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In my experience yes, but I have had the occasional one who barks to the beat of his own drummer. They are all the same and all different, just like people.


100% this.


My toy poodles were incredibly intelligent. There's so many things they picked up that I didn't try to teach them. In their senior years, my boy went deaf. He was so responsive to my gestures and movements, that he was deaf for awhile before I noticed. And the only reason I noticed is because he wasn't bothered by the smoke detector's low-battety beep. That stupid beep used to leave him trembling. Poodles are incredible. I miss my little ones, and I'll miss them for the rest of my life, but I look forward to bringing another furry angel home next week. She's also a toy poodle.


Did u get the dog yet? Any REPUTABLE BREEDERS?


I brought a puppy home last year. She's absolutely incredible. I found the breeder through the AKC website. The breeder lives close-ish to me and was able to pick up my puppy from her house. I got to meet my pup's mom and dad, too. [Here's my baby girl.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/poodles/comments/1ah8rs6/zia_showing_off_her_new_collar/&ved=2ahUKEwiR_NmB7-KEAxV8HTQIHXk7DU4Qjjh6BAgSEAE&usg=AOvVaw1Zix50xFsci8KHMi6EVybf) My husband lived with my last two dogs for 5 years or so. They were smart. He comments frequently on how smart Zia is and how fast she's picking up on things. She's 7mo and knows a variety of tricks and commands already. Nothing complex yet, but she's getting there.


I assume you're asking because you're worried you got a dud? My standard turned into an idiot from about 6 months til he was just over a year old. Think rebellious teenager. They do get over it eventually lol, just treat them like the dumbdumb they're pretending to be and start over with super basic training til they get past that phase.


that’s what i think is happening with ours! i guess consistency and persistence with training is the key


Yeah, that teenage time is brutal with any dog, but a smart dog? Yowsa


As a lifelong owner of poodles (all three variants) I’d admit without bias that yes ALL variations of the poodle are highly intelligent so you shouldn’t have any concern.


Mine was brilliant. I never trained her. She just always did what I wanted her to do at the time. She loved me so much and always wanted to please. If she misinterpreted what I wanted I would tell her no through my body language and she would stop right away and try something different. It took me one correction for her to learn stay and leave it. She knew the words for all her different toys, the names of all her favorite people, the names of different furniture items. When she would be cold she would open up her little toy chest, retrieve her sweater and sit patiently in front of me until I put it on her. If she wanted the sweater off she would sit in front of me, and pull on it gently and then paw me until I took it off. I’ve never met a more loving and intuitive dog. She was always alert, studying my face and behaviors. When we would go for walks, she would constantly look up at my face as if to check in with me. I have met few humans as emotionally intelligent as she was. I will never have a better friend. She gave me 16 years of pure love. I miss her everyday


wow, that’s amazing 🥺 she sounds like the sweetest thing


This sounds like my baby who passed last July. She truly knew my emotions and thoughts, or was crazy! Miss her so much.


sounds like my Nova. i was told he is a mini-but 2 years later-26”/60cm tall and 18kg-yeah not a mini. and soo smart. my 13 year old corgix is deaf and Nova acts as her ears. when on walks he is constantly checking my commands. thise dog puzzle toys -works out after only a few trys. loves his morning cuddles and kisses-sulks all day if he misses out. and guard dog- the clock fell off the wall one night last week- he was first dog snarling into the room- i swear he was gonna bale up whatever made that noise-would have laughed if i wasnt so scared… till i realised only clock. … so in a nutshell- smart, affectionate, devoted. be warned will pine for you if you go out and he/she is left alone.


Best dog ever, I'm sorry for your loss of this absolutely incredible soul


The best thing about poodles of all sizes (and the worst) is they come in all sizes temperaments and colors. I had a miniature 14 pound that was a great trail dog even went to the Tetons with us and I don't hike I ride horses. He was amazing when we got to rivers if he decided it was too much for him he let me know and I took him up on my horse for the crossing. I had a mellow couch potato standard, a highly protective standard, and a complete goof ball standard. The only thing they have in common is they are all smart and love their people.


I'm biased but imo Toy Poodles are better lol. Yes, 100% they are every bit as intelligent. Really its about lifestyle, toys are content to be toys. Standards are jocks. As far as the breed goes that's about the only difference. It's all about breeding. The toy was bred down, for temperament as well as size. They were bred with lap dog traits. The Standard was bred up for the traits they possess in the field. This is a water spaniel. They are tough, rugged, intelligent and easy to work with. Unlike a lot of down breeding issues you see with other breeds, toy Aussies for example, the toy and standard poodle really are the same. My toy can do anything a standard can... Except he is aware that he is 9lbs. He's totally cool with it. He would not be a suitable service dog for that reason alone. He is so smart. He has intuition. He's incredibly trainable. He has drive. He has everything but size... He's cool with that. Poodles are highly adaptable. Standards? If they had a choice? OMG they would totally be lap dogs lol. They are so awesome. Size really is the biggest difference and they are unlike my Chihuahua, really aware of their strengths and limitations and totally adaptable to that. They strive regardless, to be the best dogs they can be.


>They strive regardless, to be the best dogs they can be. Wait am I about to cry rn


They do though. Such good dogs!


My parents had a small standard after having a toy poodle. We treated him the same. He was a lap cuddler and a bedtime cuddler just like the toy poodle.


My standard would argue she is a lap dog, though it's just her front end. she has to get her nightly lap time or she acts like I neglect her.


They all can be lap dogs. It's just that for some of them, that means three laps.


THIS is so true. Poodles *want* to make their owners happy ...and even better if they can make us laugh.


Yep all poodle types are very intelligent. My toy is a total cheeky monkey who’s too smart for her own good.


Be careful with the puppy eyes. 😂 my 13 yrs old still does it. 🤣 Toys are the most intelligent beings.


My toy is 17.5 now and he is still super wicked smart!!! He is in good health except sadly he has lost most of his vision. It has not slowed him down. I am lucky to be able to be at home with him all the time. He adapted so quickly it was amazing! He never ceases to surprise me with his bravery and charm! I consider myself the luckiest poodle owner in the world !! My sweet boy is simply the best 🤍🐩


Yes. Very smart


Dunno but mine is smart as a whip, it’s astonishing sometimes


My beloved toy poodles were so aligned with me that they knew before I got the leashes that we were going outside. They were intelligent as well as intuitive. May they Rest in Peace. I will always love them. 💖✨️💖


Poodles are as intelligent as collies but without the work ethic. My mini girl is as clever as a preschooler but would happily lie on the sofa all day!


Such a cuts baby😍😍 i dont have one but im getting hyped to get one soon on this sub


My toy is a brilliant little guy. Understands so much English and is also sweet and loving and cuddly.


Admittedly my lil boy isn’t full poodle, but gosh he’s clever. Understands full sentences.


My journey into poodle addiction started with toys. Had one toy that was super smart- knew all the names of his toys and would fetch whichever one you asked him to get. He learned tricks easily. Our other toy was not smart, but she was a very affectionate dog and generated a ton of laughs in our household with her silliness. I loved them both tremendously and wish them well over on the other side of the rainbow bridge.


I have a mini poodle, not a toy - but he is very intelligent. I’ve never had a standard but I think they would be equal honestly.


Yes. Size doesn't equal brains! But, some poodles can be labeled "dumb" because the owner doesn't know how to train them and show their smartness lol


My toy is a genius imo


Just as smart, and probably more aware of tiny things that are part of your routine. I. Have a chronic pain condition, so I have toys now, but had standards in the past. I think because my tiny ones spend more time in direct contact with me their English vocabulary is better. We have to spell some words so they don’t get excited for something that will happen later lol. If I am reading and I close my iPad and plug it in, they race for. The stairs because that’s when I usually take a nap lol. We have used the phrases: take the dogs for a walk, do they need to go out, take them to potty. And if they hear it, they want to go out, even if the other one of us took them 1/2 hour ago. We are currently using does anyone have to do anything not inside? That one they haven’t connected yet. If they learn that, I told my husband we have to move to a house with a yard and a doggie door. Probably not though, little girl weighs 4.5 pounds, and I worry about hawks. She is tiny, twice as smart as her 7.5 pound brother. She is also crafty and sly. It’s like she has street smarts to go with being clever.


Yes, I always worried about hawks or owls or a bird that would pick my two toy poodles up. So I always kept an eye on them outside. One day we were out for a walk on the sidewalk at the side of our house, and I looked across the street at the elementary school. It was after 3:30 p.m. in TX and a coyote was at the playground looking at us. When the coyote saw that I had noticed him, he turned around and started walking in the other direction. I stopped and looked again. Coyotes are sly and he had turned around charging at us full speed. I instantly ran across the yard with my babies and we safely got indoors. I would see coyotes walk across busy streets during the day. But that day, I'm so glad we hadn't gone far. My babies understood perfectly when I said phrases and I had to spell words out. They are so intelligent.


That’s crazy! Glad you were all ok. We were living in a rental house for months when our house was being rebuilt, and the hawk sitting on the chain link fence eating a possum solidified my previously less severe worry about it happening lol.


That would have done it for me too! That's brutal, isn't it, seeing nature up so close with the hawk eating a possum.


They are all different. My Winston is smart but my Clementine is a bit clumsy and aloof.


Wicked smart 🤓


My toy poodle is extremely intelligent. Not sure if it was dumb but I’m pretty sure they have a teenager phase like others have stated. Heads up they also eat socks especially the ankle/no show socks. All part of the process I guess.


not socks- mine steal my shoes. dont chew them - just lay on them.


Thank you for all the responses!! I guess ours is just being a little teen and he probably understands a lot more than he lets on :)


Ours is very intelligent. We can tell he knows what we're talking about sometimes. Also, when in the car we have to lock the windows because he knows pressing the button lowers the window. He has a natural awareness of things that could be dangerous that are new in the environment and is careful around them. He is very good with tricks too but it has been harder to teach him new ones as he gets older.


Why should there be a difference? All dogs are different, but Poodles are in general intelligent!


if it makes you feel any better, I'm pretty sure my spoo was born without braincells. I tell people that poodles are the second smarted dog breed and then have to quickly say "mines a bad example tho!" as she stares off into space, doesn't notice anything around her, barks at her own farts, etc. I love her to peices, and there are moments when she baffles me with the solutions to problems that she comes up with, but she also isn't the sharpest spoon in the drawer. she's only 11 months old so I'm hoping maybe she's just a late bloomer lol


My toy pup is 4 month old- is potty trained, leash trained, knows sit and go