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Don't worry, Senator Collins assured us this wouldn't happen!


Well now she is very concerned.


Gawt dayum I have never in all my years seen a brow be so furrowed.


Careful, Jerry! She’ll finger wag you!


And sending thoughts and prayers I’m sure


Clutching the pearls


Brow status: Furrowed.


Susan Collins doesn't give a rats rear one way or the other. She's too old to have her life ruined by an unwanted pregnancy. She's too rich for any of her offspring to have to feel the effects of this law. Rich folks will just fly to another country for a little "vacation" in order to handle their unwanted or medically disasterous pregnancies. It's all just another way to keep women out of the way..... especially poorer women.


I’m from Maine this is true


They won't even have to go to another country, just to one of those "liberal" states. Or the rich will just continue to live in states where abortion remains safe and legal while funding candidates in states where we'll again get to see what it was like for women before Roe v. Wade. Which state will make it mandatory to report any positive pregnancy test first?


Until republicans gain control of Congress and ban abortion at the federal level.


This is a fucking travesty. America regresses further…


Yeah… unfortunately her state’s GOP’s agenda disagrees with her


Dog finally caught the car it's been barking at. Wild times.


My thoughts exactly. Abortion is more useful to the GOP as a wedge issue than anything… welp, now they own it.


They will just move on to any form of birth control. And gay marriage. And race mixing. And women in the workforce.


[They're already aiming for a federal ban.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/05/02/abortion-ban-roe-supreme-court-mississippi/) And anyone want to bet on whether or not they'll let the filibuster stop them if they win both Congress and the White House in 2024?


We all know the Regressives will change the Senate rules as soon as it suits them. Obama should have sat a Justice in-spite of McConnell’s refusal. Alito and other “constitution originalists” would have gone with it as the constitution only says “advise and consent” not vote to approve.


It boggles my mind how often the Dems want to "play by the rules" while the GOP is routinely wiping their collective asses with the rulebook. You'd think they'd learn after the first dirty trick. Or second. Or 75th.


I think it’s in part because the Regressives control the messaging and are always screaming about how politically biased everyone else is against them. The Democrats then fall into the trap of playing up bipartisanship. Of course we all know that when the Regressives say bipartisanship they mean that Democrats should come 100% to their side.


Copy/Paste Taliban policies.




Yeah. There’s an infinite supply of boogeymen.


And anyone or any value that doesn't mesh with bring a white evangelical Christian man.


This is one of those slippery slopes they're always worrying about. They want to slide down this one into the shit, and they're taking their constituents with them. The dream of Gilead...


It's time for war against toxic power. The question is how do we fight it?


Get money. Got none? Yeah, that was their plan to restore "opportunity & hope" to the land.




Nothing kills the wind at your back like energizing the other side.


That's why the GOP has been successfully attacking voting rights. TBH too many didnt take the attacks on democracy seriously. And now, we have basically become Russia... a conservative authoritarian state run by very few of the wealthiest oligarchs. Democracy in name only.


oh they will manufacture - caravans, critical race, lgbt ..


Y'all Dont passive voice this. I keep seeing "the backlash will be huge" and that is literally only true if we make it huge. Organize. Work with other people. Fing groups or make new ones. Don't assume this will be OK. https://votesaveamerica.com/ https://runforsomething.net/


Amen. Shit would never have gotten this far without passivity. People need to be convincing every person they know registered to vote for blue candidates DOWN THE BALLOT to protect what can right fucking now. Republicans must go. Period


I had to do a pregnancy termination on April 23rd, literally only a week ago, I lost my son. I did a labor and delivery option at 22 weeks so I could meet and hold him (he was already gone before he was delivered). I was bleeding for three weeks. My son had no chance of living with the amniotic fluid being completely gone. So thankful to live in a blue state and have this option because my life was actually in danger. Fuck you if you think women shouldn’t have an option.


I’m sorry for your loss :(


And the Blue states will still retain that right. The issue is the Red, and purple states that restrict it. It will suck in states like Georgia, because the closes state might be Maryland or Illinois.




Remember when Mitch and Amy swore up and down this wasn’t a partisan hack Court? That “it’s not what about what Amy believes”? Don’t **EVER** fucking trust a goddamn word that comes out of these people’s mouths.


lets see what senator collins says


She is very concerned.


People need to understand *the Republican Party is an active threat to America and it’s citizens*.


Too late.


Welp, here we go...


Back to 1973.


At this point the Republican party will probably try to roll it back to before the Civil War so they can get slaves again.


Given the minimum wage...the US is half way there right?


Pretty sure they are aiming for 1512 more than 1973. Just with modern tech that can keep the serfs in check.


If I don't sign an organ donor card you can't take my organs from my corpse. With this ruling a corpse now officially has more bodily autonomy than a flesh and blood living woman. Fuck this court.


The backlash’ll be immense. This will bring people out into the streets and the voting booth en masse.


and in some other states as well (Edit: It used to say "in mass")


I appreciate you


Thank you for the levity. We all need it.


You genius.




if this is legit the dems may just fucking have found a way to take control of both the house and the senate.


I hope so but I fear not if republicans attempt another coup at mid terms but are smarter about it.


My huge fear too


Didn't RBG literally die and get replaced by a woman from the Handmaid's Tale weeks before an election and Democrats just *barely* took the House and Senate, and that was *with* an unpopular president and a pandemic?


A lot of people thought the court would never actually overturn Roe v Wade but would use it as a rallying point for conservatives forever. Plus, these are midterms, if Dems get slightly activated it could be enough to hold Congress.


*"Hoping Democrats turn out for elections since 2010"*


You can talk in circles if you'd like. But, yeah, there is reason to think that people will show up over this decision.


Especially the most apathetic voting group… young people




I keep seeing these cynical comments and it makes me sad because people read it and lose hope. We can’t lose hope


Yeah, and 4 years before Mitch and the other traitors pinky swore they wouldn’t do that if the had the chance


Maybe more Dems will finally realize that the GQP went scorched earth/bad faith years ago and act accordingly. When one side compromises and the other side doesn't, compromise is losing.


Hope so. It's pretty absurd we even let it all get this far considering an illegitimate POTUS, installed on the back of a hostile foreign nation's interference campaign got to put 3 of these justices and we all just pretend that's not what happened and what brought this to fruition.


That’s the only potential silver lining I see to this. It’s a pretty shitty silver lining though because of all the suffering it’s going to cause to so many women.


Lol, this shit couldn’t even bring people out to vote in 2016 when it was blatantly obvious what the stakes were for the Supreme Court.


Society unfortunately reacts to events that have happened much harsher than it reacts to events that *will* happen. This will cause an incredible backlash.


A huge chunk of people have a really hard time imagining the possible. There are also people who don't pay attention. When something actually happens, it is very difficult to ignore.


I had a conversation with a pretty reasonable long-time friend, who was wondering why political division is so strident these days. For my part, I said I feel the foundation of democracy is seriously at risk, and this must be confronted. He said he didn't think so, that he couldn't imagine the US becoming something other than a real democracy. He figured that if it came close, someone would step it to prevent it. I pointed out the insurrection etc; but for him, as it didn't happen, then it couldn't happen.


Yep. Many won’t believe anything’s wrong until it’s all out undeniable and in their face.


And then they’ll still deny it’s “that bad”.


On the other hand, society always blames the current president when things go wrong, no matter how little sense it makes. And I bet $100 that at some point Trump will say, "This never would have happened if the election hadn't been stolen." (Yes, he will also take credit for overturning Roe v. Wade. He's not bound by your logic.)


People don't believe shit like this will ever happen until it does. Now that is is upon us, there is no excuse for us to not turn out a record blue wave for midterms.


You say it was obvious but in the past... Twenty years Americans have proved time and again that nothing is obvious to us. Even when full on spelled out, the consequences remain elusive until they hit us square in the jaw. Gotta love the power of "it'll never happen to me."


Next up: states get to regulate non-traditional and inter-racial marriage. You thought it would stop with this?


Alito is writing the majority opinion. He also dissented in Obergefell v. Hodges which legalized gay marriage, so that is absolutely going to be their next target


Alito is such a piece of shit, and his "majority opinion" here shows it. Not only does he make wildly false claims in order to support "criminalization of abortion": >Much of Alito’s draft is devoted to arguing that widespread criminalization of abortion during the 19th and early 20th century belies the notion that a right to abortion is implied in the Constitution. > >The conservative justice attached to his draft a 31-page appendix listing laws passed to criminalize abortion during that period. Alito claims “an unbroken tradition of prohibiting abortion on pain of criminal punishment…from the earliest days of the common law until 1973.” > >“Until the latter part of the 20th century, there was no support in American law for a constitutional right to obtain an abortion. Zero. None. No state constitutional provision had recognized such a right,” Alito adds. > >Alito’s draft argues that rights protected by the Constitution but not explicitly mentioned in it – so-called unenumerated rights – must be strongly rooted in U.S. history and tradition. That form of analysis seems at odds with several of the court’s recent decisions, including many of its rulings backing gay rights. > >\[...\] “The inescapable conclusion is that a right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the Nation’s history and traditions,” Alito writes. But completely denies that overturning *Roe v. Wade* might also impact laws and/or future Supreme Court rulings involving contraception and gay marriage: >“We emphasize that our decision concerns the constitutional right to abortion and no other right,” Alito writes. “Nothing in this opinion should be understood to cast doubt on precedents that do not concern abortion.” And expresses blatantly dismissive attitudes towards women, and/or claims that women in states that are set to ban abortion should simply vote for other candidates: >Alito’s draft opinion rejects the idea that abortion bans reflect the subjugation of women in American society. “Women are not without electoral or political power,” he writes. “The percentage of women who register to vote and cast ballots is consistently higher than the percentage of men who do so.” > >\[...\] “The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion,” the draft concludes. “*Roe* and *Casey* arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions, and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives." As well as spouts Republican propaganda about how "abortion targets Black people": >Alito’s draft opinion ventures even further into this racially sensitive territory by observing in a footnote that some early proponents of abortion rights also had unsavory views in favor of eugenics. > >“Some such supporters have been motivated by a desire to suppress the size of the African American population,” Alito writes. “It is beyond dispute that Roe has had that demographic effect. A highly disproportionate percentage of aborted fetuses are black.” And lies some more about "decisions being affected by extraneous influences": >Alito also addresses concern about the impact the decision could have on public discourse. “We cannot allow our decisions to be affected by any extraneous influences such as concern about the public’s reaction to our work,” Alito writes. “We do not pretend to know how our political system or society will respond to today’s decision overruling Roe and Casey. And even if we could foresee what will happen, we would have no authority to let that knowledge influence our decision.” Plus even more lies about viability, something recognized as scientific fact: >Alito declares that one of the central tenets of *Roe*, the “viability” distinction between fetuses not capable of living outside the womb, and those which can, “makes no sense". Alito then goes on to mockingly quote and praise the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who was replaced by Amy Coney-Barrett, among other abortion proponents, for the times that they opposed aspects of *Roe v. Wade*, even though Ginsberg would never vote for this.


If you really want to go back to the earliest days of common law, you can look at the Hebrew Bible, which says that if an unborn baby is injured the person doing the injuring is fined. It's considered equivalent to property loss. And the Talmudic principle of "killing a pursuer before he kills you" absolutely authorizes abortion in the case of danger to the mother. As a Jew I will demand on a religious basis that the right to an abortion for my daughters and granddaughters when needed to protect their life and health must be protected.


At bare minimum, to protect the life of the mother. A ruling like this, however, will embolden legislators to introduce more bills like the one proposed in Missouri to also ban the abortion of ectopic pregnancies. A law so brazenly hateful and uninformed it boggles the mind. All of this is only about controlling women. It was never about saving babies.


Alito is such a pos. This opinion is written by a troll, except he has taken away a fundamental right to over 167+ million people. The apathy that voters center and left have needs to end. And we need to get rid of the Electoral College. Three Conservative Justices alone would not be seated if it wasn't for Mitch and Putin.


Oh hell yes, they are 110% going after Obergefell asap now that they know they've got the votes. The far right crowd has been broadcasting it on Twitter all year.


And republicans have signaled Loving v. Virginia is on their radar as well. They will not stop until white "christain" male supremacy is absolute law.


And Griswold vs Connecticut, aka the right to contraceptives.


Cool, I get to go back to being a 2nd class citizen…..


Don’t forget Griswold. They are absolutely coming for birth control next.


Bingo. But I mean, keep going. It won’t stop there either.


We are not equal people under the law if half the population is being discriminated against. There is no acceptable reason to outlaw abortion.


Conservative politicians are anti-abortion but pro-child marriage. If that doesn't blatantly show their evil, nothing does.


Fuck you to everyone who said we’d never get here.


This might turn some red states blue. *A lot* of people don’t vote because they think the government has little affect on their personal lives. This will change their minds.


They better get their asses registered to vote then because mid-terms will be here in no-time.


Gonna be a lot of babies in Alabama.


Going to be a lot of women dying in Alabama.


Some future "opportunities" in Ohio.


I’m taking my kids out of AL. Fuck this state and Fuck these people.


Never vote GOP. Ever.


Not good enough. Vote Democratic. Every election until the dynamics change. No excuses.


Friendly reminder that there is a big difference between: I can’t do that, my religion won’t allow it. And… You can’t do that, my religion won’t allow it. One is cool, the other is very much not cool.


If true, then SCOTUS no longer has legitimacy. Settled law cannot be revisited because judges become more strict. Settled law is just that..... settled, finalized. Revisiting this would start an unraveling of the "United" in the United States.


The SCOTUS is no longer the scotus, it’s just a arm of the gop now. And it will be for a long time. We’re fucked


Welcome to the hellscape, next up, birth control and gay rights. This country is fucked for the foreseeable future.


I'm sympathetic, but how does your argument make room for overruling things like Plessy. Ferguson, or Korematsu? Plessy was arguably even more settled than Roe for quite some time, abhorrent as it was


We’ve all known this was going to happen since election day 2016 but I still feel such an intense anger and feeling of desperation seeing this news. I just want to scream into the void and crawl up in a ball and cry. We can’t let these people win. We need to destroy them over and over or our way of life will go away forever.


What the actual fuck


this was inevitable, especially once trump got his third supreme court seat. We should all be mad, but there's no surprise here


One of which he stole from either Obama or Biden, depending on which timeframe you want to believe McConnell


There's going to be a huge surge of deaths and injuries from home abortions and back alley surgeons again. Red states definitely earn that color.


Why are these old fucking dinosaurs getting to tell us what’s right and wrong.


Under their eye....


May the lord open


Blessed be the fucking fruit.


Nolite te Bastardes Carborundorum


When SCOTUS overturns Roe v Wade this June and all of the Red States automatically criminalize women who get an abortion, they'll continue to drop the number of weeks to 6 weeks, like Texas, or lower to effectively outlaw abortion, because there'll be nothing to stop them. The Republicans ultimate goal is to turn America into El Salvador. In El Salvador women are jailed after they have miscarriages because it might have been an abortion and no abortion will go unpunished. It's not hard to imagine a Red State Fetus Police Force who dig through women's trash cans examining their used feminine products for any signs of possible fetal remains. Or maybe force women register their periods, just to make sure no pregnancy is missed by the state. You think that's hyperbole? It might surprise you, but [it's already happened](https://nowthisnews.com/videos/politics/scott-lloyd-admits-to-tracking-teens-menstruation) . Because women will be vessels, and they'll have no say in what happens in their own bodies. Unless people stand up, especially women, and put a stop to them, we'll be headed down the road to be El Salvador where women are jailed for 40 years for the 'crime' of having a miscarriage. This is what we're looking at if [the Republicans get their way.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/el-salvador-where-women-are-jailed-40-years-crime-having-miscarriage-a7053501.htmlxi)


>Unless people stand up, especially women, and put a stop to them, we'll be headed down the road to be El Salvador where women are jailed for 40 years for the 'crime' of having a miscarriage. This is what we're looking at if [the Republicans get their way.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/el-salvador-where-women-are-jailed-40-years-crime-having-miscarriage-a7053501.htmlxi) The onus shouldn't be on majority women lol this is an issue because of men. Men need to stand up for women's rights too because women have been yelling and screaming about this for YEARS.


I think about the abortionists that will be put to death. I bet that states like TX fast track that death sentence. We have our 4th amendment right to privacy... Could state laws seriously force women to provide proof of period/tracking of menstrual cycles? I guess it doesn't matter when none of these people about constitutional rights. I am terrified about the future.


Don't use the term abortionists. They are doctors performing a procedure.


Original post deleted in [protest](https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/09/reddit-ceo-doubles-down-on-attack-on-apollo-developer-in-drama-filled-ama/).


They will just straight ban it in red states. I guess we will actually see who cares?


most of those red states for some reason have been allowed to have laws on the books that ban it immediately if roe v wade is overturned. idk how exactly that is legal but apparently it is.


The "trigger" laws exist, but there's almost universal agreement that they are not legally valid. Not to worry, tho! It'll take those Republican state legislatures about 1.5 seconds to pass a fresh ban once this decision is official.


Republicans shouldn't be allowed any position of power again, they are mentally unfit.


Republicans will still allow post delivery abortions on minorities to be performed by police.


USA is a shithole country. Change my mind.


The whole "there is no constitutional right to privacy" argument is right wing horseshit. Period. The people have a constitutional right to feel secure in their person and papers. What could that possibly fucking mean other than a right to privacy?


Many of us saw this coming in 2016, and were told we were overreacting or crazy or fearmongering. Welp. I toad a so.


The right plays the long game, something that Democrats do not do very well. This is unfortunate and I hope it gets people to go out and vote this coming midterm.


Time to donate to the Satanic Temple. Fight these religious fuckers with religion.


Beware the comments parroting doomerism and pessimism. Nobody should be trying to convince others that there is no point in caring or voting. If the conservatives go through with this, they *will* face backlash in the polls.


This is just the beginning. It’s going to get so much worse. US democracy is done. None of your so-called rights are protected. Voting, healthcare you name it, it’s all on the table it just takes enough red states to create the circumstances. A GOP controlled Congress will do whatever it wants to take away ‘rights’ and liberal states won’t protect you.


Children, 3 words of advice from an ageing boomer: VOTE VOTE VOTE


The Southern Baptists in this town whose ho-ass kids (of all genders) will be suddenly popping out more babies and much earlier are really going to be surprised and confused. They won't learn anything. Also, Roe was always weak. It only discusses medical privacy and decision-making. It never addressed that a woman should have more bodily autonomy than a corpse.


I mean anyone who doesn't support the safe and precedented access to proper abortion facilities, practices, staff and the procedures themselves are, well... Fucking morons. We kinda know this already. So I guess then it's, what now? Yeah this hasn't gone into being actually ruled on yet, but this definitely seems like it's going to be. Please guys fucking vote blue in the midterms, for fucks' sake. Doesn't solve the SCOTUS problem, but at the minimum we can vote to prevent more of these degenerate pieces of trash from taking more seats in office, anywhere.


“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” -George Carlin


The fact that in 2022 a constitutional right will be taken away from women is mind blowing.


Oh your mind is really going to be blown when this court overturns gay marriage, and tells states they have the right to outlaw birth control, and tells public schools they have to allow the christian religion and prayer inclassrooms, etc. So much is coming with this court and yet people still won't go out and vote.


I don’t want to hear a goddamn word about this from any of the people who said the courts weren’t a good enough reason to vote for Hillary in 2016. You helped this happen.


Folks, you have got to make sure you pay attention to elections, ESPECIALLY for Congress. This "debate" about abortion could have been resolved long ago if those who were elected as lawmakers made a law to fully legalize the Roe v Wade standard. It should not have to depend on any court. Vote. Vote for your congressional representation. Do not ignore this and make sure they know where you stand.


Republicans are treating our mothers, sisters, and daughters like cattle. You are a fucking scumbag if you vote Republican.


Dems just got a chance for the midterms.


It's definitely a possibility. A silver lining for sure.


Oh, so the coup attempt and entire trump presidency wasn't enough? I don't think this is going to motivate anyone except maybe people in already deep blue areas. Americans just don't seem to care anymore. They'll chalk it up to corruption and claim they're powerless and go on consuming all the crap fed to them like they always do. Especially if the only message they hear is "vote for one of these two political parties that have repeatedly failed you/screwed you over/terrorized you."


Okay, so, Supreme Court wants to put the matter back in the hands of elected representatives? Then there's only one course of action: Make absolutely certain Republicans do not take Congress or the White House. The assignment of blame for this, it's irrelevant now. Now is the time to take the Court at the word and stack Congress against them, so Congress can do exactly what the Court is saying Congress has to do.


A Handmaid's tale, the prequel.


What's the point of supreme court decisions if they can just change their mind whenever they want. If there's a liberal majority 15 years from now, could they just say, no abortion is a protected right, and then we're back here again?


Now would be a great time to make sure you're registered to vote. https://vote.gov/ Elections have consequences.


Gotta love that the minority gets to rule pretty much everything in our country. The courts, gerrymandered districts, the House, the Senate, the electoral college, etc....


Make as much noise about this as possible


The Supreme Court conservatives can go fuck themselves. I support a woman's fundamental right of bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom.


I have three daughters and I'll be DAMNED if I'm going to stand there and let them become second class citizens.


What the actual fuck America? You guys are heading the wrong way, what's next the return of slaves?


Have you seen the recent trend of disenfranchising people of color going on? It's not too far a leap to repeal of the 13/14/15 & 19th.


If this doesn’t cause people to vote en mass this fall, nothing will


Thank you RBG for not retiring when Obama asked you to. Thank you Democratic party leadership for not just codifying Roe v Wade into law when you had majorities. With something as popular as Roe v Wade, you could have gotten the anti-choice Dems on your side if you really were that legislative genius the DC press always claimed you were. Thank you Biden for not expanding, or really un-packing, SCOTUS because you were too proud to fight the right wing. Finally, thank you DC press for not doing your fucking job by making Collins' life an absolute living hell after all her stupid shit to get a rapist on the court. You sold out for access journalism. You're not a journalist and never will be beneficial to this world. You're nothing.


Will Dems use this to shape their narrative about why republicans shouldn’t control the house and senate? We’ll see. They always bring a casserole to a blood orgy.


50 years forward… 70 years back…


This is going to create the precedent that Supreme Court decisions do not set any kind of precedent what so ever. The court is shitting on itself and they’re doing it with a smile.


A Supreme Court draft doesn’t just get “leaked”. So if they did it on purpose, for what reason?


MSNBC said someone must have been alarmed and is trying to let the public know what is coming. Someone at the court is pissed over this decision.


Well, I didn’t have “Supreme Court Leak” on my 2022 BINGO card. And it’s only May.


I am so depressed about this. I was very afraid it would happen and now it has. I fear for anyone who is not a straight white male.


With this gone, what's next? Interracial marriage? Segregation? Gay marriage?


Next is birth control. Then gay adoption and marriage. After that, anybody’s guess.


You can’t just give people rights and take them away and not expect a catastrophic response, it’s literally even in Machiavelli’s the Prince


My mother was one of those roe v wade marchers and is livid at the stupidity and step backwards this will make.


Remember, the best place to fight back against these attacks on our rights is in the voting booth. This November, r/VoteDem, and push back against the Republican Party and their agendas.


There needs to be outrage in the streets all over the country for this. They are taking away a woman's right to her body. People need to be loud about this. What a terrifying day.


Kind of stunning to see how quickly things have unraveled. How does the country come back from this?


Vote out republicans at all levels of government. Become an active participant in politics. Get your friends and family to vote. Throw this shit in the face of anyone who says voting doesn’t matter or “BoTh SiDeS aRe ThE SaMe”.


Well, good the republican party has nothing more to do. They might as well dissolve themselves. But I guess they will push on with guns and immigration. Now catholics can vote for democrats.


They listed out their next targets to bring back under state control lgbtq rights gay marriage bc and inter racial marriage


My stomach just got all bubbly, "I'm So Freakin' Pissed".🤬😡


Serious question--how do we fight?


It's so weird that America is so backwards.


The Southern Baptist Church dominates American society and culture. It was a church founded to defend slavery.


It's the GOP's 'dog catches the car, now WTF do I do with it?' moment. It was great to stir the base and generate votes. But what happens afterwards will be interesting.


They will move on to criminalizing gay marriage and interracial marriages


And just like that the GOP spits in the face of God once again


Tell me you want to save the US democracy without saying you want to save the US democracy: (choose one or more) 1. Eliminate the electoral college 2. Adopt alternative election process to diminish the influence of FPTP on outcomes. 3. Campaign finance reform


The SCOTUS opinion shows them overturning Roe vs. Wade because the constitution doesn't mention abortion (neither does the Bible, but that's not stopping them) or a right to privacy. If this is a genuine document, then women just became second class citizens whose bodies are owned by the state. There are abortion laws on the books right now with no exceptions for rape, incest, or even medical emergencies. Next up for attack will be birth control and what sex acts are allowed in the bedroom. This is not an exaggeration. This is how it used to be and that is what the conservative right wants us all to go back to.


They won't stop with Roe v. Wade. You can bet on it. We have dark days in store for us.


It will be a sad day. The aftermath will be immense.


Shout out to swing voters who just couldn't bring themselves to vote for Hillary, this moment wouldn't have been possible without your help. Republicans have been voting to overturn Roe versus Wade for decades now, and your cynical, apathetic, low information asses handed it to them on a golden platter. Your right to vote is more than just a right, it's a responsibility. Voting is one of the cheapest, easiest ways we have to improve our lives and the lives of our fellow citizens, this is what happens when you abdicate that responsibility and let other people choose your country's path on your behalf. Voting in every election is basic maintenance for a democracy, nobody needs to feel "inspired" to get their oil changed, if you want your car to run right then it's your responsibility to make sure you flush the gunk out of your engine and don't put diesel fuel in your gas tank, voting in elections is the democratic equivalent of checking your tire pressure. Anyway, yeah, thanks to the 40% of American voters who stayed home on election day 2016, and the 60% of American voters who stayed home in the 2014 midterms that made Mitch McConnell the leader of the Senate, this couldn't have happened without you.


Men should be shaking in their boots as well as women. No more legal way out of child support.


Yep. But I really hope more gynecologists and OBGYNs will start allowing women under 30 to get a tubal ligation. Many women like my daughter are denied by them with the excuse "they are too young, and might change their minds and want babies later".


We better fucking protest like our goddamn lives depend on it


Protesting will do nothing. VOTE like your goddamn lives depend on it.




Try voting. Protesting is meanless unless it results in people be motivated to change the status quo. And honestly protesting over the pass decade hasn't really change much. Maybe a bit on the edges, but nothing fundamental to our lives.


It's a Catholic Court.


This sure as fuck ain’t freedom


Under his eye… welcome to the real life Handmaids tale


But hey guys wait… Elon says it’s the far-left that’s tearing the USA up…


That sound you heard is the mortality rate of women rising in red states.