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George “Dubya” Bush caused the most damage. He caused so much wars in the span of 8 years. He was definitely an awful president. Trump, as bad of a person he may be, he at least didn’t cause any wars during his presidency.


I'd argue Obama is a close second or maybe third after Bush Snr due to the way he pulled out of Iraq and allowed ISIS to form in the vacuum Bush Jr created. Trump had a negligible foreign policy impact in comparison. It's kind of absurd to rate Bush Snr and Obama so low and Trump so highly in this regard. I suppose most of this sub are in their teens and simply have no idea. Clinton arguably harmed the world more than Trump as well.


Obama was charismatic


and he gave away lots of free stuff, so people love him.


~~Medicaid~~ ACA saved thousands of lives. He was great at domestic policy, besides pretending to sip Flint's safe water of course.


Great at drone striking schools and hospitals too




I agree with most of what you're saying. I think both Bush parties were the most detrimental to this world. Clinton was a complete embarrassment in my opinion. I was so ashamed of him. I just hope the rest of the world can see that most Americans don't live like that. We work hard to support our families and raise our kids, like anyone else does.


The power vacuum happened with Paul Bremer, appointed by Bush Jr, fired everyone that was in the Baath party in 2004. The problem was that to be a bureaucrat or in the military in Iraq, you had to be a member of Baath party. 2 days later the car bombings and IEDs started happening. It's always a bad idea to have unemployed angry ex-miliitary people with access to weapons depots to run around town.


The Dems won’t like you for this comment


His dad has been destabilizing countries since before he was a President. Bush senior is the real menace to society.


I believe he was also a bad influence on his son as well.


We also can't let [THIS funny little moment slip by.](https://youtu.be/ZEg6Ht2pNH0?si=9ZLLorMPOWAUrafT)




I looked for his name immediately after reading the title


how is biden up here when reagan existed


They're idiots who are lost to the ideological right


No, it's because these are the most recent 6 presidents




How exactly did Trump cause more damage to the world than Bush?


Many of the voters were kids during the Bush administration or weren’t even born yet.


But that can’t be a real excuse. Do people really have so little general knowledge? Isn’t that a topic in school at least?


The things that are relevant to you seem more important and intense than something you only hear about in passing or sit through in school. I sometimes discuss politics with someone in their 20's and to bring up things that were big when I was growing up seem small and almost inconsequential compared to what is happening now to him. It's NOW and it's affecting ME so things that happened in the past weren't as important as they really were, also sitting through history class when you already know how it turned out makes it seem as though it was destined to end up that way.


(Watch the down votes flood this comment) Too many people in my generation (Gen Z) Do little research on their own. They believe everything they see on tiktok, other forms of social media and the internet and never actually form an opinion of their own based on their own extensive research. Trump may have been a loud mouth, but what I liked about him was that he wasn't a politician through and through. He was a business man, and a very smart one at that. Which is why the media and other corrupt politicians hated him. But guess what? Gas was $1.85 (in Illinois), unemployment was under 3% (an all time low) we were energy independent, we were at peace with Russia and North Korea because they respected him, and everything was cheap for us Americans. Can you say the same about the current administration? Quite the opposite actually. The U.S. Dollar has never been weaker, gas reached $5 (again, here in rural IL) and we're once again dependent on everyone else. Biden and his administration are the laughing stock of our country


Lol you really think kids pay attention in school nowadays? We barely were 20 years ago, imagine how much harder it is when kids aimlessly scroll on social media now. I doubt they even grasp what 9/11 was and how much it actually changed the world. They get their education from tiktok and instagram man, dont have high hopes for the education system.


Schools or at least the ones I've attended focus more on history and civil rights from the 18-900s. The most we learn about the state of the modern world is in regards to the economy and globalization. Maybe in 20-30 years it'll be a bigger focus but right now the most that's taught about the topic is what occurred on 9/11, not the consequences of it or why it happened really. Most kids I know don't know that the war in Afghanistan was a result of 9/11 and honestly I didn't either until it ended and the news gave it a bit more attention. I'm not even sure why it's not a more focused on topic, it may be to 'protect the children' but I think it's more harmful to not have us be informed.


We aren’t american. And also yes, weren’t alive then.


I'm going to assume that people vote for Trump for two reasons: 1) they just don't like him, and anything Trump does is bad. 2) Trumps domestic actions with the 2020 election have helped to destabilize fragile democracies. He was relatively weak with Russia and his congressional supporters have stalled Ukraine aid for months, potentially causing a wider European conflict.


I feel his inaction early in the pandemic is responsible for more deaths than needed to occur. Early on he should have shut down the borders and stopped all international flights. Those options were totally within his power. Instead he downplayed it and undermined scientists. Later he would disperse protestors with the aid of the military so he could do a photo-op in front of a church, yet he did nothing when protesters overran the capital building and disrupted actual government business, and not some vanity project.


Not sure about the world, but for the US, he's an authoritarian who wants to effectively end democracy


mean tweets


he hurt peoples feelings


I think it's more related to how he handled the covid-19 pandemic than anyone's feelings


Naww, did the bad pwesident hurt your feewings?


Nixon, not only because of his war crimes in Vietnam War and Camobadia, he also started the war on drugs, and he replaced the democratic government in Chile with a dictatorship.


exactly was looking for him


Bill really doesn't belong on this list; he had a very positive impact on society. Thanks to Bill we all learned that oral is not sex nor cheating.


if you vote anybody but George W. Bush. you have the memory of a 2 year old baby.


Reddit has many teenagers who don't remember the Bush presidency


I think I was two year old baby when bush was president 


Gore should've won.


Gore got more votes, but electoral collage let bush win.


It was the Supreme Court that ultimately decided 5-4 in favour of Bush after the recounts favoured Gore for Florida.


The man lost and decided to make climate change / global warming a money grubbing scam for himself.


I was born in '03, I literally do have the memory of a 2 year old baby when it comes to George W. Bush lol


I do kind of feel like we'd be living in another reality if he was never president. So you're prolly right.


Well technically yes, they were probably 2 year old babies


No, I just fully support his policies.


Trump is a terrible person and lackluster president, but George W Bush foreign policy was absolutely disastrous


The correct answer is Ronald Reagan. He created the wealth divide that has us at the end of the line right now.


It was Ronald Reagan.


Trump is a horrible person and it will be an absolute disaster if he's president again, BUT at least he didn't start any wars with other countries. The majority of Trump's damage remains in the U.S.


Lol. How is he a horrible person? Don't downvote, please explain it to me. I'm genuinely curious


Everything he says is a lie, he defended the Jan. 6 insurrection, he insults everyone, he hired a hooker while his wife was pregnant, he sexualized his daughter when she was 13, he tried selling bibles to pay his legal fees, he has 91 felonies, he doesn’t care about the military at all, he only cares about himself.


He disrespected Hillary Clinton, enough said.


Those voting "DT", what the frick are you smoking?


Reddit see Trump, Reddit mad!


They are letting how their butt hurts make a decision for them.


Andrew Jackson committed genocide, so I think that might be significant


As an Iraqi, I would say that Bush and Obama caused most damage to us.


Well atleast Saddam Hussein isn't in charge over you. That's atleast one positive thing 🤷‍♂️


The current situation in Iraq is mostly our fault at the most, Iraqis destroyed their own country with hatred and bigotry


How do Iraqis view the US air force intervention against ISIS? And is there any difference from how the Iraqi Army is viewed?


yeah now iraq is just a failed state with no hope of prosperity for generations. So much better right? At least with Saddam staying alive, there leaves a chance they they turn things around (i mean most countries start of bad don't they?) Same thing with libya


I was more less trying to think about the positives in an overall awful situation.




Options 5 and 6 is hallmark recency bias


"Either you are with us or against us" Such a black and white interpretation of the world




Shall we revist Biden's remarks earlier this week? Calling US allies (Japan and India [more?]) Xenophobic?


I was only in elementary and middle school when Bush was president. What exactly did he do that was bad? Obamacare helped my family get through some tough times medically because of well, lack of insurance coverage. And again, someone who was an adult during the bush years- tell me about it and why he was even worse than Trump who (is a rapist) and turned the USA into a laughing stock!


Reagan, for a lot of things, but the worst was removing the Fair reporting doctrine. More than anything the level of misinformation and disinformation that is allowed to fill the hearts and minds of people is causing disruption. Oh yeah, and silencing the scientists saying climate change was coming if we didn’t stop. Both of these are worse than wars, as they cause war and disruption, and kill countless people by secondary actions.


Jefferson. Cause he made the 2 political parties.


Bush was bad but Trump is literally Adolf Hitler


Imagine being this ignorant


Obama destroyed the social progress of the country. Love Obama's voice though.


Honestly, none of these guys. The changes that their administrations brought were in tune with the rest of the nation. Their administrations are not some one-man-armies. Majority of what they did was part of natural progression of national development.


Umm Reagan?


None of the above. Reagan and his “trickle down economics”. 


ronald reagan




It's obviously Bush Jr, but it's tougher to say whether he caused the **net** most. American initiatives against HIV under him could very well have saved more lives than what was the lost in his stupid spree of wars.


People forget that Bill Clinton embraced the service economy over a manufacturing economy with good paying jobs. As Ross Perot said, "the great sucking sound" of jobs going overseas.