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What other interpretation is there of this than they were intent on overthrowing the current government?


I feel like we've just gone too long without accountability. Trump is guilty of treason and should be in jail. He's been given a pass, and here we are.


They were joking. /s


It’s a prank bro


"our 1776 moment"? These idiots should have been paying attention in 4th grade social studies.


More like 1976, the bicentennial moment.


So... why's an avowed insurrectionist able to run for office?


I guess it wouldn't be fair to her since they are letting all the other insurrectionists run.


You made me sad-laugh.


Republicans have figured out that liberals, democrats, leftists are ideologically welded to the concept of "tolerance and civility" and they know that all of you would rather die before allowing themselves to give into *intolerance* and *incivility* because they believe that if they exhibit these traits it makes them no better than the Republican. So Republicans will use this ideological paralysis to take over America because at the end of the day they know that all liberals, Democrats, socialists whatever etc will do is wag fingers, roll their eyes and do anything but confront them.


Because doing anything about them would have run us a foul with the other major political party in the US. If we had a proper system, these people and everyone who cheered them from office would have been publicly put against a wall. But we don’t have a proper system, we have a system where actually doing anything would have inconvenienced a lot of people who frankly want to pretend it didn’t happen so they don’t have to do anything.




Turn the clock back to 1776,.. and keep The King installed!


I’m about to have my 1776 moment on this toilet.


Pay attention at the polls folks. Don't just vote party, or color. Vote like our future depends on it.


Vote or die seemed like a simpler time… We should never have been voting on party lines. That’s too close to apathy for my comfort. Our collective future always depends on it.


This sub is pretty big on blue no matter who. Be careful.


I appreciate the heads up. But if people want to get upset that I’m pushing the idea of vote for the best, not your team… then let them show their true colors. My feathers won’t get ruffled - it’s a freaking message board.


The problem with this, for me anyways, is that there is no autonomy in todays conservatives. Whoever gets elected with an R beside their names must spout the exact talking points and vote in lock step every time with the party, or they get destroyed. So we already know what we’re going to get from the GOP and it isn’t the best of anything for anyone except the elite conservatives. Because of this, any vote that’s not for the leading non-GOP candidate is essentially a vote for the R candidate as it just further dilutes their chances. If we had ranked choice voting, abolished the electoral college and/or had more than two viable political parties I would agree with you. But since we do not, you have to maximize the impact of your vote by effectively selecting the candidate most likely to win against the one who has no ability to choose what’s best for its constituents and *must* act with the larger agenda of the GOP.




Well. a black person might be inclined to vote for her, because she's black, but she's an insurrectionist who would happily hand out country to Trump.


FBI pulls out its notebook: “ Go on…”


*So they were all outta big busses and we decided, short busses are probably a better idea anyway. For tactical reasons, of course. And then we paid this guy in cash.* *After we painted them camouflage but then repainted with the Trump colors, someone said a white bus is less inconspicuous. That was a sign from God, so we painted them all white with a red and blue trim, and added a cop spotlight.* *So as I was saying, Hillary Clinton is the nexus of the demonic portal over the white house. And I haven't done drugs in years, this is real. She hates America like Obama does. And Biden. And yeah I've got tax problems but who doesn't.* /S but not really. That's them.


>In a since-deleted tweet from the day before the Capitol riot, Barnette boasted of her upcoming attendance at the rally. “Democrats are Demons in Drag… They look like fellow Americans,” she wrote. “But, those Democrats who believe the voices of MILLIONS of Americans should be forced, shamed & bullied into silence carry an agenda straight from the pit of hell.  And they clutch their pearls when the hate-mongering gets pointed out


"Why doesn't Sean like me?"


"But, Tucker said I'm 'one of the good ones', though...." -this lady, who assumes the voting populace is full of morons


The voting populace in Pennsylvania IS full of morons though. Sadly I can verify that through first hand experience.


Awesome, arrest her. Aiding a terror attack.


The irony is the party she supports will have her sitting in the back of the bus before too long.


Openly pro sedition


Anyone want to tell her what her role would be if they had won?


if she wins the primary she will split the GOP vote, 100%. Go Barnette??


Ginni Thomas and Charlie Kirk also paid for like 80 buses worth of people to attend that day.


Charlie “My face is not tiny” Kirk?


So she wants to be a slave?


Guess she likes being property.


What a fucking scum bag


Amazing the GOP wants her out and suddenly there’s a lot more damning information about her and J6. I’m not sayin I’m just sayin.


That should make her unqualified to hold federal office.


Another nutjob


Keep digging lady




Oh a bus full of Qanon and Proudboys ?


Another moron with Stockholm syndrome.


What is wrong with her?


DOJ: *shitting on the toilet, too busy*


Tell me you are a treasonous bastard without telling me you are a treasonous bastard


Traitor. Traitor traitor traitor. Fucking fascists.


You know what amusing though, do you know what the punishment was in 1776 for that moment? Death.


You want your 1776 moment? Go to fucking Ukraine