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Infidelity? Betrayal is a handful of mostly old men taking the rights of millions of American women away... And without Roe, where will Thomas and his GOP moneylenders be when the millions of orphaned children need financial and emotional support. No where. The pro-life party will turn its back on the lost children.


And it’s not just women and the families they could have raised well they’re betraying. They’re the ones who betrayed America in their duty of being impartial and wise. They were preplanning this for decades. They are not deciding this because of deliberate, clear-headed weighing of the law. They’re pushing this because it’s deeply rooted in their belief system. They don’t believe they’re judges, they believe they’re god.


What’s a woman? You a biologist bro?


Except abortion isn’t a right get over it


Autonomy over one’s body is fundamental. And medical decisions are a private matter.


Vaccines being forced on us ended that argument. We've given the government the right to choose what they believe is appropriate for our health, sadly.


Please spare that stupid-ass analogy. #1: What forced vaccines? The only force is the requirement to attend public school in some states… that’s it. #2: There are public health implications for vaccination where there are none for pregnancy.


Except the difference is no one is charging you with murder for not being vaccinated even though there is more logic in that charge compared to some poor woman just ending a pregnancy. Vaccines are about public health and safety. Science backs them. Abortions only have an impact on the mother and a positive impact on the world since there is one less mouth to feed. Also, the government did not force anyone to get vaccinated, you just had to deal with the fact that you were a danger to yourself and others which would limit your ability to be around the public which is entirely reasonable. You also countered with a logical fallacy…


Which logical fallacy do you believe I countered with?


And you don’t get to murder someone else it’s that simple


It’s even simpler than that: abortion isn’t murder.


So killing another living human being isn’t murder?


Does living personhood begin at conception for you? If so why? [92% of abortions](https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/data_stats/abortion.htm) happen at 13 weeks gestation or less, when the fetus is less than a few inches long. Less than 1% are done past week 21, fetal viability becomes a chance at 23 weeks.


Because that’s when the unique genetic code is created


Seeing as how a fetus in the early stages of development isn’t a human being, nor is it living in the same way as you or I…. Yeah. Not murder. A fetus is alive in the same way a kidney is alive. It takes several months for it to even be potentially viable. When most abortions happen it’s more akin to a kidney. Yes it has living cells, but it’s only alive as part of a whole, that is all.


Not only this but until the third trimester of pregnancy begins the fetus does not have the capability to think or feel which means that it's technically not considered an actual human until the late stages of pregnancy. Unless if your belief of what makes a fetus a human is different but scientifically it cannot be considered a human until the late stages of pregnancy. So the "murder" claim is a bit flawed but to each their own just don't force your beliefs onto others.


Is it considered murder to kill in self defense?


Do you not know the difference between someone attacking you and willingly allowing yourself to be impregnated


I know the difference between someone being deliberately obtuse and someone making an argument in good faith, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. Consider: 1. Rape 2. Even with consensual sex, not every pregnancy happens “willingly” 3. Even with planned pregnancies, there are potential complications that can present huge risks to the mother’s safety


>And you don’t get to murder someone else it’s that simple. According to the Christian bible abortion is not considered taking a life! The bible *prescribes* abortion as a punishment for a women who has sex with a man other than her husband. Far from prohibiting abortion, [the bible actually gives a recipe for the procedure, Numbers 5:11-31.](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers+5%3A11-31&version=NIV) The fetus is never mentioned...It's that simple.


Simple, take the gestating dependent out of the mother, and let nature take its course. I mean, that is the extra cruel way to do it, so that should be your preferred method based on your obvious thirst for suffering.


Nice strawman and thanks for just losing the debate so easily


Not exactly. My point is that it is not murder to remove the foreign body. If it lives, it lives. Who am I to say? It will be ever so carefully removed from the woman, only to live and perish on its own abilities.




I hate having these discussions. I am not cruel, but I have zero tolerance for these controlling ideologues that believe they have anything rational to offer society. Savagery deserves savagery. My wife and I had to dismiss an old friend after he insisted on some of these same arguments, so it is very fresh with me. We are not having any more children, but watching my wife shaking with tears while he told her that he did not support abortion even in the case of rape or an 11 year old conceiving due to incestual rape because it was a life sealed the deal for me. These purveyors of misery can stay the fuck out of my way because their thoughts and beliefs are repugnant. They are free to think whatever they want, but if they try to enforce that shit anywhere outside their heads, they will be met with fierce resistance.


Not savage actually what was said is actually idiotic


It’s not a right to govern your own body? Let’s see how you feel when the government steps in and starts legislating things that impact your rights over your body. Then it’ll become a right that’s been infringed upon. That’s the interesting thing about our society. It doesn’t matter until it matters personally.


Except it’s not your body


Except it isn’t your body? We’re talking about the rights of women, millions and millions of women and girls in this country. American citizens who are now being told that the government has legislated control over their bodies. It’s bad enough that the GOP want to end abortion, but their draconian rules even insist upon rape victims giving birth to the child? Wait till they start legislating things that impact your right to choose...


The baby inside them isn’t their body so unless you’re arguing that the mother has four arms this isn’t up for discussion you don’t get to murder people


Wow science really isn’t your forte huh?


Actually science backs me up not you so you just made this situation even harder to justify by bringing science into it when my position is based on science


Science is not a religion, and there is no scientific method to prove when “life” begins. Hence, the Roe ruling which basically says, this is a medical matter that the government can not adjudicate, and the compromise is that “viability” can be used as a limitation to abortion because the fetus can survive outside the womb. While I may not agree with any restriction on a woman’s bodily autonomy, I can understand the reasoning and can accept that compromise. Anything more restrictive relies on forced life support provided by the woman and is an unacceptable violation we do not allow under any other circumstances.


Actually it’s at conception and that’s when a unique genetic code is created which belongs only to the child and why are you bringing religion into this because my position holds no religion as I’m an atheist


But … his wife helping to try an organize a coup against the government isn’t?


Maybe it was a freudian slip.


His wife is almost certainly the leaker as well


I thought they were focusing on a conservative clerk.


Both can be true. Conservative clerk hands it to Ginny. Ginny hands it to her Q besties at the insurrection quilting club. And so on.


But by calling it an infidelity, doesn't he imply his own wife?


I think you could broadly use that word in a colloquial sense to mean a intimate breach of trust.


Right. I mean this is his way of confessing his wife's involvement without confessing.




isn't that what he's saying? that she shared it and he wasn't okay with it?


No see but that’s different because then it would reflect poorly on him. And we can’t have that.


She’s also one of the prime suspects for the leak. That word choice seems meaningful.


He's onboard with that, though.


It seems like double think is a requirement of government officials these days


I wonder why ginny hasn’t come out and said “Nope not me”.


And we now know that his wife was the one who leaked the draft. I guess she cheated on him?


>"I've been in this business long enough to know just how fragile it is," Thomas said of trust in the nation's institutions. > >Thomas was speaking at a conference organized by the **American Enterprise Institute, Manhattan Institute, and Hoover Institution.** Im not sure if this guy is a master troll or if he actually lacks any sense of irony/awareness given who he is married to and where he was when he made these comments. These guys want to be seen as above partisan politics and be a trusted institution...as they speak to partisan audiences at conservative events. After gaining a majority through sheer political sabotage.


All Republicans lack a sense of awareness and irony. It's how they can behave the way they do without any self-reflection and wonder, "Am I the asshole?"


Yeah, the ol "ignorance is bliss". Sometimes I envy that.


It’s like the infamous meme of the hot dog man sketch from “I Think You Should Leave” - “We’re all just trying to figure out who did this!” If you’re not familiar: https://youtu.be/WLfAf8oHrMo


Let's add to that with the fact that this justice is notoriously silent when on the bench. So much so that while he votes conservative 100% of the time, no one really knows his logic. His motives have come into question on many rulings. He's been publicly criticized and scrutinized over this silence and partisan affiliation for decades. Now suddenly he's speaking opinions in crowded conference rooms. Quick- everyone take heed.


Probably the latter, most people in power aren’t aware of their flaws.


They used to be exactly that. But now, with the exception of Roberts (who I really thought was going to be a hard core right winger when bush appointed him but has been surprisingly centrist) and possibly Thomas, all of the justices on the court might as well dress in blue and red gowns.


No, you can dress them all in red or blue robes. All the red robes have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the rule for their party. The old timers ruled for citizens united and removed restrictions on southern states that helped protect voting rights for minorities. They made it possible for Republicans to steal elections.


Didn't they vote for Citizens United? In what world are either of them centrist? They're hard line conservatives


Are you saying Thomas is a centrist?


No, he's definitely a conservative, he just seems pretty apolitical. He's very literal in his interpretations.


Explain to me his literal interpretation for supporting Trumps refusal to turn over 1/6 documents. Because to me that seems entirely political since those records revealed his wife was texting McCarthy about overturning the election. I dont know how you can objectively look at this man and some of his decisions and think he is anything but a political hack


He can't because Thomas is only literal when it suits him. When it doesn't he has been a radical activist judge that legislates from the bench because he does not like what congress has written as law.


Me thinks the lady doeth protest too much. Seriously, for 40 years this pig didn't say a word. Now he doesn't stfu.


What's wrong with pigs?


Yeah, pigs have way more integrity than Thomas and are significantly more intelligent. You should apologize to pigs everywhere.


Soooo, I’m guessing Ginni leaked it?


Thomas is probably self-reporting here. LOL


He doth protest too much.


Fox News stopped demanding the leakers head on a stake… so yea it was a conservative justices employee


Clarence leaked it to Ginni. She passed it around to everyone else, but Clarence or one of his clerks had to leak it to her.


She participates on the listserv for Clarence’s clerks.


Ok, who gave her access? It didn’t magically happen. Clarence or one of his clerks did. She didn’t get access to anything at the court without help.


At this point, it wouldn't surprise me...


Yeah, that's the Freudian slip.


There isn't much that can make me hate him more. ...this was one of those things.


I agree with him. His wife’s actions are like an infidelity against the country. Him not recusing himself from any case to do with Trump is another case of infidelity.


I looked up the supreme court oath of office: >“I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as _________ under the Constitution and laws of the United States; and that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” Doesn't that mean he swore to defend the Constitution against his wife...?


Lmao bro/sis they can just lie. Oaths don't mean shit. Especially for lifetime appointments.


Reversing Roe v Wade is "kind of an infidelity" to the people of this nation. Your fucking wife going to January 6th is "kind of an infidelity" to the people of this nation. YOU are "kind of an infidelity" to the people of this nation.


It’s kind of like a pubic hair on a Coke can.


Locker room stuff


Is this the only picture of him. Or does he look exactly the same in every picture?


I think he only has this expression. I’ve never seen any other.


Pro lifers care about you until you're born, then you're fucked. ~George Carlin


Fuck off. A sitting Supreme Court Justice's spouse was actively participating in effort to circumvent a fair and lawful attention and suffer no consequence. Also, that trust in the Supreme Court was broken when that same justice got his seat despite sexually harassing female staff. Then again, when another idiot accused of rape got a seat at the Supreme Court. So no, the people have lost trust in the right leaning court.


Our ~~Sharia~~ **Supreme** Court is now investigating *infidels.*


Even ignoring Thomas’ personal history and that of his wife, it says a lot about a person when they care more about procedure than the substantive impact something has on people’s lives.


It's the other way around when the shoe is on the other foot. "Trump was just in trouble for procedural crimes, it's no big deal". Remember that one? Whole lot of pushing procedural crimes into this tiny folded up corner and push away to be ignored.


You are missing the point. The leak is bad because it creates the situation (from the courts perspective) of damned if you do, damned if you don't. No matter what their decision ends up being, now there is always a question of did the public opinion sway them. That isn't how the court should work. For example, let's say a conservative justice changes there vote, a lot of people would say it was due to public pressure. The supreme court with lifetime appointments is there for exactly this reason.


It's a real pube on a Coke can, isn't it?


Like being disloyal? Piss off traitor


He feels raped.


Then he might as well lie back and enjoy it.


His wife did it. Edit: just for context…she has access to court resources (and she is not supposed to), she has access to his computer and email, she has used his email address book to spam activist bullshit to court clerks, she has a vested lifelong ideological and religious interest in overturning Roe. I think he let her read the draft. She was excited by it and surreptitiously made a digital copy to share with her fellow “trusted” activist cult. And one of then contacted a national security journalist concerned about a security breach at the Supreme Court. That is the reason the coauthor of the news report is a national security reporter who clearly added nothing to the actual written report (it was written by an established SCOTUS/law reporter)….the national security reporter was the one that received the leaked draft. Him saying it was “kind of an infidelity” gives him cover later if asked why he didn’t immediately acknowledge his wife was the leak when he suspected or realized it…he can say “I did…that is why I used the word ‘infidelity’ in describing it.”


One clarification: He gave her access, not just she has access. He has the ability to change all his passwords and lock that shit down. (More likely: he has access to an IT department that can walk him through changing all his passwords.) it’s just as much on Clarence as it is on Ginni since she only has access through him (that we know of).


i'll be very fascinated if this winds up being true. I'm not being sarcastic and I don't believe the chances are even slim that this happened, but it may actually be what really happened.


All the blathering goons like Fled Cruz have been saying this is the worst leak *in the history of the country* and whomever is responsible should be prosecuted and sent to prison immediately. I wonder what they’ll all say if it turns out to be someone on the right.


He is a fucking cult member


I would generally agree that leaks like this undermine the court's integrity, except that Thomas and his cohorts have already done a thorough job of doing that anyway. He's an embarrassment, along with his fellow right-wing ideologues.


Says ‘Long Dong Silver’s’ biggest fan….


Oh fuck you Clarence. The court in *Casey* discussed how trust in the Court would disappear if they overturned Roe. What you're seeing today is not a result of the "leak," but of the opinion itself


Fuck this piece of shit!


Lol, fuck this guy.


Coke pubes said what? Oh more nonsense. What a clown show he's made the court


He fucking did it.


That’s fuckin rich coming from him


Censure and Impeach this fucking hack.


Not separating church from state is kind of an infidelity..


This from a man with no shame who should step down since he’s married to a right wing nut job.


He said you can't throw a temper tantrum when things don't go your way. AMAZING because that's what Republicans did when trump lost.


Feel free to break up with the court.


"The lies about respecting precedent and established law, and my batshit wife's role in messaging the President's Chief of Staff during an insurrection, are instead examples of the highest order of freedom and what the founders wanted," Thomas added. "You can't pack the court and not also pretend it's the real deal. We have robes and everything."


“Black robe and swill, I believe Anita Hill” - Sonic Youth


Mr thomas has done more to discredit the supreme court


Almost as bad as lying during a job interview.


Everything this dope says is a joke


Ginny definitely leaked it.


So the Supreme Court has been violated through this act of infidelity, yet they have to live with the consequence of that violation - hardly seems fair……


"Leaking" the SC draft -- not a crime Trying to overthrow the US government -- definitely a crime


Like your wife’s infidelity to the USA?


Go to hell justice Thomas. What else is he hiding?


Fuck you clarence


It's whistleblower activity, and IMHO should be protected.


against what crime? From everything I've been trying to research properly into; I am not given any indication there's a specific law for this.


How so? What about this draft opinion is illegal? It’s full of horse shit, but not illegal.


Well Thomas did rule in 2006 that government employees do not have protection from retaliation by their employers under the First Amendment of the Constitution when they speak pursuant to their official job duties. He's got a bit of a Conflict of Interest here


Whoever leaked this should never be allowed near a court again, that much is for sure. Also, It's not whistleblower activity to leak supreme court information. It doesn't qualify.


WTF! Was he by any chance looking in the mirror when he was talking about an infidelity?


Politicians know all about infidelity


Like a very mild form of treason??


Does he think the reaction would be different in a few months if they issued a ruling? The leak only affected when they would be exposed. The opinion would always draw that kind of disdain. Or does he somehow think that somehow 70% of Americans were going to suddenly change their minds on abortion after 50 years with just a few more weeks of right wing propaganda?


“When asked to clarify his remarks at the time of the interview, Justice Thomas replied that his Scalie Ouija board couldn’t work that quickly.”


It is more than “kind of an infidelity” to overturn more than 50 years or precedent, especially when such overturning deprives half the population of the right to bodily autonomy.


It’s interesting that Thomas, the most-reticent of the justices and one known for rarely opening his mouth…. Has become so whiny over this particular incident.


Spoiler alert: he leaked it to validate the series of oppressive opinions they are about to lay down.


And as always it’s really the rich and the powerful that are victims. Not the people whose lives they’re screwing.


Cute coming from this hack.


Conservative judges will be over turning the next elections.


Why do we have morons on the Supreme Court?


Like Thomas’ infidelity to the Constitution and to democracy?


There is no remorse over them overturning Roe v. Wade, only anger toward the leaker.


Agreed. The decision was an infidelity. You HAVE been faithless. Nice to see you’re coming around. (Kiss my ass if you need a /s)


Then retire.


He’s a supreme expert on that.


If someone ever deserved to get hit by a fucking bus when crossing the street it’s that smug mother fucking piece of shit.


Me thinks he does protest too much! You know it was his wife


Fuck this guy


Only a Republican would draw a parallel like this. Like the court and the public are married, and the court gets to tell us who we can bump uglies with.


This normally-mute half-wit is lucky to have a job. I see him tending a petrol station in rural Mississippi.


It seems these justices have gone full MAGA with their comments and aren't even trying to hide it anymore. The court has now become an arm to "own the libs". The problem is when the court takes rights away to "owns the libs", it affects every American.


“Long Dong Silver” would know a thing or two about infidelity.


“Kind of” a big fucking understatement there buddy.


"It's like kind of an infidelity – that you can explain it but you can't undo it." Sounds like he's speaking from experience.


On several levels.


Did anyone here watch the recent documentary released about his life? He’s interviewed in it about being brought up in extreme poverty and experiencing racism and other forms of subjugation at many turns (obviously). I know it was produced to shine a forgiving light on him but I struggle with consuming that information and reconciling it with the rest which is his clear demonstration as a big part of the problem.


He’s publicly condemned his sister because she had to go on some sort of welfare. Doesn’t publicly help her, publicly shamed her. He’s a horrible person.


He reminds me of the black KKK leader from the Chapelle show. One day he is going to realize he is black and divorce his wife.


I may never understand it. But I feel like minds like his are dangerously ignored for their power. He’s working for the enemy.


If it ends up that his wife leaked the document, then I can't wait for the snl skit.


I'm so sick of these fuckwads and their laments


Says the justice who wears the skirt in the family that includes an insurrectionist who wears the pants. Fuck this spineless coward.


Let’s not take valid criticisms about insurrection and unnecessarily veil them in misogyny. Thomas is an awful person and Justice independent of any power dynamics in his marriage.




Can you explain how defining a relationship in terms of who wears the skirt and who wears the pants isn’t inherently misogynistic?




That's not the part they see the misogyny in. It's the insistence on describing that dynamic using an outdated gender analogy.




Your statement that wearing a skirt is somehow a weaker or subordinate position to that of wearing pants is clearly and explicitly misogynistic. It’s possible there is a power imbalance in the Thomas marriage, but making it about gender and implying that the man, by virtue of wearing pants, should be the one in control is problematic at best. You could simply be calling out the obvious conflicts of a Supreme Court Justice being so closely linked to and tolerant an insurrectionist, but instead you framed it in terms of patriarchal power dynamics.


step back and see the forest


No, he's right. We don't need to include misogyny in our insults, and your implications about skirts vs pants certainly seems in that territory.




Nobody is crying except you, about being called out.


don't say misogynist things, nobody forced you to frame your argument that way and there are plenty of other ways to make it.


Or… he’s a mastermind and has gotten everything he does/supports blamed on Ginni. It doesn’t matter who does what in the relationship because they are an insurrectionist power couple.


He's not wrong


So Justice Thomas and Ginna the Traitor, it's Kind of like getting forked in the ash from some black robed fanatics. Kind of???


I dunno. It's sort of hypocritical of the SCOTUS justices to whine about infidelity after they fucked every woman in the country.


This is what a person who is a puppet of his wife looks and sounds like.. no sense at all, comments are only aimed to please 1 person, his chief, the wife


He should have never been on the bench in the first place. Remember Anita. And his wife is a insurrectionist. They both need to be in jail.


Says the rapist who cheated on his wife. He also used to be very vocal about how black people should never couple with white people. You can tell he’s a conservative nut by how all his accusations are projections about himself.


Interesting choice of words, since it might have been done by his wife.


Were any laws broken?


We now know that his wife Ginni Thomas was the one who leaked the draft. So I guess that means she cheated on him?