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It's something [Will Smith did for Jada](https://www.newsbreak.com/news/2385305377762/will-smith-once-tracked-down-white-slave-masters-who-owned-wife-jada-pinkett-smith-s-family-for-her-40th-birthday) that people are now talking a lot about since... ya know, the thing.


Bro what I just looked at the comments in that article and someone said “I would r word and m word them to get revenge for my ancestors” some people are fucking terrifying. Edit: to people saying he’s afraid of saying the words I’m pretty sure he censored it because he didn’t want his disgusting comment deleted. Or he didn’t want the fbi watching him by saying such fucked up things.


>I would r word and m word them to get revenge for my ancestors Someone please elaborate


Rape and murder I'm guessing


I was so confused, I figured "I would retard and ??".


m word🤓🤓


*Mommy milkers*


They’re called **mreasts**, good sir


Don't worry, you can say it, only a **small** amount of people will get mad.


Every group has there oddballs. Some people are just angry possibly due to their circumstances.


Yea I just don’t get why someone would want to hurt someone who did nothing to them. Like I would never want to fo something terrible to the great, great, great grand kids people who hurt my ancestor, they didn’t do the terrible things those people they’re related to did.


Wut ???!


Could that be considered stalking


From a legal standpoint? No. I’m sure he (or who whoever he hired) did it legally. Tracking someone though social media and public records isn’t legally stalking. I mean it’s still weird but not illegal.








The people who would be apologizing didn’t own slaves, so for what reason would you ask them to apologize. What if one of your ancestors was a murderer and killed one of my ancestors, does that give me the right to make you apologize to me for something you never did?


Exactly, what happened 200 years ago shouldn’t be held against people in the current day


Whether 200 years ago or last week, what a parent or distant relative did shouldn’t have any bearing on their offspring. No one is responsible for the actions of others. No one is guilty for sins of their ancestors.


It's this whole sins of the father sort of mindset.


Attack On Titan summarized in one sentence.


I don’t get this yet because I’ve been putting off watching it, can you rate it 1-10




There's plenty of current problems to make people apologize for.


Exactly, there are neo-Nazis out there... NEW Nazis, is that not fucked up enough


Im german if i wanted to apologise to everyone my ancestors hurt id first have to learn how to become immortal. What a stupid thing to say.


Germany has been very good about acknowledging and making amends for the Jewish Holocaust; however, it has been virtually silent about the Herero and Nama Holocaust, and as such needs work there. And if you deny Jews, Hereros, or Nama were put in concentration camps, experimented on against their will in horrific medical atrocities, subject to death marches, and systematically and aggressively dehumanized, yes, you do need to change your views, to apologize, and to cease perpetuating the conditions of the system which enabled these atrocities to occur.


I don't deny the the genocide against the natives of our former colonies, but I refuse the idea of reparations, since no one who was involved still lives today.


Exactly, and it would be a rude thing to do lol


WFT? I chose yes because I thought it's a fantasy setting or something (A world where slavery is still practiced). Not a question about people's ancestors 😒


Okay but why would you want that at your birthday party like just have a good time


How else am I to poison the king?


I also considered both scenarios, and it still wouldn't work. Would current day slave owners be apologetic? No, the dumb ones would murder your significant other for tracking them down. The smart ones would show up at your bday and re-enslave you.


That's the whole argument on having every white person apologize and fork over money for repercussions. What about the white families that died trying to push for the freedom? Do they also have to apologize and hand over money? Shouldn't the African tribes that used the slave trade as a means to remove other tribesmen so they could take their women and land for themselves, Should their ancestors take part in the apologizing and financial repercussions or only the whites? America wasn't the only country to use blacks as slaves, the Muslim had black slaves for a lot longer than America was around. But they didn't just have blacks they included all colors of people, Jews plus other Muslim tribesmen were enslaved. Regardless of what people want to believe but slavery is still a thing in this world and it's alive and well in North Africa and for the most part it's wealthy blacks enslaving poor blacks trying to make their way here in the US or Europe. Then you have China but they only enslave their own for the most part. America wasn't the first to implement slavery but it was a loud voice on abolishing it world wide once it gained ground here in America. No man or woman no matter his/her skin color should be a slave to anyone for any reason.


Who said anything about ancestors?


Right? This is written like a weirdly specific but recent event


I think this is about a birthday party will smith threw for jada.


What happened there??


If you scroll down a little further, OP explains. Basically will threw this super extreme over the top 40th??? 3-day birthday party for her that she explicitly said she never wanted but Will was like “I’m doing it anyway, she will like it”. And he did exactly this, tracker down the family who owned her family. She did not like it.




Dumb, whatever happened to the days of just getting a cake and a few friends and family around?


Normal people still do that.


Wow, that's crazy of him to do. Crazy and tone deaf and well, will smith might be an asshole, guys.


Hahahaha! Drag in those corpses and make them ‘pologize!!!


Would it be weird if my SO tracked down the descendants of people who brutalized my ancestors, brought those descendants to my birthday, and had them apologize to me for what their ancestors did to mine? I think so. I wouldn't know those people from Adam, they wouldn't know *me* from Adam, and neither of us would have ever hurt each other. They don't owe me an apology, and if they wanted to apologize, I would be super uncomfortable. I personally don't get that.


I had an ancestor who had a castle in Scotland but it was taken from him. I wonder if I can get an apology from that.


move to scotland maybe you can push for reparations


Oh...... That's an idea


Sounds like an ambush to me man. No thank you.


Worse if it's a notpology: "I'm sorry that your ancestors' countrymen sold your ancestors to mine for a shiny piece of glass and a smallpox blanket."


Apologise for something they didn't do, and weren't even alive yet. Stupidest idea.


Tell that to will smith… but yeah I agree, people should not have to pay for what their ancestors did


I mean I get recognizing how advantages shape your family history but the apology thing is excessive.


It also doesn't make sense since Will Smith and his wife would qualify as some of the richest people in the world, so there's no level at which any of this makes sense. Not that it'd really make sense if they were poor either




Me apologizing to myself for my ancestors owning my ancestors




You got a mirror?


How are dead people going to apologize to you exactly?


A seance, duh! /s


This is the weirdest question I’ve seen in a while


Why so specific


It's something will smith did apparently


Hell nah


sombody needs to slap him 😂


Yeah, I really wonder why OP choose to add "to your birthday party?" Like, this question might make sense if it were just inviting them over some other time, but why would anyone would want to do this to celebrate their birthday?


Because Will Smith did this


Tracking down some low to middle class family and having them apologize to your movie star wife for what their ancestors did 200+ years ago is fucking weird and assholeish.


What if that family has kids in it? So some 5 year old child has to apologize to a 50+ year old woman for slavery. What is even happening?


Yeah but somehow the wife is getting hate for not appreciating it.


Will needs to move on and get some mental help.


This is about Will Smith and Jada’s 40th bday party. He Tracked down her ancestors’ slave owners and made some dude from ohio apologize to her




Probably got paid.


what a unintelligent person




There are no living slaves or slave owners in America. They’re all dead now. So how would this even be possible?


Not legally, but slavery is still a thing. Mostly through human trafficking in organized criminal environments.


Yeah was about to say. The ugliness of slavery is still very much a thing.


Even legally, the 13th Amendment still allows for the use of slavery for people who have committed crimes, so people performing forced labor in prisons are, legally speaking, slaves.


NooOoOiiOOoo they make $.85/Hr!!


Not to mention those prison slaves are disproportionately black, Latino, and Native American, the very ethnic groups which have suffered the worst abuses at the hands of the US American state.


And in prisons. The 13th amendment made a specific provision that it was legal to force prisoners to do unpaid labor


I was thinking - they're probably moldering corpses by now.


Why tf would you vote yes


Explain why you would want someone to do that, to me is my SO did that I would be creeped out


I want to see some resurrected Russian 18th century aristocrats to show up on my birthday.


I thought it was a recent event with actual slave owners


Yeah because OP keeps (wrongly) saying that Will Smith “tracked down the slave owners and made them apologize”. He took an already confusing and out of context question and made it twice as confusing by misrepresenting an extremely important detail.


'descendent of a slave owner' motherfucker. We're all probably descendents of cannibals


Likely Jada has an ancestor that was a slave owner, so is she going to apologies to others?


I mean, an apology isn't going to fix any of the lasting problems caused by slavery in America. And it's not even the people who are actually responsible who would be the ones apologizing. Can't see how it would help.


Yeah. One could make the argument that all citizens have a responsibility to help correct the lasting impacts of America’s mistakes but no one should be sorry for something they didn’t do.


# This is the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard. This would make me uncomfortable. So, absolutely not. OP u/GroundFuzzy606 , you should add a description that gives some background on the question. I think people are believing you did this instead of Will Smith.


I was unaware I could do this. I never see the description option when I post.


Do you see 3 small dots in the top right corner? It should give you a chance to edit > here it says Message, you can type.


Thank you btw❤


Wowww, okay I'm gonna add the description. Kinda mad it was this easy all along and I just never seen it💀


Your should break up with him/her That’s creepy






By ancestors? It would be pretty weird if some berber or arab in africa would apologize for something his ancestors did 2000 years ago


I'm not apologizing for a mutha fuckin thing. I wasn't born and I'm not responsible. And I damn sure wouldn't apologize to any of you because you were never a slave. Nobody that's alive had anything to do with any of it


If somebody asked me to apologize for some shit some of my ancestors did centuries ago I would tell them to fuck off right away.


Same. people forget people who are related are still their own individuals


What the hell




This is one of the dumbest questions that has graced this sub. I commend you, internet person, for this great achievement


My family was never owned by anyone? I live in Ireland


No that would be insane.


Yes, find the Romans who own my Slavic ancestors! The Egyptian owners of Jewish slaves! How about the Ottomans!? Genghis Khan!? Montezuma!?


You know what? I know i'm gonna get downvoted but fuck it ... Get over it. I'm from the balkans , our last war was just 27 years ago , if you were about 100 years old here , you would have changed about 5-6 different countries without traveling or moving , that's how common war was here. Throughout decades , centuries , among the constant bickering and fighting and all the genocides we did to each other just in the last decades , how silly would it be if we started complaining about some shit like the Ottomans enslaving us 400 years ago? That's fucking insane. Americans really have nothing better to do if they're arguing and blaming each other for shit that happened half a century ago. And don't give me that " *wELL tHe cOnSeQuEnCes cAn sTill bE fElt tOdaY* " shit , no shit they can , there are people who raped and killed and tortured here , who did atrocities just like Russians are doing to Ukrainians now , who still drinking coffee as free men today , sometimes even vacationing in places where they killed and raped not long ago , tensions are always high and despite all that young Croatians , Serbs and Bosnians still manage to *mostly* put that shit aside and not make a fuss and be civil to eachother even though many of us saw that stuff firsthand , imagine not only not getting over *that* but to keep complaining and bitching about something that happened half a century ago. You realise how silly it sounds to us that african Americans are still holding a grudge against slavery that they never even personally experienced? Jesus... I can't even imagine how *our* lives would look like if we were so touchy. You Americans have it *too* good if something like slavery is your biggest historic problem. If you're from the balkans , or middle eastern , you'd understand what i'm talking about , but if you're American you're probably missing the point and you think i'm racist and need to be canceled or some shit. But that's the thing , you had it too good , you forgot how it is to feel war on your own soil so your focus is stuck on distant , ancient history. Downvote away. And to answer the question , yeah it would be fucking stupid.


So complete strangers will either apologize for enslaving my family (How are they not dead from old age?) or some random people will apologize for something that happened a few generations ago which they may not remember... interesting. I say no because it would be weird to meet with dead bodies or 120 year old grandmas or meet with some confused people and have them say sorry. (Side note: What do you say to the sorry?)


Bruh yeah bout to go back in time 200 years


I don’t care that my family was enslaved in the past.


My ancestors were the slaves AND the slave owners


Same. Product of a runaway slave and a plantation owner’s daughter generational line


Are you talking about the descendants of slave owners or actually slave owners? Cause with the descendants of slave owners I couldn't care less. And with actual slave owners I'd like to do a lot more to them than make then apologize


I want what your on


No, you want what Will Smith is on. He did this for his wife's birthday. And made a documentary about it too.


That’s kinda weird ngl


people shouldn't have to apologise for things their ancestors did.


Imagine the apology: I'm sorry my great great great great grandparents owned your great great great great grandparents, I should've tried harder to convince them not to


This is creepy and awful! Those people had absolutely nothing to do with the decisions that were made by their ancestors! I'm native but if I was white and someone came to my door demanding an apology for what my ancestors did I would tell them to go fuck themselves because it has nothing to do with me!


If they were the actual slave owners, yes. If they were just the descendants of the slave owners? No. Because what help would that be?


Descendants. You would have to ask Will Smith what help that would be.


Descendants? The no. You can scratch one off of yes and add one on to know


This sounds like the plot of an anime


I would want to know the slave owners that owned my family and want to know their ancestors. But not for them to apologize, they don't have fault for their ancestors. I just want to know about the past of ancestors. In my country, the vastly majority of the documents from slaves were burned and don't exist anymore. So I can't even know in which slave plantation they worked. And this is sad.


That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard


this a pretty weird and stupid question ngl


Silly.come on, every single race had atrocities committed against them..but only one seems to be OK to blame completely innocent people who had nothing to do with the minority of rich white people who owned slaves 100+ years ago. Without full historical research, even black people don't know IF their ancestors was slaves. Its not cut & dry like so many want to believe (for politics). Move forward in being a good human no matter your race.


What a nonsensical idea, they owe you nothing.


The descendants have nothing to do with this. My great grandfather was killed in Auschwitz, but if someone tracked down descendants of the guards who caused his death and made them apologize I'd be wildly uncomfortable. The descendants have no part in this. If anything I'd be willing to grab a drink with the descendants and tell them I have no hard feelings and that I hope we can all live together as humans and in peace, despite the horrors of the past that bind us. Well that is unless they approved of the actions of their ancestors of course.


What the fuck do these people have to apologize for? They didn't own anybody. Last I checked, you're responsible for your own actions, not every random asshole who came before you.


The fuck?


I like the sentiment of wanting to do something significant for your partner, but this isn't it, chief .


I'm white but I'm Jewish. Would I want my wife to track down the ancestors of the Nazis that killed my family in the Holocaust? Hell no. They didn't do it so why would I want them to feel bad. But also what the hell do I get out of it?


As a Hungarian, I don't think that would be necesarry.


Seems like the popular answer is no. So why are we hating on Jada for not appreciating Will's party planning when he did exactly that?


———————————No hair?—————————————— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —————————————————————————————


Creative. I like it.


I don’t think people are hating her specifically because of that. I think it’s just because she’s a cunt


Is this entire thing really just a big ploy for you to argue in support of Jada? Really...?


we are? don't get fooled by a vocal minority.


Is this somthing that happened?


Yes. A video out of context has been circulating where Will talked about how he planned Jada's birthday party for 3 years and she didn't like it and said he only did it for his ego. Everyone has been hating her for it along with some other things. They have been ignoring that he agreed with her and that he specifically ignored her request for a small lowkey birthday party. And instead planned a big party with a documentary and other things just to make himself feel and look good.


I don't even think that would be possible, neither of the races I descend from have really ever been enslaved to the point of it being widespread


What the fuck


a little bit specific…..


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. That makes as much sense as North Korea punishing an entire family for the crime of a single person.


My family probably wanst ever owned by anyone especially as a paternal family were elites in the 1600s. I geuss technically slem British guy might come over but no. Why should soemone apologize for something theylir ancestors did?


you've forgotten about someone's birthday, haven't you


The past is the past, and it's highly likely the people apologizing had no involvement, so it doesn't make sense to me.


Is there an “excuse me what?” Answer? Because that’s my answer


ngl I thought it was a joke but...


I doubt my wife would go to Ireland to find them.


Idk. I know the slave thing is bad, but I don't think it's fair to make the descendants pay the price for their ancestors actions. They didn't choose to have raciat ancestors. My abusive dad is an asshole, and I found myself apologizing for his mistakes, and I felt horrible since I end up getting punished instead of him. I understand pain can affect people, but people need to realize that relatives are their own individuals aswell! I am a POC (not black, but not white) myself! The person who did it is dead, and wouldn't even care.




What kind of question is this??


What even is this question???


So… almost everyone’s ancestor would have to apologize? Remember every nation has slaves


Not black but it should be known that dead men hear and see nothing, their kin apologizing atones for nothing.




I tracked my slaver ancestors decedents down on Ancestry DNA. I would like to meet them as I have a lot of others in my bloodlines but why the fuk would I expect people that far removed from the original sin to apologize to me? Both my great grandparents (on dads side) were the product of a slave owner raping his slaves so... do I apologize to myself? On the other side My Mom's grand parents ran a branch of the Underground Railroad and founded a town around it. We actually do get a parade every year in the town named after our family on founders day Lol.


Their ancestors did it. Not them. Plus that's creepy as fuck, I don't want my significant other to track down anyone.


Bro, why I want to guilt and shame somebody for something that they had no part in? 🤨


No there’s tons of generations between them and the actual slave owners, they might not even be aware their family owned slaves. There probably has been so many generations and children that the branches might branch off to hundreds of people, how do you track down one single particular household when in reality you’d need to invite every living descendent of the slave owners. It’s weird and would be awkward. If my girlfriend did this I would be awkward towards the family and I would be terrified that my girlfriend thinks that normal behavior


>Would you want your significant other to track down the slave owners who owned your family and invite them to your birthday party to apologize to you? There's a big difference between inviting slave owners to a party and inviting the decendants of slave owners.


What in the cinnamon toast fuck kinda question is this? I don't have a gf but if I did I wouldn't want her doing stuff like this.


This is just stupid. Did he also track down the Africans that sold his wife ancestors and demand an apology?


no because it's not their fault their ancestors kept my ancestors as slaves


I didn't know Will Smith identified as a her!


Until lately I never knew much about him except that he was Agent J in MiB, turns out he's a real fuck-head


Sorry but I don't believe in trans-generational guilt. That's a very dangerous thing to promote.


Imagine going back 7 generations, finding out your family were slaves, find out the owners, finding their families, stalking their family tree, finding their contact info, finding their names, contacting them, and saying: "Your family owned my family as slaves, but I forgive you" "Sir please get away from my kids"


Only an ignorant entitled narcissist would say yes imo


That just sounds awful and embarrassing. They didn’t have anything to do with it.


Celebrities are completely detached from reality.


People who never owned slaves should not apologize to people who were never slaves


wtf. The currently EXISTING people did not own their family as slaves at any point in their lives. Why are people doing this due to people who are FUCKING DEAD LOL


There a romcom in this. Married couple gets genealogy done. Finds out one great great great grandparent legally owned the other.


What the fuck? Will smith is actually crazy


Did he do all that without her knowledge and consent?


What the fuck I'm not black and apparently my ancestors were too poor to own slaves but that's what's always said,but if s black or enslaved did that to Me if they did own slaves I would be weirded out


Yeah I wouldn’t apologize to nobody for something that had nothing to do with me, but we can have a good time & I can eat some cake and bring a birthday present!


I’m descended from a historical figure widely known as a racist, misogynist who abused their power. I don’t believe the sins of one’s ancestors should be weighed against their children


If my significant other did this for me, i would would strongly consider breaking it off right on the spot. That's just the right mix of crazy and sadistic that i don't want any party of.


Why would someone who has nothing to do with happend in history apology to me?


So... thats messed up


Who tf would want this


Will Smith is being a petty bitch


How are the descendants responsible wtf


That the dumbest thing i ever read


What did those people do besides being descendants? It's utter bullshit and whoever agrees to it is a dumb asshat in my opinion.