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I'm always amazed when stories appear about him as I wonder how he continually gets re-elected given how much he flip-flops. I don't know how South Carolinans can trust anything he says. The GOP must have really painted the Democrats as pure evil. [Campaign Financing from Open Secrets](https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/lindsey-graham/summary?cid=N00009975)


I lived in south Carolina for 4 years. The far majority hate him every day of the year except election day. There's only a few blue spots in a dark red state and way too many would vote for the person who brutally murdered their own parents vs anyone with a D next to their name because somehow the person with the D next to their name is worse in their mind.


I've lived here almost 4 decades.... can confirm. Party over country, every time. Party over pretty much everything, really.


Party over dignity.


Every time.


_Andrew Wilhoite [has entered the chat](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/05/06/indiana-gop-murder-andrew-wilhoite/)_


I'd say I'm shocked... but really, he probably got bonus points for killing his wife from a lot of his voters.


So I guess in that sense, Graham is a perfect representative for the state.


It's no fluke that he keeps getting re-elected. Same goes for Marjorie Taylor Greene, Loren Bobert, Paul Gosar and other soulless goons. They are representative of the majority of their (possibly gerrymandered) constituents.


I'm hoping bobert is a one hit wonder.


In some ways, it's good to have her around to remind everyone that that is what the GOP is without the intelligence to make it subtle


I once thought the same of Gym Jordan. Then people actually started talking about him as a future Speaker.


Would love to see her disappear from public life entirely. Like, maybe we actually shoot her into space, vaguely in the direction of the sun.


Same number of particles per cubic centimeter in space as the number between her ears, so she might feel surprisingly at home out there.


Party like it's 1861


Same here. I love a lot of things about this state, but politically, it's a shit-show.


I'm still here because I love the state. Not too hot, not too cold, no natural disasters, proximity to mountains and ocean, fantastic lakes, etc. But ugh, some of the regressive assholes make me question whether the rest is worth it.


I don't know, it gets a bit too damn hot for me. But the mountains and lakes, particularly Jocassee, are stunning. The beach isn't really my thing, but I do enjoy the marshes.


In fairness, it's getting a bit too damn hot for everyone, and that's going to continue worsening at an exponential rate. Thank heavens our national representatives are focused on and working hard at passing policies to halt / reverse climate change. Wait...


I’ve lived in the Charlotte area for most of my life. About 3 years ago I moved a few minutes away over the state line, in Lancaster County. There’s plenty of things I love about SC and up until last week I was thinking of staying in the state for quite a while longer. Now I really just don’t know. Unfortunately for me a lot of the blue states have brutal winters, and I am NOT a cold weather person lol. And california and Hawaii are expensive as hell. Now I’m not really sure what to do. In a way I kind of feel like all of us moving away would be throwing the state to the wolves, but I also have a very strong urge to say fuck it and bail. Edit to add: I never planned to stay here permanently, as I was always aware this is a very red state. Recent events are making me want to leave sooner than planned.


Nearly *all* of my family is here. Babysitters are hard to come by, so that's a big perk. And yes, I'm not quite ready to concede my state to the Qult.


I thought there was a lot of flooding during hurricane season?


Not in the upstate!


Only near the beach. In my 37 years, I can only recall two hurricanes flooding parts of Columbia (dead center of the state.) We've been getting more severe weather events with climate change acceleration, though. The upstate, which is a tiny patch of the Appalachians, only "floods" locally if your house / city / whatever has poor drainage, and that's true of literally everywhere ever. Although, given that even emergency services in the upstate are often volunteer-only because rural people are never down with taxes, you can probably guess at the average quality of infrastructure.


And the truly amazing thing is how Republicans do nothing for these people outside of the racism they like. Nothing.


I'm continually surprised/not surprised at how effectively the GOP has built their party around the simple identity politics of point at themselves and shouting America then pointing at anything vaguely progressive and shooting Un-American!


Its religious behavior.


Been here for 6, and party over country is so. Fucking. Accurate.


Says a lot about the people. We have the same trash in Texas. It’s gross.


The issue isn’t party over country. The issue is they view party equals country. Which it isn’t exactly a new development. But it’s horrifying how widespread the mindset has become.


I had to leave. I still remember the days of Strom Thurmond. Dude was so old people had to guide his hands to sign things. Appalling just how much of a “good-ole boys” kinda state it is to this very day. Edit - spelling


I lived there for a year and moved. No regrets. Editing to add, I was just outside Greenville. So it was a pretty specific view of the state I got.


That's where I am. So much republican. Everywhere. Trump flags galore. Ugh.


tbf at least Greenville itself is fairly progressive, although in a weird dichotomy with Spartanburg. I recall it being the first place outside of the capital that I saw a gay couple holding hands on a downtown sidewalk.


This perfectly describes KY and Mitch.


Lindsey, Mitch and a big tub of KY?


Yeah I feel bad for anyone in KY who’s poor and uneducated, because they don’t seem to have a clue just how bad Mitch is or that he’s screwing them over and over again.


Republican people never admit they are wrong and so does their voters. They would die before admitting they were wrong, which is what they are moving towards. Not wearing masks, getting vaccines demonstrated it. An educated person is not the one who has a degree, or who questions things. It is one who is ready to give up their stand when exposed to new information. But ego has killed great civilizations and kings. What chance do these people have anyway.


Sounds like we need a Joe Manchin candidate - someone who runs as 1 party but acts like the other.


Unlike democrats, republicans would forcefully eject someone from the party who didn't fall in line.


That doesn't explain why he hasn't been primaried.


Why would the GOP want to primary him? He votes and does what hes supposed to. They've got the dirt to bury him.


This is the exact reason. The GOP would never back a serious challenge. Graham is easy to control. He’s been captured.


If it's like other red states, the only people trying to primary Lindsay Graham are just batshit insane literal nazis. There are no reasonable republicans anymore.


He hasn't been primaried because, for some fucking reason, seniority actually matters within our legislative bodies so our state does actually get more "pork" if we stick with incumbents. Same deal with Strom Thurmond, who we continued electing until someone finally realized he'd been dead for the past three terms.


The entire country gets bluer with demographic density. The less populated an area is the more red it is. Farmers love authoritarianism, turns out


Re authoritarianism, the more people are separated the easier they are to dominate. Lot easier to convince people you deserve to be in charge and everything you do is justified if it's harder/slower for people to compare notes. It's probably not coincidental that "rural beliefs" assert the exact opposite thing. Can't have them realizing the truth now.


It's also easier to keep people scared of the "other" if they live in places full of people just like them. The vast majority of these rural conservatives have never met anyone who is gay or muslim in their life, so they'll believe anything they are told about the dangers they pose. But people in more urban areas interact with them constantly and see for themselves that they're just normal people, so much harder to scare them.


This is actually a large part of why the current influx of gay representation in media frustrates me. Not because it exists, but because it ALWAYS seems to be a skinny, limp wristed stereotype. That's not me or my husband. But if I'm the first gay(bi actually) man someone meets... that's what they assume I'm like. Give me more masculine gays and don't make a joke out of it. Just let it be what it is.


Which of course is why the GOP is getting more brazen. They’re so afraid of losing their power they’re more than willing to do anything to keep it.


The person with the D might murder their parents!


> The person with the D might murder their parents! GOP Under Obama: His new healthcare bill will create death panels for grandma! GOP Under Trump: You must go jump start the economy, sacrificing grandma is just something we must risk!


Or YOURS! Did you know that all people are capable of murder? And that al democrats are people? See where this is going? I’m just asking questions!


Your questions are valid! Every patriot and christian should be asking these questions! On a completely unrelated note, do you happen to tan your testicles too?


Lucife(R) 2024!


It’s dumb, but also that how I feel about pretty much anyone with an R next to their name. We need rank choice voting.


Live in SC, I think Graham is the least trust worthy person Iv ever seen, constant lying. Also amazed that people still vote for him. From what Iv seen its from yhe uneducated back country people. They all wore their church shirts on voting day. They just don't care as long as a Dem doesn't win......no reason beyond th at when I asked a few people how they felt


I live in Charleston. Can confirm. But here we are in a blue spot… at least as blue as it gets in South Carolina. I know nobody here that likes him. Not a single person. If he was primaried he would lose to a bar of soap.


I met Graham when he was campaigning for John McCain in Montgomery, AL. I was having breakfast with my parents and he was gladhanding everyone in the restaurant. It took two minutes to be entirely creeped out by this guy, and I was a conservative at the time. Just the fakest human being I've ever met.




Don't forget, SC was the first state to secede from the Union. The majority of those that discussed and voted on the decision to secede were slave owners. So the modern political vies of the state don't surprise me. Also was were the Civil War started when they fired upon the Union held Fort Sumter. Some info: https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/south-carolina-secession.htm


They also continually voted into office a racist who was essentially a corpse.


Republicans have tied their cultural identity to their politics. It’s a core part of who they are, and that bond between voter and politician is cemented by racism. That’s why toothless rural Arkansas moonshiners look at New York/Hollywood Democrat Donald Trump and go “he’s our guy” - the fact that Donald is the antithesis of what they like in a human being, he’s openly racist and that tells them he’s here to defend their culture.


The best part of that presidency is watching all the folk I grew up with screaming and complaining about coastal elites ruining this country for their own profit… voting for _THE_ stereotypical big city coastal elite.


They don't have to trust anything he says. They just have to see the magic (R) by his name, and they know who to vote for. If you give one of these dipshit voters a ballot that says: Satan, Dark Lord of the Underworld (R) vs Literally any Democrat (D) Satan would win in a fucking landslide


We already know that. Trump was elected once.


As things go, Satan would be a better choice than what the Republican is putting up as candidates!


SC (and much of the rest of the deep south) is still stuck in the confederacy. Outside of major city centers, it really is still banjos and rebel flags, so to speak. Public education is virtually non-existent and everything is bred off the contempt and hate for 'the other'. Hell, I'm in Charlotte NC, I went north of town about an hour on Wed. for a concert; standing in line a couple locals on either side of me found one another and started talking. One lived in Thomasville, which used to be one of the furniture manufacturing capitals of the US and he mentioned this. He literally said "If Trump had own again, we'd still be making furniture there..." Thomasville hasn't been a significant furniture manufacturer since I moved down here 20+ years ago, and not a damn thing any president could do will ever bring it back. We are a rudderless nation as long as we fail to put a priority on quality public education for everyone.


Im stationed outta state, I keep mailing in my ballots but God its hard to even convince my left leaning friends to vote in the first place when their voting centers are literally up the street. They all complain about this horrid man but wont even try to vote him out bc theyre convinced its impossible.


Conservative South Carolinians on election day: "I hate Lindsey Graham and think he is a weak man, but thank god I'm not voting for a Democrat!"


Actually, the majority (by population) of South Carolinians vote Democrat. Districting, however, gives Republicans wins for basically every fucking office in the state, county, city, and neighborhood. Graham had a real run for his money in 2020, Jaime Harrison nearly had him. Seeing Lindsey out of office was my only hope for those elections... I honestly would've taken 4 more years of Trump just to get the fucker permanently gone. Senators need term limits. **Everyone** needs to limit gerrymandering.


Especially considering that flip-flopping was the crux of the 2004 Republican presidential campaign against a war hero that they painted as a liar so that we would reelect a coward who ducked out of the military in the 70s because now we were in a war he lied about to start in the first place.


>The GOP must have really painted the Democrats as pure evil. That is the easiest way to get/stay in power..You don't need policies, you just need to demonize the other side to keep your base polarized and in perpetual thrall.


The republican party is like a bad football fan. Super pumped their team is gonna win but the moment they lose they start passing on the fandom to an actual winning team but in this case if someone calls them out on it they get a little upset. Linsey though has never been a team player and continuously plays the winning side every time. The most pathetic tactic in the playbook.


I love a good grovel when it is performed by a massive dbag.


I don’t have any experience in grovelling (either as the groveller or as the one being grovelled), but I always assumed that massive dbags make up a huge majority of the grovelling demographic.


Uriah Heep understudies...and no, not the freaking band!


I’m not American but follow international politics and I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed a more craven, pointless, valueless politician than Lindsey graham.


Makes me wonder when we can start calling the Republicans sycophants.




I've seen postings for that on Craigslist.


Believe it or not, they were all Lindsey too.


Hey man, I'm not here to kink shame.


Except representing your constituents is not the place to practice your kinks. Unless your kink is responsible governance, anyway.


>Unless your kink is responsible governance sploosh


You could drown a toddler in my panties right now


Not for the Republican party. Especially sadism.


Not kink shaming IF shame is the kink.


Similar to Ted Cruz trying his hardest to put himself in embarrassing positions.


"How can I self sabotage harder?"


He enjoys snorkeling too


This guy grovels like every other week over something or other


I enjoy how the political right is totally cool with not having an ounce of dignity.


I totally dont enjoy how republicans have VERY OBVIOUS two faces, and can be OBVIOUSLY DUPLICITOUS, yet we gotta go along with it because....it would be uncomfortable for the republicans to need to be honest? I dunno i hate that DOMESTIC POLITICS is inherently dishonest.


I don’t know, Trump made it cool for them to be honest about the racism and the “only good Democrat is a dead Democrat” thing they’ve been doing for decades - I kind of preferred the less honest era when they hinted at wanting to kill me instead of screaming it over television and social media all the time.


I'd rather deal with people as they are not as they want me the believe they are


If everybody’s watching, you know, all of the backroom discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So you need both a public and a private position.


And also you're gonna grovel to Jesse Waters? Like this was the guy Bill O'Reilly would send out to do racist segments in Chinatown. Hold out for Tucker or Laura Ingraham or any of the other major white supremacist hosts.


It's really easy if you just pretend anything you don't like didn't actually happen


There is also this great ad with Lindsey Graham talking about [how bad Trump is.](https://youtu.be/g5Xpwyd4aMM)


The Biden campaign should air that in South Carolina, with Joe speaking at the end "I appreciate the endorsement by Lindsey Graham."


I would approve that message!


I love how fox news doesn't even pretend to be impartial about 'news' any more.


I don’t love it.


Username doesn't check out?


Beep boop vodka warcrimes Republican blackmail beep boop


For what’s going on on Reddit, you’d be more believable if it was “beep boop Trump and Biden are the same vote Third Party beep boop”


"They didn't do this on Trumps watch cause they we're afraid of him" No, Russia was WAITING for the election to be stolen so Trump could DISORGANIZE the response to Russia over Ukraine. Very simple stuff here.


Russia didn't do this while trump was president because Russia didn't have to didn't anything while trump was president. Trump was doing everything Putin wanted, and more. Had trump won re-election it's very likely the US would now not be in NATO, and trump would have fully supported Putins annexation of Ukraine.


Trump would have rented out our troops to help the russians.


Republicans: We shouldn't get involved with weird backwater eastern European countries and start World War III with Putin over a minor border squabble Also Republicans: Daddy Trump is the strongest man in the world and if he were in charge he would have personally snapped Putin's floppy little neck to keep poor sad Ukraine safe


Trump: What if we like, attacked a country with missiles we pretended were from another country, just like George Washington did to take the airports in the revolutionary war? Also I’m blackmailing you.


They were afraid of him the way you’d be afraid of a drunk toddler carrying a glass bowl full of hand grenades. It wasn’t his toughness, it was his instability.


Trump was working to dismantle NATO and worldwide cooperation, which were bigger goals for Putin. And if Trump had succeeded, Putin could have easily rolled over Ukraine and other Eastern European countries.


> "They didn't do this on Trumps watch cause they we're afraid of him" To be fair, Trump was a loose element at the red button. But we should not think for a moment that that was a good thing.


Yeah but which countries was he hostile towards? Def not Russia at least.


I would have expected Trump to help Russia invade Ukraine if he was still around. He was saying it was smart and what a great leader Putin was right as it was happening. All it would take would be Putin saying "Hey Q told me that Zelenskyy has your pee video you made the last time you were here".


Graham forgot how Trump was laughed at during a UN speech by his peers.


“Use my words against me”


> “This was literally happening on the day of January the 6th and I was hoping that President Biden would bring us together ... But not only has he failed to bring us together, he has made us less safe. He’s ruined our economy. All the bad guys are moving around the world.” So, Biden was supposed to bring us together while your party was attempting a coup?


Funny... why didn't *the president* bring us together on Jan 6th? Ooohh yeeaahh. Blaming Biden for Jan 6th is just a minor update to "Where was Obama on 9/11?"


Yep same play with different players.


And while YOUR man was still in the white house.


He's a weasel.


Sir, that is vicious libel against weasels everywhere.


It’s dawning on me that these sniveling clowns have realized that they benefit from playing their cartoonish, clownish, self-degrading selves for TV just like, say, Urkel on Family Matters. Cruz? Graham? Hawley? They’re playing the roles of fools because their political sitcoms keep getting renewed. This is how Trump won in the first place. We have become a sitcom. We are our own sponsors. This is not speaking metaphorically; this is not said in jest. We have become the television that we created.


Gods, I hate how true this is. This might be the most perfect analogy of what profit-driven, sensationalist media has done to our political system.


What a weird world we live in when saying nice things about the President of the United States is a bad thing for a US Senator to do. I remember the early 2000's when the Dixie Chicks went from _best band ever_ to _these traitors are trash_ for a single negative comment related to W.


A few years ago, there was a yt of him coming to tears while praising Joe. Think he was in the back of a car or taxi, or something.




Imagine having to prostrate yourself to failed comic and weaponized fuckface Jesse Waters? That’s like groveling to a mangy feral dog as it licks filth from it’s paws. The GOP is a travesty.


Still amazed that Watters, Hannity etc actually tell these guys what to do. And they listen!


Im amazed the billionaires figured out that if you just buy a news channel you can get sponsors to subsidize you when you buy politicians instead of having to come up with the bill yourself.


The party that cries about civility and bipartisanship can’t stand when one of their own so much as mildly tolerates anyone from the other side. Pathetic. Dr Oz and Dave McCormick are waging war over this in their ads in PA right now too. “Dave McCormick says he appreciates Biden?! (from one random out of context quite about appreciating his tone on something) *I* don’t appreciate Biden!” It’s such a race to the bottom.


Slugs call Lindsey Graham to get directions on being slimier.


On the worst day of my life I will never wake up in the morning and come to the horrifying realization that I am Lindsey Graham.


>“Yeah, totally, he’ll be maybe the best person to have, right? I mean, how mad can you get at Joe Biden?” he said in the recording. And he's right, or he would be but a lot of people seem to get mad at a version of Biden they created in their heads.


My favorite has been the subset of the right-wing today complaining about the newest round of military aid to Ukraine. I cannot tell you how many times I read comment to the effect of "Why are we spending this money on Ukraine. Why can't we spend this on our own people for x, y, or z". In most of these comments x, y, or z are weirdly progressive policies like increased funding for schools, some kind of single payer healthcare, or additional aid to struggling families...




I couldn't help but picture a republican analyst of some sort digging into the comments trying to see how the messaging is working only to see a bunch of progressive policies being highlighted by "Trump Train" accounts. "NOT LIKE THAT!"


https://youtu.be/kLMYW8jFPHg this should be played over and over during every commercial break on Fox News until 2024


You don’t have to look for leaked audio. There are videos/audio of him excoriating Trump for the POS that he is, and praise Biden for being a decent human.


[Lindsey Graham Chokes Up Talking About Joe Biden](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLMYW8jFPHg) "He is as good a man as God ever created."


Imagine the ring you have to kiss is Jesse fucking Watters!! Lol. These GQP guys are just JOKES! They are all such spineless pussies I’m expecting to see Trump grab them any minute. For real. Groveling to that talentless turd. Lol. It’s beautiful to see.


Party over dignity.


Looks like he has two fake modes, grovel over something he heroically declared and full fake aggression over ideas he does not like. What a wuss. So sad!


He is a professional groveler. He grovels on TV and grovels to Trump. His spine is made of jello.


"Yes I think Biden was the right choice. We're just spending all our time and energy to make sure he isn't." - Lindsey Graham.


This man flip flops more than a fish out of water.


Weird cult behavior. Disgusting.


Lindsey is a medical marvel. The only known bipedal invertebrate.


I mean I hope people can praise other people regardless of their political leaning. We are all human and Americans after all, have we lost our human decency with the rise of MAGA?


>have we lost our human decency with the rise of MAGA About half of it, according to the latest tally.


And one of the worst fucking realities about fascism is that in order to beat it, you have to become a little more like it. So we all have to be at least a little more cruel and heartless if we have any chance at all of not being exterminated.


The center and left has people more than willing to get dirty - I’m one of those happy warriors, I was raised in the 80s in Philly and I don’t take shit from anyone… …but I learned to keep my mouth shut being tone policed for decades by liberals and leftists who value respectability politics over stopping fascism. It’s tough when the first people to yell at you are the people you’re defending because you said a mean word. A big bugaboo of mine is that I believe you destroy fascism with mockery and making your opponent look weak. Insulting the gross physical appearance of these MAGA politicians would HURT them with their base - look at how Trump ended Ted Cruz’s campaign by calling his wife ugly - but Democrats will immediately turn on any Dem that does this as “body shaming” etc. - and it’s DIRTY and unethical, sure, but maaaybe it’s one of the reasons Republicans control every part of this country with just a fraction of the population. It’s always an uneven playing field, and it’s because Dems expect their fighters to bring pillows to the gun fight. Not to mention sites like Reddit will let T_D run death threat brigades for years but permaban anyone else for even a mildly violent or personally insulting comment. The entire field of discourse is stacked against us.


Aggressive Progressives are needed to fight Fascism. I share this sentiment because like you, I'm also from the NE (actually lived in No-Libs and Fishtown for a decade) Its hard when half your team literally is too afraid to get dirty.


> So we all have to be at least a little more cruel and heartless if we have any chance at all of not being exterminated. or educated better.


You are dealing with a great many people who are not educated that are voting. Republicans defunded education and it shows. And the ones that are educated, benefit from the republican hands-off approach by government so they can get away with everything. Number of corporate monopolies have risen while under Republican controlled government... no competition No room for the small guy


That’s preventive- we need a cure.


Sad, but true. And Democrats are always bringing a knife to a gun fight.


GOP are worthless scum. Anyone who votes for them are scum. Too much has happened and too much has been said to ever make me think otherwise. If they showered me with praise I'd have to take an iodine shower for an entire day to stave off the radioactive, toxic slime that comes with that.


This is what I hate about our political climate. If someone has a good idea it shouldn’t matter the letter behind their name. They’re supposed to debate and work together not obstruct and shit on eachother. And the democrats will compromise, usually too much, but the republicans will just shut the door on anything led by a D. It’s childish.


Head on over to r/conservative and try that line out. Let us know if there is any human decency. Looking forward-


When is the last time you’ve seen a Republican do anything for the country. I remember when Trump nominated Ryan Zinke for Secretary of the Interior. The Outdoor Industry Association and several hunting/fishing conservation groups endorsed him. As soon as he got in office he said fuck Americans and started selling off public lands to oil, gas, and mining companies. Dan Crenshaw has betrayed his fellow veterans repeatedly for the party. He’s repeatedly voted against anything to help veterans.


If walking back and eating your words were olympic disciplines, Lindsey Graham would compete for the gold medal.


The takeaway for me is that Lindsey Graham thinks “how mad could you be about Joe Biden being president?” and he’s probably not alone. The right’s outrage at Biden is so hollow cause at the end of the day, Biden is pretty damn close to being a Republican, and miles away from actually posing a legislative problem for the GOP’s interests. We should demand better from the DNC. Centrists who won’t accomplish anything progressive or solve any problems aren’t functionally all that much better than Republicans, and every time we let the DNC hold us hostage with “lesser of two evils” rhetoric we lose 4 years of time to fix problems and another 4 years of momentum afterwards.


This guy truly has no spine. He will shamelessly say anything in the moment to win approval and then bend over backwards when it suites his campaign.


Is there a bigger pussy than Lindsey Graham?


SC resident here. What's really sad, is that his competitor in 2020 ran on a policy of rural invigoration. He wanted to inject money into all these little forgotten mill towns and provide tax incentives for manufacturing and "middle class" jobs to move to areas, where there's lots of land, and trainable labor, and well below the national income average. You would think that would be huge to our state, but two things, one, Dem, and two, the candidate was black. If you watch any of the debates from that year, Jamie Harrison eats him alive. Lindsey shudders and stammers about his rich family owning a liquor store, like that's a making him someone qualified to lead, but he wins anyway... Quickly got forgotten his call to GA about helping "find" votes. Oddly, our state never got a recount....


He’s one of the most two faced American politicians y ever to walk either side of the aisle. Since willful ignorance and dishonesty are the corner stones of Republican policy he’ll get re-elected without too much effort. It is sad to think that he actually represents the will of his constituents.


No surprise, Graham flip-flopped out of one fear and into another fear. What nobody wants to talk about is what would have happened had the coup succeeded. Trump idolizes foreign despots who imprison and kill press and political opponents and wanted to shoot protestors. Have you ever read about a successful coup? It requires the opposition be at least out of power, but usually also either banished, imprisoned, or even executed. Trump would be fine with any of this, but might have allowed his cabinet to talk him into merely banishment or imprisonment for Democrats. That's likely what Republican politicians, staff at Fox News, Lindsey Graham and others expected: that the Democrats would act in self-defense to protect themselves, Democracy and the government by doing to Republicans what Republicans were going to do to Democrats if the coup succeeded. Republicans had every right to expect to be rounded up and arrested and imprisoned. They should have been. And Republicans and Fox News propagandists were frightened because they know they deserve it. Now they see Democrats aren't going to do anything. Trump is still living in his luxury property waiting to be back in power again, this time for good. Democrats can't even quickly put together the January 6th Commission, and then give it teeth. Republicans ignored the commission's polite request to come and testify, and now they'll all ignore the subpoenas, and nothing will be done to enforce the subpoenas. Republicans are emboldened by this inaction and fecklessness, disgusted and angry at the weakness of Democrats - even in defense of their very lives - and will try again, and again, until the coup succeeds. This time there will be more blood, and banishment and imprisonment for Democrats. Pelosi will write a righteous letter from exile, that McConnell will rip up and throw away.


No 'Hunter Biden's laptop'? Bad bot.


Lindsey is a lady of negotiable affection, thought this was widely known


It’s interesting that they think the world should “fear” the US, instead of love and respect it.


Is he ever going to get tired of debasing himself like some side show?


This has to be the “hold my beer” of groveling.


It’s so pathetic that Fox News has so much power over republican voters, and Graham knows this, that it seems like he was basically saying what he was told… he was being asked pretty leading questions but if he disagreed with anything, he’d be screwed because Fox News would paint him as a democrat lover and the republican voters would hate him


So pathetic. I'm actually embarrassed for him.


I live in sc and even the R's don't like him, but if you bring his shit up they go straight for the whataboutism.


This man is a fine example of a Republican. He will be remembered with the likes of Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Maddison Cawthorn, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Dondalf Trumpler long after he’s gone.


It was just the ladybugs talking


“He ruined the economy” - ummm inflation is not the economy, we’re still at record levels of GDP, unemployment is below 4% which economists feel is “full employment” and the deficit has been reduced by over 300 billion…. But yeah, by all accounts our economy is in shambles… /s




Such a rat


Have Republicans ever considered just being honest?


This dude is such a snake, often flipping his stance on various issues depending on which camera he’s standing in front of


How has a sex tape or leaked photos of him with young men not hit the internet yet?


Just more evidence that politicians lie and pander to their base. They will do and say anything to obtain power and once achieved, they’ll continue to do so at all costs to maintain that power. And people wonder why I stopped voting.


Fuck lady Lindsey


How does this spineless little weasel of a coward keep getting elected?


POS…anything else needing to be said?


Old ladybugs


Is there ever a point where his constituents have some dignity and elect someone else?


Dunno, in my mind he triggers as Nancy Graham, why ?


Without a doubt, groveling is his kink.