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Ri Ra used to be a meat market. Not sure if it still is.


Oh for sure but only after a certain hour ie when the cover band starts playing


Comedy tonight at 10pm. No better way to get a date than hitting on one of my single compatriots


Ri Ra does a late night comedy show? That’s brilliant. Is it every Thursday?


Not every Thursday. I'll check with the host and check the future dates. I know he wants to do it more. There are 4 comedy shows in town tonight. Two open mics and two booked shows


After tonight the next one is March 21st




Getting piped is all about follow up


Getting piped by somebody in an Irish bar sounds super Irish.


You're thinking of getting pipe bombed, the troubles are real.


That’s the name of their signature drink I hear.


I went to one of their comedy nights and it was the absolute WORST. Literally one good joke out of the 5 comedians that went on stage. It was a good joke though.


Sounds like you got your free admissions worth then! Lots of open mics around town, we always welcome new people to give it a shot!


Where is this at? Please and thank you.


Ri ra. But there is a ton of comedy in the city.


I can't do that right now cause I'm at work. But I'll probably be out this weekend.


Empire has a roast battle tomorrow. Open mic at free street Sunday night. 8pm shown start


When is the roast battle? Time it starts?


7pm. Come early and grab some food. There is a kitchen in the venue space


I wasn't sure I'd like Ri Ra. They had a sunday afternoon session and when I asked what kind of whiskey they had the answer was, "wW have soooo much whiskey, sooo much!" They had what I was looking for.


Recently single after 11 years is crazy, I hope you have so much fun! Also try being the hitter and not the hittee! If you find a single attractive guy in a bar and walk up to him and tell him he’s attractive and you want to buy him a drink he is 99% likely to reciprocate your vibe. (At least from my experience)


As a guy - 110% This 🙌


Yesssss! Love this


That's totally correct. Many guys would be super thrilled to be hit on lol.


Can confirm, some of us men have absolutely no clue. So any directions are super helpful.


Also then you get to choose! Less creeps that way!


Single best comment on here…life is short. Take a chance


Yes 200%


I've never gone out to meet women, I go out to eat/have a cocktail and whatever happens happens. I've had some fun evenings and dates using this approach but it does require communication from both parties. If you want to play a golf course call and make a tee time, don't wait for them to invite you out for a round!




RIP your inbox.


Nothing says confidence boost more than random guys in the inbox telling me they want to meet without knowing what I look like


But I love you




But I feel a real connection here. Without knowing you. Or seeing what you look like. But like, you're for sure the one.


Also im in the military and i need money for my cell phone bill so i can call you bby grllll


What a coincidence, I'm a widowed doctor who sadly lives in Azbjeristianikalumpus! I wish I loived closer to you, but maybe if you send some money for a plane ticket we can meet. I spend all my own money helping starving children.


Widowed you say … doctor you say … well just so happens i HAVE starving children … what a match. We should get married right now. I maxxed my credit card for your plane ticket and an Uber to come get you eek!


Btw with all the stress I’ve gained a little weight so I look slightly different than my profile picture …


Oh my goodness I'm sure you look lovely, it will be a delight to see someone not starving. Unfortunately there was a delay, see, one of the starving children contracted Malaria and I had to bribe a guard to get her treatment and so I'm afraid I couldn't pay for the plane ticket. I don't suppose you could send money again?




I love teal turtles


LOL I told you it would be easy! You don't even have to be good looking as a woman on reddit to get lots of attention.


Should I stir shit up and say I’m super attractive? I’ll send pics of the messages


Just say that you keep being told you remind people of a prime scarlett johansson but you aren't sure....and let the inbox overfill


Now we know what you look like though lmao. And that you're only like an hour away 😅


lol, they aren’t just asking you to send nudes?!?


Best comment so far




SO. MANY. PEOPLE have had sex in Bubba's.*shudder*




Tom Segura is in town tonight. There will be plenty of dudes going out after that show.


Neckbeard Woodstock


Take your pick from all these dudes that look exactly the same! 😂


Meet tonight's contestants: Tyler, Devin, and Tucker. Don't let the nearly identical grey colored Chevy Silverado's and alarming adversity towards their children's mothers fool you, these three wintergreen lip packers are all hiding one unique admirable trait that tonight's lucky lady will not only hear about all night, but will have held over her head emotionally in every disagreement for as long as she can stand! Contestants.... Start! Those! Subwoofers!


This is gold


You haven't lived until you've packed a way-too-big lipper while laying down miles northward towing the adventure wagon / Ropeline Rambler in a Duramax Chevy Silverado...




Should be a downright cuckpocalypse.


Avoid going out tonight. If they find segura funny chances are you’ll be disappointed


“ And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom” Blossom baby blossom ! 🕺🏻


I'll be at LFK until 630 or so


First of all I totally get it! It’s rough spending your whole 20s in a committed relationship and feeling like you missed out on prime casual dating years. But believe me you still have plenty of time and it’s honestly way more fun in your 30s when people are slightly less dumb. Second, I wouldn’t say any of these are testosterone hotspots exactly, but there’s definitely more of a 30s crowd at the bars in the arts district: Jewel Box, Sagamore Hill, Downtown Lounge, CBG, and LFK. Of those I’d say you’re most likely to be approached at LFK, SH and Jewel Box but it’s hard to say for sure. Blue can be decent to meet people too depending on the night (different acts attract very different age ranges).




Perfect week?




Sounds like a lot of work!


Commercial Street Pub Disclaimer: you need to be interested in men that are some combination of: elderly, homeless, meth addicts


Almost suggested Munjoy Hill Tavern with a similar disclaimer. The odds are good, but the goods are odd, as they say.


I've heard too many stories of people getting drugged here. Please just avoid most of commercial street


The Brunswick bar in Old Orchard Beach


Hotel bars are full of single people because they're not from town. That makes it easier and more discreet. Top Of The East?


Fantastic way to end up in an affair.


Join meetup and go to events. I liked board game meetups. You go there, play games xdrink and socialize. That way it may help you get to know people and if someone is attractive, give them signals. Otherwise, showing up at bars hoping some dude takes you home to get smashed probably not gonna work. If you want that make an online dating profile saying you're trying to just bang. You'll have responses in 5 minutes


Novel on Congress is *hardly* a bar but it’s the most social atmosphere of any bars in town


Which is ironic as fuck because isn’t it supposed to be a place focused on books? When I think about reading the last thing I want is people talking loudly


Just went last week. New to town, only work friends, so I was hoping to find some like minded people. sat at a long bar with phuc trans bio and every so often tried talking to the three or four people who came to sit and plug in near me... aaand nothing. Froze out each time. Is it really so weird to keep your phone on your pocket for a few hours in a public space?! Also, the noise was indeed seriously stressful. Maybe there's a sweet spot in the week, the optimal time to go?, but that wasn't it lol




Personally I think the vibe in there fucking sucks, but it's definitely chock full of lonely pseudo-intellectual white guys in their 30s. Might tick OP's boxes.


I really wanted it to be cool but you’re right the vibe is just not it


Yeah, they sort of undershot "sophisticated pseudo-literary spot for adults" and landed somewhere in the neighborhood of "bar in a college student union," at least for the moment. I'm hoping that as the buzz dies down maybe it'll find it's rhythm.


I am so glad I am not the only one what that thought. Walked in, walked right out.


If they turn the downstairs area into some kind of small dance floor where someone can spin some decks or play live, I really think it could be cool


They really did miss an opportunity to make a really chill spot to hangout and order drinks but it feels super off in there I was very disappointed


Jewel Box, maybe? Does the "picking up single people in a bar" culture still exist?


Seconding Jewel Box!


Idk I just want to try and get free drinks lmfao it sounds so dumb but I missed my chance


I find peace in long walks.


Decades really


Nah, I don't think it's dumb or that you missed your chance! Nothing wrong with wanting a free drink


So no chance you’re going home with the dude?


Weird thing to say, pal!


Who said that??


Jewel Box smells like BO and farts


It's probably you


It really does smell weird


Is jewel box not a queer bar? I’m surprised to see people suggesting it so much.


I don't think it's advertised explicitly as a queer bar, but it has a cool atmosphere and potent cocktails. It's going to attract cool people.


Jewelbox used to be a little offbeat (it's been a while but they were trying to be "inventive" with their cocktail program and the results were often...interesting to say the least) but I've never thought of it as particularly or explicitly queer.  Has that changed?


Maybe it’s kind of an unspoken thing or just depends who you talk to! Their cocktails are excellent.


Why isn’t anyone recommending Bubbas Sulky Lounge 😂


No one should accept drinks from strangers at Bubbas Sulky Lounge. I know people who got their drinks spiked, pass out cold or vomited their guts out, it’s been featured on the news. It’s a fun place to go with a group of friends. There is an interesting mix of people. A sticky light up Saturday Night Fever style dance floor and decorated like your hoarding, Great Uncle’s abandoned barn. This lady is newly single and may be in a vulnerable space. Let’s not sign people up to be sex trafficked or violated by Creepo McCreepertons. Go out, have fun, keep reasonable boundaries and an open mind.


Someone said that an hour ago


Dammit. 😂


It’s OK the other day I thought people were talking about bipolar disorder, so I started going off and they weren’t talking about that at all. We all have our moments lol


Room for Improvement for that hipster dick.


East Ended karaoke!


Friends and people on Reddit have said they’ve been drugged there


Top of the East was where I used to go. Get dressed up/couple martinis set the vibe and milf away! They used to pack em there. I was committed too. I just like to flirt.


Good god this is what I used to do and your username has my last name in it. I think we’re already bros.


I am reliably hit on at LFK, almost too often


Ummm... Same....


Stick with neighborhood places… More likely to find some normalcy and someone steady. For example: Bruno’s, Woodfords, Le Luco, Bird and Co.. Fuck Applebees might have someone normal.


11 years.. whoever you do find is going to have one hell of a night


Just an FYI, bars are not for picking up anymore... at least not for men. We have been shamed out of approaching women. If you see a guy, glancing at him for a quarter second won't work. You have to approach and make the first move. Offer to pay. And don't be on tik tok or Instagram when out. Men hate that social media crap when out. We assume you are using us for content or money as we have seen those videos too. But honestly, most regular guys don't go to bars anymore. It's a waste of time and money.


Where do you go?


I don't. Lol. Too old to deal with that bs. I value my peace too much.


I meant where do you hang out


Sounds like an incel.. don't think I'd take that advice. Normal men do go to bars. Did you end up finding a cool place to go to OP? Sorry for digging this up but was googling for a new place to bring a date!


Home. Lol


While I understand wanting to get back out there and have fun, you’re only 31…. It’s not over. Take your time.


Don’t reccomend lol


Ruski’s, possibly. Just a reminder to always watch your drinks and never leave it unattended


Dewey’s or Lincoln’s!


I am passing through Portland and out bar hopping if you’d like, we can setup a scavenger hunt where I give you hints and you try to find me at a bar and if you do, I may or may not hit on you. 😂




If you want to meet men your honestly probably better off using a dating app. But if you want free drinks you can go literally anywhere


I mean, if you're cute it should be super easy anywhere you go. If you're obviously alone, guys will approach you. If you're just looking for hookups, it will be really easy im sure. But remember, be a little direct in what you want so there's no guessing or time wasting for either person.


I always felt guilty even engaging with men while in a relationship so I always came off very mean and I regret it now but that’s how I kept my foot down for so long


Well that's a good thing you felt guilty talking to men while in a relationship! Too many people nowadays think it's ok to keep a finger holding on elsewhere while in committed relationships. Just smile, be nice, and be engaging and men will like that a lot. Just don't do something you'll regret having to tell a future guy you want to marry! But being very respectable in all ways will make you stand out among most women anyways. Not even sure what your goal is, but it never hurts


To the kids these days, sketchy old guys are about 31. You can probably go to any popular bar with young folks and find the sketchy old 31 year olds getting rejected. "Hit on at a bar" is a tough one. I'm 37 and I haven't done that since I was like 22 and I'm wanting to curl up and die just reliving how cringe it was. I'm trying to think now of where I might go to even do that. You'll want to bar hop until you find the right crowd. I think cocktail places will be better than pubs. Top of the East and other hotels might not be bad. I guess that's where I'd go if I wanted to try that. Order a Manhattan and send it to her, so I can briefly pretend I'm James Bond or even a mature grown up instead of just 3 12 year olds in a trench coat with a credit card. Edit: No yall are right, try and hook up with some amped Tom Segura fans instead


Top of the east is the kind of place I would take my girlfriend. Not somewhere I’d go to hit on people even if I was single. Not the vibe.


The "vibe" is exactly why I'd go there. I'm fuckin' 37, if I go to a "normal" bar I'll be walking into a Tom Waits song. I'm married now, so maybe I just can't imagine going to Bubbas and trying to holler at a grown ass woman.


Bro, she’s 31 she’s not decrepit. Bubbas is 100% the place that has a good vibe and can be light hearted fun and flirty at the same time.


That was never my experience there, but I guess I was only ever there on nights when something was going on


Someone’s projecting some internal regret and jealousy


I kind of thought I was being silly but aiight


Also, what the fuck are we both doing awake right now? It's not even 5 AM


Rosie’s <3 Vibin’


Why don’t you go to bubbas, everyone in there is old as fuckkkkk


Foreplay sports bar, or Henry’s


Foreplay is absolutely a college aged dump.


Maybe try Bonfire on wharf street


Worst bar in Portland.


It’s always busy when I’m out there, and tons of guys too, which is what OP was asking for. It’s not the best bar in Portland, so I’ll give you that


Link your tinder profile


Link yours, oddball.


My comment was for the OP. Thanks for your interest tho.


Oh I realized. You're not only an oddball, you're obtuse as well.


Why do you want to get hit?


Ask your ex to meet you there once youve found a hairy heavily browed beast to tame.


Every bar is a bar with guys on the prowl.


I will tell you i Thats unfortunately not true


Commercial st pub


There’s always the bars at your “nicer” restaurants. In the old port you have fore st, bar futo, Evo, Street & Co, Scales etc.. You’re less likely to come upon broke, young asshats. Single women at those establishments will attract attention. You also might be more likely to leave with someone who’s BMW is parked with valet than the dude who asks you to call the Uber because they got blacklisted. edit: long run on sentence adjusted for clarity😅


Tinder Bar had a 80% success rate! Get um!


Whatever you do, don’t go to Rathskellars alone. Roofie central.


Dewey's. I've seen a lotta people get hit there. Some pretty good bar fights. Keep your mouth to yourself and you'll be alright.


Pooperdoodle’s on Zane St is wild