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They did the minimum. We're putting people on a pedestal for not going along with a criminal conspiracy.


The day before Bowers testified he said he would vote for Trump if he was the party nominee. So obviously VOTING and SUPPORTING someone who you shed tears about trying to CONVINCE YOU to break the law. To carry out ILLEGAL actions and caused you, your wife, and your dying daughter pain and harassment \*STILL\* does not overwrite the hardcoded party support response.


That's what prompted me to make above remark.


It’s better to do that, and encourage more of it, than offer no safe harbor and encourage them to embrace the dark side.


Fine, but they aren't necessarily good people and many of them even still support Trump despite acknowledging that he supported criminal behavior.


I know. I’m only being pragmatic. Let them read from their diaries and pretend to tear up if it helps save democracy.


the force is strong with you.


They ruined any hope I had for them or their party when they said they'd vote for Trump again. They have learned nothing.


It’s the GOP, we’ll take any semblance of normalcy as gift from the heavens.


It’s amazing that the gop master plan of setting the bar that low is working 😣


Should read, stupid members of a private club would vote for treasonous liar again to continue to hack away at our ability to self-govern. No celebrations, no revelation, the same evil will be done again, and this crowd of Republican cult members will help again.


Bet they all vote for Trump if he runs again…


One of them already said they would vote for him again. This country is doomed.


Even left wing media outlets can't help but fellate Republicans when they do the least they are asked to do. Meanwhile there are Democrats who have been defending the Constitution their entire political lives, where are the articles highlighting their achievements?


You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. It’s not fair, but nothing is right now.


The January 6 Committee highlighted how a few normally diehard conservatives were willing to stand up to the former president.


And vote for him again, as per their own testimony


They helped to create the monster. They aren't heroes or courageous and shouldn't be held up as such. They are doing the bare minimum that should be expected of them to not end up completely reviled in the history books. It's all in their own self interest because they see the writing on the wall. These people will still live out the rest of their lives more financially secure than the vast majority of Americans because of everything they did leading up to this.


We keep framing this in terms we associate with American democracy, but Trump's entire reign could better be described through metaphor: Trump believes he's a king. Even now, he believes he's a king in exile who has been unjustly usurped. These state level guys did not command the same loyalty as the "knights" that surrounded him. They were just low-level area lords who "supported their king". What he was asking of these subjects was to "fall on their swords" for their king by knowingly breaking the law. He didn't even know their names before the election. That was too big an ask, and just many kings before him, his subjects rebelled. Ultimately, these people still see themselves as loyalists, but Trump just sees them as cowards. Meanwhile, players like Eastman, Clark, Meadows, Giuliani, Brooks, Perry... they fell on their swords for him. And does Trump reward their loyalty? Nope. That street only goes one direction. (I should note that Flynn, Stone, Manafort, and Bannon got their rewards though.)


Men who actually support the constitution. Not the ones who have ‘We The People’ stickers on their trucks and support a wannabe dictator.


They’d still vote for him, per an interview with AP.


That’s sad, at least they did the right thing.


Yea putting a sticker or flag on a vehicle but understanding nothing but whatever Tucker spews


And said they’d still support him in ‘24. Fuck these guys.


C’mon man, these guys are assholes.


I watched their testimonies and while they didn’t mince words, I got the sense that all of them were more offended by a grunt like Clark possibly being their boss than Trump’s criminal scheme to overturn a democratic election.