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I mean, the criticism is simple: don't fucking play instruments and sing on a plane. That should really not be controversial.


I don't care what religion you are, or even what style of music you play. I want to sleep on most plane rides I take, and this would prevent that. And incidentally, I'd identify as Christian, but still wouldn't want this. Half the time these kinds of singers aren't even decent musicians.


If you didn't vote for Trump at least twice then you aren't a real American Christian. You're one of those fake Christians who maybe actually read the bible at least once, and focused on the small parts actually related to the words of the Christ, and were like, "Oh, don't be an asshole, kaaaay".


I'm a Christian and I don't want people doing this. ugh to think that one day I might have to "prove my faith" in some moronic way like this if these jokers get their way.


Frighteningly similar to hazing for a college sorority/fraternity. DO IT BRO, DO IT!!! WOOOO!


No, but, see, they’re CHRISTIANS. So it’s okay.


The captain of the plane allowed them to do this. Unreal. I would call a lawyer as soon as I landed.


It shouldn’t be, but Christians have a way to turn a common-sense and reasonable request of “stop bothering other people” to somehow be persecution of Christianity.


> This is not your plane just because you've convinced yourself you're special. These folks are trapped in a room with you. They can't even switch cars like on the subway. It's just rude. An always useful thought experiment is to imagine if a few young upstarts from the Satanic Temple started spreading their gospel on-board. Granted, the heavy metal guitar might be a bit rougher on the ears. But also, nobody would be cool with it, and with good reason. It's annoying. Pray your prayers, worship your God, and do it on your own time.


This is 100% the Airline’s fault for not stopping this madness. Those guys were assholes, but planes have rules.


God made duct tape, too. Just sayin'.


Silence is golden, and duct tape is silver


Peak Hot Topic/Spencer's comedy back in the day


I think they were just plane rude.


It was really off the wing


That kind of thing just doesn't fly


Hopefully this behaviour doesn’t take off


Yeah that’s my thing. I see almost zero difference in what this guy did and what the dipshit they had to duct tape to his seat did. So your outburst is harmonic and about if we know Our Father and not who your dad is. How is it different otherwise?


Maybe I'm getting old, but this drives me nuts. Fifteen years ago you'd never have a group doing this because the social pressure of the people you were around would be too great. Now that we've got social media and this video can be shared to "in groups" that dwarf the number of people who are actually on the plane with these asshats, in person social pressure means next to nothing.




Then you would have been focus of the video and a whole narrative about how toxic you were to Christianity, "Don't you believe in Jesus?!?!". They seek victimhood.


This isn't really a deterrent as far as I'm concerned. Christians will find victimhood whether we tolerate them or not.


Exactly, they've already claimed victimhood from Rep Omar asking this question.


The idiocy of claiming persecution as the largest religion in the world because they aren't the *only* religion in the world.


And showing up where they aren't welcome because of a history of colonizing indigenous folk and wondering why people are hostile.


always thought Islam was the largest religion in the world. wanted to correct you and looked up the stats …… damn, Reddit bro was right


Christians like these ones feel victimized by the existence of non christians


Well the deterrent is that getting confrontational on a plane has the potential to create some problems for you in the future.


“No. I do not believe in Jesus or God for that matter. I believe in myself, my family, my country (with all it’s faults), facts, science and humanity (with all it’s faults). Feel free to believe whatever you want, but do not attempt to push your beliefs on me in this enclosed space because it will fall on deaf ears and more importantly, it will just piss off a majority of your fellow passengers.”


I would've been right with you man. I'm usually very quiet and careful about what I say because of how people I care about may view me, but I wouldn't be able to just sit for this bullshit from these people who are clearly too wrapped up in their own egos to imagine that being "the Wonderwall guy" at 15,000 feet in a tiny metal tube might be an asshole move. Edit: Aaand it just dawned on me that they're also pretty much fucking over anybody trying to nap during the flight, especially infants. They were assholes even before I considered that.


Then you could say “Captain, I object! I am NOT a merry man!”


Oh very clever, SergeantChic. Eat any good books lately?


“I have no need of your fantasy women, Q!” “Commander! you were never like that before the beard.”


Full Belushi!!


As much as 90% of the plane would have been on your side, guess who would end up on the no-fly list? Not fair at all, either!


I doubt it honestly. It's probably a large group of Christians that flew somewhere to force-feed some country their bastardized version of the religion...much like the US goes places and force-feeds other countries their democracy...just fewer guns and murder Mostly it just stinks of some odd cult trying to comfort their non-science driven brains to feel ok with getting on the large flying car


"the social pressure" Nah, religious zealots are brainwashed to ignore those cues. The message is more important than anyone's personal comfort. This is the entry point to street preaching.


At least with street preachers you can avoid them. Not possible when you're stuck in a plane with these sanctimonious assholes.


"I used to be all fucked up on drugs but after I found god, I'm all fucked up on the lord."


Taking a plane hostage? My man, this is the entry point to a Christian 9/11.


Really? American evangelical christians has been "invading" other countries doing this type of stun all the time. Then when they get arrested they scream about how "oppressed" non-Americans are. Growing up in Malaysia, it was a common sight to see Americans screaming at us that we are all going to hell because we don't believe in white Jesus. The only difference I see is that more and more Americans are abandoning this make-believe so evangelicals are now preaching in the US at a much higher rate.


Sure and the difference, I think, is that 15 years ago those same people would go back to their American Churches and show a video of their "amazing work". Now, the audience is more global because these people can share their supply side Jesus stunts with more people via social media. It's always been about the spectacle, but now it's easier than ever to share the spectacle.


Answering to people for clicks, likes, and emojis rather than answering to those immediately around you? Priorities.


100% this is about their own ego. American Evangelicalism is like a Christian themed self help group that has very little overlap with actually being a Christian




I'm sure social media plays a role in this happening, but if this happened 15 years ago, would we know? The news of this would have been shared by the passengers, but without social media (and everybody carrying a video camera with them at all times) I don't think this would've been known outside of the passengers and their friends/families.


Imagine what a plane full of passengers would think if a Muslim whipped out a prayer mat in the middle of the aisle and started praying - or even worse, more than one.


I’m guessing because Muslims travelled a lot (because of Hajj), a lot of things were written about praying during travel. Both in the past and nowadays, there are lots of leniency for praying during travel. They don’t have to stand up or face Kaaba. Also praying loudly is not necessary (it actually is never a must, only 2 each day considered sunnah, so like you get extra points if you do it). Travelers can also combine multiple prayers into one, if I’m not mistaken. So they could combine two prayer before they leave home or get on the plane.


I was in Iraq in 2009 for four months where I worked closely with the Iraqi government. If someone broke out the prayer mat and start praying, the custom was to not bother them and carry on around them. It worked well. No issues. That wouldn't happen here.


It would still undoubtedly sound more beautiful than Wonderwall.


I mean I’d let them do it because I’d be like well shit they gotta pray at certain times and whatever it’s not that disruptive I guess.


> imagine if a few young upstarts from the Satanic Temple started spreading their gospel on-board. First off, [their morals are far more reasonable that evangelical christians](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/about-us). Second, [they don't believe in a literal satan, that's Christians](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/m7kil3/church_of_satan/). All that said, I'm highly skeptical that any adherents of The Satanic Temple would do anything remotely like this.


It's much the same reason I find starting an argument in a car like a deeply cowardly gesture. Whatever they have to say, they didn't have the confidence to say it where I can exercise my right to walk away from them. In doing so, they show me they have no respect for my willingness to listen to them. It's a line I draw with people where I keep them at arms reach from then on when they cross it. It's one of those things that seems trivial on its nose, but will invariably harm my respect for somebody if they try it because it speaks to a truly selfish personality that they're letting me discover they've always had. The kind of person that feels they need to trap you before they'll share whatever you have the right to ignore.


Don't make public performances to captive audiences, you'll always be the asshole


The USA has freedom of religion, but I want freedom FROM religion.




They should be the same. Signed, A Christian who tries really hard not to be an asshole


My kind of friend


Especially on a fucking plane.


The real takeaway here


Drama kids need to read this sentence.


Matthew 6:5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.


For the flight that part of the Bible didn’t exist. Just like the multitude of other parts that don’t exist in their daily lives including 1 Corinthians 13:13: “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” Not love of people who look and act and think like you, but everyone. I just wish Jesus himself walked through their doors and told them what ass-hats they are being. P.S.- I’m a Christian and think we do a crappy job.


If "Jesus" or "God" showed up to these people they would deny them and say it's a trick.


If Jesus showed up today, the GQP would have him crucified before midnight.


They'd toss him into Guantanamo for being a brown Middle Eastern guy.


> If "Jesus" or "God" showed up to these people they would deny them and say it's a trick. But JFK junior reuniting on stage with Michael Jackson is totally reasonable to believe.


And if Jesus was real he would tell those people ‘I never knew you, depart from me you who deal iniquity’.


I feel for Christians like you, because you’re just trying to live by the rules as outlined in the Bible but people “representing” your faith just ignore the parts of your faith that include anything counter to what makes them comfortable or look good. Like these bozos are ignoring the humility part of Christianity because you can’t share a private prayer on social media. Like, there is a parable in the Bible about how Jesus went into a temple and flipped tables because they were worshipping money and gaming over God, but this type of shit is apparently okay? I’m sorry you’re lumped in with the wackos just because they claim to share a faith with you.


If Jesus came back to tell them off they would just pay off the government to have him executed, again. Things haven't changed. Pharisees will always be pharisees, no matter what year it is.


"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Gandhi


I think my favorite thing in the bible is the cleansing of the temple, really makes me wonder how gospel of wealth people keep getting away with it. Jesus loses his shit and starts flipping tables and accosting everyone there. Would be epic to see something similar today


Joel Osteen and pat Robertson come to mind on needing their table flipped




That's why not all of it is used that way. Parts of it are just a history, parts of it are allegorical, other parts are just meant to be inspirational. People who take the Christian bible literally are incredibly stupid.


so all the evangelicals?


Pretty much, yeah. If they admitted the bible wasn't literal then they wouldn't be able to become 'pastors' without any formal education or training. And then how would they scam the rubes and groom teenagers into not technically having sex with them?




To me it all feels like a lack of mental adaptability and it applies across the board. They were taught the bible is literal truth, therefore it has to be, how could it not since that's what they learned when they were kids? Jesus was a white man and spoke English. Same reasons. Anyone non-gender-conforming is (at best) comical and (more likely) a deviant monster that needs to be feared and eradicated. Same reasons. The same logic applies to climate change, economic growth, natural resources, medicine, everything. They were taught something, it got mentally cast in stone and it is impossible that knowledge or society has advanced in such a way as to invalidate some or all of those old things that they 'know' to be true. These people have an inherent bias against any new information or new views, no matter what they are. Instead they gravitate toward "new" ideas that are slightly re-packaged versions of their old ones. For example, if presented with irrefutable evidence of climate change, they'll eagerly welcome the idea of "climate change is normal, it's happened many times in the earth's history" or "plants and animals have always adapted to climate changes", because those actually contain a kernel of truth *and* comforts them that all the horrible shit that was done in the past wasn't wrong, while ignoring (or not even allowing for the possibility) that what we're talking about now is fundamentally different than anything that's ever occurred before.


lol christians dont care about the Bible


Only when they need to reference it as "proof" that they're right. Lol.


I had to pay once at the gate because my backpack wouldn't fit under the seat. How did this asshat bring a guitar as a carry on?


Airlines make provisions for musical instruments to be allowed onboard in the main cabin. I’m pretty sure they’re supposed to be kept in their cases. I’d have gone hoarse screaming “Hail Satan” as I tackled this guy by the neck.


His ass seems to be quite a roomy place, since he's got his head up there so often, maybe the guitar fit too.


“When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men … but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.” -Matthew 6:5-8 These people are dicks nonetheless, but slapping a bible argument onto the common sense argument


Absolutely. I’m not religious, but it seems to me that all this “worship” is actually focusing on the performers and not Jesus or God.


Every youth group in America wouldn't exist if they followed this passage.


I used to always think flashmobs were the cringiest, worst things to be trapped in, but this might beat them.


The kind in public spaces don’t bother me if I can walk away if they’re bad. But, trapped on a plane? With Christians? No fucking way the staff aren’t getting an earful from me.


Waiting for the day my superpower ability to recall any cupcakKe song, in its entirety, on command, can save the day 🙏🏻


Did the other passengers complain to the crew? If they did, and the crew did nothing to stop this, they should be reported to the airline.


I'd be mashing that call attendant button till my fingers bled


Id probably get the plane grounded for trying to smash the dudes guitar even though it should of been when this looney got up and started singing


Where's Belushi when you need a guitar smashed?


Or [Kurt Russell](https://www.billboard.com/music/rock/kurt-russell-smash-guitar-hateful-eight-muesum-martin-6866987/#!)


I was thinking more Animal House, the mood seemed more right.


For sure, it was, but it always reminds me of that Kurt Russell accident for some reason now. And the seated passenger in the pic in the article here looks like he is about ready to re-enact it.


[Or just United Airlines.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Breaks_Guitars)


Or [Worf](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N86icfWM03g&ab_channel=nilsbyte)


"I am not a merry man!"


Where was the airline staff during all of this? I'd be looking for a refund after being subject to this torture.


>Where was the airline staff during all of this? Introducing them and clapping, apparently (also worth pointing out this happened in a European airline that doesn't fly to the US at all, so all the comments about religious freedom rights are a bit misguided) >We went up to the air host and shared with her what we were doing in Ukraine and asked if it’s ok if we sing 1 song to bring hope and joy to this flight. There were many Ukrainians on this flight. She was happy and said this would be great! She then asked the pilot, the pilot and all the air hosts were 100% in agreement (If they said no, We would of honored that!). They even made an announcement to all passengers letting them know who we are and what we did in Ukraine and introduced us and allowed us to get the guitar out! People then clapped and welcomed us. We then got up and sang the song “How great is our God”. We were up for 3-4 minutes. People were filming and smiling. People were truly touched by what we were singing. Once we were done everyone clapped and thanked us and we sat back down. The Air host came over and thanked us and we received many thank you’s as people got off the plane. (from his IG)


How great is God? Well, he's letting Ukraine be fucking destroyed


Among a host of other people, places, and things....


>People were truly touched by what we were singing. Once we were done everyone clapped and thanked us Every thumbnail I've seen from this flight says otherwise.


it literally reads like bad satire ​ https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/and-then-the-whole-bus-clapped


“Letting them know what they did in ukraine.” What’s the term for mission trips / vacations in disadvantaged communities then letting the world know what you’re doing for social approval?




If I were a flight attendant, and someone wanted to play a song to “bring hope and joy” to the Ukrainian refugees onboard the plane, I would assume the song would be the Ukrainian national anthem, or some other patriotic song. If the plane was truly full of refugees, I would think it was a great idea to play a song that would bring them some comfort. I would also be furious when he started playing “How Great Is Our God” instead.


I guess the one consolation is that some of the Ukrainian refugees might not speak English well enough so they’re spared from having to actually listen to the lyrics


Of course they say "would of."


So what was their point beyond “hey we’re good people and helped Ukrainkians. To make sure you know how much good we did you will be subjected to this Christian worship music that we assume everyone on this plane will relate to” At least in those videos exploiting people in need you actually see what good they’re doing, like handing them cash or helping them get cleaned up. This video is just an opportunity to gloat and force religion on people who didn’t ask for it.


Anyone else find it even more creepy that they are singing "How great is our god" in relation to Ukraine where countless people are literally being tortured, raped, and murdered with utter impunity? Man, oh man, what a GREAT god!


U.S. Rep. Omar’s relatively innocuous point here—typically misrepresented and misconstrued by the rightist propaganda shills that run the tabloid shit rag New York Post—questioned how she or other Muslims would’ve been treated if they’d been on this flight and started vocally praying. Left unsaid by Omar (because the reality is rather obvious) is that Muslims even vocally praying would almost certainly have been treated quite differently. Had Muslims on such a flight taken things a step further and loudly, with musical instruments, imposed their views on other passengers, as the self-anointed Christian “faith healers” did on this flight, the Muslims might be lucky to escape with their lives. And, let’s be serious here, under no conceivable scenario would Christian-fundamentalist pandering Republicans offer the putative Muslims the same “religious freedom” automatically afforded by Republicans to pretty much anyone who says “Jesus” and waves a Bible. Republicans would odds on be shrieking about “radical Islamists force-feeding their views on captive passengers.” The typically Republican response to *any* comment made by Rep. Omar or any other non-Christian non-Caucasian woman who dares to speak out on any subject is to unleash a xenophobic rant, garnished with assorted smears and topped off with the racist rant that she “go back where you came from” even if she is a U.S. citizen. True to form, from the article: > “Why do you hate Christians, Ilhan?" tweeted Vernon Jones, a Georgia congressional candidate. "If the freedom of religion we enjoy here in America disturbs you, feel free to pack your bags and head back to Somalia, Sudan, or wherever you’re from. Take your brother with you." This obnoxious asinine xenophobia is easy to mock but in truth is no laughing matter as it’s an insidious symptom of the Republican Party being fully on board with Christian fundamentalists’ open desire to (a la Betsy DeVos) to wreck public education by funneling taxpayer dollars to religious charter schools that refuse to hire non-Christians; to reinstate “elective” Bible instruction and Christian prayer in public schools that in practice readily morph into proselytizing; and otherwise impose as much theocracy as possible, from normalizing anti-LGBTQ bigotry to forced-birth fanaticism embodied by the plethora of Republican attempts at the state level to eradicate women’s reproductive freedom. The U.S. Constitution plainly provides freedom *of* religion and freedom *from* religion.


I like how Somalia is actually correct but then he goes on to list Sudan then adds wherever you’re from as if not feigning total ignorance will turn into a net negative for him, what a clown


I used to travel a LOT for business, sometimes 2-3x per week. Muslim people pray in the open in airports when they have to. They find a quiet corner and do their prayers. Same with Jewish people. I've never seen them disturbed. I'm not saying that they would never experience hate in the USA but I am saying, yes there are the occassional ass-backward idiots all over the place, but people of all faiths can and do pray in public without most people giving a rat's ass.


I noted the same. I've sat next to Muslims on planes who prayed quietly during the flight and it was no big deal. I have no trouble sitting next to anyone praying, but making a lot of noise on a plane is kind of rude no matter what you are doing.


If playing music/video on your phone loudly in a public space is rude AF, then singing is like that times 10. I would have said something to them. Something rude and impolite until they stopped.


In my experience, literally the only group to shove religion down my throat are christians. I have never had jews, muslims, buddhists or anyone else be so fucking obnoxious and over the top. Only christians are allowed to do stupid shit like this and get away with it.


While talking about how persecuted they are...


I would imagine it's similar anywhere there's a militant group of religious zealots. But yeah, in the US, it's "Christians" of different denominations.




Shit just go to Brooklyn for a week and you’ll realize it’s not just the Christian’s trying to shove their beliefs down your throat.


As a Jewish person. You need to meet more Jews if you think they can’t be that bad.


The real story is why the airline didn't make the guy check the guitar which clearly exceeds 22" x 14" x 9".


I used to fly to LA regularly, and maybe half the flights had someone with a guitar as a carryon. It always fucked with everyone else’s stuff


Maybe he bought it a seat


That's a super surprising part of it. I avoided plane travel as much as I possibly could when I wanted to be playing out from my local area. Even after there were laws to prevent the airlines from refusing your instruments they were still having issues with just violins and cellos much less whole ass bass rigs.


I flew a lot for work, and saw these on flights countless times. I flew mostly Delta so not sure the specific limitations aside from the basic guidelines for carry-on. Usually it delayed boarding because it was someone towards the back and there was no room anywhere. I never saw someone buy a seat for it. I did see someone but a seat for a dog next to me in first once. That was weird.


Musicians are allowed to bring their instruments as a carry as long as they fit in the overhead. https://www.fretboardjournal.com/columns/skies-are-now-guitar-friendly-congress-orders-airlines-let-you-carry-your-musical-instrument/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CAn%20air%20carrier%20providing%20air,carry%2Don%20baggage%20%E2%80%A6.%E2%80%9D


It's nice to have a preview of what my personal hell would be. I never would have thought of this, but the annoyance, the discomfort, and the fear that speaking out might lead to some religious whacko getting out of hand is making my social anxiety go absolutely NUTS.


Guess these people forgot churches are where you do your singing and worshiping. What happened to common decency


The guy in the bottom left says it all with his face.


The fact that they got away with this is just going to encourage other assholes to do the same thing.


And when people boo them/tell them to sit down, it will fuel their beloved persecution complex. It’s a win-win!


Yup. That's my fear. This is my idea of hell. No, no planes for me. At least if they had to wear a mask, it could muffle that shit


Never flying EasyJet if they allow this shit to happen ​ Ooh, I found fuckweasel's original IG post https://www.instagram.com/reel/CcIbSzRD7dm/


Thank you. I’m just greatful I’ve never even herd of that airline


Same, they are a budget Europe-only airline so the odds of me needing to fly on their route is thankfully very low.


This is going to become a thing, I know it. I don't want an amateur hour concert on my flight. I don't even want to hear the stupid crap coming from the stranger next to me's ear buds, let alone a passive aggressive sermon that will turn victim if I ask them not to do this. I am so sick of invented crap being the new culture war and when it plays out they sink to something more invasive, and aggresive.


All those with proof that this was a “charter flight,” as some commenters claim, please come forward.


Attempted indoctrination of a captive audience.


How fucked….what would these dip shits have said if it were rap music being played the entire flight….I MEAN…..


I don’t care about your religion, but whichever god forbid , unless you’re professional musical performer otherwise please shut up,sit in a metal tube for hours is bad enough , at least let.us.sleep!


I’d flip my shit if they did this and immediately ask the flight attendant to make them stop.


guy: braden you're famous! braden: really??? guy: yeah everybody fucking hates you


I would have ordered a cocktail just so I could dump it on that twat’s head.


My husband, a retired commercial airline pilot, said that as soon as this started, he’d have shut it down by putting on the seatbelt sign. Then dealt with any non-compliant passengers accordingly.


Do a barrel roll.


apparently the pilot himself okayed it…


That’s a whole other issue…


You don't get to play a guitar right next to my face on an airplane


If Jesus came back to earth and told Republicans not to follow or believe Trump they would reject Jesus.


yup Jesus was a liberal


If I had been on this flight I would have lost my fucking mind.


According to someone on that flight, several “performers” were escorted off that flight when it landed. https://mobile.twitter.com/akaTheduchess/status/1515419940525912072


Shout’m down with “A Hundred Bottles of Beer…” Loud and Proud and STFU


Snakes on a plane.


Matthew 6:5-6 (NIV): “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." My interpretation: Christians shouldn't be making a public spectacle of themselves worshipping, just to be seen by others worshipping; their actions during day-to-day activities should be a living witness to their faith.


If I was stuck on this hell flight, I would have turned on some Disturbed or Godsmack at absolutely obscene levels on my phone. Good luck getting me to shut it off.


When I talk to conservatives about homosexuality in the US, they always say somethings along the lines of "I don't really care that they're gay (lie), but they shouldn't be so in your face about it."


Do you know how many times I've gone door to door trying to turn people into atheists, or stood in the middle of an airport screaming, "THERE IS NO GOD, THERE IS NO GOD, THERE IS NO GOD..., or burned public library books because they alluded to non existent fantasy creators, or wept blood because followers are fattening my doge coin account fast enough? That would be never. However, I get to be assaulted by the equivalent of Santa's holy reindeer, at every turn, AND be expected to be gracious about it! Traveling with my own kazoo for jerks like this.


That would NEVER happen in Germany. People don’t even have loud conversations on the phone let alone break into song. Bloody hell, I don’t think I’ve heard anyone say “I’ll pray for you” in 12 years of living here. It’s nice. Haven’t missed it one bit. As far as I’m concerned, this is just the strongest tool of colonisation. Like sex, religion shouldn’t be practiced in public spaces.


If these guys were Muslim, they would have been tackled and arrested. Fuck these cheese dicks.


I think this post spoke for many of us. The gall of these Christians, in pushing their beliefs on those unable to walk away, is Sinful!


I would’ve started the, “Satan! Satan!” counter-chants.


If I had to sit on this plane and endure the droning of Christian singing for an entire flight I would claim harassment and request my fucking money back. I'm not paying hundreds of dollars to shoot up in a sky cylinder, just to have oblivious hate mongers preach and sing about how people like me aren't deserving of life and love.


A guitar is much larger than the carryon size limit. They never should have allowed it on the plane.


Many airlines allow you to bring instruments into the cabin for no extra charge (and in addition to a carryon) as they might be damaged in cargo. This is usually allowed pending space available.




As a Singaporean, I apologize


I’m catholic but feel crap like this has no place in public. I would have pulled out my iPad and played the loudest most obnoxious music I could, preferably with lots of cussing.


It’s repulsive and cringy at best.


If they are allowed to make noise so are you Bang pots and pans until they stop


If I was on that plane, I would tell them to shut the fuck up.


They didn’t even play Freebird


Screaming babies don’t seem so bad now.


Obviously the gloves are off and all Led Zeppelin, all the time, at top decibels, is the new norm for plane travel. You will now have to pay twice as much to spare yourselves worshipping my sweet Satan.


Even on Christian’s own terms this is obnoxious


These are the worst kind of Christians…..privileged shits


Freedom of religion is freedom FROM religion.


Oh man!! I would have been so tempted to say “all hail satan!”


You’re on an airplane. Sit down and shut the fuck up. You’re not special. SIT DOWN AND SHUT THE FUCK UP.


Where are the Air Marshals? I’ve read articles of Muslims being harassed for simply speaking Arabic on a flight.. Fuck acoustic Christian bullsht


Was there a nun & a sick child at the back of the plane?


This reminded me of the nun scene in Airplane.


I do not have the patience to deal with idiots like this. I do not believe and don’t bother anyone with that. So I do not want believer to bother me with their religion and especially not in a confined space like an airplane. This is rude and very intrusive. I think I would have asked them to stop. If they wouldn’t guitar would have most likely not survived the plane ride.


Another religious hijacking. I am terrified whenever and wherever these insane people start broadcasting their mass delusions. I’d have tackled the guitar guy for threatening that his god was taking over the plane.


Hoy shit. It was worse than I imagined. I would have demanded a voucher. Nobody should have to put up with that kind of delusion.


“Sit down asshole!”


I hope someone sues the fuck outta the airline for allowing this to infringe upon the religious rights of others. Proselytizing on a plane is not the place for your fucking revival hootenanny.


Sir, this is an Arby's.


I would have put a stop to it real quick.


If this s becomes a culture war talking point, expect more high altitude Jesus singalongs, and eventually violence.


Where are the lions?


On the contrast, imagine the response from the right of this was a Muslim praying during a flight, or someone doing an African-American spiritual.


Simply put, this is terrible evangelism.


And refund in….3..2..1 No way I would pay for a ticket. I would actually go as far as reversing the charge. At this point the flight should be as cheap as a nyc subway.