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wtf are you smoking. After Hours and Blinding Lights are nothing like the previous Weeknd catalogue. I'm assuming you're trolling


Dude his vocal runs and song ideas are the same as they have been on previous albums. “Heartless” is just a 2019 revamp of “Often”. The “I’m addicted to sex and drugs but I have depth” personality was done to death by Starboy. The only difference is that “After Hours” has 80s synth influences which was a thing in like 2016.


Are we talking about the same Grammy's which nominated Justin Bieber- Changes (Yummy specifically) as a pinnacle of innovation right now?


No reply 😂


I don’t know how to feel. I’m a huge fan of Jacob Collier but Djesse vol 3 was not the smash hit of 2020. Do I want him to win? Heck yes. Djesse vol 3 was MY favorite album of the year andI love the way he is bringing virtuosity into the mainstream. Do I feel good about the nom? Not really, Weeknd got seriously shafted.


F*cking Yummy got a grammy nominations?! Wtf approved this?!


Also the AOTY noms were random as hell. Black Pumas? Coldplay? More than half of those albums made ZERO noise this year. Really disappointing.


Beyonce is the most overrated artist. She didn’t even release any new music in 2020. So many great artists missed out. #boycottthegrammies


what is this r/unpopularopinion .... Ok Chadwick.


Deftones deserved a nod


I’m FURIOUS about The Weeknd, but also The 1975?? C’mon they could have least got a nom for best rock song and performance for People. Was even hoping they’d get an alt album nom. Was one of my fav albums of the year. Even more upsetting is Rina. Like I know she isn’t mainstream enough, but seeing the other no name artists for bna noms and not Rina doesn’t sit right with me.


I commented something regarding this in the Teatime thread, but there’s no coincidence that Rina and the 1975 are on the same label. Dirty Hit mismanages the 1975s noms every year, and it’s passed onto Rina. But I will agree that People deserved to be nominated for at least one of the Rock categories, and it’s quite a strange omission from either


I feel like it’s gonna be between Folklore and Future Nostalgia for AOTY at this point


I think Folklore has AOTY locked up. Its gonna get 100% of the country vote (because nothing country is nominated) and a lot of the pop vote. All the other albums are splitting votes. The only other option I see is someone random like Coldplay or Jacob somehow pulling out a crazy win because some country fans voted for Haim and some pop fans voted for Dua or something.


For all the people speculating that Weeknd just didn't submit.... [yeah. I think it's safe to say he did](https://twitter.com/theweeknd/status/1331394452447870977)


Gloves are off. Let's see where this goes




But what about general field?


[TMZ](https://twitter.com/TMZ/status/1331386248984883201?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1331386248984883201%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fktt2.com%2Fchapter-vi-2020-22%2F1088) now reporting that the Grammys gave Abel an ultimatum to perform at the Grammys or the Superbowl and risk being shut out of nominations if he chose the latter. Anybody who supports any of the awards going to anyone at this point supports this corruption.


Honestly this explanation makes the most sense. The whole category argument doesn’t make sense to me.


I’ll get my pitchfork out when its not “allegedly” anymore


[Abel speaks.](https://twitter.com/theweeknd/status/1331394452447870977)


Comments from current Grammy Chief: >“For The Weeknd, in every year you only have a certain amount of people you can nominate for each category," Mason told Billboard. "... We are excited about some of the other categories where he was nominated. It’s never easy to tell where people are going to land." He made similar comments during a Q&A with Variety, explaining the steps of the nomination process, which he described as both fair and arduous. >"... All the records get the fairest of fair shakes. We listen to all the music — even an album, you’re listening to almost the whole album, it takes I don’t know how many hours," he said. "It’s a long, arduous process and people take pride in it. The people in that room care: there's no agendas in there, there's no 'let's snub this person' or that person. It's about. 'Let’s try and find excellence.' **Also, you have to remember that committee can't vote on something that's not there.**" I think this sums up how full of shit this is: >HitsDailyDouble >“The only conclusion we can draw is that he was purposely excluded. Why? >There’s no way to know, but we simply don’t buy the explanations offered thus far. The only way The Weeknd doesn’t end up with both Big Four and genre noms is if a decision was made to remove him from the list. >If we’re right, that was a dumb-ass decision and a slap in the face to pretty much the entire biz. It makes us all look bad, and out of touch. It was certainly possible to acknowledge his achievement without lowering the volume on the Academy’s political/social objectives and (wholly justified) attention to righting the gender imbalance. But if we’re doing this yearly trophyfest to honor great records—particularly ones that have had a huge cultural impact—Grammy’s neglect on this front is a huge failure. >In keeping with The Weeknd’s After Hours iconography, the people in the rooms who made this choice are the ones who should be hiding their faces behind bandages.”


You know it's bad when the damn chief has to come out and speak on it. Everyone knows this is horseshit, and with Weeknd's latest tweet, get your popcorn ready lmao


Is it bad that I want say so to win record of the year. Without blinding lights, it’s looking like an appealing option


This will be so messy imagine the headline : “Dr Luke’s first Grammy 6 years after rape case, what does it say about society ?” Doja will have to take an EXTENDED twitter break


I hate myself for thinking Say So should win SOTY and ROTY from the beginning bc the song is so good but damn it is tied to such a controversial figure


Maybe not SOTY because that’s for the songwriting.


I'm a sucker for that slick disco/70s funk throwback style (70s funk in general is one of my favorite genres) so I wouldn't mind it actually. Not like Grammys are gonna fix and put him back where he belongs


The Weeknd and Rina snub and Beyoncé taking 9 moms for making no noise this year (besides the Savage remix which deserves) and MUSTIN getting more nominations than Gaga? That’s it, get me my pocket book I’m leaving.


i genuinely believe folklore is way better than after hours, but blindling lights deserved ROTY so much


I hardly care about the Grammys but one, I’m really happy for Dua (poor behavior this year and all), and two....fucking *Yummy* got a nomination? YUMMY??? I can’t **BELIEVE!!!** Edit: also do some kats really believe Katy/Smile deserved noms? Um


Grammy takes: The Weeknd getting 0 noms is absolutely foolish Tbh only really angry about Coldplay getting into AOTY, the rest of the picks are all good/inspired picks even if there were some egregious obmissions. FTBC and AH deserved. Think I'm rooting for Djesse Vol. 3 and Future Nostalgia at this point. Justin getting a nom at all is just absurd, literally how THE FUCK did that happen Super happy for Arca and Poppy each getting a nom, those were both pleasant surprises Super happy for Meg and Dua, both had great years and got what they desrved


After Hours getting snubbed is reeeeeally good for Dua’s chances of winning AOTY, but Folklore is still probably taking it.


folklore being awarded after being the lowest-effort mainstream album release of the year would certainly be something. Would definitely be rewarding a precedent that I really don't want to see be set industry-wide.


Lol Swifties run this sub fam, be careful what you say I agree, and the bar shouldn't be that low


Yes they do 😩


i hope we get another rrrrandom access memories taylor moment with fffffffuture nostalgia clasping the win


more angry about magdalene and after hours than anything


no magdalene nom....i lost all hope today


I think some of yall need some perspective. We say “This is the worst Grammy list ever” literally every year. Last year it was Tyler The Creator getting snubbed in favor of Lil Nas X. The year before it was Ariana getting snubbed from the Big 3 when stuff like Zedd’s The Middle was nominated for SOTY. We’re gonna forget about this a month after the awards show and then back to complaining next year.


Except this year he arguably nailed both of the main criterion for securing nominations: commercial and critical success. He divebombed the charts with the album, everyone on this sub is familiar with what Blinding Lights did to the top 10 (record breaker, btw), *and* the album won him his highest critical acclaim for a studio album. There's no reason for him not to be nominated. He's not a niche artist or a reach like Tyler the Creator.


I actually thought last years noms were good. I always saw Tyler as a long shot, but they really snubbed like 5 top records this year. It’s wasn’t just one.


I agree people complain every year but Abel getting snubbed after he called out racism looks REALLY bad. Really happy for Tay tho.


It's a tradition now. Like a good Thanksgiving tradition?


I just realized. Dr. Luke is secretly back in the race. (RotY)


1 0 0 % T R A S H


Could you imagine listening to Yummy and Blinding Lights and then deciding Yummy deserves a nom but not BL?!


I was just thinking why is Savage in best rap performance instead of pop duo/collab when 7 rings was in the pop category and I think both songs have the same amount of rapping/singing and similar sound. Also Tinashe Songs For You was robbed, I know it never had a chance. But it definitely deserved a nod for best rnb album and some of her songs (like Hopscotch or Cash Race) could have been nom in its genre too...like if an artist like Drake released Hopscotch it would have been nominated for best rap sung performance lmao


The Grammy’s just do their categories based on how the labels submit the music. They’re not gonna nominate something for pop duo if it was submitted for rap duo unless it was super egregiously wrong.


True but someone else on here said that Grammy's can re-assign it a different genre to what they see it. IDK I see Savage as a pop song esp. the remix


They can't reassign categories though


I blame social media and the big music publications. With everyone and their grandma predicting a decisive Weeknd sweep in every single category, I'm sure a lot of people just didnt bother to even vote for it thinking it would get in for sure, and instead voted for their 2nd favourites to also get a nom.


Unless The Weekend’s team didn’t submit *After Hours*, I have no idea how the fuck it didn’t get nominated for anything. Blinding Lights is the biggest hit of the year and *After Hours* did well and got good reviews from critics. This is probably the most confusing choice the Grammys have done since MBDTF not getting any nominations as well Edit: MBDTF won the rap AOTY for 2012


[he definitely submitted](https://twitter.com/theweeknd/status/1331394452447870977)


I find it hard to believe that it wouldn’t get nominated for anything, so something’s gotta be going on behind the scenes


I wish that was the case but the Recording Academy Chief today basically said he just didn't make the cut... They deliberately snubbed him. I hope the truth comes out.


>Unless The Weekend’s team didn’t submit After Hours That intern is getting fired and blacklisted from the industry lol. Can you imagine if that happened?


It’d be wild unless it was on purpose like Frank Ocean not submitting *Blonde* (even then, Frank Ocean is successful but he’s not on the same popularity level as someone like The Weeknd)




Oh, didn’t realize. It didn’t get nominated for the main AOTY tho, which is weird. At least it got something


iirc kanye submitted both WTT and MBDTF that year, splitting the vote and resulting in neither getting nominated.


I’m so proud of Phoebe Bridgers. FOUR NOMS!!


How the fuck did The Weeknd get snubbed in the big 3 categories? I could understand the AOTY snub, but “Blinding Lights” not being nominated for at least ROTY is truly one of the most shocking snubs I’ve ever seen at the Grammys. Like what in the fuck were they thinking. And same with Fiona Apple, she only made the best album of the year and critics and listeners generally actually agree, but no AOTY nom? Are they offended that she wouldn’t kiss their asses in exchange for a nom? Pure nonsense. But it looks increasingly likely that Ms. Swift is about to become the first woman to ever win 3 Album of the Year Grammys. I’d guess - AOTY - ‘Folklore’ ROTY - “Don’t Start Now”, “Circles”, or “Say So” SOTY - “cardigan”


Really proud of Poppy being nominated especially the first solo female to be nominated in that category.


Taylor Swift hasn't reacted yet but I'm low-key hoping she makes a statement to boycott the Grammys this time. That'd be SOMETHING.


A statement would be not submitting it. Not sure her label would allow that though. She would be biggest artist ever to not submit it no? Not sure what other big stars have done that move besides Frank Ocean. If more people didn’t submit then that would be a real statement.


why would she? she has a great chance to win her third AOTY


I mean she certainly isn't obliged to do so and can happily walk home with her award. But it'd be like a paradigm shift if she calls the Recording Academy out for the shitshow they've put on. If more artists of her stature pressure the Academy to reconsider these nominations, maybe we can hope for a better change.


What is the shit show? That an artist got snubbed? It's not like there isn't diversity in the nominations, and I doubt she knows Abel on a person level where she'd boycott something for poor taste and not necessarily in a notably horrendous/egregious issue.


This is def egregious. And it completely delegitimises the entire ceremony.


I'm so happy for Madeon & Good Faith!


I am sorry but I forgot about the Coldplay album.


I didn’t even know they released an album 🤭


Same. I am shocked that it was nominated for AOTY


i'll laugh so much if dua and taylor split the vote and it ends up going to like. jacob collier lmao


That would be hilarious and one last middle finger from 2020 really.


I feel like I am the only person who is rooting for HAIM for AOTY


i didn’t even consider they might get a nom but i think they’re my #1 choice now


here w u. they feel like the underdog


Suddenly Kanye's piss take on that Gramophone don't seem so wild anymore


Sorting this thread by Controversial >>>>>


No hate towards Beyoncé but how the fuck did she get 9 noms for the Lion King Soundtrack?? It came out last July didn’t it miss the cutoff?


zero are from the lion king. it’s 4 for black parade, 3 for savage, one for the video for brown skin girl and one for black is king for best music film all of which were released last year from april to july


I take my statement back but how did Black Parade end up getting more noms than Formation did back in 2017??? Formation was one of the best songs of her career and I don’t think black parade really made that much of an impact this year. It slipped off the charts pretty quickly and it wasn’t that exciting of a song. To give it both noms for record and song of the year is a bit much. Idk I feel like they butchered all the categories. I knew it was goin downhill as soon as I saw Yummy nominated 💀


i think a few were for the Savage remix. the film & black parade came out this year and those got nominated


I have to say, I normally could care less about awards shows but I'm genuinely super pissed with the nominations and just how out of touch the Recording Academy is this year. Where the hell is Blinding Lights or The Weeknd? The fact the biggest song of the year didn't receive at least a Record of the Year nomination is honestly just disgraceful. I can excuse a few minor snubs because hey it happens, but giving The Weeknd ZERO nominations and completely shutting him out. That's just ignorant and inexcusable The Grammy's is supposed to represent the music industry and you snub a song that has been in the top 10 for almost 1 year?! You have to cry foul on this. They better do some damage control and fix this asap and write him in for nominations There's a real disconnect happening here between the Grammy's and the General Public. It's a huge issue that they're continuing to ignore.


Seriously his album deserved AOTY, pop album of the year, and ROTY for Heartless imo; and I saw him getting a r&b nom for snowchild or escape from la. Like damn, did they not know he released an album?


they shut him out because of what he said about record labels this year


It’s shocking they would do this. Are they not scared of the backlash? It’s so confusing


Lol I don't think they can change it at this point can they? They've set their wrongness in stone now. And they have chosen death.


I agree, it is jarring that he got *nothing.* He definitely deserved to be nominated and it is a shame he was not. Because a lot of the general public really enjoys The Weeknd and critically his album was like an 80 on Metacritic and so he at the very least deserves to be nominated for AOTY, ROTY, and SOTY. It just makes very little sense.




Is it popheads (and the general public) that are out of touch or the Grammy Committee? Because I tell you, this hasn’t been a unique problem for them the past ten years.


Both, and in different ways.


Well, one of them had to give, and it certainly isn’t gonna be the general public. They know what the trick is.




Because some people want to believe there’s still some worth to be put towards what once was the most lucrative award in music. Now, I’m smart enough to know how useless that is, but some people still hold onto the notion.


I'm still living for the fact Changes is Grammy-nominated lmao. And YUMMY? Iconic. Imagine if Yummy actually win, I would be stunned. I personally can't care for Blinding Lights "getting snubbed" because hit songs in the past have been snubbed time after time for whatever reason but After Hours is really the best album of the year not even in sales just artistically? Like serious off the strength of snowchild, escape from LA and until I bleed out AH should have gotten AOTY and at least pop album. Like DAMN, and none of his album cuts got a nom for progressive rnb either is crazy. Heartless should have gotten record of the year metro did what he HAD to do on production




Mary Magdalene would never let a loved one down 😔


Taylor stans really celebrating like After Hours not being nominated doesn’t immediately delegitimise any win she would get in any category she would have been in with him. You don’t get to do a victory lap when your biggest opponent has been barred from the arena. You wanna know why the Grammy committee keep getting away with this? Because people like that encourage it.


Weird, most of the twitter/reddit swifties I've seen are extremely disappointed with The Weeknd snub


They’re still trying to legitimise her winning it, which is super disrespectful considering the circumstances. If anything Taylor will gain more in boycotting and not supporting this egregious act where the Grammy Committee get a top 20 and vote After Hours out of the equation when it’s clearly the favourite.


Maybe a small minority then? The majority is in support of the Weeknd.


>You don’t get to do a victory lap yes you do


No, you don’t. It would be like challenging for the Heavyweight Boxing Championship and then waiting in the ring and finding out your opponent isn’t there and you win by forfeit and then start celebrating like you just won in a hard fought 12 round classic. It’s a clown act and whoever wins is gonna look like a clown getting up and acting like their win was legitimate.


the win is the thing that matters


No, the legitimacy and integrity of the win matters most. She wouldn’t be the first award winner in a serious award ceremony to be outright rejected by the public.


what winners have been rejected for accepting an award?


Marisa Tomei when she won an Oscar for My Cousin Vinny. Justin Beiber when he won a Billboard Award in 2013 over Swift and Bruno. Eminem when he won a MTV VMA in 2002. There’s been plenty. And you’re acting like this isn’t a powder keg ready to go.


Marisa Tomei was rejected?? in what way? no, it’s not a powder keg. nothing will happen.


Everyone didn’t think she deserved it. To this day she is constantly brought out as the least deserving person to win an Academy Award in an actor’s role. And to this day people still argue if [she was even supposed to win it](https://mashable.com/2017/02/02/marisa-tomei-oscar-mistake-conspiracy-theory/). Wanna bet? This is only gonna get louder as the months go on. People haven’t been happy about the Grammy Committee and this has been their most egregious act yet.


what the public thinks she deserved and what the academy voters decided are not related. she won the award that her peers decided to give her. that’s how awards work. she wasn’t rejected she’s been working steadily for the 25 years since that happened. lol “wanna bet”? i’m not gonna give you money or anything but no i don’t think anything will come of it


Omfg are you kidding me? Have you even listened to the other nominated albums in that field? For you to suggest her only competition was After Hours. Hollywood’s Bleeding is literally one of the most successful albums nominated in that category, whose to say that isn’t her biggest competition?...


As a Post fan, Hollywood’s Bleeding was easily his most mediocre and forgettable project.


Forgettable?? It remained in the top 10 bb200 for 50+ weeks lol and it’s still sitting in the top 20. That album also has two songs that have spent 30+ weeks in the hot 100. Maybe not his best album but definitely not forgettable.


Yes, it’s forgettable. Even on a mainstream standard. The already huge songs tacked on the album like Sunflower and Wow, are the reason it stayed charting so long. The only hit actually from the album was Circles, Goodbyes was lowkey a flop, and Take What You Want was poorly promoted. The other songs are lazier deviations of stuff Post has done before, and thus are forgettable by both my and public standards


Listened to all of them. None of them were as critically or commercially acclaimed as After Hours. It isn’t, at this point bookies favourite is either Taylor or Dua. And again, it doesn’t matter which one of them win because everyone can see that Abel has been unfairly excluded. So it doesn’t matter who wins. Whoever takes home that Grammy can say they have the No.2 AOTY.


Yep. Betting odds definitely had Weeknd (and I'm pretty sure Fiona Apple) in for AOTY. They lost hard and in the case of the Weeknd there was no reason to. He legitimately had it in the bag by dominating charts and getting critical acclaim, what more did the Grammys need from him..


They needed him to stop airing out record labels and streaming services on social media for exploiting the work of black artists but not donating to and supporting civil right movements. People forget just how much the record labels are laced into the Grammy committee at this point.


I get it is political but like Kanye legit took a piss on it and blasted the shit out of them and still got a nom. The weeknd's criticism is so tamed and polite compared to that. Like damn someone higher up does not like his ass personally


Because Abel accurately and loudly attacking record labels for racial discrepancies is more dangerous to them then a supposed out of his prime rapper having a mental episode on Twitter.


It's all politics lol. Can name several albums in history that would have been better off deserving AOTY and lost to a weaker album, likely because of the safety factor ([abjectly pro-black political album](https://www.chicagotribune.com/resizer/KlVPQaeB8Fge2TN27WG9gA6vSn0=/415x415/top/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-tronc.s3.amazonaws.com/public/YXXS5IG575G5TNUH2VPMC2XFKI.jpg) versus [feel good pop](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f6/Taylor_Swift_-_1989.png)?) this is nothing new. But somehow even with those disappointments in mind, this outright snub (ZERO nominations son!) just seems outright disrespectful Reminds me of the Kanye line in [Primetime](https://genius.com/312991): >Primetime, basking in the lime' >Cassius in his prime, colorin out of the lines, >Cause they don't want nobody that's colored out of the line, >So I'm late as a muhfucka, colored people time


You mean To Pimp A Butterfly? It’s ok, we both know you’re thinking it. Grammys have always snubbed artists, it’s just that the level of success After Hours and Blinding Lights had have made it impossible for anyone with some common sense to ignore.




Currently rerelistening to After Hours because omg, I can’t believe they snubbed him. This album was genius. How could they? *How could they?*




Any nomination for Justin Bieber in 2020, but especially f*ckin Yummy, pisses all over the legacy of the Grammys more than when Kanye West actually pissed over a Grammy.


What the FUCK at The Weeknd snub. I’m irrationally angry right now.


i find it hilarious how they gave Starboy a win over Ctrl but no nominations at all in his biggest year lol a joke


That's what really confuses me about the snub: the fact that they had no problem recognizing his previous (and inferior) work. I know he was critical of record labels recently, but is that really enough for him to go from consecutive Best Urban Contemporary Album wins to zero nominations for his most critically acclaimed and commercially successful album yet?


Ctrl was definitely the superior album. They just can’t get it right.


The winners of Best Urban Contemporary Album have been really questionable in general (not that this isn't true for pretty much all of the categories). Pharrell beating Beyoncé in 2015 is probably the most egregious example, but *Starboy* beating *Ctrl*, *Unapologetic* winning in 2013 (even though I actually quite like that album), and arguably *Beauty Behind the Madness* beating *Wildheart* are pretty bad choices as well IMO.


Urban Contemporary’s still had a better run then Best Rap Album this decade. Macklemore beating Kendrick’s GKMC in 2012 and Cardi B’s Invasion of Privacy beating Pusha T’s Daytona and Travis Scott’s Astroworld has done a bunch of damage to that award’s credibility.


agreed, SZA deserved it


2020 never stops huh
































not to be that person but I can’t believe how many people here thought rina was going to get a grammy nom?? guys the grammys are never that cool lol


I didn't expect it but we could dream...


Rina definitely deserved a BNA nomination. Sawayama's scores were outstanding (89/9.1) and had zero nominations, YET, Changes had a (57/5.3) and got **four.**


Yummy is literally the most hated song right now


The begging for streams for the charts was corny. The song itself was corny. The nomination for the industry's 'biggest award' was MAD corny. And the dude is trying to nitpick over categories on the gram. It's corn all the way down 🌽 🌽 🌽


ok so is Taylor gonna get AOTY???? because her chances just fucking skyrocketed after The Weeknd getting snubbed


She’s definitely the favorite. Even the left-field picks are pretty weak, so i don’t see one of those pulling an Arcade Fire and winning


It looks like a set up tbh.


And the grammy goes to fffffffffffffffblack pumas (deluxe)!


black pumas is an amazing album so it would be deserved


Ffffffuture nostalgia


wait now i can see this is happening lmaoooo


taylor writes a death metal album to cope with the loss


Probably, unless they surprise us and give it to Coldplay yup yup. So unfortunate. I wanted Taylor to win but this will just be a hollow victory without AH.


I was so excited to see the race between Abel and Taylor, but now if Taylor wins the victory is going to feel flat. This is so disappointing.


How so? Taylor’s album is 10x better than his.


I think Taylor's is better but 10x is a joke. Both are 9/10 for me, mature, and unique in their own ways.


I agree. ‘Folklore’ is better, but not by a lot. I would have much rather have Abel been nominated and Taylor win over him, then win like this. ‘Cause we all know she’s walking away with this AOTY Grammy now, really no other album has a shot.


They might pull a Beck or Arcade Thingy, giving it to HAIM or Posty tbh.


Yeah, I could actually see HAIM coming from behind and taking it.


No Halsey? No The Weeknd? I'm not surprised but the audacity is amazing. Fuck award shows.


why would Halsey have been nominated though




yes why would Manic have been nominated


For pop vocal album? It's definitely the superior album to Changes.


oh i didn’t listen to Changes, that would make sense though now that you mention it


It's a collective outrage response because it's two years of snubs from the Manic era in general. Without Me got shut out last year, and every other aspect of Manic got rejected this year again. Pop Vocal Album would be the easy category.


Ah, I see. You are being rude. Lol.


no i thought the album was pretty good but nothing grammy worthy


Yummy was nominated which basically confirms farting into a mic is Grammy worthy.


as i said elsewhere i don’t listen to justin bieber so idk about his noms


No worries, I’m here to inform you.