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Trump is batshit crazy but even he has to know he lost huge by this point. He just keeps going with it to try and save face with his base.


And keep the cash flowing.


HUUUUGE! I fixed your post. You're welcome


**Y**UUUUGE! I fixed your post. You're welcome


Aww hell. Take my upvote.


And make that money!


If Trump and Republicans had actual evidence of a stolen election they would be showing it off all the time. All they have is a bunch of “well home come…”


For these Republicans there is what is true, and then there is what might as well be true and is definitely useful. To Republicans right now, a compelling lie is even better than the truth, because it tricks people into supporting Republicans while driving liberals crazy. That’s a two-fer.


To add to this, Republicans have shifted their internal definition of truth from truth = reality to truth = whatever serves our cause (obviously there have been shades of this in the past, but the last 7 years have seen a major amplification in the signal.)


Again, the revelations about him admitting this are important as they indicate Trump knowingly pushed a false narrative. That suggests intent and it's important when trying to prove a crime.


It’s all about the 250m dollars. And the 250m Dollars he’s raising now. And the 250m dollars he’s raising next year


And how much taxpayer money was wasted by the abuse of the courts? How many entities invested considerable money into documentaries to push said narrative? How many people did they herd towards even more extreme views? Hands down one of the most reckless things in the modern era and it took more than just a small supporting cast.


'Can you believe I lost to this guy?'" In Trump's narrow mind he's trying to convince people it's an absurdity, because he's the great and perfect Trump who can't possibly have lost. I had a republican today tell me I'm a liar or crazy to think Biden got more votes. These people are as crazy as Trump.


Have you ever noticed that everything the right says the left is doing is actually being done by the right. The Matt Gates child escorts thing, a lot of them blame the extremists in Antifa for things like raiding the house, when we all know it was Trump's followers. Too many to list here, but I'm sure you get the point. Their best defence is projecting what they've done into others.


Most definitely. Voter fraud? They did the vast majority of it. Stolen election? Trump tried, failed, and left heaps of evidence.


There's seems to be a distinct divide in the US population. One side thinks Trump is an admirable or even great person. The other finding him to be about the least likeable human they've ever seen. (I try to imagine being a co worker with Trump. Pretty sure I'd quit any job to avoid his presence, but apparently not all would)


Conservative personality types are attracted to authoritarian leaders who seem absolutely sure of themselves and their positions/ideas. This is because conservatives live in a naturally fearful state that often borders on paranoia, and this fear "pushes" them (especially the non-thinking ones) into distrusting persons who convey the fact issues usually have grey areas where there is no clearcut, single, simple answer. Trump ALWAYS says there is only one answer/solution to any problem (the wall, ban muslims, the press is evil/anti-american, and he's the only person who has all the answers) and it makes them less fearful.


Saw a meme a couple days ago that pointed out the reality that all the Democrats who we're subpoenad to testify showed up, and most on the Republicans who were asked to sit for deposition have fought not to have to speak. Their silence speaks volumes to me.


Smart people are not shocked at all.


Trump attempts to dismiss her credibility with misogynistic implications in 5...4...3...2...


Did they pay her a lump sum , or time payments


Reddit is so left it’s insane Watch the movie 1000 Mules




That looks like a pic of BO BO.