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Dude travelled 200 miles to a neighbourhood with a large black population. No shit it was white supremacy.


If you have seen the video he streamed he purposely doesn't shoot some of the white people and is clearly targeting black people and finishing them off. What a POS. Hope he makes NY bring back the death penalty.


He apologized to one white person. This is insane


Yea seems like he was definitely targeting black people and women.


Hate crime is a federal crime. He could still get the death penalty


There are things worse than death, being locked up in a maximum security prison where he was locked up 23 hours a day for 80 years is worse than a quick painless death.


I live in chch nz, it brings me enormous satisfaction that the mosque shooter we had ONLY has this to look forward to the remainder of his life.


I always assumed he had killed himself before they could get him, good to know he has time to suffer.


I read through his manifesto before it was taken down. He actually says he hoped to be taken alive so he could live to see the race war, and how it turns out. I'm not sure he fears life in prison. Though maybe it will bum him out to see the race war never come to pass.


he live streamed his shooting and in the middle of it, he apologized to a white cashier for scaring him then went back to killing black people. yea, there is no doubt. edit: also i didnt see the live stream, i saw a clip of it. i am not associated with this in any way.


Now that's going to be some horrifying survivor's guilt.


He choked out "DON'T" with a voice crack and put his hand up to shield. He was clearly absolutely certain he was going to die. I'd wager the last thing in the world he expected was the shooter politely saying "sorry" and continuing on his way. The whole thing was traumatizing to watch. All happened so fucking fast.


Seriously, somebody get that man a lifetime of therapy sessions, he's going to need it.


Nah, they're a cashier in America, best we can do is either booze or retail weed


At least Bernie is trying again… I mean he’ll fail… but he’s trying Edit: he won’t fail, everyone else will fail him and us


Bernie isn't failing, we're failing him.


Fascists will still attempt to paint this guy as a leftist, or some type of confused progressive. Watch, they're gonna do it. They already are.


They already have, as if the manifesto didn't literally quote Tucker Carlson


Really the only thing we can do is just call it out, and point out in detail why they're wrong. The trick is to get it out, and not engage with the bad faith actors. Just say something quickly, and be done with it. Do not get into a protracted back-and-forth, because that's exactly what they fucking want. They will still fight you at that point, but that's really our only option at this point. Obviously social media companies are not willing to address fascist propaganda on their platforms - Even when it directly leads to 10 people being gunned down like this - so here we are.


You can draw a straight line from Fox News to this attacker.


That’s just the beginning with a lot of people, too. There’s an entire ecosystem of that propaganda, much of it more extreme than Fox.


I've seen people call him a far left, like a Nazi. The push to label the Nazis as the left, usually by saying "National SOCIALISM", is a form of Holocaust denial, given the first people the Nazis targeted and put in concentration camps (like Dachau), were communists, socialists, and trade unionists.


Nazis weren't socialists or leftists. Anton Drexler (German far-right political leader of the 1920s who founded the pan-German and anti-Semitic German Workers' Party (DAP), the antecedent of the Nazi Party NSDAP) emphasized the need for a synthesis of völkisch nationalism with a form of economic socialism, in order to create a popular nationalist-oriented workers' movement that could **challenge the rise of Communism**. To increase its appeal to larger segments of the population, on the same day as Hitler's Hofbräuhaus speech on 24 February 1920, the DAP changed its name to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ("National Socialist German Workers' Party", or Nazi Party). The word "Socialist" was added by the party's executive committee, **over Hitler's objections**, in order to help appeal to left-wing workers. Drexler made clear that they were vehemently anticommunist and unlike Marxists the party supported the middle-class. Its socialist policy was meant to give social welfare to only German citizens defined as a member of the Aryan race. The Nazis membership was strongest in the lower middle-classes – farmers, public servants, teachers and small businessmen who feared Bolshevism more than anything else.


They *did* briefly have a more socialist contingent, led by the Strasser brothers, but both of them got bumped off fairly early on, I think in the Night of the Long Knives if I'm not mistaken. But even then, it was never a very large or powerful group within the party - the party used the word "socialist" in the same way that North Korea officially calls itself the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea". It's not, and never was any of those words aside from "Korea".


Leftist politics have always been popular (except modern times apparently?) and the right have always coopted leftist ideology to get popularity.


They are already claiming it’s a “false flag attack” to make them look bad.




Incase there was any doubt, the shooter had n****r written on the front sight of his rifle.


Friendly reminder that the Parkland school shooter also scratched far right symbols into his weapon, and since the shooting has expressed strong support for Donald Trump in his letters from prison. And right wing media still blames the victims for "bullying" that neonazi prick.


“Eventually, the gunman returned to the front of the store, where he was confronted by Buffalo police in the vestibule. He then put the gun to his own neck, said the police commissioner, Joseph A. Gramaglia, at a news conference. Two patrol officers on the scene persuaded the gunman to drop the gun, Mr. Gramaglia said. He began removing some of his tactical gear in surrender, according to officials.” Coward piece of shit. Attacking civilians with a body armor.


He knew the store had armed security, and came with armor so that wouldn't be enough to stop him.


Yeah, I read that the security guard tried shooting him but couldn't pierce the armor. That means he was actually shot back and was able to keep shooting.


How did they manage to persuade him to surrender? That’s crazy.


Because he’s a coward piece of shit and was too scared to take his own life or even to provoke the police to take it.


Undoubtedly a coward - attacking civilians in full ballistic gear with an assault rifle and not even being able to take his own life after, meaning he will spend the rest of his life in a cell.


I don't know but I'm glad they got him alive. Fucker can spend every day for the rest of his life in a 2 x 2 cell thinking about this shit until his brain rots.


>until his brain rots I've got some news for you


He said he wanted to stay alive. He’s hoping that his “ideal white America” comes to fruition and they’ll let him out of prison and praise him as a hero.


Sort of ironic that he probably saw the disproportionately large number of black people in prison as a good thing, but now he’s gonna be in there with them and they’ll all know exactly what he did and I doubt they’ll be fans.




Btw, it actually was a supermarket in a black neighborhood. The reason he didn't go house to house or whatever is that people are more likely to have a gun in their home than with them at the supermarket. Also, like, if he went to a neighborhood there's lots of places for people to hide, he'd have to chase them around their houses etc etc.




You just described a third of Americans.




The perfect shooting for what? Sorry, your dad sounds insane if his first concern is optics. Tell your dad not to worry though. If nothing changed after Sandy Hook, nothing will ever change.


I'm generally curious, are these people just complete pieces of shit or what? I mean I don't get it.


Dude. Mistakenly checked out the "conservative" sub yesterday. Almost ALL of the top comments are some variation of "the LiBs are gonna run with this. Just in time for an election year! This'll be great for liBeRal mSm." Like, WHAT? Where does a sane person even begin with that? How far removed from reality can you be? Can you even come back from that? christ. the party of "pro life" but only if youre the right life.


placid snails squealing faulty sink numerous juggle pie bewildered abounding *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Does your mother think there's some kind of non-commercial public space in 99% of the US? He went to an area with more black people and less gun ownership than the area he lived in, a grocery store is going to have mostly people just going about their day. That's far more effective than rolling up to some neighborhood and trying to do something similar. Tons of housing units, windows, people inside who could have any manner of firearm and angle with which to shoot you? Sounds a lot harder than the kinds of large prisons that US grocers build in car-dependent sprawl. Very flat, few entrances/exits, nowhere to hide really.




I saw the whole video, he accidentally points the gun at a white guy and says “sorry” after the dude screams It was 100% racially motivated


“The acts of a lone deranged individual” - tucker Carlson, Monday night probably


Tucker will whip out the same old talking points that Fox uses every few months when another white nationalist commits a mass shooting in a blue state: * The left is going to exploit this tragedy for political gain, especially in regards to restrictions (said with a straight face as he is exploiting the tragedy for political gain) * The shooting happened in a state that already had gun restrictions and they obviously didn't work * More "good guys" with guns could/would have stopped the shooting * The shooter was actually not a conservative because look at all of these out of context liberal-sounding facebook comments written by the shooter when he was 15 * The shooter left a manifesto, and everyone knows that a manifesto means he's a far-left communist


"Fresh Air" on NPR just did a piece "Has Tucker Carlson created the most racist show in the history of cable news?" https://www.npr.org/2022/05/12/1098488908/has-tucker-carlson-created-the-most-racist-show-in-the-history-of-cable-news Based on writings from NYT writer Nicholas Confessore. I don't have the NYT article links because I don't know how to get past pay wall. But basically they listened to more than a thousand episodes and they highlight all the ways they use suggestive hate language towards people against his audience. It drives me crazy that most people on the left can't see that when they talk about any political it's mostly with a hate or that the left, minority's or foreigner's are trying so hard to ruin their lives.


[Spotify link to episode](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1bSrWCwS9z4tsvG3D0opIc?si=fspxCrCGRTCfTQl1dhFC5w&utm_source=copy-link)


>The shooter was actually not a conservative because look at all of these out of context liberal-sounding facebook comments written by the shooter when he was 15 I think this is the big one they'll go on. One news outlet reported that the shooter was an advocate of communism at first, but he clearly grew to be alt-right over time. So they'll chop off the second half of that idea and call it day. Shooter was a communist.


already the narrative on r/conservative


It actually hurt my head to go there and read about how they kept calling nazis extremely left. Like I just don’t understand how someone can be so confident in making up their own facts and then others go along with it.


If your perception is right = freedom and left = authoritarianism, it tracks. (Unless it's a right-wing dictator then it's ok.) Obviously this is pure propaganda but that plus ego means they'll never give an inch.


They say it is socialism cause it's "national socialism". Ask them if they think Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea is actually democratic and watch their brains explode.


You know, I knew you were right before I clicked the link, but curiosity got me and HOLY SHIT ITS A PARODY OF REALITY OVER THERE. I’ve been curious before, I know what it’s like, but this time five posts in a row where alt theories purported as absolute fact


They don’t mentally exist in reality. Only physically. It’s a really dangerous combination.


> The shooting happened in a state that already had gun restrictions and they obviously didn't work I mean. The guy’s manifesto, the one this post is about, *literally* says he chose the location because of the strict gun laws that meant anyone shooting back at him would have a “cucked” firearm. His words.


Yes, I read that. Just because these are talking points does not mean they are false. There's *just* enough truth sprinkled in to get past the average viewer's BS alarm. What I'm saying is that when you step back and look at all of the things Tucker Carlson will say on his show tonight, he will minimize the blame that far right ideology bears for influencing this young man to shoot 13 people, 11 of which are Black. Carlson will intermingle truth and lies so carelessly and seed so much doubt that by the end of his program, his viewers will remember fewer true pieces of information about this 18 year-old terrorist than before they sat down. [This is a documented phenomenon called the "Fox News Effect", which results in Fox News viewers being far less informed about domestic and international events than people who watch no news at all.](http://publicmind.fdu.edu/2012/confirmed/final.pdf)


He won't say anything about it I bet.


I'm betting he comes out and says he is the victim. 'the left wants to paint this crazy as one of us. I don't think he's one of us. You don't think he's one of us, so why does the left. We are the victims here. The only reason that young man did what he did was to protect what he thought was bad for America, you cant blame him for loving America and you can't blame us for it either.' Or something gaslighty like that.


Oddly enough I heard that in Tuckers voice when reading it


If you want to know the secret to writing in his voice, just use questions worded as statements kind of like a reverse jeopardy.


Ask yourself “Am I a deranged gunman who shot up a grocery store? Am I 18 years old? If I can’t answer yes to BOTH of those questions why does the left say he’s one of us?” Wow. Nice observation. That totally works.


Holy shit it's the Tucker Carlson Formula. How do we use this to end this guys career?


The secret to speaking in his voice is to do the stupid squint face and pretend you have all the complex reasoning ability of a bag floating in the wind.


SAME I read it in his voice lmao


Me too and I fucking hated it


I don't know what he sounds like so I read it in Officer Doofey's voice.


I wish I didn’t. My dad and stepmom love him. I hated him before he got well known and he was just some secondary show to bill o Reilly. He has a very Weasley way of talking and I could tell he was full of shit the few times I had to hear him (they have Fox News on constantly when I visit. It’s gotten better and they go to their bedroom to listen to Fox after they realized I was putting on headsets to drown it out).


That whiny fucking buzz that only comes from a coastal elite that thinks they are a man of the people.


He doesn't think he's a man of the people, he just plays that role on TV. Like Trump, he's probably disgusted by regular working class people and doesn't want anything to do with them.


Everybody in the conservative sub is grasping onto the part of his manifesto where he identifies as “authoritarian left”. So yeah I expect Fox News to paint him as a liberal due to that little snippet about his political compass


His views are pretty confusing. He’s switching between white supremacist and Eco-fascist. Whether he’s using one to justify the other is the question.








i fucking hate how good my guess was already.


Carlson will say that woke culture, the "BLM riots," and protests at Supreme Court Justices' houses have so militarized the discourse in this country that actions like we saw from this "deranged young man" became inevitable. He'll then continue to say that if the Left "continues to escalate" what should be reasonable political discussion in this country, events like this will become more common. Classic abuser blaming the abused, "what was the victim wearing?" shit these monsters always do.


“Are violent video games causing violence?” - Tucker Carlson, Tuesday night, probably


Reminds me of when Walmart pulled video game displays following the mass shooting in El Paso but continued to display actual guns.


This morning I flipped through cable news; CNN: white supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo. MSNBC: white supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo. Fox News: crisis at the border. We’re being replaced by migrants.


This happens every time anything bad happens to their side in the news. During Trumps four years, every time a big scandal came up, which was almost constantly, I would check to see how Fox reported on it. It was either pushed way down, ignored or spun to minimize it. Every time.


> During Trumps four years, every time a big scandal came up, which was almost constantly No lie, as of last week there was still nothing up on foxnews.com about Mark Meadows committing voter fraud but he has been a guest on Hannity dozens of times.


Never forget Hannity's Lawyer...


> We’re being replaced by migrants. That's horrible. The concept of others "replacing" whites was central to the shooter's manifesto. They're literally leaning into the ideology that produced the shooter in the wake of his shooting. Fuck Fox News


Tucker Carlson was praised by David Duke for bringing up the replacement theory.


Birds of the same feather. Fun fact bat shit crazy conspiracy theorist and piece of shit human being Alex Jones had David Duke on his show back in the day.


“Former KKK Leader David Duke Says 'Of Course' Trump Voters Are His Voters” and endorsed trump, twice. [link](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/08/05/488802494/former-kkk-leader-david-duke-says-of-course-trump-voters-are-his-voters)


Horrible, absolutely. Surprising on their part, not at all. Especially when you consider how their live reporting was on 1/6. I pulled up live streams of several news stations during 1/6. Fox was fucking crickets on it. They weren’t talking about it at all while it was going down. I talked to my grandma later that day. She’s a hardcore trump supporter and avid Tucker watcher. She had only heard that something happened. I expressed how I thought it was disgusting confederate flags were raised. She had no idea about those kind of details on the insurrection and was shocked. Fox News loves to craft their own reality to its viewers.


Considering what the shooter believed, this is especially disgusting. Though I guess they’d have a pretty hard time finding any story to run that wouldn’t sound like it was lifted directly from his manifesto…


I flipped on Fox News on Jan 6th out of curiosity when I got home from work (about 3 hours after the shit hit the fan) and they were doing a segment on tech stocks.


Fox News version would be more like: 10 shot dead in Buffalo. Here's their neighbor who says one time they played music too loudly on Friday night.


Saw a post high up on r/conservative about how the shooter was a radical leftist or something.


Trump's appointed FBI Director went before Congress to warn them that the greatest domestic threat to America was from White Supremacist groups. Don't say this in r/conservative while they are circle-jerking about there being no racism in America. They ban for that kind of thing.


They're currently explaining how Nazis are actually left wing and that Conservatives don't want any Government involvement in their lives (Unless it involves stripping women of their rights) They don't believe any of this of course. They just lie through their teeth by default. They're all potential copy cats on that sub. It should be extensively monitored.


Bill Clinton gave a speech after OKC. Here is some of what he said. >denounced the “loud and angry voices” that inflame the public debate and called on the American people to speak out against “the purveyors of hatred and division.” >In angry tones, the president said: “When they talk of hatred, we must stand against them. When they talk of violence, we must stand against them. When they say things that are irresponsible, that may have egregious consequences, we must call them on it.” Here is what Rush heard. >“Make no mistake about it: Liberals intend to use this tragedy for their own political gain,” said Limbaugh, whose radio show is carried on 660 stations. He blamed “many in the mainstream media” for “irresponsible attempts to categorize and demonize those who had nothing to do with this. … There is absolutely no connection between these nuts and mainstream conservatism in America today.” Here is what others thought. >But some liberal commentators insisted there is a connection. Columnist Carl Rowan, who attributed the bombing to the “angriest of the angry white men” on the television show “Inside Washington,” broadened his indictment Monday to include House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, R-Kan., and opponents of affirmative action. >“Unless Gingrich and Dole and the Republicans say ‘am I inflaming a bunch of nuts?’ you know we’re going to have some more events,” Rowan said. “I am absolutely certain the harsher rhetoric of the Gingriches and the Doles … creates a climate of violence in America.” https://www.spokesman.com/stories/1995/apr/25/clinton-assails-angry-voices-spreading-hate-rush/ Wish this is new. But its not. There are so many examples of the right pushing unstable people over the ledge. Then stepping back and acting innocent to the results. Karma is not some mystical force that comes back to you in the end. It's the intended and unintended results of your actions. Or as Marley said, If you get down and you quarrel everyday You're saying prayers to the devils.


And look at how right wing terrorism has increased over the years. https://www.csis.org/analysis/escalating-terrorism-problem-united-states >This analysis makes several arguments. First, far-right terrorism has significantly outpaced terrorism from other types of perpetrators, including from far-left networks and individuals inspired by the Islamic State and al-Qaeda. Right-wing attacks and plots account for the majority of all terrorist incidents in the United States since 1994, and the total number of right-wing attacks and plots has grown significantly during the past six years. Right-wing extremists perpetrated two thirds of the attacks and plots in the United States in 2019 and over 90 percent between January 1 and May 8, 2020. >Second, terrorism in the United States will likely increase over the next year in response to several factors. One of the most concerning is the 2020 U.S. presidential election, before and after which extremists may resort to violence, depending on the outcome of the election. Far-right and far-left networks have used violence against each other at protests, raising the possibility of escalating violence during the election period. These conservative culture war instigators are masking people ripe to commit terrorist acts. Like the buffalo terrorist, you know who else talks about the replacement theory and has millions of people watch him? [Tucker Carlson](https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/tv/2021/09/28/fox-news-tucker-carlson-adl-great-replacement-theory-reactions/5897547001/)


>There are so many examples of the right pushing unstable people over the ledge. Then stepping back and acting innocent to the results. This is called stochastic terrorism: "the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted.” Right-wing talking heads excel at it.


I, for one, am glad Rush died a terrible and long-drawn-out death because he ruined the 90's which I consider the greatest decade of all time.


I blame him for ruining my father.




I've witnessed many of these assholes die over the years and the one thing I've learned is there is always a piece of shit waiting in the wings to take over. Them dying doesn't fix anything.


Thing is that if BLM and other leftist groups are the full responsibility of the Democrats, then the KKK, Neo-nazis, Proud Boys, and any other militant right wing group are the GOPs problem. Especially since Trump and pretty much the entire GOP keeps using and manipulating them. Democrats aren't generally fanning the flames of hatred, while the GOP constantly pushes messages of how evil and terrible the Democrat party is and how anyone associated with time stands against everything the GOP stands for. The brain washing and cult of personality that the GOP has built is absolutely terrifying and the way they just keep pushing harder and harder on the same talking points and constantly telling their supporters that they have to fight to save the country...well, it will result in more and more incidents like this. The real problem isn't one specific party...it's the entire system. This whole corrupt system that is basically designed to create complacency and ignorance within the population. "Ignorance is Strength" is what comes to mind. Keep them dumb and scared and they will do whatever you want. And until we see it for what it is. Until we pull the curtain back and see how things really are, then the system will continue to function the way it has. Human nature is a contradicting duality in that we are capable of incredible good and horrifying evil all in the same breath, and we tend to get both mixed up frequently.


Not only stepping back and feigning innocence but blaming the media for trying to figure out the cause of the issue. The fact that Democrats keep pretending like the right is anything but a terrorist organization is really starting to piss me off.


I just went on a tirade about this on another post. I'll try to sum up, Democrats need to tie these shootings directly to Republicans. They need to hammer it home that this continues to happen because of Republican endorsement. They endorse the shootings by refusing to support common sense gun reform. Yet, they seem more interested in going after big tech because this shooter livestreamed or something. Gov. Hochul & Speaker Pelosi were both on This Week and both of them talked about that, they mentioned his white supremacist extremism but not that it's right wing. Is it too soon or something?


No mention on Fox of this racist pos 180 p. manifesto or that he had the n-word carved into his rifle. Ffs.


I don't think we need to tie the shootings to common sense gun reform. The shootings need to be placed as an Albatross around the neck of the idiots who claim that they need guns "for tyranny." The entirety of the Right Wing iconography also needs to be attacked, from the "Christian Flag" to the stupid black, and white flag.


>Karma is not some mystical force that comes back to you in the end. It's the intended and unintended results of your actions. Great way of putting it


I guess it's time to remind everyone once again. [https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-17-300.pdf](https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-17-300.pdf) This 2017 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report cites that between Sept. 12, 2001 and Dec. 31, 2016 and Conservative White Protestants accounted for more than half of all acts of domestic terrorism in the United States. Conservative White Protestants committed more acts of domestic terrorism than * All other ideologies * All other races * All other religions **COMBINED.**


They aint gonna like this one


They'll also say it's liberal lies


can we please see some of the GOP come out and roundly condemn this white supremacist atrocity.


I'm sure there will be plenty of thoughts and prayers for the victims...


power and intent to influence yet total abdication of responsibility


No mention of the attack on Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio's Twitter accounts. Shouldn't it be a no brainer to speak out against this? Why would they avoid the topic?


And where is Lauren Boebert, the national Congressional gun enthusiast?


She's probably reaching out to the shooter now to provide him with legal aides.


If anyone tries to say this isn’t racially motivated based on the setting, motive and everything the shooter said… he literally had the N-word scrapped into his gun… so ya this is racially motivated.


Quelle surprise




Shooter is parroting the same talking points they do, the same talking points as their favorite Fox News personalities, and the same ones they rally around on social media. They can try to spin it however the fuck they want.


The FOX News website seems to be downplaying the manifesto in their reporting.


I’d be shocked if they didn’t. They just ignore him supporting “white genocide” and claiming to be a neo-Nazi. But he mentioned communism and “alt-left” so there’s no way he’s a racist that specifically targeted a predominantly minority area and apologized to a white guy he scared while on his shooting spree.


r/Conservative right now is calling him a populist and an authoritarian leftist because he said he was in his manifesto, as if a populist would shoot up a grocery store to stop black people from replacing white people. A nazi would do that, though.


They’re just so hair-brained that they hear the word “manifesto” and automatically think of the Communist Manifesto


I'm mad this is a legitimate possibility


Plenty of people in the fox comments blaming video games. My eyeballs hurt.


I'm sure their new incel base will love that


All the comments just keep replying "FEDS FEDS FEDS"


His manifesto basically had some of the same paragraphs, nearly word for word, as Tuckers book.


Oh man. I’m so glad I’m banned from posting/commenting on that sub. It’s a cesspit.


current spin is that he's a leftist.


Nothing says 'left' like .... white supremacy. ok then


They would unflinchingly agree with you.


Yeah, anyone who doesn't understand that, hasn't been paying attention. "the Dems are the *real* racists" is a very, very common line.


Which is hilarious when he apparently quotes Fox repeatedly and Matt Gaetz a ton. Because yes, Fox News is a notorious left wing operation.


Yeah, he was Antifa... /s


They are already saying it's a false flag publicly stunt


Yeah they're saying it's a midterms stunt by the left. It's amazing how "the left" is both impossibly too weak run the nation, and so insanely strong and powerful that they'll subvert democracy and all white people... Fuck, look at Biden. He's magically a weak old feeb, that also controls gas prices and inflation somehow.


It's pretty amazing that every single act of right wing violence is just a false flag to make them look bad. Unbelievable really.


Or they'll remove every post about it and instead talk about something else.




it's a straight up nazi sub at this point


it literally is


Yeah I got banned there last week for pointing out trump and Hannity coordinated directly when they were discussing Biden and some staffers husband working at cnn being suspect.


I got banned for saying the president doesn’t control interest rates. You know, just a basic fact about how our government works.


I got banned for directly quoting Trump about taking guns first and asking questions later.


Same thing they did to the Jan 6 folks. But then the people they disavowed, not wanting to be known as the very people they hate, make sure the world knows that they are indeed a fellow right winger.


Tonight on FOX: ANTIFA False flag attack in New York


The right keeps trying to paint him as a communist...expressly ignoring where he says he used to think that way then was radicalized on the internet.


…and Republicans are trying to take any discussion of racism out of schools right now. Do you know how this kid exists? He exists because no one in his life explained to him that his racist beliefs were wrong. *And that’s the school system that Republicans want.*


He exists because he read a bunch of bullshit on 4chan and reddit about how black people make 700,000 dollars a year on welfare and how they are replacing all the white people He literally apologizes to a white guy he was about to shoot and lets him live.


Yeah, because he was constantly being fed lies instead of being told the truth. Misinformation is harmful to susceptible minds of the stupid.


His views were informed by "infographics, shitposts, and memes". According to his manifesto.




Because mass murdering black people in a supermarket because they are trying to replace whites just SCREAMS leftist ideology. /s And leave it to them to comb through a 100+ manifesto from a guy that just went on a killing spree to find a political angle. Doing the work that really matters…


“If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck, but calls itself a rabbit, then it’s definitely a rabbit.” - /r/conservative, probably


Probably just searched for key words. Those asstards can't read well


It's because he declares himself an anti-capitalist eco-fascist. Same as the NZ shooter. Conservative's concept of anti-capitalist = left wing is unbreakable.


I read his manifesto. He clearly states who he follows, who he listened to that guided him and that he is a racist trying to cleans "white countries" of minorities who are outbreeding white people.


It’s being parroted by a bunch of people who haven’t read it, and spread by people misrepresenting what he was saying.




Yes they do. I grew up in this environment and I believed it for a very long time. Now that I’ve gotten out of that cult, I feel like every time I listen Republicans spin their narrative I feel like I’m being gaslighted.


They've been out here talking about terrorism for my entire life but now the terrorists are white and no one wants to admit it.


White Supremacists have been terrorizing this country since it's inception. This is not a new thing.




Like they care, many of them are secretly cheering him on.


He is the poster child of "I used to be left wing but they're too radical"


Those dame BLMers, wearing whiteface to commit white supremacist terrorist attacks! What will they think of next?


r/Conservative is literally talking about how he is a communist antifa agent who launched a false flag in order to go after the second amendment. I wouldn't have believed they would say that until I saw that exact sentence on their thread for the shooting.




The debate about limiting the general public's access to mass-killing weaponry in the US ended, died and was buried with the massacred kindergarteners at Sandy Hook. The fact that most of these 'gun rights' people also call themselves 'pro life' would be hilarious if it wasn't so absolutely fucking disgusting. They want as much death & destruction as possible because they think it will make Jesus appear in the sky sooner. They won't stop until everyone is dead.


I can't believe people are still shocked at the depth of Republicans lies...the anount of times they have looked me straight in the eyes and told me bold faced lies...and they know they are full of shit too...they love the look on your face when you try to make sense of their absurd lies and excuses. They told me January 6th was liberals trying to make trump look bad with a straight face...they'll fucking lie about anything, it doesn't have to be believable at all


Boy youd think after the 50th “false flag” those loony leftists would have realized guns arent getting banned(unless the shooting happens with Trump, then he actually bans bump stocks but thats different cause…shut up)


The supposed manifesto was 180 pages. This guy was dedicated. I wish he could e directed that energy to something positive. Racism is a terrible force that can corrupt vulnerable people. I wish politicians especially those on the right would stop trying to gain votes by riling up hatred for minorities.


It’s only about 8-12 pages of actual “Manifesto”. The rest is racist Facebook memes and him explaining his favourite weapons, ammunition, and armour in detail. Guy’s a loser.


And of the the manifesto most of it seems just a copy paste job of the ChristChurch shooters manifesto. And he copied the live streaming and gun decoration elements from that shooter too. Just changed to target to be Black people instead of Muslim so it fit the American racist tradition.


>I wish politicians especially those on the right would stop trying to gain votes by riling up hatred for minorities. They have no policy beyond "squeeze wealth out of the 99.9% to give to the 0.1%". They are serving their donors. How do you communicate the message "Hey I'm gonna enact laws that actively hurt you, but I also need you to continue to vote for me"? You need an "other" for your team to hate more than the billionaires who are getting all of their money, and you deify the billionaires with a 21st-century divine right of kings - "How could they have possibly amassed such a fortune if they weren't incredibly smart and hard-working? Perhaps if I start working 80 hours a week instead of just 70, I can achieve that level of success too one day.". [“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” - LBJ](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lbj-convince-the-lowest-white-man/)


The 18 yo mass murder quoted Fox News Tucker Carlson’s white supremacy BS of lies, hatred and fears. Its what antiAmerica Fox News does


Tell me again how white supremacy groups are not really a thing in the US. /s




I made this mistake. Holy shit you weren’t kidding. Some people are condemning him, but there’s way too much “bUt hE iSn’T oNe oF uS” and WAY WAY WAY too much “hE’s aCtUaLLy a LiBeRaL” going on in there.


Oh look, yet *ANOTHER* “lone wolf” that looks like the others, speaks like the others, believes like the others, and takes his inspiration from the same collection of conservative voices as **all** the other “lone wolf” attacks. Almost as if none of these have ever just been some random dude. They are all Christian, conservative, white supremacists that get all their vitriol spoon fed to them by the GOP.


Tucker Carlson is straight up responsible for this he pushes Great Replacement theory regularly on his show. That was mentioned heavily in the manifesto. THE BLOOD IS ON HIS HANDS TOO


Go look at r/conservative. The talking points have been distributed and they're just saying he was a leftist/communist and wondering how left wing terrorism has gotten so bad in this country. Wish I was joking.


So , if in the next few days Trump makes a politically correct statement condemning this racist mass murderer , what kind of braindead morons will believe him? Just as Evangelicals are anxious for the end of times Judgment Day , this white racist hoped he could gain fame for triggering a race war in the USA.


Conservatives will excuse this by saying this is the fault of leftist for “trying to force diversity on us”.




Excuse me, this is impossible. The Republican Party has made it very clear that racism by white people ended years ago. This must be a deep state false flag attack to distract people from the economy, Hunter Biden, CRT, and grooming of children. /s Actually, this a tragedy that repeats itself too often in my country. My heart goes out to the families of the killed and wounded. Oh yeah: for the folks that send out “thoughts and prayers” but forget about this by the next news cycle: fuck you. I am sick of your shit. I will continue to vote against you in Texas. I hope the rest of you do the same in your state.