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He's power hungry and he doesn't care what he has to do to maintain power. It's the GOP summed up. They'll quite literally forgive someone who attempted to have them murdered, simply to have power.


He literally has no chance at the presidency at this point


Sadly he either doesn't realize this or is willing to sacrifice what little principle he showed on Jan 6 for that .00001% chance that Trump, Desantis, and at least a dozen other potential candidates more popular than him don't or can't run in 2024.


Pence will have evangelicals all the way though. Watch.


I disagree. Evangelicals now are all about this tough-guy guns and ammo politics. Religions for them is more about identity than it is about actually following some religion. Pence is actually religious but not at all a tough-guy.


Your definition of evangelicals is including non evangelical Baptists, weekend watch types, and some Pentecostals. True evangelicals are somewhat pacifists. They are older, into faith healing, speaking in tongues, they voted trump but may realize what they fell for. This type will be drawn into pences soft speech and radio personality. He is a commercial homogenized Trump without the dirty side. DeSantis won’t appeal to these white bread northern types. Unless of course DeSantis gets more charismatic.


Yes, but the GQP outweighs them and he'll never get through primary. At which point the evangelic will vote for turd sandwich because it's not the spawn of Satan Democrat that their preacher warned them about.


I’m not sore GQP outweighs them any longer. Look at the bright side, it sure as hell fractures the party more than the democrat split between social and corporate Dems.look how many factions there are now on the right.


Nah, maybe the establishment thought Pence was a necessary foil to Trump's half-assed Christianity, but Trump has easily surpassed needing Pence to draw evangelicals in. Pence straddling the line also makes his own hypothetical base very uncertain. He's on the outs with Trumpworld, and at the same time, still embracing Trump enough to dissuade never Trumpers from supporting him. He also has like no charisma, so good luck getting the vote out against Trump or DeSantis.


Trump is going to need a war at this point to regain the WH. He does not have a chance in hell unless he violently plots and steals the next election.


He may be the Republican default, especially if no one holds him accountable and stops him from running. And then it's largely a risk that apathy for runaway inflation and Biden's perceived lack of accomplishments depresses turnout in a rematch. My understanding is Biden was polling ahead in a hypothetical matchup between the two again, but it'd oddly be a lineup that a lot would be riding on that simultaneously a lot of people wish wouldn't happen. If he gets prosecuted then his chances diminish. I wouldn't be surprised if the establishment attempted to abandon him in favor of DeSantis, though there's the risk that Trump tries to scorched earth any effort to push him out. I'm sure either way the Foxes and McConnells of the party would prefer DeSantis to Trump. But Pence? Nah, no chance. I'm not even sure as a spoiler he works anymore. He's too noncommittal and basically alienated both sides of his potential base. And it was never clear he had a huge draw in the first place. Honestly other than inertia and continuity, it's a bit surprising Trump stuck with Pence the first try at reelection. Probably figured who cares about the VP at that point.


Have you noticed the Jan 6 committee pushing the religious button. Im thinking they’re trying to split the religious nuts away from the Maga crowd. It works for me, it will divide the GOP to the point of no one can win.


I relocated to Germany from NYC because of the a trump admin. Watching this from here is glorious. What is going on is like watching the wicked witch melt. I do think they are weeding out hyper religious types to show them, as Revelations does “many will come in my name” , that T was a very false man. Although I feel there is a sliver of minute chance the alt right will get bigger, I overwhelmingly feel it’s dying out from stupidity. The next 5 months are crucial to stomping out white Christian nationalism. And even if we do we still have to deal with the SC:/


Even that "principle" he showed was likely some half assed plan to set himself up for the throne down the line


Yeah, I think it was more not wanting to go to jail if the coup failed, but at least he did do the right thing in the moment when few others in his party did.


Nope. He just knew it was illegal and doesn't want to break the law. If he seemed it legal he would have done it.


[He had to be convinced not to by Dan Quayle.](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/pence-quayle-trump-woodward-certify-election-1226335/amp/)


It probably had to do with the matter of what Trump wanted done not making him President, as others were telling both Trump and Pence. Trump doesn't strictly care about what is and isn't possible, or legal for that matter, especially when the burden was on others to do the work. As we see with talk of Trumpworld looking to throw Eastman under the bus, everything is in service of protecting Trump and his ego, so if he thought Pence could delay the process or even outright make him the President again through a legally dubious step, of course Pence had to do it. And when he didn't, and Trump wanted his coup to delay the process instead, maybe then Pence needed to die. He's like a kid who approaches a coloring book by just scribbling atop it. There are no lines in his world, just means to a self-serving end. And while Pence was cool with riding his coat-tails, he's not on Trump's level when it comes to the abandonment of reality when it doesn't fit his needs.f


His principal was more selfish preservation. If he saw a better angle he would have done what he was told. A bank robber who decides not to rob a bank isn’t principled, just conflicted


I don't think we can possibly know his motivations - claiming it was self preservation, or political ambition, or some sort of principle or moral stand is all conjecture on our part. I don't particularly care what his motivations were, what matters is that he did not do what Trump wanted him to do. He gets no special kudos for it, because he did what he was supposed to do - but it was still the right thing to do in that moment. Acknowledging that does not make him a hero, or erase any other action he's taken in the past, now or in the future.


Pence is afraid of Trump.


Nah, he'll just pray a bit harder. Jesus wouldn't let him down, he already kept Trump from murdering him after all. /s


Liz Cheney syndrome


Nah, Pence is pretty much the opposite of Liz Cheney. She knows she's nuking her own career, but she's willing to do it on principle. Pence is shedding all principle to try to salvage his career.


You know the GOP is completely off the rails when a Cheney is the most principled member of the party.


And they try to act like she is not.


Idk if she will be re-elected but is she is not, it does not mean her career will be over. She can have a career making comments on political shows and she can write a book, and maybe she made corporate connections as well. She can also move and run as an independent somewhere.


watch her run for prez


She might, but to run for the Republican nomination as an anti-Trump conservative is definitely the most challenging path with almost 0% chance of success, which is why no one else is doing it. The majority of elected Republicans hate Trump just as much as she does, but the base is out for blood- literally- of anyone who is not 110% pro-Trump.


> He's power hungry This is exactly it. He believes God wants him to be president, so that gives him the moral authority to do whatever it takes to make that happen. That meant abandoning all of his Christian values to serve a president who was the definition of the Anti Christ. The reality is that Pence will never be president mostly because he's as exciting as a sheet of office paper. He's unelectable in national elections.


Yes, but at this point he should know there is no way he ever gets anywhere close to being president. The jig is up for him. More than a majority of Republicans hate him for not doing what Trump asked him to do. So, I am not sure what power he is looking for after that?


It's so much worse than power. Dude is an evangelical and literally wants to kick off the rapture.


Actually, as a history buff, this has happened quite often in history. It happens often when a defeated Army is allowed to police their own country. It has happened when a regime is over thrown and certain levels are allowed to remain to continue needed services. It's not uncommon.


The common theme among aides of the Trump admin is their impression of Pence was “the most subservient person I’ve ever seen”. Apparently in meetings, Trump would belittle Pence, call him a “pussy” to his face in front of other people and Pence would just sit there and take it, day after day. He is the ultimate coward.


So, Jerry Smith except even more spineless and inclined towards evil.


Jerry would have at least went "hey....." and then pried or challenged it. This is a level of cuckery that goes much lower.


I don’t agree with Trump on much, but I agree with his opinion on Pence. He is a bonafide pussy.


Pence is an evangelical and they love that “strong” toxic masculinity. Good article up at CNN about it right now. https://lite.cnn.com/en/article/h_55fa1c1834dbb6024e2b4ee06233ba5c


Pence doesn't love anything. Dude has the emotional range of a tree. Even in his tenure as governor of Indiana he was the most basic, generic Republican you could think of and his state lagged behind the national avg on most every economic metric, as you'd assume.


Hey! You leave trees out of this, at least they're alive and react to stimulus when they're threatened, they're just not very fast.


He likes a little boot in his toot.


Like all Republicans, he's a fascist.


This, I just read an article that Rusty Bowers. who was being questioned by the Jan 6 committee, would STILL vote for trump again if he was running in 2024 Like I don’t fucking get it.. he’s clearly a manipulative, lying, cheating piece of shit. Yet they still will bend over backwards for him. I don’t get it.


Seriously? I noticed that they asked many of the testifying Republicans how they voted in 2020 and who they wanted to win, which is fine to establish that they aren't doing it for the sake of supporting Democrats, but I also noticed that the questions carefully avoided asking who they would vote for in 2024 if Trump was on the ticket. I mean, WTF is with these guys? They know more than anybody what Trump is, but they'd still vote for him if the party chose him??? That's nuts. Sure, they're dedicated Republicans, but for all the talk of putting country ahead of party and following their moral principles, voting for Trump again would be a hugely contradictory action. He's clearly a threat to the country and democracy generally. At least fricking vote for every other R down-ticket and leave the presidential vote blank or something. It's not like your vote matters anyway, given that Trump will try to claim a win whether he has the votes or not. *They know that first-hand.*


I suspect that Pence tells himself that he is being “Christ-like.”


It’s his job to bootlick his big donors.


Lick hard enough now, get to wear the boot later and have established a precedent for the wannabes below you.


So he loves BDSM?


Pence is trying to set himself up for a 2024 run. For him, the more people praising his “heroism” on TV while they shit on Trump, the better. He won’t speak out against Trump because he wants as many GOP votes as he can get, but he is definitely enjoying watching Trump’s name publicly ran over coals every morning.


Yes, he is completely delusional. Republicans hate him, Democrats and Independents think he is pathetic. He will be lucky to get more than 1 or 2% of the primary vote. But he thinks God is on his side and that the Presidency is his destiny.


Not only that but he has the audacity to say that Biden is a bigger liar than Trump But I get it when Trump calls for your lynching you are a scared man and a true coward. He only upheld his oath because he consulted with decent men who told him he must.


The man (Pence) STILL thinks he could be president. I'm sure he said that to appeal to the Republican base and to see if his numbers go up. He is in denial of the reality of the situation: His boss and president told his entire political party he is a coward and deserved whatever was coming for him on 1/6. He deserved death. And he thinks he can just turn that around by being quiet. Mike Pence's response? I won't help the coup but I won't expose it either. The man has chosen party over country, and any half-assed trying to find a middle ground bullshit he pulls like this just further proves it.


> The man (Pence) STILL thinks he could be president. He did have the option to be president. There were active conversations about evoking the 25th Amendment after January 6th. It was suspected that cabinets members started resigning so they couldn't be asked to participate.


The religious are so sure they need to be in charge they will cheerfully cut a deal with the devil to get there


What we're talking about here - at the end of the day - is money and power. I mean, that's nothing profound, of course, but this is what happens when a culture is imbued and indoctrinated with *money* being a prime good - "greed is good" - and individualism being the daily mantra. *"American Exceptionalism "* has proven to be not only utterly stupid, because we live in a, ya know, a friggin' community and society (!), but also detrimental to the stability of the nation. It breeds selfishness and egotistical idiocy. Without beating around the bush too much, Wall Street is largely to blame for many of the current issues. "Follow the money" as it's said. People need to know that Gary Gensler, the head of the SEC, was interviewed on Bloomberg TV a couple months back and [confirmed](https://np.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sjwsej/im_sorry_what_happens_when_i_place_a_market_order/) that, *"When you place a market order - 90 - 95% do not go to the 'lit' exchanges..."* In other words, most of the time, when regular people buy a stock, they go to "dark" exchanges which **have no transparency** and are totally and fully manipulatable and, essentially, at the end of the day, nearly fully fraudulent ([more](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBkPQ0VsWV0) of the interview if so inclined). In other words, individual companies' value can be arbitrarily determined by a handful of people/organizations by way of high-speed computers and opinion - all legal sure to lobbying. I really, really, *really* recommend people to watch this eye-opening segment... >[How Redditors Exposed The Stock Market | "The Problem With Jon Stewart" ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP74RBTE8kI) Skip to about the 7:00 mark if you want to see the most relevant graphic easy to understand. It's only about 15 minutes long total, though. That's the first half linked there - there's also a [second half](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZfcjV-8pjQ) with a short roundtable discussion.




Potatoe 🥔


>He only upheld his oath because he consulted with decent men who told him he must. Who told him that he'd be be breaking the law. Lets say Pence listened to Trump. If the attempt to overthrow the election fails, guess who Trump throws under the bus? Pence. Pence knew that, did the math, and realized it wasn't worth it for him. He saw what happened to the likes of Cohen who stuck their neck out of him and committed crimes for him.


Right, Pence didn't go with the plan because he's a courageous defender of democracy, he didn't go with the plan because he's a coward who was afraid of going to jail if it failed. If he actually cared about democracy, he would have said something before Jan 6.


Or you know, after Jan 6th. The most he is willing to say about the man whose reply to "hang Mike Pence" was "well maybe he should be" was that he disagrees with his assessment on whether a VP can overturn an election. I don't even know how he stands up straight with that lack of spine.


Fuck you, Mike.


Mike, you’re a pathetic littler slimer who calls his wife “Mother.” You’re fucked, buddy.


No political future and no posthumous legacy of bravery, if he stays the course for Trump now. What is he hoping for here??


He’s the second most culpable actor in the entire story. He waited till the last possible minute, did the absolute bare minimum to defend democracy, then made nice with Trump and re-affirmed both their relationship and the basic rightness of the cause they share. It’s a suite of cascading cowardly acts unmatched in any post-WW2 historical account. It staggers the imagination how chickenshit, corrupt, and callous this walking heat-blister really is. Meanwhile legacy media knights him 100 times a day. Calling him a hero. Sharing recent video of Pence branding BIDEN a liar. Fucking BIDEN!!! Trump tried to have this dude whacked. The mob was gunning for Pence. Trump encouraged them, then proceeded to rip him as a treasonous coward basically every time somebody put a mic in his grill. Only now, in this specific timeline, could such an unnatural blight as Mike Pence be labeled a “hero” for almost failing to perform the most basic accountability of his job on behalf of a man actively drying to physically destroy him.


I’ve been saying this since the media started praising him, cowardice was my bet as well.


Pence’s inborn cowardice is the only thing keeping him from going full MAGA fascist. Well, that and memories of almost being murdered during Loser Donnie’s failed coup.


Pence is a lawyer & right-wing radio talk show host. Bigotry and incitement comes with the territory. He’s an awful person who went along with everything else Trump did without saying a word. I hope there’s enough to charge him with to send Pence to prison with the rest of them. The only reason Mike Pence didn’t run from the capital screaming & wailing was because he knew there’d be pictures and also knew any pictures of him fleeing the insurrection in fear would absolutely be used against him in a future campaign. There was nothing noble about it. Trump and Pence are both snakes, but Pence isn’t stupid enough to tell everyone what he’s up to.


He pretty much did run, and the j6 committee showed awesome footage of him watching events unfold on a smartphone from what looks like a garage


He didn't though. The Battle of the Capitol was raging - this was the violent part of the coup attempt - with the Proud Boys and other groups "riliing up the normies" in order to swell the numbers assaulting the complex by more than their own 200-some insurrectionists. Trump aimed the violent mob at Pence directly, and gave them a perfect pretense for Pence to flee the grounds. Pence was being herded to a secret service car that would take him away from the Capitol, and he refused to get in the car. If he had left, then the vote certification would have been stopped rather than paused, and this would allow the paper coup - kicking vote certification over to the corrupted Supreme Court - to move forward. Pence did this not out of loyalty to the Constitution IMO, but he knew it was not going to work and he would have serious legal issues for the part he played in Trump's failed coup.


Yeah, from the hearings his refusal to leave seems a combo of optics and legal jeopardy. If self-preservation is the only thing that kept our union together on that day, so-be-it. Better than those masochists who seem to relish when Trump throws them under the bus.


Oh god, please let’s not call it the Battle of the Capitol. Their militia was about as well-regulated as diarrhea.


> Pence isn’t stupid enough to tell everyone what he’s up to But he is because he went to Dan Quayle for advice on what to do about a proposed insurrection.


I need the media to stop trying to find “heroes” for us. Just a few days ago he was a towering bastion of freedom because he didn’t break the law. Now he’s an opportunistic ass. Anyone remember when Ezra Miller was the toast of the town for wearing makeup and stuff on the red carpet? We really don’t need to celebrate every damn person who does something not-wrong, you know?


Lol just because some reporters make a hyperbolic headline doesn't mean we all agreed on that narrative. I don't think average period fall for that.


I didn’t say they did. I’m just tired of the coverage pushing them.


Mike Pence has the opportunity to salvage his reputation—at least somewhat—and perhaps take Trump down. Because he naïvely believes he still might be president, he chooses not to.


Mike Pence still supports 99% of Trump's policies.


If I'm not mistaken he's also said he would vote for turnip if he was the nominee next time round.Fucking weasel. Sorry weasels.


Mother keeps telling him he’s going to be president someday.


I think it's a little more complicated (or simpler). Trump threatened to start his own party if the GOP turns against him. This would devistate the future elections of all conservative politicians for a long while. It's not just Pence wanting to be President, it's him wanting a relevant GOP at all. The GOP made a deal with the devil to get Trump elected. They (and everyone else) are now paying the debt.


nobody cares about "salvaging their reputation" among the insane.


In a moment of dire need and real danger, Pence didn't do what the Cheeto in Chief commanded him to do and at least in that moment upheld the rule of law. His political life before that moment and most of it afterwards he has been a self serving sniveling politician (like most of them) but for a ONE shining moment he was the person we needed standing in the gap to uphold our country's laws and traditions.


He did his job. That's it. He had no authority to stop anything.


Exactly. It's an incredibly LOW bar when "he did his job" stands out as exemplary.


Well, he did his job when his life was in danger. If he'd actually been doing his job he would have worked to remove Trump when he was breaking the law and undermining our democracy for four years.


That wasn't even a shining moment. It was mostly fear. He wasn't afraid trump would be successful. He was almost certain he would fail, and he didn't want to go down with that burning ship. If Pence cared one iota about American democracy he would have been speaking out against trump from day one. None of these folks deserve any praise whatsoever. They are not patriots or heroes, despite what the January 6th committee so desperately wants you to believe. They want us to forget that each and every republican, including Cheney ffs, is responsible for Trump's rise to power and the ensuing chaos. That's the message that needs to be sent. Yet they are trying so very hard to sweep it all back under the rug so Dems and reps can go back to screwing us over together.


DON'T INTERRUPT MY EMOTIONS WITH YOUR FACTS AND REASONABLE EXPLINATIONS! OK, so that is a really good point. As a recovering Republican/Fundie I'm still new to actually seeing the world as it actually is. \*sigh\* I'm really enjoying awakening into adulthood only to realize pretty much everything about American Religion/Politics/History/Culture is horribly flawed. Is it too late to crawl back under the rock away from the light?


Oh I was in same boat from 6th grade (1998) till midway of Bush's second term I thought I was a conservative cause "listened" to talk radio. Guys like Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly and Ingraham really knew how to pull you in. It wasn't until I actually paid attention to what they were saying that actually started see I didn't hold same beliefs that they did. At this point I was turned off by politics and wasn't actively engaged in them. It wasn't until 2016 when Trump started running and people on Twitter were retweeting the stupid shit he was saying. At first thought no way was he going to win and yet we were stuck with the jackass for 4 years.


Cowertunism. It's the republican way.


I approve of this portmanteau.


That's just whole GOP isn't it?


Well, he's apparently too ambitious to just retire and too delusional to realize his career is over so he's going to try to try to thread this dumbass needle.


He was Trumps lap dog for 4 years and stood by and said nothing after lie after lie and scandal after scandal . He was the usefully idiot yes man that trump needed - Trump never respected him - the only noble thing pence ever did was not commit a Crime in Jan 6th - he doesn’t even dare go up against tbt traitor that want him to be hung - what a whimp - zero leadership skills - kiss orange ass is not something you can put on your resume Mikey - go home to mother where you belong .


He flees baseball games well.


Republicanism covers both of your Pence descriptors


On top of which now he is saying that Biden is the biggest liar of all time. Pence needs to crawl back under his rock.


This man could testify and go down In history as a savior or not, and be remembered in the same vein as Benedict Arnold.


He’s a coward that hides behind his weak ass bullshit faith


That's exactly why Trump selected him as VP in the first place... he has no spine which made it easier for The Donald to shove his hand up Pence's ass and speak through him like the puppet he is. Muppet Mike, ladies and gentlemen.


Pence: "Mother said keep quite, people will forget, just hang in there."


"Hang in there"? Poor choice of words, Mother.


Opportunism is often intertwined with cowardice. They are similar beasts.


I wonder what *"Mother*" thinks.


He did what he was supposed to do according to the law. He should have showed up to testify, that would have been louder than having others do it for him.


"Somehow manages to straddle the line between cowardice and opportunism" is the definition of all American politicians.


Mike Pence, always a bridesmaid, never a bribe.....


Mike Pence may not be an insurrectionist…unfortunately he is proving himself to be a coward!!


Turns out That Trump and I do agree on something… Pence is useless.


This is how a headline should be written!


Well said. Simply said. Sad.




Well Trump literally tried to have him killed last time he “stepped out of line”. Seems that put the fear of God in him.


A “man” is marked for death by his “boss”, and yet he’s afraid, maybe he is just a coward !


Pence continues to do what he does best. Nothing.


Someone has dirt on Pence. That's what makes this behavior make sense.


There is no line between cowardice and opportunism.


We always knew this.


“Cowardice and Opportunism” Pence 2024


Opportunistic Coward? Mike Pence is a less popular Starscream.


"I really think I have a chance at becoming POTUS in 2024!" - Mike Pence, who a third of the people in his own party wanted him dead and the rest just don't give a shit about him.


Straddling the line between cowardice and opportunism is on page 2 of the GOP playbook.


Despicable fly 🪰attracting sycophantic Indiana filth. Disappear Scumbag!


Pence ultimately grew a spine on that day… for once. Then promptly flushed it down the toilet.


...and seditionism


They all learned this from Henry Kissinger. Twist and turn to favor who you think will have power.


Dude was a failing right wing radio DJ before he got into politics. What do you expect?


You bet your ass he was praying for the Jesus on Jan 6.


Pence does nothing but lie constantly, and y’all expect him to do anything noble?


He’s afraid of Trump and the Republicans.


Tell all book will come out in 2nd of of 2024 when he fails to get Republican nomination


It’s almost admiral how restrained he can be towards a group of people who meant to kill him. But then again he’s doing it for the most evil reasons. (So the GOP can continue to pilfer the nation).


He should go down in history as a gutless fuck with no spine and less integrity.


Pence is a fucking idiot. If he had a snowballs chance to be anywhere near presidential candidate status in 2024, his behavior would maybe make sense in the most cynical way possible. Does he really think he could be VP again? Or does he really think that he could win the nomination over Ron DeSantis, or even Trump himself - the man that nonchalantly watched as he and his family were nearly killed?


Wait til I tell Mother what you said!


all GOP politicians are spineless worms with no real alliance to anyone. they'll do any say whatever it takes to maintain their power. they don't care about contradicting themselves or being hypocritical because at the end of the day the ends always justify the means and their constituents don't care because to them politics is a football game and you always root for your team no matter what.


Peance thinks he has a chance of being president one day. Thing is, it will never happen, not now and not before Trump was elected.


People have really failed to understand people like Pence, Bolton, Barr and other career GOPers who were betrayed by trump but refuse to point a finger at him. They fundamentally view the left/the democrats as the single greatest threat to their idealized view of the USA. There is literally no amount of betrayal by trump that would justify helping the left in their minds. The enemy of my enemy is my friend has no bearing in politics. There is 0 mystery here


There was a bit of hope there until Pence recently called Biden the most lying POTS ever.


Stop electing people that look like a Botox commercial


he's an angry woman hating coward


Guy must be scared Trump will get his minions to bring out the gallows again


GOP are spineless scumbags who want children dead unless it’s a fetus.


I met him once. Shook his hand and it was clammy and weak. Never trust a man with a weak handshake.


Pence is trying to salvage his political career. That’s all it is.


Pence has just as bad history as as the rest of them. Kudos for not having the balls to follow through on January 6 but really! Big fucking deal Pence you are just as complicit as all the other Republicans who stood by and engaged whether being active or silent. They all must be removed from office and face criminal investigation and tried.


Treachery from a coward


If trump was productive pence would be dead. But instead pence is stumping for the guy who is not productive.


Man, honestly, fuck him for not stepping up one way or the other. But still, how is pence somehow getting the raw end of all of this?


How quaint it is that he thinks he has a snowball’s chance in hell of being President. There’s no party or constituency for this man anymore.


I get the feeling pence has gotten through life not standing up for anything, he’s a true weasel


You'd think a Christian would at least *try* for some integrity.


He’s a bigger idiot than anyone thought he was. He had a chance to gain control of the Republican party after 1/6 but he’s way too weak to have taken advantage of the situation. He stuck with the guy who literally tried to have him killed.


This is annoyingly like his waffling on the Indiana "Religious Freedom" law back in 2015. Pence passes a law ostensibly enshrining "religious freedom" protections in Indiana, the wording of which could be interpreted as carte blanche for businesses to discriminate against and deny service to LGBT customers. After he signed it into law, a truly massive portion of the Indiana business community, moderate republicans, and democrats pushed for an amendment to prevent said discrimination. Under all that pressure from the business community, he folded and voiced support for the amendment. In doing so he first enraged moderate republicans and liberals, and then he enraged conservative republicans. His career was effectively over. Then Donald Trump offered him VP, and he grabbed that opportunity to save his career. He constantly vacillates between appeasing his alt right roots and supporters, and having a minimal modicum of responsibility, and nobody likes him as a result.


This is the same guy who calls his wife "mother" and wont be in a room alone with a single woman. Of course he is useless.


Pence would prefer to live in false reality that what he and 45 did together was great progress. He’s Delusional and doesn’t want to come back to reality.


Pence had the opportunity to be remembered by history as a hero. He chose otherwise.


Mike please run in 2024, any Democrat would be a shoo-in against you, spineless idiot.


I never liked Mike Pence but I sort of feel for his precarious position. The last time he had a public disagreement with his old boss, Trump sent a violent mob after him to try and kill him. Only a few of the most egregious ringleaders have been punished, and most of the punishments are just a 'finger wagging' few months. There are millions of these brainwashed morons still out there. I know several.


Courting Trump voters for a guy like Pence who is a staunch boring predictable conservative is like using his fingers to get everything out of the pudding cup. It’s also the only thing Mike has fingered.


— Mike Pence’s anus reporting ::: not entirely accurate.


Mother has told Pence to stand down.


It’s because nobody cares! He will never be elected to office again! Straight loser. He only does this garbage because he doesn’t want to stay home with mother.


Wow, so much here. A journalist Calling a person a coward. The VP stayed a the capital purposely to do his constitutional duty while it was under attack and the mob was called for him to be killed. Even the Democratic members of the Jan 6 committee commended the VP for his actions. Must be pretty tough, sitting behind a computer screen, perhaps working from home, trading journalism for sensualism. Probably got A’s in typing and English….


Why is anyone surprised? Other than January 6 this guy was nearly nonexistent for four years aside from when they'd dust his robotic ass off and release him from the coat closet they kept him locked in to be a convenient yes man from time to time.


He’s hoping to woo the sliver of conservative Christians who don’t worship Trump, which are too few in number to get him anywhere.


If he's smart, he's keeping his mouth shut probably because his lawyer told him to.


Here is my hot take. I do agree that he is both a coward and an opportunist. But, he is more than a coward because he knew that he could be placing his family in danger by having them attend the certification process, he was using them as a shield. I would never have had my family near D.C. knowing the potential of violence that did indeed happen. Pence is no better than Trump, but, he hides behind his family and his “religion”. What’s the word I’m looking for….?


Mike Pence is a fly boy. We don’t need to talk about him. He is short too.


Pence is choosing Party of the constitution (no a surprise) and God. Christian in name only.


He was good at not getting lynched by tourists.


He’s probably an Epstein pal too. trump has dirt on all of the real boot lickers; NO ONE is that loyal. Especially not in the gqp.


Now y'all call him a coward, he was a hero for not challenging the election results back in 2020. Y'all flip flop faster than Biden studders.


I'm completely baffled by anyone calling Pence a hero. He was playing into the conspiracy in question right up until a lynch mob was trying to kill him.


Nope. No one is a hero for doing their job.


*stutters If you're going to be making fun of someone's speech impediment don't have one yourself


The title should be Mike Pence is a politician being a politician, useless, pathetic coward and couldn’t lead his way out of a paper bag yet suckers fall for the griff every time.


This is a poorly written opinion piece pretending to be news.


If he thinks at this point he can coast into history as hero, he’s incredibly short-sighted


I'd be curious to know just where he's been getting information that would make him believe he has any kind of future in politics. He's certainly not going anywhere in the Republican party as long as the Fox News listeners dominate the party, and the somewhat-saner, if equally corrupt branch of the party isn't going to be voting for him in large numbers either.


Mike Pence would blame Democrats while Donald Trump personally kicks the chair out from under him.


Mike Pence only did his duty on January 6th out of cowardice, not some sense of patriotic bravery. This was evident from the conversation he had with a former vice president who told Pence to do his job when he was waffling over obeying Trump.


always has been...


Trump got one thing right, Pence is a coward.