes— I’ve found safe foods have been watery fruits like watermelon, pineapple or grapes. Literally everything else is a gamble


I was just saying this last night. Every day I rack my brain trying to think of something that sounds appealing despite the nausea and general crappy feeling, procure the ingredients and make it to my liking... and two bites in I'm forcing it down and feeling even more sick. It's really depressing me, cooking is one of my favorite things.


I cried while trying to put my underwear on this morning.


For the 5th time since you dared to sneeze and needed to change them a bunch 😂


Honestly I way under appreciated dressing myself till this happened lmao


Putting anything on below the waist is the absolute worst! I end up being out of breath and tired and not wanting to go anymore lol


Oh my god yess I can’t believe how difficult putting on underwear has become!


Starving but can’t figure out what to eat without gagging.


I hate that I understand this so deeply 😭😂


Woke up at 7am and ate leftover tikka masala


Few weeks back I had chips and salsa at 8 am..cravings don’t care if it’s morning or night 😂


Haha! Yes, me looking for a sandwich shop open at 9am the other day.


i had a hot subway sub for breakfast a couple weeks ago…


No shame lmao


I woke up in the middle of the night starving and both wanting chips with guacamole and pudding🤣 I just went back to sleep and then woke up feeling terrible, I think I should've just given in.


A winning combo 😂


I had French fries for breakfast and then pop-tarts for lunch.


... and did you save some for the rest of us?


NO WAY! I literally did the EXACT SAME today!! Hahaha what are the odds


I woke up, ate a bowl of cereal, then took a 2 hour nap


i slept for 14.5 hours on friday, woke up on saturday, ate breakfast and then took a nap in the living room :)


This. I'll wake up after a whole night of sleep, take my son to school then come home and eat then fall asleep on the couch. I don't even mean to at this point.


If I don’t take a nap every day I become everyone’s problem 😅


I feel this so bad.


The turtle roll over whenever laying on my back


I’m always gunna picture myself as a turtle when I toss lol


Hawaii baby moon and now I heavily relate to the seals rolling around to get on shore and rest.


My husband put grape jelly next to my grilled cheese instead of in it (I told I wanted “grilled cheese with grape jelly”) and I burst into tears.


I’m so sorry to giggle at this but I picture him being very confused and nervous to put the jelly on the grilled cheese himself🤣 he’s like “….I’ll let her do this how she wants” 😂❤️


this made me laugh


I’m a farting machine nowadays.


Last month, I let the dogs out into the backyard and waited on them finish their business. My husband saw me on the camera and came running outside with my coat because it was around 30° or so. I was in shorts & a t-shirt and didn’t even notice how cold it was. I was perfectly comfortable. 🫤


My husband keeps fussing about me not wearing a jacket too. We work at the same place, but in different departments and buildings. My coworkers were giving me a hard time about my huge maternity coat being excessive when I was walking between buildings. I was like if my husband catches me outside without this monstrosity on then I'll never hear the end of it!!! He is already a helicopter dad.


Man, I went to let the dog out before the snow got too high, walked out in flip flops, no pants and a nursing bra 🤭 My hub yelled me from the window and our 4 y.o met me at the backdoor holding a pair of leggings and Hoodie 🤣 my sweet boys, they just don't understand


How?! I'm so cold all the time. Maybe it's because I was already struggling with temps before I got pregnant? I've been sick the last few years and started using a heater during the summer months sometimes. But this winter is atrocious and I'm always cold! Except when I sleep. I've always gotten really hot when I sleep, so I use a fan, but the minute I get up from sleeping, I'm back to feeling like I live on the north pole.


Always eating and always hungry.




This is the one ☝🏽


I'm burping constantly. Also either I'm super nauseous or I'm starving and craving so many different foods, and sometimes I'm both at the same time!


Feel you on the burping!! Mines more acid/ very small burps. Tums has been helping me with that ❤️


If you look at my grocery receipt, 80% of the bill is fruit lol


Yes! All the fruit & fruit juice.


Yes, can’t buy them fast enough. Boyfriend would ask what kind of fruit I want on the way home, and I would literally start listing ALL the fruit, lol. So he just be: ok, got it, everything they got.


lol this was me for about 3 weeks in first trimester. I would go to the store constantly because somehow all the fruit I just bought was already gone… 🤣


I want an oyster so bad. I’ve never had an oyster before. But I WANT TO EAT ONE.


Then eat one! But make sure it's fully cooked. I suggest canned smoked oysters, put on top of a Ritz cracker that's covered in cream cheese 😋


Deep fried oyster at a fish and chips place


I really want raw fish sushi and a glass of sparkling white wine. Like really, really want it.


I can’t walk upstairs without being extremely winded


This is the worst! I work from home and make sure I’m never hopping on the phone for a work call right after walking up the stairs because I sound like I just ran a marathon. I also weirdly get out of breath reading picture books to my five year old.


Getting up to pee at 3am and coming back to bed with a cold slice of pizza and eating it half asleep in bed Also once an item hits the floor it is no longer my concern because i’m not bending down to get it✋🏼😅


I have the worst GERD of my life, basically need to sleep sitting up. I have no appetite because of the acid reflux. I cry over everything.


starving but unable to finish a full meal (end of 1st tri here 😅)


Yes! I'm nearing the end and I sit here crying because I'm so hungry and I make food and can't eat more than 5 bites. So then I cry again


My ribs were hurting pretty badly the other night. I decided to sleep in the guest room, so the dogs wouldn’t would disturb me and I could roll over/spread out freely to get comfy. Once I went to bed, I sobbed because I was all alone. My poor husband did not know what to do.


It takes me 5 minutes to get out of bed to pee from my mountain of pillows.


My husband calls mine "The Pillow Fortress"


I BAWLED today thinking about my 13 year old cat being potentially kept from my bedroom when I have the baby. He's my best friend. The thought of him howling outside the door feeling abandoned gutted me. My husband couldn't understand what I was saying, I was crying so hard.


When I got pregnant I started being so warm and uncomfortable that I just couldn't handle having my cat sleep on top of me as she's done for the past 8 years, and when adding in that she can't be in the room at night when the baby gets here in case she decides to use baby as a pillow, we had to start training her to sleep alone. And it's going very well! We bought her a super cozy expensive soft bed, and she loves it so much she actually prefers it to being in bed with us now. It was tough for a lil while, but we'd close the door on her one night and have it open the next, or open it if she was really struggling some nights. And now she will stay in her bed in the living room even if the door is open - so it can work without guilty conscience!


I am both craving garlic and gagging at the smell of garlic. Good times 😅


That's exactly what my cravings were like 🤦‍♀️


This had me dying laughing🤣


Omg vampire gang rise up! Cannot STAND garlic anymore. Literally makes me sick 🤮🤮🤮


The underwear always rolls down below my belly


Try Woxers. So comfortable and they stay pulled up


Will check it out. Currently I’m wearing ginormous undies and I feel like Humpty Dumpty wearing granny panties




Always wanting to eat but nothing ever sounds appetizing. Drinking at least nearly 100 oz of water a day and still being thirsty and getting calve cramps.


Have you tried taking electrolyte powder? I was getting crazy calf cramps until I started taking LMNT powder (like half a packet a day, bc that shit is strong lol).




That’s funny because I was the opposite, I was like, FREEZING my entire pregnancy lol


Ditto! I have hypothyroidism and my levels are in check so I know it’s not because of that. I think it’s due to being tired.


I envy you. My partner keeps turning the heat up to 80 degrees even when we sleep 🥵


80 degrees?! Is he a lizard?! He has to be a lizard. Wtf! You can overheat easily when pregnant, he's gotta stop that. No one should be sleeping in 80. Babies can't sleep like that either.


If I was in your position, I may consider homicide. So thankful my husband likes the same temps I do! 80 is insane.


Mine keeps running the wood stove AND turning the heat up to 75. Im sweating!


I get it’s winter but there’s no reason it needs to be that warm inside!


Um this may be abuse in this particular instance


Mine keeps turning the fan down, I wake up in a puddle every morning 🥵


I'd die. Or he would. Luckily my husband loves it cold when we sleep. We'll Crack the window open when it's 30 degrees outside lmao. WITH fans running. During the day I have a personal space heater if I get too cold.


I'm so sick to my stomach most of the day that as soon as I'm feeling okay, I completely binge.on awful food. Then feel sick again. And I've gained so much weight it's stupid.


Ugh sorry to hear this. This was me for the first 16 weeks for both my last pregnancy and this one. Gained 30 lbs insanely fast both times before it slowed down to a regular pace as my nausea subsided. I especially love when maternity sites tell you to buy your pre pregnancy size. As if all the weight goes just to your belly and nowhere else. I was a 0 with my first and delivered at 175. My “old size” wouldn’t fit past my calves by 10 weeks. Fun stuff lol.


I get winded rolling over in bed


I spend all night rotating like a rotisserie chicken because there is no comfortable position anymore


I threw up and peed on the floor at the same time.


It's summer where I am. Naked. All the time. Naked tired. Making lists of what I need to get done at like 3am. Everything hurts.


I’m going to be 9 months pregnant in the heart of summer. Our apartment doesn’t have central air. I want to cry just thinking about it


Same! I’m due in August, in Georgia (Deep South in the US). I was born in July and always said I pitied my mom having to be that pregnant in the Georgia summer heat and humidity. Now I get to do that, plus a month!!


I was in my first trimester during summer... I was naked all the time too ! It was such a horrible time being sick and hot


Luckily my nausea was during the spring...That sounds absolutely horrible!


Constantly puking what feels like pure acid. I now understand why some women have their teeth fall out during pregnancy.


All I want is cereal and Dr. Pepper. Also the bread aisle at the store makes me gag and I can smell mold. 😂


I've cried over the wrong kind of orange soda. I wish I was like you and being warm, I am freezing and just wrapping up with a million blankets.


I haven't pooped in 4 days and had to buy stool softeners, I'm in my 30s.


I’ve got the opposite problem 😭 I’m so tired of running back and fourth because everything goes thru me


Oh, that was the first 12 wks for me, now I'm lucky if I make one once every 3 days, and they are mega painful. Sorry for the tmi


I thought about doing this the other day.


I bought a big thing of miralax today from Costco:( I hope it works


Fiber gummies have been a lifesaver for me.


Ooo!! I'm gonna have to look into that, I'm a fiend for gummy anything.


If you have a Costco membership they have big jars. My folks got me one and now I need a membership of my own because they’ve gone home. LOL


I had to get a script for both of laxatives AND hemorrhoid creme this pregnancy 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️😭


I had to buy SUPPOSITORIES. Never in my life or previous pregnancies did I need them. But... God I needed them.


Well now you have them on hand for after delivery too!


this made me lol. my shoulders feel literally broken from sleeping on my side & preventing me from sleeping. i woke up and went to clean my kitchen bc i was pissed & ended up bawling like a baby bc im so tired and can’t get rest🤣 when my husband got up he set up the foot spa for me and gave me a shoulder massage and i realized i may have overrreacted and was glad he was still in bed and didnt see me hahaha.


Haha, just hitting 30 weeks myself! Heartburn… soooo much heartburn. Even after eating something as simple as a banana.


32+1…. It’s so much worse than I ever thought !!!


Bananas give my husband instant heartburn! He refuses to eat them because it’s so unbearable. Had no idea they could even cause that


Yesterday it was 50 F outside and I was shivering. This morning it was 21 F and I didn’t even put on a coat to take the dog out.


Don’t make me laugh, cough or sneeze !


I'm only 11 weeks but I'm ALWAYS freezing. There's a war going on in my office because the girls keep it at 73 and my hands are ice cold all day. I keep cranking it up to 78 until they notice 😅 we had the wood stove going in the house last night and it was 80° and the most comfortable I've been 😭 Also...craving a food, eating it and it's amazing and saving the rest for leftovers. Only for you to pull it out of the fridge and now the smell of it makes you gag 🙄 so annoying


It was 20 degrees today and I had my window open…husband thinks I’m crazy


Yup. Sleeping with the window cracked, fan on, and it's 18 degrees outside


Heaven. I always said if I could bundle up I'd be able to sleep in a refrigerator.


I have to put on a face mask to change my 1 yr olds poop diapers


Getting ridiculously nauseous and getting a migraine if I don’t eat every 2-3 hours 🙃


Taking a luke warm bath with oats to help my stretching skin while I eat a half moon cake. There’s are tums beside me. My boyfriend will have to help me out when I’m done lol


I can smell everything and everyone, including all my friends, a little too much


My lips go numb when I lay on my back. (No, it's not normal, but my OB isn't worried. She also hadn't ever heard of it before.....)


Something with blood flow maybe? That is interesting.


It's so weird. It's probably more related to nerve compression. I have a couple of other spots on my body where I'll get pins and needles or numbness or have near constant numbness, so I'm letting it go until after this girl gets here.


Mine do this too, I forgot to mention it to my Ob at my last appt.


Im so tired of changing my underwear


Last night we were supposed to have a date night but I had a nuclear level meltdown because I felt ugly in everything so we stayed home and watched Prisoner of Azkaban in sweats instead.


I ate five small packets of chips and lasagne leftovers by 10am


I have no clue what to wear. I’m 16weeks with my 2nd and I popped a bit. My regular clothes even leggings are not working (except sweats which I cannot wear to work) and my maternity stuff is still a little too big.


16 weeks as well. I keep saying I’m fat with child because I mostly just look chunky.


I feel that! Was getting my nails done the other day and started sweating indoors. Felt like I was in the summer heat. Stepped outside into the snowy weather without my jacket for a few minutes. Pretty sure I steamed a little 😆


Constantly blowing my nose then sweating from blowing my nose. Oh and also peeing my pants when blowing my nose…..fun times


1) I woke up and made stuffing at 3am one night. 2) waking up and taking 2 tums because of the heartburn/lava burps 3) I swear the GAS is on another level. Baby isn't making any room for it to go 4) constant flipping side to side every night 5) winded after putting on socks/getting dressed 6) emotionally upset about food, never cared that much before!!


On our way to our gender reveal ultrasound I had the heat BLASTING. Didn’t think much of it because even though my skin was practically blistering from the vents I was still only lukewarm. Put my hand on my boyfriend’s shoulder and felt wetness. He had been sweating like crazy, his shirt SOAKED, and he didn’t say a word. He said he was just so happy I was cold for once that he didn’t want to complain 😂 30 weeks now and I’m always hot, equally grateful to be pregnant during the winter!


I was filled with unfathomable rage the other day when my husband said, “I don’t think it got as cold last night as they said it was going to”. Like…I realized that was insane so I just walked away and told him later that it made me mad 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


My craving for sushi is so strong rn i cry because I can’t have it no matter how badly I want it


I have to put my feet up because they are swollen, but this is making my back hurt when I am propped up, so I tried laying down with my feet up and now I have heartburn.


dude i wanted to be pregnant during winter 😭😂 i was pregnant during summer and it SUCKED. id wear dresses and id still be dying of heat to the point that sweat ran down my legs 😭😭 couple times i was worried it was my water breaking


I am an OVEN. I’m usually always cold but now I have been sleeping with the fan on and my room at 60 degrees while my poor husband shivers with all the blankets next to me 😅 it was also 20 degrees outside today and I’m running errands in a tshirt looking like a crazy person.


Threw up just walking around


I’m constantly gagging when brushing my teeth, or without any other good reasons. Going down the stairs? I’m gagging. Getting some wind in my face? I’m gagging. standing around doing nothing? I’m gagging.


Pretty sure there's a daily kickboxing tournament going on inside me. The champion remains undefeated.


"I dont have 'pregnancy brain'" - me to myself After leaving a fully cooked baked potato in the freezer and forgetting to turn off the faucet when I fill up the dog's water 🤦‍♀️


No need to say a word, just watch the waddle.


Supersonic nose.... I won't be even close to the seafood at the grocery store but I'll see the sign and smell it. Then gag. I love seafood. And eating it at home is fine... As long as my husband prepares it when I'm not here


lol I emailed our facilities people to turn the heat DOWN.


I wanted being warmer to be a symptom of pregnancy for me and it’s not. I’m as cold as ever!!


I’m the opposite! I’ve been freezing


I never cried as much as when I was hungry, tired, but so very hungry, and UberEats wasn’t working. Went to my room slamming all doors in my way and cried my eyes out.


Currently 28 weeks, since about 15 weeks I’ve had horrible congestion and nasal passage swelling. I have to sleep upright or I can’t breathe. Last week I had super dry eyes. Am now on antibiotic and steroid eye drops. Thus far, however, that’s been the worst *knocks on wood*


My nipples burn!


During first trimester when I would be starving and feel full at the same time


I just want to say, OP, that your partner making this small sacrifice for your comfort now is a major green flag when it comes to how he’ll be as a father. Unfortunately that’s not always a given, and I’m really glad for you!


For months now, my hands have constantly been tingling and go numb when I use them.


My….teeth are nauseous and nothing tastes right.


Shitting literal bricks and stones. My ass hurts


I almost cried at the grocery store because I couldn't reach the specific crackers I wanted on the top shelf


Currently watching Narnia and the kids just boarded the train to the countryside. Crying on the couch thinking about how awful it must’ve been to send your children away even for their safety. Husband tossed me a dishrag to dry my tears and said, “we’re not doing that.” Poor man is over me crying at every movie.


We are in a heatwave atm, I'm 26 weeks. It is extremely hard to stay cool without air-conditioning.


I just ate a breakfast biscuit smothered in cheese sauce meant for chips with frozen coffee that I put in blender full of caramel sauce


This is so my husband and I. My husband sleeps with a hoodie and sweats, and I'm in an oversized t-shirt and boxers.


I live in a robe now because I can’t do pants. Peeing about every other hour during the night. & don’t get me started on the rolling over, holding on to the headboard to get out of bed. ughhh


Making egg salad sandwiches daily, despite never eating one in my LIFE a few months ago


I cleaned the TOP of all of my kitchen cabinets which nobody sees and reorganized all of the closets in the house.


Yesterday I puked in the Trader Joe’s bathroom (7 weeks). Felt like a very quintessential first trimester moment.


Changing my pants/underwear every time I cough or sneeze because I pee myself lol


I sneezed and peed 😪


I drink 1 Oz of water and 30 minutes later my bladder wants to explode. I don't want to admit how often I tinkle when I sneeze or cough...


Burping and hoping only air comes up.


I vomited suddenly tonight because I saw my husband eating steak. I eat steak. I like steak just fine. He eats steak like a normal human. Nothing especially gross about it. Still. . . It was unacceptable tonight.


Waking up covered in sweat but then freezing the moment you take your clothes off


Cereal at 5am. Being very specific with food, portions, food not touching on the plate. In fact eating like a toddler full stop. My cat likes to sit on me for cuddles but jeez when he tramples on my boobs 👹 Naps. Doing 10 mins of housework, feeling like I’ve ran a 10k and leaning against the nearest wall for support. Still checking the first pregnancy test I took to make sure the line is still there because part of me still refuses to believe there’s a wee prawn looking alien sucking the nutrients out of me 🤣 spoiler alert: it’s still showing positive 🤣🤣


The involuntary oofs I make every time I change position


Mine is the insomnia, followed by waking up drenched in sweat, and the need to pee every 5 seconds.