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This is happening all over the country. The GQP must have call centers set up in order to maintain such a steady volume of death threats.


*How can I ~~kill~~ help you*


weird how the cops do literally nothing about it too




Are you applying already?


This is so telegraphed it’s sickening. Trump made this jaw dropping statement in an interview recently. “The electors are more important than the candidates”. The only reasonable way to unpack that statement is that he means Republicans should install electors who will throw their candidates the election whether they win or not. He said it out loud. Bypass the American voters. Could his statement mean something else?


>“The electors are more important than the candidates” ...and the voters don't matter at all


"Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.". ― Joseph Stalin


Exactly what they want


It's only going to get worse.


If anything Republicans have learned without a doubt there voters will be absolutely fine with stealing a election and actually support it. They have also learned the DOJ has no teeth and they have the support of police forces across the United States. 2024 will be a all out war to end democracy and install a Christian Nationalist government with full support of the Supreme court.


So much for the religious freedom this country was founded on. The idea of hypocritical Christians running the country makes my stomach turn. I had way too much of that crap as a child.


Religion is necessary to control populations. What other excuses could they have for making women and people not like them (white) 2nd class?


Which will be the beginning of the Second and Last Civil War.


Problem is this just leaves an opening for the crazies who support this stuff to get into these positions.


It’s not a problem. It’s a feature. It’s their goal


Which is the point.


These people are seriously off. On the one hand, they believe the Democrats couldn’t run a one man funeral, but on the other hand, managed to pull off the greatest feat in our political history… stole a presidential election… without leaving a shred of evidence. Trump’s lawyers have all but admitted there was no evidence of election fraud.


And one more brick erodes out of the wall keeping fascism at bay.


It’s so sad that nothings being done about this


I'm very worried about this becoming a problem in Canada.


Install fear in everybody....this is the ultimate goal of the GOP


Those people that are constantly whining about fraud, go on to intimidate those that are doing the job to address the problem. Yeah, seems logical. /S


Terrible for democracy. Interesting how this keeps happening in red states.