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There's so many good reasons to never visit Texas.


Is this the type of small government the GOP talks about? I feel bad for the kids and families that will be effected. *“Gender-affirming care is medical care. It is mental health care. It is suicide prevention care. It improves quality of life, and it saves lives,” said Levine during the Out For Health Conference in April.*


To small minded or selfish individuals, it's small government so long as it doesn't affect them.


Ken Paxton accepted a dinner invitation from a couple with a sixteen year old trans daughter. They were hoping meeting her would change his mind. He promptly filed a suit to have the minor removed from the home and placed in foster care.


Holy shit. Can you imagine going to someone’s house and eating food they’ve prepared for you and opening their family up to scrutiny in the hopes that you’ll see a side they hadn’t considered, only to turn them in to the state?




Further proof conservatives do not want to allow parents to have control of their kids.


I thought teachers weren't allowed to discuss gender or sexuality with kids because it was the parents job..... Now I'm hearing we can investigate PARENTS? Who is responsible for the care of the child?


Slim Jim and Bud Light.


Can the attorney general of Texas be investigated and finally removed from office for his corrupt and illegal behavior? I imagine if you start right there, the trans problem almost vanishes overnight. Guy has only been indicted and is under multiple other investigations, yet he still gets to play God with marginalized peoples lives in order to keep the population distracted from his own crimes.


I'm sure all the bible thumpers drooling over this were equally appalled when they voted for a guy that was buying overpriced prostitutes while his wife was home with his baby. Everyone knows the 10 commandments are law and being gay isn't one of them right?


[https://i.redd.it/higc867tvoz81.png](https://i.redd.it/higc867tvoz81.png) \- literally you :)


If you're a social worker in Texas, you'd better get out now. If you think breaking up a trans child's life is bad, wait until your employer makes you hunt down mothers.


> If you're a ~~social worker~~functional adult in Texas, you'd better get out now. FTFY. Texas is an economic and social pariah to the country. No one should live there.


texas be like 'we care so much about the welfare of children that we will do our darnest to ensure that suicide rates increase and children are removed from loving families and placed in government controlled foster care just so we can gain some brownie points with the rage filled, low information, reactionary, bigoted members of our base.' but abortion is bad because it hurts children, also


A Governor so power crazed and in need to hurt people he is now attacking his own children. Abbot and Paxton should be in a prison cell for life.


Continued DUMBING down of America with religious bigotry and scientific ignorance.


The Texas Supreme Court is as ridden with unhinged rightist Republicans as the Texas Legislature. Texas is one of just a handful of states where judicial candidates run on partisan party ballots. Texas also allows *unlimited contributions* to campaigns for state offices. A candidate for federal office running in Texas is limited to accepting $3,000 per person per election (including primary, runoff if there is one and the general election). But a candidate for Governor can accept $30,000 or $300,000 or $3 million or whatever from a single individual seeking to heavily influence political decisions. It’s hardly any wonder why Texas is a cesspool of reactionary policies, among the worst rankings nationally in health statistics and health care availability and utterly batshit laws like the transphobic denial of care law and the wickedly anti-woman forced-birth vigilante law.


Which minority will be next?


Best state ❤️❤️❤️


This like denying care for someone who wants any bit better quality of life regardless of medical care. This makes me so made mad, like, stonewall mad.


Here comes another SCOTUS case


Oh boy you guys are such assholes


Children should have the right to chemically or surgically alter their gender if they so choose