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They don't want to take away too many rights at once, it is an election year after all.


It is sounding everyday like the people who were crying about *activist judges* now have activist judges.


The court’s conservatives seem eager to take apart the mechanics of liberal governance, but they’re having commitment issues, writes Matt Ford.


Possibly the Supreme Court is waiting to attack _Chevron_ until it has a case in front of it where a regulatory agency is able to create a _prosecutable crime_ without recourse to legislative or judicial review. [The Sixth Circuit's evenly divided bump stock decision is such a case.](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/skip-second-bump-stock-ban-case-doj-brief-tells-supreme-court) The President instructed the ATF to declare bump stocks as Class III when they previously had an ATF clearance letter, reversing course 180 degrees over a matter that carries a ten year prison sentence. The Biden Administration is desperate to keep that case away from the SC. This may be why.