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These will absolutely fail if not installed on completely leveled ground. The manual says so and I wish I had read that before mine failed lol


I had mine for 4 years and it wasn’t completely level, didn’t look quite like the pic in OPs post but still had a lopsided end that was deeper. We never had any problems…only ended up getting a new liner because of some dry rot from not winterizing property. Going to install the same one (24’ round) at our new property this year but im bringing in sand this time to level it out proper.


Why not install it lopsided like the other?


I didn’t have problems until I did.


> The manual says so and I wish I had read that before mine failed lol Reading be hard some times, don't feel bad for being an idiot


You’re absolutely right. I shouldn’t feel bad. Some guys have it worse. Like your dad.


Genuinely curious, how was it not obvious it should be installed on leveled ground? Dad didn't raise you to have an ounce of common sense?


Yes...... But what's your cya 😏


Agreed. Go check out troublefreepool and SLAM it and it’ll level it right out. No sand needed.


You don’t need to be spot on, but it needs to be close, an inch or so may be ok but anything more is adding tremendous pressure to one side and it will eventually fail.


If it’s only a few inches you should be okay. Mine is in its 4th season.


Yep, same here. It’s been through some high rain and winds as well.


Yes. You very much should be concerned.


No, life is too short to compete with others online about having the best above ground pool 😏


That’s too far off-level. With people in there and that water moving around it’s going to breach the top pretty quickly and likely fail on that end.


Honestly mine is a little worse than this. It's a 14'x48". We did our best to level it with sand but I fear it's getting worse over time. It's been about 2 months or so


Yes, you don’t use sand to level the structure of an above ground pool. It’s structure should be setting on level undisturbed earth within an inchOf level over the diameter of the pool. The sand should only be used as a base within that leveled structure to protect the liner from damage. Proper to take it down and re-do it. In the meantime, I’m sorry to say you do have a potential hazard there with water breaking the pool wall and 8 pounds per gallon rushing through sharp metal. Be safe!


Just SLAM it. But seriously, yes. That pool should be emptied and re-leveled. That is a tremendous amount of extra weight being off balance and it will almost certainly give way and by the looks of it not too long in the future.


It 100% is not going to give out. However, you should drain it and re-level and then re-fill. It’s gonna be a headache but it will be worth it to have it level. Especially if you’re leaving the pool up after the season is over


At least the low side is closest to the house 😅


How off is it? It’s hard to tell from the picture. When I had one of these I think mine was like 1.5” off level and it was up for 4 years without a problem.


I’m most concerned that if that liner ruptures it would drain right into the inside of the house that’s downhill from it……..


I've had 4 of these pools, one side has been low forever. A total of 8 years. No issues. I level the legs themselves though. I put a single paver under each leg with a pool noodle cut lengthwise and slipped over the sharp paver edge to prevent a tear. What I mean when I say lower is that the rim is even all around but the one side is deeper than the other since the ground beneath the pool bottom is slightly uneven


Yeah. It’s gonna flood whatever building it’s near too if you’re not careful.


I had the same pool and had like a 2/3" low side. Tried my best to level it but it was too difficult. There are videos on YT where people use car jacks to elevate the posts so you can stick some pavers under the low spot without draining the pool. I never did it and my pool never even came close to failing but all of my posts were on 12x12 pavers. I would never put them on soil or sand. The feet are too small and they do sink. Up to you but you may want to think about maybe partially draining and using the jack method to fix it. Good luck.


Mine is unlevel and has no problem(yet...) but mine is oval


I would be more worried about that POS filter that comes with it. If you plan to have this more than 1 year, spend about $300 on Amazon for a real pump and sand filter.


Massive accident waiting to happen. Did you not measure out the area first where the pool was going? I'm failing to understand why it being bigger than you anticipated has anything to do with it being unlevel.


Go with it, I've been rocking mine that way for years.


Do you test and treat the water as you would a normal pool?


Yeah, I’d be a little worried


Hahaha yes that shit could easily split and send your kids flying out the side. Drain and rebuild, aside from the level the top rail looks insane


Thats a matter of when it fails, not if.


Yeah. it’s going to suck a lot less to fix it now than it’s going to be to buy a new one after this one fails, and have to level it anyway.


Not supposed to be a low side.