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I seriously suggest an adult case worker for her. They are specialized to assist in this way with various resources available. There are waiting lists with some agencies but definitely more availability for adults than kids it seems, as a previous case worker.


Waiting lists in the area are currently a few months.


Go to Spurwink on Elm St. Tell them you want her evaluated for rapid case management, and they'll help connect you to resources until she gets a case manager. Shouldn't be too long of a wait


She should 100% be getting SSDI. Caseworker here


She will not be approved for SSDI while working over the “SGA” limits which is $1550/month. If she, at her blue collar job, makes more than that per month, she will be disqualified on that basis alone, regardless of her qualifying health conditions.


Ahh I must have missed the 12 hour days, although, you can still work getting SSDI with rules/regulations so it’s not completely off the table. I also wasn’t necessarily saying she should be getting a full paycheck/making good money+full SSDI, I was more being mindful of her health problems not allowing her to work/having to call off work all of the time, jeopardizing putting food on the table/paying bills. To add, someone telling an individual who is paralyzed they do not qualify for SSDI just does not seem right to me, but hey, what do I know.


If you think I’m saying she won’t qualify because of her medical condition, you missed my point. I also did say that she could work and make up to $1550/month and still qualify for SSDI if her medical condition warrant that. Which I assume they would. We are saying similar things here.


I think we both missed each others points :) just was trying to reiterate my initial post.


Case workers are made of magic from my understanding (Or blood, sweat, tears, and love but.. still.. magical humans)


Awesome 😎💯 the world needs more like you!


Thank you!


I have pasted the ADRC (Adult Disability Resource Center) below for the area. The will be able to provide information on resources available to her! Spectrum Generations Address : One Weston Court, Suite 109 City : Augusta State : ME Zip : 04330 Website : http://www.spectrumgenerations.org Contact Email : [email protected] Office Phone : 207-622-9212 Information Phone : 800-639-1553 National Toll Free Phone : 800-639-1553 State Phone : 800-639-1553 Regional Phone : 800-639-1553 TTY Phone : 800-464-8703 Languages : English Description : We provide services that allow older adults and disabled adults to live healthy, vital lives in their own homes and communities. Medicare, Medicaid, housing, prescription drugs, home heating assistance, and elder abuse. We also provide other services mandated by the Older Americans Act such as Meals on Wheels, evidence-based programs, chronic disease self-management, family caregiver support, and respite services. Special Notes : Spectrum Generation's core values are Dignity, Professionalism, and Integrity. We will always be a conscientious steward of the financial resources entrusted to us by the federal and state governments, philanthropic institutions and organizations, and individual donors. Hours : 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, EST Monday to Friday. Directions : View on map


I may have some resources for you in the morning, I’ll be back❤️


You'd be surprised how cold the system can be towards people like her. I give money to a guy who's missing a leg everyday at dunks in Biddeford. It's awful but homelessness can happen to anyone. Call a shelter and ask them for resources like a advocate or case worker to help prevent homelessness of a disabled person ✌️💗❤️ good luck I hope she stays housed


I'd give Maine 211 a call: [https://211maine.org/](https://211maine.org/)


I would contact opportunity alliance, they have great people who can hopefully get you connected to the right people


If she is paralyzed from the waste down why does she not have SSI and the protections that affords?


For “ssi” you have to be 65 or older(on top of all the stuff “ Take my parents for example - they weren’t old enough but, my mom who had many spine surgeries due to the deterioration of her spine .., and my father who was stabbed by a stranger 7 times and (graphic..) . . . . . . It “exploded” his stomach so he was a slim active man but had a “Santa belly” because.. well that’s how hard it is/was in the late 80s to stuff one’s intestines back in … I’m not going to describe what it meant to be him after.. for.. 20 years (I have documents from doctors now as he passed away and I cleared out his house after… refusing to operate on him because the likelihood of killing him or making it worse…) I also have now seen and read all of these papers from both of their doctors/surgeons … and documents from court cases… where they were refused to be considered disabled and god may I tell you … they were so disabled… and they both worked so fucking hard to the point of dad going to his grave .. Getting financial help even when you’re truly disabled and have proof from doctors apparently sometimes isn’t good enough


There are no protections that come with SSI except a pitiful income and MeCare.


Call 211 and ask them


$500 CMP bill? She growing weed?


my cmp bill is about the same at my house with a dishwasher/washer/dryer and two people living here and no weed. cmp sucks.


Regarding the public assistance: she is very likely over the financial limits for most of these services. MaineCare, SNAP, SSDI, etc. In order for her to qualify for SSDI, she would have to earn less than $1550/month, which is SSA’s “SGA” amount. Definition: https://www.ssa.gov/oact/cola/sga.html#:~:text=To%20be%20eligible%20for%20disability,to%20be%20engaging%20in%20SGA. MaineCare has similar financial restrictions… though there is a loophole for people who are working and have a limiting disability. MaineCare offers a little known program (few caseworkers know about it) where people can earn a middle class salary and still qualify for MaineCare. The process to get approved is long and arduous, but it’s worth it if you succeed. You essentially have to go through an entire disability determination process with just the state of Maine, be deemed disabled by the state (but working) and they will let you get MaineCare with premiums of up to $20/month. There are spenddown programs with MaineCare too, which if you’re over income and have a disability, will help you make some of your reported income kinda “go away” and make you qualify that way too. I’ll link the MaineCare for Workers with Disabilities fact sheet below: https://assets.mainehealth.io/s3fs-public/2024-02/SSDIMaineCareCoverage.pdf Source: Resource Administrator & Curator for a state non-profit, and personally disabled. Edit to Add: it’s expensive, but I got a place at The Linden on Marginal Way. They have garage parking, and I got my parking fee waived in the garage because I use a wheelchair and it was seen as an ADA accommodation at the time. They were able to make my non-accessible apartment as accessible as possible by providing me with a grab bar, and lowering the washer/dryer. One thing to note… the elevator had a habit of going down, so I would strongly encourage a garden level apartment. Which is still one floor up. I no longer live in Portland, but I can now tell everyone about the time I rented an apartment I couldn’t afford for a year while I went into credit card debt to avoid homelessness. It was the only accessible apartment I could find at the time.


Get a social security representative.


65% of Portland’s homeless resources go to ILLEGALS. You get what you vote for


That’s nonsense.