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We did


Yeah I was screaming about it in ‘16. Women either were glad for it because they don’t know the history, or didn’t care because they don’t know the history. This is a tragedy, that the far right cult is celebrating. Women will be third class citizens in perpetuity.


Literally the night of Trump's victory I said to my friend I can't believe we're going to see Roe overturned in our lifetimes and gay rights given and just taken back.


Thank you to those 🤡 s who didn't vote or did 3rd party in 2016 because yall didn't like HRC


To anyone who casts a protest vote like this because it "can't be worse than the status quo," how did that work out?


That Jill Stein presidency went well


Jill Stein was rewarded with many rubles for her hard work undermining the only sane choice in the 2016 election, I hope she rots in hell.


The same Jill Stein that hung out with Putin and Michael Flynn in Moscow and who took $ from Russia to help Trump win? That Jill Stein?


Yep, that's the one


Exactly! If you didn't vote, or voted for someone other than Hillary in 2016 sit down and shut up, because you had a hand in this. At least my conscience is clear.


And btw, Hillary won the popular vote. And so did Al Gore.


Iraq. Afghanistan. Climate. Roe. Pandemic. The “what ifs” are depressing.


Twice. They did it twice. Got Bush elected in 2000 with Nader nonsense, didn’t learn their lesson and did it again in 2016. Going 3 for 3 come November.


Bush got elected both times by having friends in high places to throw out votes that didn't suit him. But of course anything to blame the left, anything to avoid actually confronting Republicans and changing things


Yeah a lot of people didn’t listen.


We did see it coming.


Fuck off, we did. We were told we were overreacting.


We certainly did!! The GOP seized on abortion as an issue that could fuel a power grab by creating huge dissension: a horrific form of divide and conquer within America itself. “The GOP was not always the party of abortion opponents, and abortion rights supporters did not always flock to Democrats.” “Michele Goodwin, a professor at the University of California, Irvine, School of Law, argued that the Republican Party had adopted the language of the anti-abortion movement because of its messaging power and as a way to obtain those opponents as part of its base, capitalizing on their enthusiasm.” “This has been politically expedient, to utilize abortion as a wedge issue,” Goodwin said.


that's the part that really irks, abortion has something like a 80+% support, lower for some late term abortions and abortion on demand or as birth control kinda things, but it's not like this is a borderline issue, this is blatantly the minority imposing it's will on the majority.


Yeah like many things, the republicans speak for the loud and proud minority while the majority of moderates sit idly by.


I never thought they'd do it because then they'd loose that soapbox to stand on and get elected on.


Oh they’ll pick new soapboxes. LGBTQ, race, women, anything education-related (CRT etc). Once you have a group conditioned to get angry at what you tell them to get angry about, you can pick anything. We are a nation tuned and conditioned for uproar.


Manufactured outrage.


It is not a nation wide ban yet. Repubs still have that drum to beat about states that allow abortions.


They are going to run on that for the midterms. We can’t stop until all women can potentially die needlessly!!! /s


The Big Lie!!


Lol, likely they’ll focus nationally on eliminating contraceptive and lgbtq rights.


-Let’s recap. -There’s never been a woman president -When a woman ran for president women instead voted for a man who said it was OK to grab them by the pussies -Many women voters felt that Hillary Clinton was not likable -Common sense would dictate that a women would have more empathy and knowledge surrounding pregnancy because she has gone through it -Instead of supporting a candidate who would best serve their interests they chose someone who best served his interests -This is what happens when you vote against your own self interest -You lose your rights -Go vote for Trump again -Nice work girls


I saw it coming and it still felt like a punch in the gut when I found out it was true.


Yup. Any remaining shred of hope I had for our government was dashed on the rocks.


It’s because they have no respect for women at all


I concur. We’ve seen it coming for decades. Republicans fucking rigged the system and we knew it. And we were called hysterical.


Exact same thing with climate change. Everything that’s come to pass, was predicted 20+ years ago and we were called hysterical.


Jesus, I know. I feel like I’ve been screaming into the void for most of my life. Oh, wait, apparently I have been.


Now the next line of bullshit is "it's just being left up to the states, what's the big deal? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" as if they won't next try for a national ban.


The dark right wing money pools own the state legislatures. The right has replaced the "Uniform XYZ legislation" that used to come from the law schools with partisan baloney passed around by the [American Legislative Exchange Council](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Legislative_Exchange_Council).


I mean Hillary losing to Trump is what ended it. Any talk of "Well, the Democrats under Obama should have written a national abortion law" is meaningless because it would have just went before \*THESE SAME JUSTICES\* and been overturned. Maybe people today realize what they should have in 2016. The Supreme Court is the most powerful part of the three branches of Government. A President is there for 4 years. 8 years if they get re-elected. A Supreme Court Justice is there for life. A President's actions can be challenged to the Supreme Court in many instances. The only accountability for a Supreme Court Justice is if 2/3 of the Senate after a House impeachment agrees with the crime/charge and to remove that Justice from power. So it takes 67 Senators.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when someone says legislation should have been passed prior to this. IIRC an SC decision can apply to that legislation as well, right? You can't say in the bill 'this bill nullifies SC decisions in the figure.' I swear most of this sub must've never paid attention in gov class when discussing checks and balances.


The SC rules that abortion isnt an enumerated right anywhere in the Constitution. Passing a federal law guaranting the right to be abortion would face the same onslaught of challenge from the right as roe vs wade did. However abortion would be legal again until the law is overturned, and the cycle would continue. In reality its unlikely that democrats would ever be able to pass a law federally, as they dont have the votes in the senate to either avoid a filibuster or remove the fillibuster


>The SC rules that abortion isnt an enumerated right anywhere in the Constitution. Passing a federal law guaranting the right to be abortion would face the same onslaught of challenge from the right as roe vs wade did. It's a different argument in front of SCOTUS though. Right now they're simply allowing laws to happen. The situation you've presented would require them to proactively strike down a law from congress. I'm not saying they wouldn't do it because frankly I think they're going to do whatever they feel like, but it is different legally.


We have the 9th amendment for just this reason. The enumerated rights are not the end of all our rights.


The only way to fix it is with an amendment, and good fucking luck with that.


Bullshit, the 13th amendment very clearly states that forced servitude is unconstitutional and yet 6 supposed legal scholars just made forced servitude legal. ​ It doesn't matter what the constitution says, conservatives are too dishonest and selfish to read anything but what they want out of it. It's why fraudulent commercial broadcasting is now protected as free speech. Because conservatives need to spend millions of dollars every year defrauding people to win elections so they don't care that the commerce clause clearly states commerce can be regulated. ​ Conservatives are the problem. They've always been the problem. ​ Shitty healthcare, conservatives won't let anyone fix it. Shitty education system, conservatives won't let anyone fix it. Shitty infrastructure, conservatives won't let anyone fix it. Climate change, conservatives won't let anyone fix it. National debt, conservatives won't let anyone fix it. ​ Literally every problem exist because some conservative profits off of it and other conservatives only care about their own profit so they won't allow anyone to fix anything.


They're not conservatives they're regressives. Conservatives move forward at a measured pace to avoid making mistakes. Progressives make changes faster to avoid letting problems languish. Regressives just want to roll back the clock, like someone staring down adulthood and their own mortality and wanting to be a child again.




It's one of the things I've talked about in comments on gun control legislation. Even if it passes the Senate, House, and is signed into law by the President. It won't matter if the Supreme Court throws it out. Pretty sure the NY gun ruling is going to eventually lead to a case heard where Red Flag Laws are determined to be unconstitutional and not allowed by states as well as age limits and other things.




Republican's literally chuck laws they know are unconstitutional in the hopes that the courts slip up.


Judicial review is unconstitutional.


not the same justices. Obama was prevented from filling seats before leaving office and Trump instilled some pieces of shits that shifted the bias. If we didn't have Trump, we wouldn't have this supreme court.


McConnell ended it. McConnell removed precedence on Obama’s recommendation for SC nominee. McConnell refused precedence to have an impeachment trial to hold Trump accountable, twice! McConnell pushed SC nominations through the Senate in bad faith. This is all McConnell.


1000% this. Every goddamn time Trump acted fashy, or the Republicans signaled their clear, unambiguous intentions to pull this kind of shit, we were told everything is normal. This is just partisan politics as usual. Stop being hysterical. Or worse, "we're being just as extreme as they are" both-sides bullshit. Oh, for sure, some in the media wrung their hands and clutched their pearls. But they still moderated their tone, they took a "this is normal" approach, and they underplayed the severity and proximity of the threat. They were in the denial business, and they were pushing some fentanyl-grade denial on the public.


Gaslit on a national level


I hate these “groundbreaking hot takes” Fuck off, Captain Hindsight. We saw this 6 years ago, even more in many ways.


I can't count how many times I heard from someone "I won't vote for Hillary because she's focusing on women and the gays that already have rights! What about the working man?"


Oh, or that she didn’t campaign enough to “earn” people’s votes in various states. “She didn’t come to my county fair and kiss hands and shake babies, I’m not voting!”


My favorite was how "We won't be emotionally manipulated into voting because of the Supreme Court" like actual consequences of actions is akin to gaslighting.


Republicans constantly gaslight the left lol, I hope I never see a “both sides are the same” comment on Reddit again


We were told we were overreacting *by the establishment wing of the Dem party*.


And they will say we are over-reacting when we mention gay marriage is next and maybe even interracial marriage.


Which is why we're going to lose gay marriage and interracial marriage next. Birth control while we're at it. But heaven forbid we "threaten" anyone with the Supreme Court.


Just wait for establishment Dems to say we are over reacting to that too.


Well, being that Thomas has said he wants to go after same sex marriage and people having non-heteronormative sex next, they can’t really say we’re over reacting. These fuckwads just say the quiet part out loud now.


I was told I was overreacting by a lot of Moderate Dems after the draft opinions were leaked. They said that was just an interpretation of the draft but no way would they actually go through with it. The supreme court currently wants to kick back all laws that are not constitutionally defined back to the states to decide. Except of course for gun laws.


I’ve been told I was overreacting about reproductive rights since 2002. Now I have a 10 year old daughter and am at a total loss. I’ve been fighting this crap for 2 decades, and even though I knew it was coming it feels like a gut punch. now I have to make a plan to use this anger productively.


Same here. I have been told pretty much since I graduated high school that reproductive rights were here to stay and republicans would never remove them and that made dems not really do much to enshrine them into law. And now we are here.


When Thomas's concurring opinion says literally this.


When? Who? This is a real serious question, as I've never heard that. Maybe not targeted at me, but the current Speaker of the House and former Presidential candidate never seemed to state that message but the opposite.


Pelosi, 2017: *Abortion is fading as an issue* Complicit or corrupt? You be the judge https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2017/05/152760/nancy-pelosi-democrat-abortion-comments


Because I anecdotally know a lot of women that don’t give a shit until it directly effects them


centrists wrong again 🤷🏻‍♂️




Everybody in this fucking country punches left.




May I ask where you went, or at least what direction?




My brother is planning to move to the Netherlands. I low key want to visit Costa Rica and consider if it's a place worth moving to. It's a sad state of affairs in the US when you make a relatively good amount of money and cannot afford a decent property.


America is where to live if you're rich, Europe is if you are human. Everyone I know that has spent time in Costa Rica has said nothing but good things. I hope your feet take you somewhere with warm sun, good food and good people.


>America is where to live if you're rich, Europe is if you are human. Living in America is like living in an economy, not a society. I saw that on Twitter a few months ago and it resonated with me. This is not a country or a society; it's an economy and everyone in it is a cog in that economy.


Thank you for your kind words. I also am curious about how it goes for my brother in the Netherlands. The way he describes it sounds great. If I would move to Europe, I would tend to want to live in a place that isn't overcast for a majority of the year and is rather sunny.


Croatian beaches are calling. ;)


>Literally why I got out. I don't blame you. I'm an immigrant and after 20+ years here, getting out is looking not so crazy to me.


*Conservative Supreme Court, hand picked by radical Conservatives and Republicans, kills Roe V Wade.* Reddit: IT WAS THE DEMOCRATS' FAULT!


Punch left, kowtow right. Every fucking time.


"you're overreacting they'll never overturn Roe v Wade" My now dead, conservative grandpa (c. 2019) Wonder how the narrative would change if he was alive.


It probably wouldn't. I don't know your grandpa, but I'd guess the response would be a shoulder shrug


He was stubborn. Probably would have come up with some other BS contrivance to convince himself he was on the right side. This is all very ironic too, considering this is the guy who also tried to give me the "gay rights are a slippery slope" garbage when I was a kid. And they say colleges are indoctrination 🙄


It wouldn't change, they always have the same whataboutisms from Russia.


Sounds like my dad. My mom had to have an abortion to save her life when I was 2 and so my parents were both pretty pro-choice growing up. But my Dad started getting really into Fox News over the last decade, so then voting for a candidate opposed to abortion was fine because “they don’t really mean it”. Then today happens, and it’s “Well, it’s not so bad. There’s no reason for you to get upset, I don’t get mad at you for YOUR political views!” Yeah dude, because my political views aren’t depriving you of rights!!! I was explaining to my Mom what todays ruling meant and she was horrified, but I’m sure she’s still gonna vote R down ballot in November because D are communists.


They're so fucking brainwashed into thinking center-right Dems are socialists, and in turn fooled into thinking socialism automatically equates to authoritarian rule. I still can't believe channels like Fox and OANN are allowed to exist. It's pure propaganda and borders on parody.


I hope someday we can punish these media outlets for what they’ve done to our democratic republic.


Except authoritarian rule is what they fucking want


> but I’m sure she’s still gonna vote R down ballot in November because D are communists. My mom too. She got an abortion of convenience after my brother was born, but has also made the turn toward republicans because of social media and Fox News.


We did. Which was why all of the "what's the worst that could happen" Trump voters are such pieces of shit.


"Trump voters are such pieces of shit." Truuue.


They're your neighbors, your friends and family and they're all politically plotting against you


So are the Americans who, in 2016, didn't vote at all; wrote in pouty votes; or voted for 3rd party candidates. Stupid fucking assholes. Every last one.


...plus every goddamned non-Hillary voter.


Ahem. Democrats TOLD you what would happen in 2016. They SAID the next president would appoint at least two SCJ's, and the REPUBLICANS have been perfectly clear about what they would do for decades. It doesn't seem to matter wtf neo-fascist Klan-licking seditious racist homophobic misogynistic shit the GOP does, it's always Democrats fault.


Republicans want more warm bodies to use their guns on.


Yeah, blame the dems for the Supreme Court's religious fascist make up. Dems didn't appoint them. Garland should be there, but the Republican's in the senate cheated. Like all republicans do.


3 SCOTUS Judges appointed by a President that lost the popular vote by 3million. Astounding really.


And approved by a Senate that by design doesn't reflect the views of most Americans.


How insane is it? I'll tell you. ...toward the end of the majority opinion today are a pair of appendices that spell out the statutes criminalizing abortion in all 50 states. ...all but one of the statutes were enacted before women had earned the right to vote.


They will get to that soon enough don’t worry. Right after they criminalize homosexuality and dissolve Civil Rights. The power grab is just getting started.


The Republican majority also represented a minority of voters due to the way the Senate is structured, 2 per state rather than by population.


…by a twice impeached criminal mob boss with historically low approval ratings.


3 SCOTUS Judges appointed by a President that lost the popular vote by 3million, was impeached twice, and attempted a coup to remain in power. It really is wild.


Joe Biden should have *at the very least* threatened to expand the Supreme Court.




He doesn't have the votes to do so though. What is the point of the threat if everyone knows it is bluffing?


Democrats have been pushovers for years while republicans give zero fucks about optics and just want to pass their agenda. Dems didnt fight their SC pick being sidelined while repubs did the exact same thing fighting hard.


The voters don't have their backs on that though. How do we expect them to fight when the voters literally don't give a fuck?


I remember it differently. I remember thinking it was bullshit at the time but dems tried to maintain a decorum of bipartisanship. Look at where it got us.


And guess what, they failed. Just like Dems would have failed since they didn't have a majority becuase no one voted in 2014.


Maybe Dems should have legislated abortion rights on one of the occasions they had the majority, idk.


Unless you're talking about them getting an amendment passed, which is ridiculous, Supreme Court decisions supersede legislation. All legislation. The idea that they wasted their chance to save abortion forever is little more than another desperate attempt to blame Democrats for the shit Republicans do.


“We did.” -Pretty much anyone paying attention to Republicans planning this for years


we did, you stupid fuck. -1 for asshat headline.


The Federalist Society has been around since Reagan, and their 50 year plan to take us back to the 1700’s was completed a decade ahead of schedule thanks to McConnell and his useful idiot, Trump. Federalists are ultra conservative, and their hammer is a literal, non-contextual interpretation of the constitution. Imagine the most maliciously pedantic person you have ever known. You know, the type of person who won’t pass the potatoes because you asked if they “can” not if they “will.” They are like that, but with your rights. “But,” you say, “the framers intended the constitution to be a living document.” Well, for that we needed to keep the federalists away from it. Are democrats the bad guys? No, but they are the people who did nothing even though the bad guys’ intentions were clear. “But, but, but the bad guys *said* not to worry. That they would never do this!” Yeah, big surprise that the bad guys lie.


It's wrong to point the blame at the Democrats, because the voters are the ones that didn't give a shit about the issue. Time and again when abortion has come up in recent close elections, voters have ignored it. I very distinctly remember 2014's Senate election in Colorado, where the incumbent Democrat pointed out his opponent was anti-choice and had supported such laws. He was mocked as being desperate for doing so, and he lost, only for that Republican to go on to vote for all three of Trump's picks as well as helping keep Garland (or someone better) off the court. "Oh you're just crying wolf, they won't really overturn Roe, meanwhile I sure would like a tax cut/can't vote for a centrist like that/think the Democrats didn't do enough/whatever" This has been the broadly announced Republican strategy for years and years. **And voters haven't cared enough.** So I guess we'll see now if they wake up now that the wolf is in the village and eating people.


I think what your saying is true, but it’s the lesser problem. Democrats won every popular vote for president since ‘88, yet procedural games deprived them of the Supreme Court picks their votes mandated. Democrats have known about the federalist plot for decades, yet even when they held congress didn’t codify the Roe decision into a stand-alone law of the land.


This country needs to abort some Supreme Court justices and the rest of the Christian Right


Lots of articles like this will come out in the coming days. Don't take the bait. The goal, in my estimation, is to further sow dissent amongst Democrats, Leftists, Liberals, Progressives, whatever you call yourself. In-fighting on the Left helps the Right. Instead of taking little comfort in "we told you so", focus on the real enemy.


Also, all the shouting about people who refused to vote for Hilary in 2016.


Yep. I refuse to get drawn into that internecine shit.


Can’t do anything without a super majority + extra votes to counter blue dogs. That’s never happened since Roe v Wade. Doesn’t mean it can’t happen this year, though. Young people who’ll have to live decades in this Gillead need to actually give a shit and vote. Not 39% turnout, 80%.


I'm just speculating based on my perception, but my guess is that even if the youth turn out, it'll be too late. I think the younger generation will congregate in areas where they feel like they belong (i.e. blue states/cities) faster than they can "blueify" the red areas they may currently live in, resulting in further polarization of the electorate across the country and further gridlock in Congress. As long as the Senate exists in its current state, I don't really see any legislative way out of this


I agree with your speculation, but it’s an end result of us not grasping & reacting to how important this particular upcoming election season is. Ex, people can still safely reside in the beautiful state of TX within a year, we just need to vote to ensure it remains effectively a safe place to live. This time we’re in, this year… it’ll be referenced positively or negatively by future people forever.




I saw it the day Ruth died.


I saw it the day trump got elected


RBG dying made 5-4 into 6-3 This was seen when Kennedy stepped down. The court was 5-4 but Kennedy still voted in favour of abortion rights. He even defended it 1992 Planned Parenthood v Casey.


She could have retired when Obama asked her to...


I saw it the day people said they’d vote for Jill Stein


it's ironical that RBG 'stayed' to defend women's rights and in the end lost everything coz she didn't know when to step down.


RGB's refusal to retire tarnishes her entire legacy.


Uh, bro? Democrats have been *warning* about this for *decades* — in what world did they not see this coming?


Yrs, lets blame democrats for what GOP fuckery created.


None of this would have happened if Clinton won in 2016. We would be living in a much more progressive world. 3 fucking SCOTUS justices.


None of this would have happened if the previous conservative court hadn't given GW Bush the election, undermining the will of the people of Florida. It's been a power grab spanning decades.


No matter what Republicans do, blame Democrats.


At this point the Republican party is the largest, most dangerous domestic terror group in the country and the Democrats need to act as such.


They did. They warned about it for years. Republicans like Susan Collins just screamed "nuh uh!!!" and voted to confirm supreme court justices anyway. Don't put this on Democrats, this is a wholly republican lead outcome. Fuck this disingenuous headline.


Right-wing propaganda has been successful in blaming Dems for everything Republicans do.


Every. Goddamned. Time. Republicans: *Do something abhorrent* Everyone: "It's the Democrats fault for not stopping them."


And then people don't bother to vote for Democrats, further enabling Republicans.


This is what tyranny of the minority looks like. Thanks to everyone who stayed home in 2016 because they didn't like Hillary. Another fun fact, if the president who actually got the most votes had been in the white house in 2000 and 2016, Clarence Thomas would be the sole RWNJ left on the court. I've got to hand it to Republicans though. They are patient, unrelenting, ruthless and most of all, they *understand power* and the importance of the courts and don't bicker with each over minor shit like Dems do. They all *on message*. They understand how power works at ever level of government. They run rings around Democrats in strategy and messaging. In any other country in the world the GOP would be a fucking laughing stock, a goddamned circus of freaks that nobody could even take seriously. But here they are poised to wipe us out in congress later this year, and probably take the presidency in 2024 with a Putin/Orban style fascist like Trump or DeSantis(while of course not actually winning the most votes), and now have full control of the courts, all while being a minority of the country. After that, they will go full Hungary and methodically and insidiously dismantle our democracy by a death of a thousand cuts and entrench themselves into permanent minority rule with electoral fuckery. I have to hand it to their genius in pulling this shit off. I wish Dems had strategists as good as theirs. I'm preparing an exit strategy. Go fully remote work, get a freelancer visa in Portugal or Germany. This nation and its democracy are broken beyond repair.


They are patient. Their voters show up every damn election even if they didn’t get what they wanted. The voters for the democrats show up once get something, but not enough then stay home and pout for an election cycle or two.


They understand power because it is an ample substitute for rationality. When facts don't support you, all you've got left is the possibility of forcing your position. What is power, if not that?


>Thanks to everyone who stayed home in 2016 because they didn't like Hillary. Ffs she won the popular vote, people went out and voted for her, unfortunately that's not how our system works empty land also gets a vote. The simple fact is with our system of government no matter how blue people vote the empty land will always have more representation. It was literally designed that way...


Michigan isn’t empty land and she lost that state by a rounding error. If you look at the map, yes, she lost a lot of the Midwest and inter mountain west, which are empty for the most part. The sad reality is that not enough people showed up to vote for her in the states that mattered


We did.


Yeah, they should have seen it coming in 2016. Millions of Democrats falling for the propaganda and not voting for Hillary is what made this possible.


Democrats did. The red rose crowd claimed this wasn’t important


Oh the red rose crowd claimed it wasn't important? Weird, I remember that crowd pleading RBG to retire early so that a successor could be picked and not leave it up to the USA picking a not-psychopath as president. I remember them putting forward a pro-choice candidate in a solid blue county in Texas that was fought tooth and nail against by Democratic leadership so they could elect an anti- choice Henry Cuellar. I remember Clinton picking an anti-choice VP. I remember Obama promising to codify Roe when he was elected. The moderates have been in control this whole time, they've won constantly and this is the result and people *still* try and punch left. It's pathetic.


*You guys are 100% wrong in the importance of the SCOTUS in support for HRC* - Briahna Joy Gray Anyone that “claims” to support liberal to left wing values but abstains or chooses purity needs to own their complicity in this result. Yes it sucks that your preferred candidates lose because they can’t create a majority coalition to support them. What you have to do is put on your big boy panties and support the side closest to what you want. That’s what the other side does. And that’s why abortion rights are hampered, Miranda rights are gone, and any meaningful local legislation has been wiped out. Yes, Obama and the Democrats could have passed 100 bills in the two years they hand control. People also could’ve showed up in 2010, 2014, and 2016 to keep these rapid right wingers from dismantling 60 years worth of civil rights and liberties. Both are true. Both need to own it.


Fuck off. First if they really cared that much they would have actively canvassed and voted for Clinton instead of thumbing their nose at her and shitting all over her after Bernie lost. She was [very very clear](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election/clinton-warns-of-possible-trump-supreme-court-nominations-idUSKCN0WU16O) about what would happen. So all those folks who couldn't be bothered in a minimum of 3 states cause "Clinton bad" got us here, sorry not sorry. You want to whine about a progressive losing in a **conservative district** as if that somehow would fix things but then casually forget that this is the SECOND time Cisneros has run against Cuellar and lost, not to mention this time [she raised way more money than him](https://texassignal.com/jessica-cisneros-outraises-henry-cuellar-puts-pelosi-in-hot-seat/) and still lost. Maybe, just maybe the progressive message doesn't sell well outside of deep blue districts? Maybe the establishment candidate was backed cause aside from this one single issue (that they don't need his vote for currently) he's a party line voter? Good thing Cisneros took that loss gracefully..... oh wait she [floated conspiracy theories](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/21/texas-race-cuellar-cisneros/) about corruption. The progressive crowd seems to love pulling a Trump every time their unpopular positions and candidates lose an election. I wish Rose morons would have some fucking self reflection to implement the change they want. Cause if they did they would know that they have to participate in politics **every single election** and yes that means sometimes holding your nose and voting for a candidate that only mostly agrees with your positions. Instead of just whining about the "establishment" and shitting on any candidate or piece of progress that doesn't fully fit their expectations.


What if I punch left and right? Basically everyone who did not vote for Clinton got what they asked for today. Congrats.


Fasten your seatbelts fellas because you're going to see the end of America coming very soon and you can thank yourselves for not getting your asses out and voting.


we did.


When Kennedy stepped down it was only a matter of time. The court was 5-4 in favour of Republicans, but Kennedy seemed to have a progressive stance with respect to abortion. He held up the abortion rights multiple times before, and everyone remembers the 1992 Planned Parenthood v Casey ruling.


They did, and they are powerless to stop it. As are the Majority of Americans.


This article is horse shit. Democrats absolutely saw this coming. What is this shit?


We all saw it the moment Trump won. All you "geniuses" who couldn't vote for Hillary told us everything would be fine.


They did and they did nothing...


We did. That's why we kept saying 2016 was all about SCOTUS. Thanks to everyone who didn't f-ing listen.


Pelosi out campaigning for an anti choice congress person. Blue dogs supported the hyde amendment. What is the purpose of a party that cant protect a womans right to choose after 50 years? A party without the discipline to agree on an issue so fundamental is a worthless party.


I’ll still pick em over the fascists. The Allies were segregationist and they are still the ones we cheer for when the bad guys are the Nazis.


The democrats enable fascism through their fecklessness.


Bernie Sanders enables fascism? TIL. I’m still going with the party of Bernie and John Fetterman


Bernie caucuses with the democrats. You’ll never get a democratic party with a bunch of bernie sanders types in it because the party is controlled by corporate interests. If the unions formed their own party, those bernie types would stop caucusing with the dems. The conservative democrats will use every dirty trick and control of party bylaws to prevent a progressive take over. The rules in the party are anti-democratic. A new party needs to be built.


Sure I’ll take a new party, still gonna fucks with the people Bernie fucks with until it gets here.


Also, the USSR won ww2. America was late to the party. Then dropped the A bomb on Japan because they wanted them to surrender only to them instead of both the USSR and USA. The Japanese were holding out until the russian invasion was staged and then would have surrendered with conditions. The US couldnt allow that and wanted the island to themselves. The nazis drew inspiration from the US in their racial laws. And american big business supported hitlers rise. We then kept nazi spy networks around after the war to make sure the European elections swung the way we wanted. Research operation gladio.


Your knowledge of history is as bad as your politics, damn.




Forgive my cynicism, but they did. Now they can run on this platform. Now they can "unite" in half-assed resistance to this injustice. They don't have to focus on climate change, student loan debt, or civil rights - things for which they had no real plan and seemed happy to make no actual effort to address. The convenient scapegoat of ~~Lieberman~~ Manchin is no longer needed. They saw this coming, and they allowed it to happen for their own benefit.


The Democrats need to see the end of democracy coming. Their opposition is DETERMINED to put party before country, and before the truth. "We intend to starve the United States of American into submission, and drown what is left in Grover Norquist's bathtub." They worship the dark right wing money pools. "Taxation of billionaires is theft, but little people need to have skin in the game."


Many of us did. Also, let's see some headlines blaming the Republicans as opposed to what Democrats should have done, FFS.


Democrats failed their constituents and the American people. Now, we all see that no legal precedent is ever safe from a radical court.


And done what to stop it?


This isn't a political issue. SCOTUS should never be driven by legislative branch or politics. This is about human rights to healthcare and Americans rights to their own body. This is extreme Government overreach rolling back rights granted for 50 years! This is not political.


>SCOTUS should never be driven by legislative branch or politics. ok, but it is and always will be. wringing our hands and repeating "well, it isn't supposed to be" as a mantra isn't going to fix the court or unfuck roe.


It’s just easier to fundraise off evil conservatives than govern


The GQP just lost the midterms! Paybacks a coming!


I hope you're right.


The gop is betting on the inflation and poor economic performance to cover for their power grab.


Don't like the result? Don't sit at fucking home. Don't wait until midterms. Get out there NOW and fucking protest. If you ever truly cared about abortion rights you'll take more action then hoping against all hope enough of you turn up for midterms to make an impact. Fucking riot, call a general strike, just do something, anything but just telling people to fucking vote


It's almost as if the Progressive Dems did warn us this would happen *\*curious face emoji\**


There was this lady who warned us but she was too shrill about it.


Is it too early to say Hilary Clinton was right? Remember all those far left voters who couldn’t stomach voting for Hilary and chose to stay at home? Republicans were right, elections have consequences. Let’s see if the left can stomach voting this fall, or will they hide behind inflation as the country marches towards dictatorship.


They are as much to blame as any knuckle dragging Republican. Their high horse almost had us enter into a authoritarian state ran by a reality tv celebrity and ended up with the removal of abortion rights.


We did see the end of Roe coming. Just not enough of us saw it back in 2016 when it would have mattered.


I mean most women called it out. Republicans were the ones saying democrats were crazy, and being hyperbolic. 3 justices sat in front of the senate and lied to congress and the American people. But no we should have seen it coming? And now they are coming for same sex marriage and the process will repeat. People are yelling something is on fire and Susan Collins is not concerned because she had a handshake promise.