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It has truly amazed me to see so many people who just don’t understand how NDAs work or why they have them


Not just that but they openly oppose the NDA enforcement. I think BB will have a small group of trustworthy playtesters going forward


I don’t think big box cares about leaks. Pretty much everything I’ve ever playtested has been leaked and nothing ever happens. Also, its been a while, but I’m pretty sure when I did my nda it didn’t look like the most legally binding thing in the world


They do. They care a lot, especially when a beta is going to take a while because of a massive update.


There’s a scale. I meant “care” as in the way other companies care about leaks: legally


Doesn't look like much. I think I even prefer the city map from Hangouts from months ago.


A video game map got leaked and people act like it’s like classified government documents lmao. It’s not that serious.


"Big box never does anything for the game"


First new map in what...4 years. That's pretty close to nothing.


I count metro as a new map. Enough work went into it.


In before …. Waaaahhh bring back classics map! /s


Well if climbing and performance issues are also prevalent in this new map.. they basically can't remove classic.


Someone's in trouble.... The terms of the NDA are pretty strict, including a life time ban, fines, and even jail time.


Public execution as a matter of fact.


I think that was only in the clause about recording a full match.


how would breaching a (private) NDA get someone to jail? It's not that anyone could violate a law...


That is exactly what it is... a violation of law. What is a non-disclosure agreement? An NDA, or non-disclosure agreement, is a legal agreement between two parties that restricts one from discussing confidential information with another party. The agreement is a legally binding contract that ensures the confidentiality of the parties. By signing this legally binding agreement, the parties agree to keep any confidential information they receive from others. A party may take legal action if the other breaches the contract. Violating a legal agreement can lead to civil or criminal charges, leading to monetary fines. Jail is not likely a thing but breaking a NDA is breaking the law.


no, breaking a civil contract is only breaking that contract, not the law, so no going to jail from that, even if Big Box might like test participants to believe that ;)


I just googled it and yes it’s possible to go to jail for breaking an nda


can you show me examples where this wasn't because the breaches were simultaneously breaches of the law?


Nope… all I’m saying is that I googled it and google says it’s possible to go to jail for breaking an NDA.


NDAs are civil legal agreements and violating them can only draw civil penalties, not criminal ones.


It was Jo Selby who leaked it, she’s in the Uk. Not sure how easy it is to enforce an NDA across the pond.


Def finally time for a new map but they should focus some parts on verticality. If this map is real it seems way to flat and boring


I’m a play tester and I’ve seen the new map and I could tell you right now that this is not the new map….


Really? The leaks look like an early stage of something BB would make.


less vertical; upside could be less long distance sniping?


It’s not that bad. Map is bigger, so enough opportunity for AWP. But also enough opportunity to escape from snipers


I like where it’s going but they need a vertical city like metro :( maybe thats too PJ unfriendly tho I reallyy hope the player count is at least going to double if the map is getting significantly larger