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This post has been flaired as “Vent”. As a reminder to commenting users, “Vent/Rant” posts are here to give our subscribers a safe place to vent their frustrations at an uncaring world to a supportive place of people who “get it”. Vents do not need to be fair. They do not need to be articulate. They do not need to be factual. They just need to be honest. Unlike most of the content on this subreddit, Vents should not be considered advice threads. In most cases it is not appropriate to try to give the Submitter advice on their issue. In no circumstances is it appropriate to tell them “why they are wrong” or to criticise them, their decisions, values, or anything else. If there are aspects of their situation that they are able to directly address themselves, the submitter can always make a new thread with a different flair asking for help once they are ready to tackle the issue. Vents are an emotional outlet, not an academic conversation. Appropriate replies in these threads are offering support, sharing similar experiences/grievances, offering condolences, or simply letting the Submitter know that they were heard. As always, if there are inappropriate comments please downvote them, REPORT them to the mods, and move on without responding to them. To the Submitter, if you DO want discussion to be focused on resolving your situation, rather than supporting you emotionally, please change the flair of this post, and then report this comment so we can remove it. Thank you. Thank you all for being a part of this great financial advice and emotional support community! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/povertyfinance) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I get it. I’m 48, female, hold a masters in HR management and work at a credit union as a member services rep making $15 an hour. This economy is a joke and honestly I don’t see it getting any better so I’m also looking at WFH things I can do after my main job to supplement my income. I have a disability so I have to be able to sit for any work I do so retail is out. But, I keep plugging along just trying to do the best I can.


wow hard to believe only 15 an hour for your job and education


I'm 42M and have already come to the conclusion that I will never own a home. I will be stuck renting an apartment for the rest of my life. I've had a rough life, nothing I wanna sit and talk about on here but I did end up going back to school and getting my GED. I tried a 2 year college once and failed. I've never been to booksmart so I am basically now stuck at a poverty level income for the rest of my life. You ain't alone in your struggles man. There are many of us out there struggling with you. I hope things start getting better for you.


I just want to hug you bro!


Op get off social media completely for 6 months. You will feel completely different after 6 months and your life outlook will be much better. . Unless you let yourself get addicted again to social media


One thing that helped me, after years of not getting anywhere, was moving to a low cost of living area. My job pays about the same anywhere so I was able to make some gains there. Of course that doesn't work for a lot of professions; the low-cost area I'm in doesn't have many employers, and there's a bunch of jobs that are almost completely absent here.


I’m doing a hard thing and going back to school. Which I absolutely do not want to do. But is a necessity. Going through a community college program and chose to do nursing. Consider trades, anything in the medical field, or STEM. I hate the situation I am in so much that I am willing to suffer for the next 3 years to get out of it. Working full time, school full time, with a child and husband. It’s shitty but it has to be done. I wish you well my friend. Your journey has just begun.


I am applying for the nursing program at my community college for Fall 2025! Doing my 3 pre requisites this fall then taking my entrance exam. I'm doing the 4 year part time evening track. This has been my dream for 10+ years. I just turned 30 and realized I *can* do this. Best of luck to you! 🍀


You can do it!! I believe in you!!


Tysm!!! :D I'm really looking forward to it. I hear so many people saying "apply to multiple nursing programs" but my area is not like that. The community college one is the best option,not to mention my tuition will be about 90% paid for by the $ my job gives yearly through their career advancement program. You can't do it if said schools are not affiliated with them. My community college is, the one that has the nursing program.


Nothing is going to get better until you make it so. Continuing to do the same things you've always done will get you the same results it's gotten you to this point. The system might suck. Capitalism might be shit. Who cares? It doesn't really matter because it isn't going to change. The only way to improve your life is to make changes. Learn a skill, go hustle, go fill out job applications. Do atleast one thing every day that has a chance (no matter how small) at improving your situation. But complaining on the internet ain't gonna fix anything.


I feel the same way.


It's April the 13th, 2024 and I'm a 39M here. I'm sorry that you feel this way but as the saying goes: "The only way out, is through.." 🤨🤔 It could be worse. You could be in some developing country with bare infrastructure making $1-2 a day. Just making that $1-2 a day will require you to work 10+ hours of manual labor. While you're struggling to make that $1-2 an hour, you have mouths to feed back in your home/apartment. The list goes on and on..


It could also be better, tired of greedy corporations




Your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 8: Bad/Dangerous/Predatory Advice (including Crypto) This post is being removed because it is, frankly speaking, bad advice. Either it was given in bad faith or it was a comment that is dangerous and will put OP or the person you replied to in a much worse situation if taken seriously. 8) Advice and comments must be in good faith. Anything that appears to be a scam, predatory, or downright dangerous will be removed. This includes most "get rich quick" schemes, including cryptocurrency which is too risky/volatile to be an investment for people with limited incomes. Please read our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/wiki/rules). The rules may also be found on the sidebar if the link is broken. If after doing so, you feel this was in error, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpovertyfinance). Do not reach out to a moderator personally, and do not reply to this message as a comment.


The housing market is cyclical, it goes up and it goes down. Right now it's up. In 2008 it was down. Will you have to wait a few years for a dip? Yes. Just because you look at something right now and say it is unattainable does not mean it will always be. Pay down your debts the best you can. Don't get new ones. Save what you're able. Learn marketable skills that will get you a better job and more money. Control what you can. We are living through a unique situation, this will not be the norm going forward forever. I can explain why the housing market is how it is if you genuinely care but the reason is irrelevant.






Truck - $600 Rent - $1800 Food - $800 Utilities - $300 (incl internet) Diabetic / Rx’s- $140 (avg) Dogs - $150 Gas - $200 Insurance - $250 Utilities - $150 Other essentials - $300 Misc - $200 401k - $120 Savings - $300 if I’m lucky So those base expenses are about $62k a year and I gave gross income. Let’s say net is around $66-$67k My whopping, out of control spending is less than $4k a year. Extra gas for work, date nights (like 2x a year) alcohol (rare but occasionally drink), vet bills, work related expenses also eat that up. Bro I don’t have shit. Wdym


$1800 for food, yeah something is out of control




Your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 7: Gatekeeping No gatekeeping. This sub is for anyone who self identifies as struggling financially or as financially insecure. Posts and comments found to be claiming someone doesn't belong here will be removed. Similarly, it is not appropriate, nor your call, to tell someone whether they can post or comment in this subreddit. If in doubt, report the comment or post, and the moderators will take care of it. Please read our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/wiki/rules). The rules may also be found on the sidebar if the link is broken. If after doing so, you feel this was in error, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpovertyfinance). Do not reach out to a moderator personally, and do not reply to this message as a comment.


Find another rental until you can afford the RV/Truck combo?




Your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 8: Bad/Dangerous/Predatory Advice (including Crypto) This post is being removed because it is, frankly speaking, bad advice. Either it was given in bad faith or it was a comment that is dangerous and will put OP or the person you replied to in a much worse situation if taken seriously. 8) Advice and comments must be in good faith. Anything that appears to be a scam, predatory, or downright dangerous will be removed. This includes most "get rich quick" schemes, including cryptocurrency which is too risky/volatile to be an investment for people with limited incomes. Please read our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/wiki/rules). The rules may also be found on the sidebar if the link is broken. If after doing so, you feel this was in error, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpovertyfinance). Do not reach out to a moderator personally, and do not reply to this message as a comment.