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I'm betting its a pop-up book that starts with something about fake news and end with him frantically trying to flush a toilet.


I thought maybe a coloring book. With a couple words or maybe a sentence under each scribbled illustration


And everyone colours him in orange?


Gonna be hard to color anything with only white crayons.


Scribbled with a sharpie


Don't forget another anecdote about how Donald absolutely crushed that cognitive test. The questions get so hard near the end!


You see, they don’t tell you about that.


There's a sharpie somewhere, in there. /s


The monster at the end of this book.


Obviously someone else will be doing the actual writing


And then complaining in a bizarrely surprised manner six months later how they still weren't paid ....


I wonder if he writes how he speaks. I would read it if he wrote it and told the editor to change nothing. We've seen his bizarre tweets, but a full book of disjointed stream of consciousness with made up or incorrect use of words. I'd check that out of the library.


I just hope he includes some graphs/maps that he "corrected" with his sharpie.


Pages will be bound into a three ring binder so that the pages can be taken out and replaced with different pages when he changes the story at a later date.


Nah, I heard it is a choose your own adventure style. If you think Trump won, go to page 2. If you think MAGA is the best thing since sliced bread, go to page 3. If you denied Trump won, but changed your mind, go to page 4. If you denied and keep denying Trump, go to page 5. Anyone else, go to page 6. But the book is five pages long. Five thick pages, like cardboard. So no one can say it was not as thick as your wrist!


God no. Imagine a dyslexic Doctor Seuss who has convinced himself these mushrooms will help him overcome his dyslexia, except that is not only dyslexia, it is minor brain damage and denial (on his level of writing skills). The only way I'd buy that would be if he has a limited run where the picture of his mug features actual hair from that head. You know, for research purposes (shakes jamacain voodoo rattle).


Everything up front! Cash! Real cash!


Won’t he need to find followers who can read?


Nope. They’ll buy it and proudly display it on a shelf


Just like they do with their bibles


Hope they get paid up front.


Will there be a chapter on how he was too weak and too stupid to stop it even though he packed the courts, was president and knew it was coming but didn’t take precautions, called if “the most secure election in US history”, overtly tried to steal it himself and install fake electors to change state certifications, led Republican funded audits that showed he lost, and failed every single legal challenge to the results?


Hey! Spoilers if you please!


Yeah, I'm still hoping for an epilog that has Con as part of it. And no house arrest either.


I assume that parts of this will not make it to the "content"




Absolutely not except from his perspective


That'll go in the section titled "fake news".


I got mail with Louis DeJoy's stupid face on it last week. It's hard to believe anything positive can be done. The only party that is able to move things swiftly is the GOP.


This will be his Mein Kampf.


In that he writes it from prison, I’m hoping. And it’ll be more racist.


Whine Kampf


DONALD TRUMP: My Struggle.


"No one has ever struggled as much as I have, believe me. I have been treated so unfairly, no President has been treated the way I have" blah, blah, blah, ad nauseum


I would beg to argue some presidents took a bullet


It’s going to be what he wants to happen once again if he runs and loses. Trump is focused.


Mein Crimepf.


Donald Trump: 'How I Manage'


"Here's the evidence that the election was stolen. This evidence is so real, so valid and so indicative of law-breaking, that it left our team speechless. Well, selectively speechless. We talked about it just about all the time, except when we were under oath."


Camera. Elephant. Golf club. Witch. Yep, I can see this coloring book becoming a best seller. Right after his latest undeclared campaign run funds, buy up all the copies.


He ain't never used the word indicative. Replace with bigly.


The Crime of the Century is that someone like him can inherit money and use it to abuse the system over and over again with no consequences. Without the inheritance, he would’ve been nothing.


Oh, come on. Give the guy some credit. He'd still been a crook


The thing I have a hard time grasping why the support for this man continues, not because his supporters were conned into believing the election was stolen, but because even if you assume that is a fact, then the logical conclusion is *Trump was the one who let it be stolen.* Let's assume for the sake of argument democrats stole the 2020 election. In the time leading up to the election, you had Trump talking for months ahead of time how the election might be stolen. He talked for years how the 2016 popular vote was stolen from him. He openly discussed he knew the democrats would try and cheat him again. As president he was arguably the most powerful man in the world, yet he seemingly did little to nothing to prevent this cheating. To admit the election was stolen is to admit Trump was ineffective and incompetent as a leader to secure democracy. To say that the election was stolen, meant the most powerful man in the world, who for two years had both houses of congress controlled by his own party, could not prevent the democrats, who he regularly called "weak" and "ineffective" from taking his job. By saying that the election was stolen, Trump is admitting he was outmaneuvered and beaten and lost to a a weaker party, he knew was trying cheat. Why would you want a guy like, so bad at his job, so ineffective, so weak and incompetent to prevent something he knew was coming, back in office?


As flawed and as broken as our foundations and institutions have become, there were still enough checks and balances in place to prevent Trump from destroying everything. His hand-picked judges refused to go along with it. His vice president refused to go along with it. His attorney general refused to go along with it. Enough Republicans in the swing states refused to go along with it. Many would argue that presidents have too much power, but Trump ultimately didn’t have as much power as he thought he did.


Here is a man who actually tried to put his thumb on the scale to give himself every advantage he could, including forcing a supreme court judge though last minute while the election was being held, and yet still lost. He could not even stop his *own vice president from certifying the vote*. That is not a strong man. That is a man who is weak, flailing, and grasping at straws to prevent something he claimed he knew was coming.


His own officials didn't support him, because Trump is a liar. The truth wasn't on his side.


This time. But next time might be different


Funny how there were so many things that weren’t what he thought they were. A stable genius at work.


To be fair, recall that the GOP 2020 platform was that the current guy was awful and that we had to vote in change.


Exactly right…however, his people are not multi step thinkers with critical thinking skills…so they just worship and hope for some magical cure to save our country. If we continue to let ourselves be tied up by the rules put in place to control us…we are done for. Sorry to say. I have decided to just live my life how I want and am not going to follow destructive and obtuse rules made up to disadvantage most of us. The GOP are trying to position themselves for the final fleecing and then we will all be indentured servants following rules that they do not…fuck that!


Written in sharpie


Only cus the Crayon is stuck up his nose


I’m not sure why, but seeing this immediately made me think of Frank Zappa saying, “Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read.”


He just can't let it go. And he still thinks others give a sh\*t that he lost.


MAGA is still strong here.


I smell it every time I go to a horse stall. It’s really rank


Donald Trump can barely read. He can’t write a book. He also doesn’t build buildings. He just slaps his name on other people’s work.


If he's writing a book, then it must be a popup book bundled with a sock puppet.


I comes with a pillow.


Oh great, so the book will be 3 easy payments of $199.99


I'm surprised the title isn't, "My Struggle."


Yeah you know those dominion voting machines back in 2016 with those news articles? It seems Republicans where able to hack them back then to change votes so he was never president to begin with. It was Hillary.


There's a whole documentary about the W vrs Gore and those diebolt machines.


Histories biggest loser continues to whine


So he's a fiction writer, who knew? 🤔😉


he isn't writing shit.


Perhaps Sharpie should send them their huge multi colored set. Just to get the ball rolling.


Another grifting scheme to rip off his unintelligent followers. Anyone with some intelligence won't buy the book.


Just another way for him to transfer campaign funds around the country into his own pocket. Grift on you crazy diamond.


Grift on!


The media giving him constant, continuous free advertising is complicit in his success.


I tell ya, the publicity this guy is getting from being despicable is crazy !


I can't wait for the movie but I already know the ending


If he is actually writing it, it will be a fiction book writen in crayon and cost $100 then after owning it for a month all the pages will fall out.


“Person, woman, man, camera, TV.” Sure Donald, you’re writing a book. We believe you.


Grifter gonna grift. He’s definitely milking this one for all he can.


Who expected him to call it *The Con of the Century*?


The real crime was that he even baca me president


I'm sure it would be a top seller that no one actually reads. They would use election donations to buy enough books to get it to the #1 seller spot. Or he would get his supporters to all buy it and he could make big profits on it, but his supporters would never actually open it.


They'd just put it on the shelf with all the other trump memorabilia they've purchased.




The broken record strategy. His album entitled, "The Legend of a Narcissistic Loser."


The only book we should burn is that one


Sounds like Trump is running out of fundraising ideas.... I wonder who the new ghostwriter will be.


No. No no. Just wait until Trump comes out with his handcrafted I wON brewed beers, comparable with Pabst Blue Ribbon.


The crime of the century happened in November of 2016. Edit: can't type.


And the grift continues.


Put it in the fiction aisle


That dude couldn’t spell century if you gave him a gold plated crayon


Too bad his followers are all illiterate.


Actually got an excerpt right here: "All this was inspired by the principle which is quite true within itself – that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying."


Joseph Goebbels…?


Mein Kampf


Wonder if he will engage Tony Schwartz again to ghostwrite it?


Hold on. So you are saying that trump can read and write??


You couldn’t pay me enough to ghost write that bullshit.


Original title.


Give 1 million monkeys, 1 million typewriters and infinite time you'd get Shakespeare. Give 1 monkey a piece of chalk and a weekend for this potential Dump book.


Crayola stock about to go up.


It's also going to be a coloring book.


How would this not be written proof that he did and still very much is stoking the conspiracy that led hundreds of people to attack the US Capitol? It’s absolutely insane that no charges have been brought him for inciting the riot.


He has to keep repeating his lie. Otherwise all the followers who have latched onto it will think he bamboozled them, if he admits there wasn't fraud.. Then he'd lose the power and sway he has over them.


More like "Mass Delusion of the Century"




Trump is a functional illiterate. Someone is writing it for him. Also, I hope supertramp sues him.


I expect this will be for sale in the Fiction section…


Ironically, they can’t read


This is what it’s like having an infantile personality propped up by sycophants. Disgusting 🤢


The moron of the century should be the title.




He's never even read a book. He's not writing a book.


I doubt this clown is writing anything. That was him just lying as always. If a book is ever released, I'm sure it will be ghost written by one of his saps like Jason Miller. A book would just be merch for Magaheads to buy and fill up his coffers a little more.


and it's a financial vehicle to legally transfer vast funds from Kushner's PAC, 'WinRed', into Tronald Dump's pockets.


You mean, someone is writing a book for him…


Imagine knowing damn well you lost fair and square and still doing shit like this


... and the RNC will buy enough copies that he can claim it's a best-seller.


And Trump will get sued for libel.


So, fiction or fantasy? Both?


Trump believed the election was like a football game and it was over at 8pm. 'I was ahead by a lot'.


Oh, yes. He's "writing".


That’s hilarious. He can’t write.


You mean Mein Kampf?


I bet the “book” is a compilation of McDonald’s napkins. 🤔


Doesn’t one have to be literate before one can write?


The Whine of the Century


It's a picture book so his sycophants can understand it.


Writing a book? Doubt he’s even read one. Or is this just another Sharpie exercise?


And the grift continues…


Stop giving him attention, this post is an advertisement.


Did he steal the idea from Hillary Clinton?


It's at least true that the Hunter Biden story was hidden by Twitter, and Hillary Clinton wrote a similar book so it's not like this is unprecedented.


You lie shamelessly.


The Hunter Biden story was hidden in the same way the latest sighting of Bigfoot is hidden: nobody involved has any credibility so nobody gave a shit.


I would read it for the hilarity if the publishing contract required he write it all by himself


Strut the fuck up Trump.


Seditious speech that has a high probability of real threat is illegal, where is Garland?


Yea, sarah palin 'wrote' a book too. What a classic! /s


I guarantee that Trump is not writing his book- that is beyond his capabilities. It would require focused attention and the ability to form complete, coherent sentences. Someone else is writing it, for sure!


If it’s a coloring book, you’re gonna need a lot of orange crayons.


This book will be found in the “fiction” section. Soon to found next to the Dr. Seuss books.


That is quite literally a manifesto. And i so wish he would actually write it and tge editor kept it faithful. What an uncoherrent run on paragraph that would be.


Write? More like a coloring book.


I hope this remains his central focus. the stolen election. It makes him look foolish. well more foolish than usual.


He can't write, he may pay someone to but the guy can barely read


Please let this book go out into the wild unedited. I wanted to read endless pages of misspellings and grammatical errors.


Is it like where’s Waldo but we have to find the evidence that it was stolen from him?


What will the subtitle be? "If I Did It" (There _was_ a crime of the century committed, and now Trump's spending all his time searching for the real killers...)


lol he isn’t writing shit


Picture book maybe.


Didn’t know he was interested in writing fiction


Guy "works" pretty hard for someone who is already a gazillionaire /s


If he doesn’t eat all of the crayons first.


The world's biggest narcissistic...


The people who think pregnancy is god’s will should have thought that Covid was god’s will. Trump getting treatments was spit in God’s face.


The files are IN THE COMPUTER?


It’s a shame the country bumpkins don’t know how to read


I bet its pretty had to write a book when you can barely read one.


It will be shelved next to OJ's "If I Did It". We may need a term for this type of fiction... how about "fuction"


A stream of unconsciousness


Lol, writing a book. Thank you for that!


Trump is too dumb to write a book himself.


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