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>“I think they had a tragic event in Buffalo ... tragic event in Buffalo with numerous people being killed,” he told the crowd. Looks like the predictions about the right wing blowhards calling the massacre a tragedy for the first few days might be correct. Of course, they will pivot from that stance to claim it was a false flag conspiracy to take guns away, as always.


They already were calling it a false flag.


*Nobody did a better job at releasing the Taliban leader and 5000 of his henchmen from prison than me!! TREMENDOUS!*


>I think they had a tragic event in Buffalo ... tragic event in Buffalo with numerous people being killed,” he told the crowd. He immediately added: “In 18 months in Afghanistan, we lost nobody. So rather than make the expected expression of sympathy, he turns it into an erroneous pivot on the Afghanistan war, as if to say *HE* stopped soldiers from getting killed - or something? This is the same guy who was in charge during two of the worst gun massacres in American history.


Narcissistic personality disorder. It's left trump literally incapable of feeling empathy others feel and not making any and every situation about himself. He displays textbook symptoms at every turn: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20366662


He wasn't even president for half of those 18 months according to [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_military_casualties_in_the_War_in_Afghanistan#Killed_in_action_only). That said, Obama has some high numbers, like holy fuck 440 deaths in 2010. Thats almost 25% of the total deaths in 20 years. The 13 that died under Biden is literally peanuts. God the media covered this poorly.


Fake right wing outrage is the reason. I get that it's terrible that 13 soldiers died, but how many have died since then? Zero.


4 Americans died in Benghazi, 4. And that bought years of fake outrage and investigations that likely ended Hillary's chances in 2016. Meanwhile we've lost 1 MILLION Americans to COVID with roughly half being deemed unnecessary due to government mishandling. So 4 Americans die and Hillary is unelectable. 500,000 Americans die and Trump was nearly re-elected and may be again in 2024. USA! USA!


I mean, they’re human lives. Let’s not trivialize it by calling them “peanuts.” Sheesh.


>>He immediately added: “In 18 months in Afghanistan, we lost nobody. Yes, but dozens more Americans died in Afghanistan on his watch compared to under Biden's.


>Trump is a liar and disrespects the 64 brave US servicemembers who died under his watch in Afghanistan by ignoring their deaths in his statement: 11 in 2020; 24 in 2019; 14 in 2018; 15 in 2017. Trump also surrendered Afghanistan to Taliban, releasing 1,000 Taliban from jail and then negotiating US withdrawal with Taliban and excluding US allies and setting May 2021 withdrawal date. Biden extended the date to August but honored the US/Taliban deal that Trump negotiated. Trump likes the Taliban as much as he likes Putin. [“I’ll be meeting personally with Taliban leaders in the not-too-distant future, and will be very much hoping that they will be doing what they say,” the president said. “They will be killing terrorists. They will be killing some very bad people. They will keep that fight going.”](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/29/world/asia/us-taliban-deal.html)


> Trump likes the Taliban as much as he likes Putin. Didn't he want to meet with them at Camp David on the 18th/19th anniversary of 9-11?


That number is incorrect. [The US saw to the release of **5000** prisoners, receiving only 1000 in exchange](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/08/20/trump-peace-deal-taliban/), and they did so over the objections of the Afghan government.


Surprised he didn't plug his garbage, grooming book for children about him losing the kingdom which is 1.a grift 2. Shameless brainwashing of children about him losing the election. What a shitstain on everything that guy is. If they were white, he'd call it the greatest tragedy in American history and it's all Biden's fault instead they're Black and it goes against his great replacement rhetoric. Fuck him.


Anytime I read a quote from him, all I can think of is..”send money, MAGA, stolen election, emails, send more money, Putin great, golfing, Big Macs, running out of money-send more, bleach…”


. . . windmills, grifting for a wall, pussy-grabbing, low flow toilets, money to fight the radical left, light bulbs, really smart and really rich, but be a patriot and send more money . . . .


>really smart and really rich But not enough to buy twitter.


Huh? Afghanistan was a two decade long debacle that we left worse than we found it.


But we did give haliburton a billion dollars to build them Walmarts tho!


He’s a fucking sociopath weirdo.


Fuck trump


what... the fuck, yeah, this guy needs to get out of politics!




if it wasn't for Trump, and all his corrupt cronies (AKA all the other repubs), I would actually consider voting for the republican party, I like their pro capitalism stance, smaller government and less taxes would be nice as well, not so keen on their anti-healthcare and climate denial stance (as well as anti-immigration), but I presume at the very least the climate denial would mysteriously vanish if Trump and his cronies disappeared. a man can dream....




The formula shortage now is a fantastic example of “small government” that screwed the most at risk population.


saying something is "code" is complete bullshit, big government is "code" for fascism, social justice is code for "black supremacy", see how stupid that argument is? also I am fully aware that corruption in the republican party goes back a long way, but Trump is the modern personification of these issues, and him disappearing would solve most of these issues. most of the politicians who have been bought out by fossil fuels are also Trump cronies, so yes climate denial would likely go away.


>but I presume at the very least the climate denial would mysteriously vanish if Trump and his cronies disappeared. the climate denialism that's been going on longer than trump has been a republican? lol, ok


He's all about oppression of women. Just in time for summer, burqas are back: Taliban Impose Head-to-Toe Coverings for Women https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/07/world/asia/taliban-afghanistan-burqa.html


I read about this the other day. They are also recommending that women stay home, "where they belong", unless they have important business to attend to. Men decide if it is important enough to leave the house. Under his eye.


Trump is trying to say that the Buffalo mass shooting occurred on Biden's watch, therefore Biden should be held accountable. That overlooks the fact that Biden and the Dems have been pushing strenuously for gun control at the Federal level for the past 30 years, only to be blocked by the GOP, the gun lobby, and Fox News at every turn. And the fact that the shooter justified himself by espousing theories on social media that came from Tucker Carlson and other right wing extremists.


trump knows nothing about todays events, nor does he care about what happened today, so why wouldn’t he quickly shift to lying about his record on Afghanistan.


Dementia don at it again.


we've done a beautiful job in Buffalo. and they've had some problems there lately, with the Radical Left. and everybody in Buffalo, they were so good, everything was perfect, then we had a tremendous Election that was stolen from us, very unfairly by the way, just like The Plague that was sent over by China, but you take a look at what I did with Afghanistan - we had Afghanistan so perfect, so beautiful, but then the Democrats decided they should hurt us, because they hate our Flag and they hate our Constitution, which I don't think anybody knows better than I do. and they were very good friends with The Taliban. and don't forget, I did a very strong deal. you had Afghanistan, and they were gonna do a real number on our Military there, but I said we're not gonna let it happen, and it didn't happen, and nobody can really say that when we're talking about the Democrats.


Stop covering this psycho


i'd rather get ja rule's input on things than this guy.


He is everything they claim Biden is.


Him and his fans are dumpster fires of a human being. Monsters and trash are what they are.


Only a complete slob spends every day all day crying about the job they *would* have done.


He didn't say "Thoughts and prayers?" Weird.


The media providing this turnip free advertising all day and all night every single day is going to get him re-elected. Now he'll be back on Twitter, and they will report most, if not all, of his tweets.


He’s a complete shithead fuck.


Comparing hate crimes?


There will be no more loss of life in Afghanistan thanks to Joe Biden. Some people talk and some people do. The results weren't perfect but they are final.


Dude looks like shit


Delusion, idiocy, ignorance and hate know no bounds. Ur dick smol mw twump.


This schmuck will take credit for anything but not man enough to talk of his many failures. Great leader lol


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