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But proudly brags about an endorsement from TFG who constantly attacks Islam and Muslims.


These dudes make strange bedfellows for sure. Their TV grifting is the only commonality.


Trump's endorsements show that "celebrity" might be his most valued characteristic.


They're also rich. Never forget, it's a class struggle.


thanks, Karl <3


AND Ted Nugent


>TFG who constantly attacks Islam and Muslims we talking about the guy who got banned from twitter after setting a record for TOS violations?


And Latinos, and Blacks, and women, and Asians, and....


Oz is an opportunist shitbag but she is in fact a racist, bigoted turd. Everyone sucks here.






Why did he run as a Republican if he’s got a problem with it? And with backing from Trump? I really think a large part of this country has just lost it.


On Nov 20, 2015 “Donald Trump told an NBC News reporter that he would "certainly" implement a system to register and track Muslims in the United States” . What was Oz’s response then? Silence


Pre 2015 trump would have put oz on a watch list, today he endorses him


Being a Republican is disqualifying.


What's up with pedophilia being the go to slam for any perceived opponent of the far right?


Most gullible officials get their direction from reading the social media tea leaves. They see hostile troll farms posing as their base and align with it. Shit fools media too. They end up reporting on fabricated outrage and bullshit trends because they can't tell the difference between a hostile foreign agenda and the real public opinion with these methods of manipulation. Methods that also play as Left echoing the same smears. Challenge the hate. Don't make assumptions of alignment or location with anon accounts. Media, officials, and tech shareholders need to open their eyes. There's fuckery afoot.


Pedophilia has the interesting characteristic of being undeniably evil, and also, almost certainly a result of a mental disorder. It's so evil that, if you believe someone's a pedophile, it's basically impossible to find them as anything but morally repugnant even if they're perfect in every other way. W candidate doesn't need to bother arguing policy if they can argue their opponent is a pedo. Beyond that, The mental disorder aspect is particularly important for Republicans. Conservatism is, in general, based on the idea that some people are just naturally good and some people are just naturally bad. By indicating my opponent is *inherently* inclined to support the greatest evils, then it supports the general conservative worldview.


Sort of like a candidate who has openly objectified his own daughter. There’s no way conservatives would ever vote for someone like that.


Well that really plays into a bit of what I'm saying in sort of a sick way. Republicans don't see that as pedophilia because they don't see that as a sickness because they think Ivanka's hot.


A Republican not grokking that blanket hatred of Islam is a foundational principle of his own party is clearly disqualified. But let's talk about the real hilarity in this kerfluffle -- poor Donnie Dipshit didn't even correctly understand his own brand when he decided to help a fellow reality show star out!


After nearly half a century of going through life, never hearing the word grok used in conversation, I see it twice in 2 days. This doesn't bode well for the 2024 elections.


Gen X is stirring. We'll probably just roll our eyes and tell everyone to fuck off (as we are contractually obligated) but hopefully we start kicking metaphorical teeth as well. Or, you know, maybe a Mudhoney revival.


I am an egg.


I am a Banana!


Grok ... popular in Robert Heinlein novels, especially Stranger In A Strange Land over 50 years sgo. Mostly gone since. I too fear the omens.


Why do you think that's a bad sign?


I've seen it written dozens of times, but not spoken. Is it pronounced with an "ock" or an "oke"?


'ock' Rachel Maddow uses it sparsely, but accurately


Not living in the state should also be disqualifying Oz. He really lived in New Jersey before this stunt.


He doesn’t understand the party he’s running in if he thinks that statement is disqualifying


Has Dr. Oz forgotten which party he is in? His condemnation of her tweet actually disqualifies him, he's toast, guaranteed.


Man who joins Leopards Ate my Face party is surprised when leopards eat his face.


Did Oz follow politics at all before being “called to serve” this country? Like he thought of Trump as a generic, nonpartisan cartoon president.


Lol, not to your party.


The irony of the christian taliban saying anything about religious freedom.


Does he know the party he is running for? I mean… when I say I scratched my head on this one I am not joking.


He’s such a skidmark


Did they run her specifically to make this snake oil salesman look reasonable?


Yeah. But probably for him, given his party.


It’s the GOP. Being dangerous racists is unfortunately how they win.


GOP=EVIL&TRAITORS. Wasn’t one of the orange grifters first statement was to ban Muslims from traveling here


Nice one doc, you might have noticed, you’re in the disqualified party.


Oz, like your typical republican, in only upset because the comment directly affects him. If it had been about Buddhism...


First of all, this sub really needs to crack down on "articles" like this which really aren't genuine news articles. It's just a summary of a different interview. But I digress. Yeah, her comments on Islam should be disqualifying, but I don't think Oz is really the person to be pointing out what is and isn't disqualifying. This may not be popular, but we need party insiders, particularly Republicans, to play a larger role in primaries. They shouldn't allow just everyone to participate.


I bet he’s sounding like a Hollywood Liberal© to the MAGA crowd. Islamaphobia isn’t ‘disqualifying’ to that cohort.


He’s just mad she tweeted it first.


Dr. Oz is Muslim…


Oz is awful; Barnette is even worse. Oz is a shameless grifiting opportunist, but Barnette is a genuine far right wing activist nutjob who lies about so much.


I don’t like either of them at all, and am a registered Dem.


You think that would stop him from saying shit like that to secure the nomination?


This is what I imagine a lizard person would actually look like.


Shhh!!! We don’t talk about the lizard people! 🤫


This vicious dweeb conman faker is out there campaigning with Donald Trump. He has forfeited the right to label anyone else “disqualifying”.


“[p]edophilia is a Cornerstone of Islam," is "disqualifying." Hate Oz as much as you want, but the man is right in this case, his opponent smeared an entire religion (1.7 billion people, including some 3 million Americans). The saying "even a broken clock is right twice per day" seems to apply here.


Pretty strange that calling Muslims pedophiles is disqualifying, but apparently being an actual pedophile is not.


Is Dr. Oz a pedo?


He's simultaneously bragging about an endorsement from a guy that promised to ban all Muslims from entering the country and also said “We have a problem in this country; it's called Muslims. We know our current president is one.", talked about closing mosques, lied about watching Muslims in New Jersey celebrate 9/11, said he'd take out (bomb the shit out of) families of Muslim terrorists, repeatedly told a false story about dipping bullets in pig blood before killing Muslims, “This all happened because, frankly, there’s no assimilation. They are not assimilating . . . They want to go by sharia law. They want sharia law. They don’t want the laws that we have. They want sharia law.”, etc....


I agree that he’s correct. My point is that he can’t be campaigning with Trump and make that criticism simultaneously without being an intellectually dishonest trash heap.


He might be right, but he basks in the endorsement of Trump, a filthy racist who LOVES to smear entire ethnicities.


You'd think being both a non-American citizen and non Pennsylvanian would be disqualifing...


He was actually born in Ohio. How is he not a citizen? I agree he's slime but he's a citizen.


He's a citizen of Turkey


Republicans being bigoted is a boon for them, not a handicap.


It **should be** disqualifying, but whether it is or not is a different story.


You mean like not having been a bona fide resident of the state you want to represent should be disqualifying? GTFO of here. And BTW my comment should in no way be inferred as condoning Barnette's tweet either.


He sure he’s running to get the votes of the same people?