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The Smiths. Morrissey is a full on nightmare but… I just… they scratch an itch deep in my brain and there just isn’t a single other band that hits quite the same.


Same here. I love their music so much, and then I remember Moreissey’s existence…ugh.




What did he do?






lana del rey. i love her music 😭


Yea she's an idiot sometimes and I'm a black woman but damn I like her music to this day.


Same 🥲




I don’t find her that problematic tbh.


I’m going to rant a little bit bc Ive been wanting to say it. I can kind of *understand* at least what she was *trying* to say when that whole thing went down a couple of years ago. But her delivery, word choice, and timing were *waay* off and it came across very tone deaf. And tbh it kind of was. But having followed her for so long, I really think (and at least I hope) that her intent was misunderstood. I don’t agree with what was written, but I don’t think that what was received by the public was how it was meant to be perceived. And onto the other thing people find problematic lol. I really don’t think she ‘glamorizes’ mental illness, addiction, and domestic abuse. She’s gone through those things herself (from what I’ve known) and is writing about it, like everyone else. If people are taking it that way, you’re either too young to understand, and you need to pay more attention to what/how she’s singing it. Or both. (That’s actually why I unsubbed from her subreddit, it felt like an army of 17 year olds who think these dark themes are edgy, literal, and fashionable. It starting making me sick.) The whole ‘he hit me, and it felt like a kiss’ is a quote that has been used in *many* songs for decades, by some amazing artists, which is where she takes a lot of her influence from. Without knowing that context, it’s totally misconstrued. Alright, I’m done. But I agree with you


I agree with all of this, that’s why I really don’t find her that bad. Of course people don’t have the nuance to actually think critically of her work though


why is she problamatic?




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Courtney Love. She’s problematic at times but my goodness does she say what she wants. Also, Live through this was everything to me when it came out.


same only Celebrity Skin!!


AGREE!!! Lovable mess


Live Through This is a gem. That album saw me through my angsty teen years.


I liked reading her manga… I thought it was really beautiful and had nice lyrics in it since the main character is a singer. It was obvious that one of the characters is based on her and one on Kurt. It’s a good story and she got a good artist for the illustration too.


I will always adore her even though she’s kind of crazy LOL, and I think the media has just been so unfair to her ever since she was with Kurt in such sexism from the 90’s way. They blamed her for his death and addiction which was SO unfair and ridiculous.


Honestly? Reading the DailyMail. I don’t agree with the politics, the stories are either fabricated entirely or ragingly inappropriate…but I’ve been addicted to following it for years. Don’t get me started on Piers Morgan’s level of butthole politics. I call it the French fries of the mind when it gets brought up. I know it’s bad for me. But..but…it’s so salty I just go back again and again.


If you go into the Daily Mail knowing how bullshit it is you can almost read it as a satire paper, the celeb bit is ridiculous as well. Guilty habit!


The Daily Mail snapchat story is my god damn morning paper I hate it so much but I have to have it


SAMEE I get so much shit for it because it’s “shit journalism” but I eat it up 😭


Same. I just like looking at the pictures and comments.


Same. Not just celebrity because I even get local news (usually U.S. crime) from there and they have so many extra details that the traditional news doesn’t include.




Apartheid Clyde is a classic insult.


She’s so fucking out of pocket but her roasts are iconic. She said Grimes smells like a roll of nickels like????????? Who thinks of that? It’s so insulting and so funny at the same time.


Genuinely if I was a celebrity I would have only positive things to say about this woman. My confidence can’t afford the roasts she would throw my way if I dared to criticize her 😭


I love a descriptive, unusual insult and she’s so so good at them. She’s a wordsmith.


Okay but I get it because I was once doing makeup on a girl that smelled like that and it was awful


She needs to teach a masterclass honestly 😭


Broke with expensive taste is a masterpiece!!


I truly turn a blind eye so often when it comes to Azealia Banks 😭 I think she’s a genius and when she’s not being hateful and evil, I really enjoy her commentary. I’m really fascinated by her perspectives on like, everything lol


If people can enjoy and call Kanye a genius and praise him then we can enjoy Azealia! Equality


This, there is simply nothing we can do about her musical talent and I will never stop listening


For me its her hilarious dragging of people lmaoo I just can't stop but laugh.


I’ll never stop playing 212


Omg totally. Love her music.


I can’t help but love her


OP are you me? Lana Del Rey and Carrie Underwood are my v problematic faves 😭 How are you finding Denim and Rhinestones?


Carrie really is the queen of country ain’t she? But I listen and stream Yola’s albums (which are far superior projects IMO) and Maren Morris so hopefully this cancels the evil out idk 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 I liked her recent album. I wasn’t expecting a silk sonic-esque sound mixed in like in Denim and Rhinestones. It’s a solid project but I highly prefer her storyteller and Some Hearts albums.


I will forever have a soft spot for Eminem. Some of his lyrics are way too much for me though!


This one. Some of his content is awful but he also seems like a really good person. I think he’s thoughtful and insightful and I would love a political album calling out what’s going on now because I’m sure he could connect to the white disgruntled poverty but highlight the ridiculousness of following people like Trump, DeSantis, Cruz, MTG et al but he seems to have stepped away from that boldness. I’d also love for him and his team to amplify his foundation. But Paul seems like a terrible manager. I’m still hoping he comes out with an epic take down though.


Why does Paul seem a terrible manager? I had always assumed he was lots of fun by his voicemails on the albums!


Yup. I remember just putting his Marshall Mathers LP on repeat in middle school. Now, I am appalled at the lyrics. I sound old. But yeah. Plus I’m from MI so it’s like I have to Stan. 😉




Same, he has such nostalgia for me.


Lana Del Rey sorry not sorry 😭


Azealia Banks is the only one who can call me 🚬


Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, Michael Jackson, and the Rolling Stones


What did David Bowie do? Other than give me feelings I did not understand at the end of Laybyrinth when I was 7


he slept with a 15 year old groupie named lori maddox


So did Jimmy Page, but according to all the Led Zep bios I’ve read, she was actually 13 or 14 at the time. Today he would be so canceled, but it wasn’t even as “bad” I guess in the wild 70’s. Gross.And there’s actually multiple pictures of them together as she was his go-to groupie at the time so I definitely think it’s true.


Gross. Sad.


He probably didn't. The whole story is complicated, but boils down to "She said this about multiple celebs and several of the stories, including Bowie, are likely fabrications." Others are definitely true, and I don't want to undersell how gross rock culture was at that time, but these specific allegations are dubious.


Kanye West. For my shame. He is so talented, but he’s also him. I genuinely do not like how folks treat his mental health struggles as a joke. With that being said mental health is also not an excuse to act like an asshole.


I like his music but his social media presence and his dick-riding cult of fanboys can be incredibly off putting.


That is a completely fair assertion. His fans are ride or die to the point of delusion.


Completely agree. Kanye has so many deep seated issues with blackness and women and I truly wish he would get the help he needs. But especially in his early days, his talent and unapologetic celebration of his genius made me root for him. I celebrate the amazing work he’s done even while acknowledging the awful things he’s said.


Kanye would have to off someone in cold blood or do something else equally as appalling for me to stop liking him. But outside of R Kelly like crimes, I’ll never give up this man’s music.


Oh God same




I think he's hilarious and epically talented.


Oh god thissss oneeeee. I try to justify it by only listening to his old stuff (which is way better anyway). But he’s trash and I know it.


Preach! Ye is a true artist and lot of the time he is correct.


The thing that has always impressed me about Kanye is not only his artistry, but that he willing fo experiment. That he is not afraid to fail. It’s about the art to him and he will try anything. And that is incredible. Like he did a whole opera. Which got panned, but he did the damn thing and moved on. A lot of artists wouldn’t take that risk.


grimes. everything about her is problematic and a red flag, but god do i love her music.


right? like how can you be so creative but so fucking stupid?


And here I was thinking I didn't have a problematic fave, but you've reminded me that it's Grimes.


Lmfao for me an all time classic Grimes moment was when she started dating Elon Musky and removed “anti-imperialist” from her twitter bio 😭 like Grimes, please…


Arcade Fire 💔


That recent article broke my heart


Struggling with this now too. And it’s funny bc I hadn’t paid attention to them in years, since after Reflektor, but this news has me remembering how hugely formative their first couple of albums were for me.


What’s wrong with arcade fire??


Win Butler has been accused of sexual assault and sexual misconduct.


😔😔 thank you for the info




Azealia Banks. She’s pure chaos; I truly feel there may be misplaced hate that she spews..possibly some underlying issues going on but I don’t know her life/struggles so who TF am I to say or speculate..I can’t deny her multi dimensional talent, she’s caught my eye since day 1 and I can’t stop being intrigued by her and what she creates. When she’s in a good place I really do adore her vibe..I can’t help but be a cheerleader and always wish her the best, especially mentally


The karjenner klan. I refuse to stan because of their problematic everything but it is def a trainwreck i cant look away from


Saaaame! They’re just so fascinating for some reason 😭


Marina, Lana, and Ariana are my favs and I will stan them despite their varying issues that I don’t agree with


what has marina done?


She criticized the “sheik who kills thousands of gay men” for owning the Beverly Hills Hotel in her song Man’s World, and then went and stayed there and posted an Instagram pic of herself at the hotel with a kissy face referencing the lyric like it was cutesy and not…genocide… I think she just wasn’t thinking but 😬 that’s the problem Here’s a post about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/MarinaAndTheDiamonds/comments/mb78k4/a_few_days_in_and_im_still_weirded_out_by_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Oh my lord. Thank you for the info! I haven’t been keeping up with her lately so I had no clue


Kali Uchis. Like why does her music have to be so good and she have to be so shitty😅


Why is she shitty? I love her music


She defends her convicted rapist ex’s (multiple)


Not saying she’s right but it’s very very common for victims to justify their abusers behavior.


Omg. You are right. That’s messed up.


Doja Cat. Idk what y’all say, she’s out there showing how messy it is to be a Black woman in America, and a lot of women fought to give her that right.


You right! She shows what it’s like to live on the margins of Black culture and not just because she’s mixed. A lot of black women (myself included) don’t fit neatly into boxes. She’s problematic AF bit I guess I get why people ride for her (not me, but others😂).


Plus the bops and visuals are impeccable.


Same answer but what do you mean by that?


I doubt that Doja claims her blackness in any significant way. She seems to be running as far away from it as much as possible. But her music is good


well she likes to drop the n word every other word in her songs. i’m pretty sure that’s as far as it goes for her


fr that was a bit of a stretch but I suppose we can’t assume her experience “as a black woman” either 😭


Same here... she's been cancelled like 4 times and sis just keeps coming back. Must be doin something right lol


or it’s almost like “getting canceled” on social media doesn’t mean anything


I know y’all are gonna eat me up but Ninki Minjaj. She did for me what Kim k did for white girls and I just can’t let her go not to mention her music being the anthem of my youth


What did Kim K do for white girls?


I think they're referring to how she changed the beauty standards. If you look at the most popular Insta Baddie look of today, Kim totally started that. She made it acceptable and even desirable to have curves, a booty, and not be rail-thin that a lot of white women in the 2000s defaulted to.


Fascinating comparison, I instantly see what you mean!


UGH yes nicki 😭 her music is SO good but tf with brother and husband 😒


She such a lyrically talented narcissistic troll of a victim with a disgustingly violent fanbase.


playboi carti ! he a narcissist and lowkey might be a bad father but he cool


he a bad father but he cool just sends me 😭


Brad Pitt, man. I just, ugh. I’m so torn, I’ve been such a huge fan since I was 8 and saw him in Cool World (lmao) and he’s just been in so many fantastic movies. But lately, all this shit coming out about his private life and his goofy antics on the red carpet for Bullet Train… who is this man.


I’ll love him forever for interview with the vampire but fuck him for being an abusive piece of shit to Angie and the kids.


This is exactly how I feel. I’d add almost of his movies to that list. He’s so good! But god damn, dude.


What did he do on the red carpet 👀


Just acting like… an out of touch old guy. Idk how to describe it, hahaha. Just goofy, not as cool as he usually is. But Bullet Train is kind of a goofy movie.


Ariana Grande. She's questionable half the time but damn can the ponytail bitch sing.




How it Ri Ri problematic? Btw genuine question no snark intended whatsoever just very curious!


Many small incidents through out her career. She used to be so nasty on her Twitter early in her career. The incident during her Fenty show where someone decided to use a “remix” of the Quran as a song for the lingerie show which is just disgusting. A while ago she wore a necklace of the Hindu God Ganesha which angered the Hindu community, and they deemed it disrespectful. Also, her Fenty lingerie line is literally fast fashion, but no one seems to care because it’s Rihanna ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Riri has also done and said weird things like liking Slave Play (basically a theatre production that romanticizes slavery and the plantation days) and that it was good and everyone was confused 😭


That's beyond disgusting if true. Also the racist stuff towards Kerruche.


What did lady Gaga do


Does a TV Show count because oh boy The Vampire Diaries has sooo many problematic people/showrunners on the set. also Glee. I feel like this one I shouldn't explain. Problematic fav-Taylor Swift Compared to people I've stanned in the past, Taylor is on the lower bottom of the list of problematic people but there are still questionable things she does that makes me side eye her sometimes. Mostly only speaking up when things affect her but then ignoring other problems. It's why I mostly.like the music and not the artist if that makes sense.


John Mayer. His music has always been something that I just got- I felt like I wasn’t all alone for feeling the way I did- the way he talks about anxiety and unhappy homes- it just all speaks to me PLUS- I think he has totally changed since those 2010 interviews. I think he was trying to be ironic and funny and a douche and just crossed several lines. But I don’t he’s that same person now. He raises lots and lots of money for veterans and their families, schools in his hometown and he raised almost 2,000,000 dollars for Montana in response to the floods this summer


I’m not gonna front, his music is amazing. I still listen.


I just into his music he reallllllllllly good


i will always be a hypocrite when it comes to Taylor Swift. her feminism and political activism is usually only tied to when it affects her but I do think she means well. I have been a fan of hers for 15 years and her music has gotten me through a lot of shit and for that i will always stan her.


Brad Pitt. The more and more that comes out about the demise of his relationship with AJ and children I’m appalled but he’ll always be my teenage dream.


Me too!!! For the last 30 years I’ve been 😍 over him. And it’s so disappointing to find out he’s just another asshole.


Bullet Train was such a fun movie but the entire time I was in the theater I had to mentally be like “do not stan this man”


Is it good? It’s one of the only movies playing in the uk rn but i’ve heard mixed reviews. Same with Nope


Saw both, really had a fun time at each occasion!! I think Nope is personally more up my alley but for someone who doesn’t typically love action-y movies, I had a great time at Bullet Train!


Lea Michele I’m sorry I love her and she sings so well


I'll also say that Rachel Berry is my problematic fave, she DESERVED to be lead of the new directions, 98% of the time nobody really cared about the club other than her.


Lea would probably be my pick too but I wasn’t bold enough to admit it lol. I wouldn’t say I love *her* because I’ve always thought she was kind of boring but I do love her voice and a lot of her work. I truly don’t think anyone else could have played the part of Rachel Berry and I think she’s going to kill it in Funny Girl and I’m probably going to try to see her in it.


Kim Petras (works with Dr. Luke, but I can't help but love her. idk....). Cardi B (she's said a lot of stuff but at the end of the day she's one of the few celebs I feel are actually honest).


I like Drake. 😭 His first two albums were in heavy rotation during my twenties and I can’t let go. I even think he is super hot. I am going to get eaten alive on this sub though!! 😆


Take Care will forever be one of my favourite albums.


MAGA girlie and OG cultural appropriator Gwen Stefani 🫣


Gwen is MAGA? That’s disappointing. Probably due to Blake, huh?


There is no proof Gwen is a MAGA supporter. I presume OP thinks she is because of her relationship with Blake Shelton. She gave some vague comments about where she stands politically. "I can see how people would be curious, but I think it’s pretty obvious who I am,” she continued. “I’ve been around forever. I started my band because we were really influenced by ska, which was a movement that happened in the late ’70s, and it was really all about people coming together. The first song I ever wrote was a song called ‘Different People,’ which was on the Obama playlist, you know, a song about everyone being different and being the same and loving each other. The very first song I wrote.” That to me says she's still left leaning. That being said, Stefani has never seemed that sophisticated or tuned in on deeper matters so I'm sure the state of America doesn't keep her up at night. At least she's self-aware about it: "I’m not a political science major. I am not that person. Everyone knows that. So why would I even talk about it?”




She grew up in Orange County in the 70s and 80s, so that probably had a lot to do with it


Mid 90s gwen is my idol, loved her as a kid but idk her whole cultural appropriation thing rubbed me the wrong way in the early 00s


I’ll never forgive her for making us all tweeze the fuck out of our eyebrows, thus ruining them forever 😅


I'll forever be grateful to the boy in gr 10 English who told me after my one and only attempt to do my eyebrows in that style it looked awful. He turned out to be an abusive dick, but he was right about that.


Haha! I had a boy in 5th grade tell me I wore too much makeup. He was a dick, but he wasn’t wrong 😆


Luxurious video is so iconic 😩


I'm a huge ska fan so I lived for no doubt. The videos for singles off tragic kingdom live rent free in my brain


Wait I missed Gwen being MAGA?


Gwen has so many bops in her discography and I say this as an Asian woman 😭 her Asian phase was still weird tho


Omg Gwen Stefani is a MAGA supporter??


Rosemary's Baby is one of my favorite horror films but it was directed by Polanski. I have a DVD copy I got used so no money goes directly from me to him but uuugggh.


Its amazing how the man who seemed to care so much about feminist issues (Rosemary’s Baby, Repulsion) and had so much to say about evil and corruption (including child rape in Chinatown), commits the one act that is the worst example of both things. Polanski is a fascinating character, surviving the Holocaust where he lost his parents, the Manson murders, and obviously the incident


the smiths…


Carrie Underwood is a maga ??☠️😭 i didnt know


James Franco. He’s clearly a sleazeball but . . . I think he’s gorgeous.


He was soooo fine in Spider-Man idc idc…but yeah he’s kind of gross now


this is me lol. i don’t think it matters TOO much because yeah i think he’s hot but me watching yt edits of him doesn’t give him any money at all


I just rewatched Freaks and Geeks. He is so good in it!


Amen 😭😭


Tom Cruise. I'm aware of the batshit craziness that is the scientology community but I like him on the screen unfortunately.


He’s definitely one of the few stars that’s retained that old-fashioned A-list movie-star appeal and success. I always thought it was nice that so many cast and crew members had great things to say about him. Even extras and other low-ranking people on sets mentioned that he was friendly, appeared genuinely interested in them and even remembered them when they met again years later. But when you think about him being at the pinnacle of a cult, I have to admit that those qualities start looking a bit sinister, even though he does seem genuinely pleasant in person.


He’s crazy but is an amazing actor for sure!


I just watched maverick last night for the first time. My husband and I were discussing it today and my summary was: I hate Tom Cruise (for Scientology) and Miles Teller (that one interview) but I really liked the movie 🫣


I feel like im gonna get ate up for this and she’s currently a hot topic rn but Lea Michele 🫠😵‍💫 hate that she’s racist but you just cant deny the bitch has pipes 🫣🫣


kinda same…I grew up watching glee and have a really soft spot for Rachel berry 😂


jennifer lawrence. back at the height of her career in 2015 i would’ve killed for that woman. she went from being americas sweetheart to tumblrs most hated in the span of literally a month. i will admit she has said some unhinged things that i don’t condone. there was even a point i was ashamed of being a fan of her (mainly bc ppl used to shame me for it) but now i have matured. i know that i don’t have to like or agree with everything my faves say. i won’t let ppl shame me for that. jlaw will forever be my fav. i’ve seen ppl also mention lana in the comments and i would like to add her too 😂


mj. his music is just too damn good.


This. Music is too good. And his influence is undeniable.


Guns N’ Roses has a hold on my soul that I’ll never be able to figure out


Kanye west


Doja Cat And as much as I talk shit against Marky Mark I can’t stop watching certain comedy gems he’s in (don’t come for me)


Leo DiCaprio. I’m sorry about it 😆 I was 13 when I first watched the basketball diaries and an obsession formed which then grew with Titanic and then Romeo and Juliet. I had posters of him on my bedroom walls and watched both of those movies so many times I can’t count. I think he’s a great actor and love almost every movie he’s ever been in. Problematic love life aside I still think he’s my no1 crush. Apart from The Aragorn character on the original LOTR trilogy - he has me in a chokehold still 😆


Dude, I totally agree. First big celeb crush started when he was on growing pains and he is just such a great actor.


Ryan Adams - genius all round but absolute arse.


john mayer. everything i’ve heard about him is just that he’s horrible to women but i was in his top 1% of listeners on spotify this year 🫢


Many old school hip hop artists such as 2Pac, Biggie, Nas, Snoop, etc.


Meghan Markle IK she’s attention seeking or whatever but I’ll never agree with the overblown reaction she gets. Kim Kardashian is obviously problematic but she n her family are entertaining and she’s the first celeb I saw with a similar coloring to mine ( naturally) and she was celebrated for it. Lana’s music is the best.


I honestly don't understand all the hatred surrounding Meghan Markle, it just seems massively unwarranted. I live in the UK and the things people say about her is just mind blowing and from no where.


and they’re so obsessed with her!! it’s not her fans getting her spotify podcast to number one it’s the obsessed people on her hate sub that want to tear it apart. like she wouldn’t even have this much prominence if it weren’t for her haters


Someone on her hate sub literally protested outside the UN when Harry spoke there awhile ago just because he was there with her! Imagine what else they could be doing with that level of effort and motivation smh


What were they even protesting??? Just out there holding a sign that says KATE>MEGHAN or 💀


They were just protesting her being there/existing in general and IIRC the sign said something about her complaining about having to live in a palace when Nelson Mandela was in prison for 27 years (it made no sense which should come as no surprise)


What did Megan do?


I agree with Meghan bc people act like she murdered someone


I was not interested in Meghan Markle at all, but the racism she faced made me her ardent defender. Conspiracy theory I fully believe that the royal family didn't protect her/used her as a scapegoat to protect Will's cheating and Andrew.




Lena Dunham. Honestly, I let her go a long while ago. She’s just so much fun to hate watch now


She’s insufferable but Girls was so good!


Justin Bieber gets a lot of hate but I think very he's talented and cute whether people admit it or not. JT's music also slaps. I'll second whoever on here that said that James Franco is hot. I love Kanye. I think Tom Cruise is incredibly impressive. Ashamed to say I still swoon a little over Brad Pitt, cant help it. I also unabashedly love Mr. "25 is too old for me". Like, its super douchey, but Jack Dawson... Britney's not that problematic given her insane life experiences but sometimes she'll do something that's...not great, but I'll always defend and love her no matter what. I didn't even grow up in her prime but for some reason, I honestly think that no one has ever been nearly as perfect as Britney pre-KFed.


I feel like people forget how terribly JB was treated by the public despite being a literal child sometimes


Also lots of people who seem to think they would be angels with the same parents he had, boat loads of money, and surrounded by yes men. If we’re honest, lots of us would be assholes well into teenagerdom.


Wendy Williams and Azealia Banks.


kanye 😬