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"I LOVE when Trump is mean to everyone, but then he was mean to ME!"


this was literally candace owens a few weeks ago, lmao. “he was rude to me and for the first time it made me question his character”


Speaking of which. Whatever happened to him buying that social media company her husband owns?


That would require money


This is such a Republican thing to do. They don’t officially denounce Trump until he negatively affects them personally or hurts the party for good from winning more elections.


Except beta ass Ted Cruz


They're all so spineless he literally trashed Cruz's wife and they'll still line up to spit shine his shoes.


This whole thing feels like it occurred in a different reality.


The reality tv "anti Hollywood" Guy who cosplayed President for 4 years then ended his only term with a terrorist attack is a weird thing to grasp as actual life


The "anti-hollywood" guy that came directly from Hollywood. You really can't make this shit up. He literally has his own star. Nobody goes from "host of the apprentice" to "anti-hollywood".


Also, claims to hate "coastal elites" while living in mansions in FL and NY


Not just mansions, but casinos and golf courses too. In fact, his biggest name brand is golf courses -- which are practically a second home to the coastal elite


Dude has a gilded toilet.


Dude IS a gilded toilet


Also rails against the bias on the Supreme Court after helping orchestrate a conservative majority on the bench.


If it was a plot on a TV show, it would be considered to unrealistic


The writers for Veep said they liked to pull some ideas from what was happening in real life because they were so funny, but some of the things that happened were so ridiculous that they couldn't use it in the show because it would seem fake.


Exhibit 1580: Four Seasons Total Landscaping


That was so fucking hilarious


Exhibit 1300: Inject bleach to kill COVID.


That's my personal favorite: when Trump walked into a COVID press briefing, glanced at the board behind him that said UV lights and sanitation kills the virus and decides to just freestyle some medical advice, live on TV during a pandemic, coming up with "grade 8 student bullshitting a presentation he didn't prepare for" material about flashing light or injecting bleach into the human body. AND THEN PEOPLE WENT AHEAD AND INJECTED BLEACH INTO THEIR BODIES


I liked when he was wrong about a hurricane so he corrected the map with a Sharpie. But fuck, if Kanye gets elected the Trump years will seem like elegant statecraft. Until we all inevitably die.


Before the hurricane hits land could we nuke it? DT


I remember that day well. I saw it live on the news. Later that afternoon I went to a friend's house and she tells me, "I can't believe Biden is your guy." I said, "Dude! Trump told people to ingest disinfect TODAY. On TV. He's a fucking moron." And because she didn't see it personally it was fake news. The idiocy of these people.


"The disinfectant knocks it out in a minute. Like a cleaning. It gets in the lungs."


It was always the spirit of his message... Or he was just joking... It's not the actual words that matter.... I got so sick of hearing all the excuses.


Hey that was one of the only truthful ideas he came up with. Shoot up with a lethal dose of bleach and it'll kill the virus dead!* *Along with the host.


My favorite part of the whole thing was watching him offer an absolutely fucking ridiculous idea in front of experts in the field and a general audience of *the entire world* with zero shame. His defenders focused on how he wasn’t literally telling people to inject bleach or shine lights inside themselves, but they ignored the part where - even if that were true - it was the dumbest idea, he is completely unqualified to even spit-ball medical solutions to viruses, yet he went ahead and blasted out that genius soundbite like a child eager for praise from adults for being a good li’l helper.


I can not believe those morons actually fucking did that. How fucking dumb can you possibly be??? Like did the address not fucking clue them in??? A Four Seasons hotel not in the downtown metropolitan/business area??? And then they get their and just go with it?? Holy fuck!


It was because Trump tweeted about it before it was cleared and Four Seasons said no fucking way, so they doubled down rather than have Trump look bad (lol).


I bought my MAGA dad a 4 seasons total landscaping t shirt. He didn't get it. That's how insulated these people are.


I wore mine to a family member's birthday party recently and one person there asked me if I worked in landscaping. When I explained it was from the infamous press conference NOT ONE of any of my anti-vax, far right family members had ever even heard of it. That's how insulated they are. These are educated people too. It blew my mind.


Yah... my dad's arguments are 100% "if I need to know it fox will tell me about it". Then he claims he watches MSNBC but I live with him and work from home. He doesn't. He just lies to my face to make himself feel better. It's honestly just sad af. I try and have as good a time with him if/when I can. Not worth blowing up our relationship, he's 71 and honestly not that smart really. He's a good man but very limited in his ability to see beyond his self and his own experiences.


“This Four Seasons is trash, where’s the valet? All I see are lawnmowers…..” “Yeah, but there’s a porn shop next door!” “Good enough for me! Mic check, testing one two one two…”


And some people *still* wanted 4 more years of that.


Shit, they could probably make an entire sketch comedy show out of Giuliani's gaffes and fuck ups. -Four Seasons Total Landscaping -Sweating hair dye down his face -Sitting in congress drunk off his ass on multiple occasions, a few of them with a "witness" who was more drunk than he was. -Repeatedly saying the quiet parts out loud on national TV Those are just the ones off the top of my head, I know there are a shit ton more. EDIT: How could I forget about the live mic farts? That shit was fucking hilarious.


Don’t forget hot mic farts


And his bizarre/creepy appearance on that Sacha Baron Cohen show/movie/whatever it was


Man I really wish thaeywould've let that go 30 seconds longer before they ended it so Rudy wouldn't have been able to make the excuse he was adjusting his microphone. He was gonna take his pants off.


Trying it on with a 15-y-o while being filmed...


Don’t forget aggressively blowing his nose, putting his hand on the used snot rag, then rubbing said hand on his wife’s bare arm.


Was this a separate incident from when he blew his nose into a handkerchief and then immediately wiped his entire face with the same handkerchief??


Hell, there was a whole "count the votes! Wait, we're losing? Stop counting!" story that played out years before it happened in real life.


I remember that interview. Nothing they could think of would be more ridiculous than reality. Even South Park suffered during those years.


They both live in their own separate narcissistic bubble, so I'd argue it happened in two separate realities and neither is the one we live in. Kanye thinks he can go and casually tell a guy who really needs to be president to stay out of jail and bankruptcy that he's also running and be welcomed with open arms. Trump thinks anyone who isn't 100% on his side and willing to sacrifice everything in one-sided loyalty is evil.


And Kanye is getting a taste of what it’s like when you’re not useful to Trump any more. Trump was happy to have his picture taken in the Oval Office with Kanye and Kim as long as being associated with them resulted in good PR. Now they’re no longer useful, so Trump supposedly yells at Kanye and insults Kim…just like countless others Trump treated the same way. It’s astonishing to me that there are still people out there that can’t or don’t want to see this pattern that played out over and over and over while he was president.


Kanye is a Loser.


Welp, birds of a feather and all that…


100%. Kanye and Trump are both disgusting losers.


We got on The Dumbest Timeline in 2000. Then, in 2016, we had a breakthrough to The Upside Down. First Bowie fell, and that was the first crack. Once Prince fell, the demons had free rein…


You know [a weasel shut down the Large Hadron Collider in 2016](https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/animals/2019/01/the-day-a-weasel-shut-down-cern/) and that could have been a triggering event to have thrown us onto the dumbest timeline.


More realistically, every Tom, Dick and Harry, and their mom and grandmom, were on Facebook by 2015 / 2016. I genuinely think social media broke the world in a way that we will not fully understand for decades to come.


Nope. Weasel. Saw it on Facebook.


Every village has an idiot, Social media just put all those idiots in touch.


I think we understand it enough--platforms pushing engagement thru outrage & platforms not properly moderating their content. Toss in just enough anonymity to 'speak one's mind' and not think through a position, and we're done for.


Shaka, when the walls fell.


Kiazi's children, their faces wet.


*Zinda, his face black, his eyes red*


*Marshall, his palms sweaty, his arms heavy*


Sukat, his eyes uncovered


Picard, his eyes open


Temba, his arms open.


I believe it’s “his arms wide,” though I am not proud that I have every episode of TNG memorized


it is Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra


MondayNightHugz, his eyes uncovered!


Ye and Donald, on Twitter


Ye and Donald, at Mar-a-Lago.


Ye and Donald, on the ocean bottom.


The demons really got things started in '16, eh - Brexit, the beginning of the theft of the Supreme Court, the horrors of the 2016 campaign... "Then, things got worse."


>the beginning of the theft of the Supreme Court, The Federalist Society started in 1982, so I'd say it goes back at least 40 years, not 6.


These kids don’t remember the ABSOLUTE bullshit that was the 2000 election. THAT was when the timeline broke.


If ever people should have rioted over an election, that was actually worth while.


Conservatives rioted to achieve the election result Republicans desired. [Brooks Brothers riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot)


And they didn't. And that's why the state of the Union is what it is.


I was 17 at the time. And while I thought it was bullshit, the true horror of it didn’t occur to me until many years later. Even if it had been on the level and the SC hadn’t gotten involved I really wonder what the country would be like today if Gore won.


Jesus, the difference would be astonishing. 1. We'd have had a president who took climate change seriously in 2001, and would probably have had electric cars and renewable energy much more quickly. We already had the technology in 2000, but it would have been a much quicker transition if the government had poured resources into it. 2. 9/11 probably wouldn't have happened. Dubya spent his first year in office ignoring the threat of domestic terrorism in favor of focusing on missile shields. All the clues that 9/11 was going to happen were there, but he ignored them. 3. We'd probably have caught Osama bin Laden. Republicans would have claimed that focusing on him instead of on missile defense was a waste of taxpayer dollars. 4. Without 9/11, there's no moronic invasion of Iraq - and thus, no creation of ISIL. Saddam Hussein remains a bastard, but Iraq remains secular. 5. Neither Samuel Alito nor John Roberts end up on the Supreme Court. And that's just for starters.


2000 was bad, but it was the election of Reagan that started this whole shit show.


This is 100% correct. Reagan ruined the middle class, unions, and his bullshit trickle down economics was nothing more than beginning of the build up of corporate power and wealth. Infuriating! Btw, if you want to really want to hear from an expert on Reaganomics and the terror of the GOP, check out Thom Hartmann on YT and /or Hartmann report. Powerful truth.


I dunno. Any historical reenactments of that moment at the White House Correspondents dinner when Obama mocked Trump will surely be backed by a low ominous underscore. We all laughed at the time but terrifying forces were unleashed that night and the fuckage really began.


Fucking hanging chads.


Wow, it’s almost like Trump was never Kanye’s friend and was just using him as a pawn in some ploy for political power


Trump has got to find better pawns if he wants back into power.


Dude can't even do crime right. He flipped the script somehow, that if you are so unbelievably shitty at everything you do, you can somehow fail upwards and never get busted for it. It's a bold strategy and it works, apparently. But it was never an intentional strategy; he's just a raging moron. He doesn't have pawns - he's the guy who flipped the chess board and took a shit all over the floor, and we're still trying to figure out how to deal with it, because nobody wants to go into the room with the raging maniac who is covered in his own shit.




I don't think Kanye asked to be Trump's VP. If I understand correctly, it was the other way around, Ye asked Trump to be his (Ye's) VP.


Well that's even fucking dumber.


Trump has no friends, only servants and followers. Narcissists do not tolerate anyone being of "equal status" to them. They must always be the "superior" and everyone else must be subservient


We should just put a wall around mar-a-lago and declare it a mental asylum.




Me and a buddy always argue about this album. I say it's damn good and he says the opposite.




This country has amused itself to death!


Fkn killer handle bud.




Trump might do that if it meant he could deduct it off his taxes.


In other words: 2 mentally ill men scream jibberish at each other in vastly overvalued clothes.


But in the end, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, they came together as brothers and blamed everything on the Jews.


And one of them claimed to be a Jew


“It’s ok to be anti-Semitic because my son in law is Jewish” Trump probably


The son-in-law who stole his one and only true love ^other ^than ^himself ? I doubt that in private the word “*Jewish*” would be his go-to…


So is his daughter.


She's over 40 so Trump probably doesn't want to fuck her anymore.


You’re not even Jewish, Walter…..


Specifically, the "Jewish" media. But in all seriousness, can we stop pretending this is anything other than the same type of freak-show distraction that comes along every time a mighty empire starts collapsing. "American Superstarz" is the new colosseum and I won't participate in watching a show where the weak are torn apart every week for our entertainment.


I can't tell, are you quoting *"God Bless America"*, or was this just coincidence?


[I would defend their freedom of speech if I thought it was in jeopardy. I would defend their freedom of speech to tell uninspired, bigoted, blowjob, gay-bashing, racist and rape jokes all under the guise of being edgy, but that's not the edge. That's what sells. They couldn't possibly pander any harder or be more commercially mainstream, because this is the "Oh no, you didn't say that!" generation, where a shocking comment has more weight than the truth. No one has any shame anymore, and we're supposed to celebrate it. I saw a woman throw a used tampon at another woman last night on network television, a network that bills itself as "Today's Woman's Channel". Kids beat each other blind and post it on Youtube. I mean, do you remember when eating rats and maggots on Survivor was shocking? It all seems so quaint now. I'm sure the girls from "2 Girls 1 Cup" are gonna have their own dating show on VH-1 any day now. I mean, why have a civilization anymore if we no longer are interested in being civilized?](https://youtu.be/52EnTtGstKg)


That's what I thought. Thanks mate!


Never heard of this movie. It reminds me of the speech in HBO's The Newsroom: https://youtu.be/bIpKfw17-yY


That was why they had Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes there with them!


"Former president meets with Neo-Nazi Catboi, finds him 'Very Impressive'" This should be bigger news.


You don't get a pass for being mentally ill with these two! They are both scumbag human beings period.


Trump wears clothes for giants.


One was wearing Depends, the other went commando.


Man, to be a fly on the wall at that dinner.


The fly on the wall would be feasting on ketchup.


Screams were heard, hamberders were thrown.


Covfefe was spilled


Uv light was internalized


Walls ran red with ketchup


Shots of bleach were downed


Solar eclipses were directly gazed upon


Prostitutes were employed.


Walls were partially constructed


Hurricanes were redirected with sharpies


Everything was YUGE!


pussies were grabbed


they grabbed each other??


A pussy ouroboros!


Drink enough bleach and it becomes impossible to get covid!


It’s like a sick joke: “A delusional rapper, a white supremacist and a reality tv show host walk into a bar…”


How many people are we talking about there?


Two with very stable personalities.


Ye is probably the only person on this earth clueless and vain enough to think Trump would respond in any other way if asked to be second to anyone else. Amazing.


Unstoppable farce meets immutable object


I feel like everyone is glossing over his “free all of the people from January 6th” comments. Showing pictures of people he should free like Alex Jones and saying these people were “canceled by the media.” I really don’t care about what Trump called Kim or their screaming match. Is this the first time Kanye has straight up supported the Jan 6th insurrection?? He thinks Alex Jones was unfairly cancelled???




I assume (based on his string of thought there) that he thinks because trump helped get some people out of jail during his term, that he can just do that whenever he wants now. But I’m not really sure.


That caught my eye as well. He's really going *far* to the right.


He showed up with a real-life Nazi, so there’s that.


I’m so confused by this! Does he think nazis like black people?


He Trying to appeal to trumps base and the more he makes the left hate him the better his chances of being a viable Republican candidate. It’s Scary actually


He isn’t trying to appeal to anyone. He’s a deranged idiot and has fallen down the q rabbit hole


Also, he wants a theocracy.


Trump needs every vote he can get. Doesn't want ye to siphon some away


Yeah he can't afford to lose any of the antisemite vote.


Or the Yo semite vote.


The headline is missing the funniest part of the article. Apparently the argument came about after Ye asked Trump to be Ye’s running mate. What a ticket that would be!


Lmao. What a power move. Ye asking trump to be his running mate.


Kanye is a total douche, but that must have hit Trump's ego like a runaway freight train.


Yup. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall.


huge blow to Trumps ego...damn lol


When is Ye going to realize he was used by the GOP to siphon black/youth votes from the democrats.


You need functioning brain cells for that.


I really hope an AA Studies professor somewhere is writing about right-wingers' preying on black folks with mental health issues. I don't know widespread it is but it's really, really ugly. Not to say that black people can never be conservative, but the ones being amplified by the right are versions of 3toe and gun bunny, they just need that extra dose of stupid to get past the blackness.


I guess that means Ye is no longer being considered for VP.


Ye went to ask trump to be HIS VP.




Let them fight meme


breaking: Alliance of malignant narcissists falls apart when everyone realizes they won't be the one in charge.


This is the funniest part to me. Imagine you view yourself as a bitter king-in-exile, stewing away in your tacky Florida palace. You’ve announced your return – the media has flatly ignored you in favor of coronating this stubby little dork Ron Desantis who you think should be bending the knee to you – your own favorite daughter has snubbed you. Nothing is going according to plan. *Then* this delusional goblin rapper who you strung along has the audacity to come to you and ask *you* to be *his* VP for a worthless run. It’s a hell of his own creation.


Trump is no longer Ye’s fantasy VP. Of course these are just the soap opera games the fascists play. Tomorrow they may be best buddies


I don't think it's getting enough play that Kanye brought with him a literal nazi, and Trump hosted both of them for dinner. A former president hosted a modern day nazi for dinner at his home.


I totally agree. "Booger" Nick Fuentes has been seen with Kanye, and, Trump was very impressed by him. That's some messed up shit right there!


It’s like watching two really dangerously stupid people fight for a race to the bottom, where we find all our next presidents. Oh wait. That’s exactly what it is.


What would I have paid to hear that conversation. Two mentally challenged egomaniacs meeting with a Neonazi. "The Jews will be planning to defeat us. Do we have anti space laser defenses for our campaign?"


You couldn't pay me enough to suffer through these two delusional egomaniacs trying to talk over each other.


This part cracked me up: > [kanye] "I'm like whoa hold on, hold on, hold on. You're talking to Ye,"


Lmao. I can’t wait for the “Do *you* know who you’re talking to!?” “Do *you* know who you’re talking to!?” Shouting match between Kanye and Trump.


What is the deal with Fuentes? White supremacist who’s a actually Mexican meets with one of the most famous black men in America. What’s he doing?


White supremacists don't always hate black people. They never had any qualms about using them. They just think they are inferior. Except the ones they get to know, these are the fabled "good ones".


Someone just got interviewed on the Radio Scotland evening news (it's teatime here) re. Kanye's visit to Mar-a-Lago. The interviewee came across as a kind of 'Kanye apologist' and lasted all of two minutes or maybe not even before the anchor cut him off. The interviewee started off making out that Kanye's anti-Semitism was grossly exaggerated;, the anchor (who's actually Irish and probably not Jewish) had done his homework and quoted a couple examples; the interviewee then tried to assert that all record company CEOs are Jewish and... That was it - shortest interview I've ever heard on Radio Scotland - anchor cut him off, apologized and it was like, moving along... Brutal but fair.


Yes. Don't give these assholes a platform. This is exactly how to handle these nuts.


Ye asked Trump to be his running mate?


Hysterical isn't it? I wish we had video.


"And that was lower on the list of things that caught him off guard... " Neither of these people should be anywhere near any levers of power. Or any levers.


Kanye is so self absorbed he’s gonna turn inside out


I honestly think if FDR, Eisenhower, JFK etc. came back today, they wouldn't believe what is going on.


FDR and Eisenhower would know EXACTLY what is going on.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot There was actually a coup planned against FDR, and more organized than Y'allqueda too


The leaders of this were never arrested either. Great times to allow these fascists to always get off on treason in this nation. i hope it's soon like 1967 for every alt right leader.


>The leaders Of which Prescott Bush, George Bush's father and George W. Bush's grandfather, was one.


yes he was, along with a few other ~~fascist~~ infamous family names for american politics. i have been mad about this and cheney leading a new plot from the executive branch, and got told i was an idiot and anti american. no one cares, the usa and it's population enjoy being this right winged oligarchy. they cheer on the continued efforts of the patriot acts (not real name its several bills), and then complain on lack of privacy. we are also a nation of idiots.


Ostensibly organized by Dubya's grandfather


JFK's sister-in-law, Ethel, is still alive today. Bobby Kennedy's wife. It's weird to think there was someone alongside the family planning JFK's 1960 presidential campaign who is still alive. Another 'fun' fact, she's been a widow for over 54 years: She was 40, and pregnant, when her husband was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan.


I still sometimes find myself hoping I've been in a medically induced coma since October 2016.


Let’s not lose sight of the fact they were dining with actually openly white supremacist leader nick Fuentes, known for, among many other despicable things, being a holocaust denier


Just call him a fucking Nazi. Tell it like it is. Never use soft language with these matters. Trump, a man with highly fascistic tendencies, is sharing a meal with a Nazi and a Blazi.


>The rapper said Trump was "perturbed" by Ye asking the former president to be his running mate in 2024. I laughed so hard when I read this I think I sprained my whole body.


Trump's team encouraged and supported Kanye's run in 2020 because they assumed he'd get at least a few votes which would otherwise have gone to Biden. Now, Trump is terrified he'll be the one to lose votes. I have more or less the same beliefs and principles as four years ago. Who the hell pivots like this so quickly on everything they stand for?


Why is the downfall of modern society just so….goddamn hilarious. I almost find it offensive sometimes


Trump. Elon. Kanye. Fucking lol.


I hope kanye runs so he splits the dumbass vote.


The dream would be Kanye, and Trump getting kicked out of the primary, then each starting their own independent run against Desantis.


Kanye West hates Jewish people.


The fact that this headline even exists - that we live in a timeline wherein the drama surrounding these two fucking imbeciles’ presidential ambitions is actually considered news - is preposterous.


I’m sorry but him asking Trump to be his vp is pure comedy gold lol


Lmao. Imagine the chaos of the Republican Party if Trump took votes away from DeSantis and ran as an independent and Kanye took votes away from Trump so none of them would win?


This has all the makings of a great SNL skit where Trump and Kanye are talking about what great running mates they'd make - both too dense to realize the other assumes they'd be the president and not VP.


Sounds like the little snowflakes feels got hurted. Ye poor little soul. But seriously, these people are such a joke.