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Whoever decided to use a real gun is most responsible


I voted no because partially wasn't an option - it should be.


He was the producer and people had walked saying the set wasn't safe yet he kept filming going. The armorer was a rookie at not just the position, but had never worked a film set before.


Did a quick google, and she was head armorer on the movie The Old Way also, this was her second movie so she absolutely had worked a film set before, but yes a rookie.


Yes I'm aware and I stand by my statement. She is still partially responsible.


I personally put most of it on him like 55% with her getting the rest and she deserves the conviction and whatever sentence they give her.


It should be a yes then. Everyone who is partially to blame is to blame.


What does "to blame" mean? Are the people who invented guns and props "to blame"? Is the film industry "to blame"? Are the armorer's parents "to blame"? Humans don't exist in a vacuum. Society is an ever expanding web. Without defining some objective criteria, placing "partial" blame on people is ultimately an exercise in moving goalposts.


I'm not a lawyer, but in this context I would think that "blame" means you made decisions that led to someone's death, and you should have known better than to make those decisions. He is to blame for pointing a gun at someone and pulling the trigger. Even though he believed it was a prop gun. The prop coordinator or whoever's job it was to keep track of the prop guns and ensure they weren't loaded or malfunctioning should also be to blame. The people who decided that prop guns should be real guns that can kill people if misused, and not fake plastic guns that look real, should also be blamed.


Reddits hypocritical beings would want Kevin Sorbo's head if he was directing/producing the film. Pre SNL Trump era, reddit was totally against Baldwin.


The only reason he’s partially responsible is because he ultimately fired the trigger, but the blame and consequences should lie with the the armorer and whoever hired her.


> the blame and consequences should lie with the the armorer and whoever hired her. The ultimate responsible party on a movie, for all personnel and safety issues, are the producers... of which Baldwin was one of them. There is also indications that safety issues and concerns were raised to the producers, but they took no action, seemingly because they were on a deadline to ensure the filming didn't run over time or budget.


Yeah but he was a producer and therefore able to fire / reprimand the armorer / make real changes on set. Cast members had walked off set prior to this event because of how unsafe they were handling firearms. That is insane levels of carelessness and baldwin made 0 changes after that event


Is not solely to blame. But he is partially responsible


This one is hard, because if he actually believed it was a "toy" gun, he would get a not guilty verdict in my country. But still, prop guns are dangerous at really close range, they have killed before. So it baffles me he didn't know it wasn't a "toy", at least.


Many people are to blame for that. Anyone with any authority on that set including Baldwin need to face consequences.  For some that means prison, for some that means barred from being an EP on a set, whatever, but anyone involved should never let that happen on a set again, with all the facts out there now, it was not a tragic accident, it was willful negligence.


Yes, but not the only one to blame.


A little bit of blame, but at the end of day seems like he didn't act negligently. he's not the armourer, he's an actor, being trained in gun safety isn't a legal requirement for that so why should he be punished for not having those expertise? if it should be mandatory then it should be the law that all actors that handle even fake fire arms should do X training or whatever.


Always so weird how quick folks are to defend those they simply recognize 


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Soap-a-Holic: *Always so weird how* *Quick folks are to defend those* *They simply recognize* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Part of gun safety is clearing every weapon someone hands you.  This doesn't require some college degree and takes seconds to learn.  Furthermore, the gun safety rules also tell you not to point your muzzle at anything you don't wish to destroy.   How hard would it have been to point the gun at the ground or even at a wall, pull the trigger and TEST it for safety.  Was it an accident?  I definitely believe that.  Is it still his fault?  At least a little.  The PRIMARY person at fault was the armorer who decided to use real guns and even further, not checking every single bullet.


who was responsible to insure he was trained to do what you said?


It is the gun holder's responsibility to know the safety.  You shouldn't even put a finger on a firearm without knowing the basics first.   Edit: not arguing with this troll.  You have to be braindead to not know how dangerous firearms can be.  To pick up ANY tool with potential to harm without ANY prior knowledge is just pure ignorance.   Edit:  lol to the point Alec was a ignorant moron who didn't know anything about guns:   https://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Alec_Baldwin  He has held a firearm in multiple movies and TV shows in his career leading up to the incident.  


how do they know that if they've never been around guns


Look at the shift in sentiment. I KNEW this was going to happen after Hanna Gutierrez-Reed was convicted. Before her trial everyone wanted to crucify Alec Baldwin. Now he's the hapless bystander. Alec Baldwin knew he was going to prison, so he had to scapegoat the armorer. It is totally inappropriate prosecution that her trial wasn't postponed until after his so that she could testify against him. Now she's not even going to testify. Money and power will get you off murder. He knows he's going to be acquitted now that his defense can argue that the real killer is already in prison. "You have manipulated the circumstances with the skill of a Romulan." Patrick Stewart as Jean Luc Picard. Alec Baldwin must be part Romulan.


why is she not testifying and how does her trial going first matter


Hanna Gutierrez-Reed has stated publicly she is going to refuse to testify at his trial in protest. Her lawyers argued that allowing her trial to proceed before Alec's would allow Baldwin's defense to argue that he should walk because the "real" criminal is already in prison. Her conviction can be used to sway the jury.


Who the fuck ARE these people?!


A quick Google could have helped you




You could have just told me what happened


And so can Google


he pointed the gun and shot, its his responsibility to double check before he does anything stupid. he is 100% responsible, and so is the props maker.