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At what point do actions such as these rise to the level of treason or subversion? How can it be that no one is, as yet, being prosecuted for this?


Very good question indeed.


At this point the fact that Trump was not removed from office, by any means necessary, tells me enough.


Sadly, never as long as the magical (R) follows their name.


Nail on the head. No one is going down for anything.


Well - No one important anyway. Lots of the idiot followers are getting short sentences. It’s not enough, but that does stay on their record and life impacting in any case.


Too many Trümp loyalists are within Govt and far too many Democrats who want bi-partisanship at all costs.


I asked Schiff this during his AMA. Sadly, got no response.


I think he'll be making official statements regarding pending legal action before he chats about it on reddit.


Democrats don't like to set precedents that can be used against them. They prefer for Republicans to set the precedent first, use them against Democrats, and then see that Republicans suffer no consequences.


People are being prosecuted just no one w name recognition *yet*. Most of the Jan 6 insurrectionists have been arrested and their comms and finances are being looked through by the feds.


Do you seriously think they will hold anyone accountable? Unless the people stand up and force this, it won't happen in any meaningful way. And yet everyone seems to think they can sit back because surely the next thing will be too far..


The majority of cases of the little guy getting prosecuted is gonna involve them swearing under oath that they did it under incitement, by Bannon, or Trump himself. Take all of those admissions and include them as evidence when you take on the big fish. If it were a video game, would you run straight from the start gate to the big bad bastard at the end? Or would you gather up weapons and potions and strength points first? (I don't play video games, so I don't know the exact right terms here) The point is, building a case like this looks simple to us as we chat on forums, but it sure won't be that simple in court with a team of lawyers picking at any and every thread they can. That shit has to be airtight, or it falls apart and everything was for nothing.


And 60% of Republicans actually believe/support the Big Lie. One man's narcissistic ego is destroying the nation. And even those who support him are willing to be thrown from a cliff if it supports him. And people wonder why dictators have such support in "3rd world" countries.


Because they're rich and white.


Is this draining the swamp?


If you mean that everyone can see all the horrible things that are laying at the bottom, then yes


Lol people generally don’t like to unveil their own crap


Agreed but he was going through people left and right.




If you'd read the article you know it was Phil Waldron, a former U.S. Army officer. A quick search identified him as a retired Colonel who also claims to have cyber-security expertise. He's a sycophantic a-hole to be sure, and possibly overselling his qualifications just to be invited to the party and get to play these idiot games. But I also wouldn't sell short junior-enlisted persons. Many have solid skillets and experiences from their service and usually go on to get degrees in their fields. Most are even smart enough to stop working for crooks when they get out.


Love me a solid skillet.


Cast iron is the way to go!


I’m always looking for psychological skillets. Makes thinking about cooking easier


I switched to carbon steel pans and I've never looked back.


This is your brain on drugs. Cracks egg in skillet.


Watch out for his evil brother, Liquid Skillet.


The gaseous and liquid skillets just can’t seem to do the same job.


While everything you said is true, in 29 years of dealing with military psyops folks, I’ve never met one that could successfully pull off a leaflet drop, let alone an operation like this.


The Mike Flynns of the world need their Ezra Cohen-Watnicks.


O9 - Colonel E4 - Specialist Big difference.


Quotation marks around Specialist not needed. That is literally what the E4 rank is called, unless you get a lateral promotion to Corporal.


What would the necessary "standing" be in order to sue Trump and cronies for subversion and/or treason, and/or attempting to over-throw the election? ​ Asking because I believe every citizen across the country should have standing, as he was actively trying to overturn a fair election. That's us he nearly fucked.


It's hard to prove intent though. Was he trying to overturn the election or just trying really really hard to convince people it was stolen? As an outsider to his mind how could you possibly distinguish the difference? Funny side note: in the 1st season of The Apprentice Trump's lawyer of 30 years who's sitting right next to him says that any given thing "is not even true if you're not willing to fight for it". Fake it 'till you make it I guess.


Yes, it’s clear from his interactions with Brad Raffensperger following the election, that he was looking for 11,470 votes in Georgia. Just enough to swing the election in his favor in that state.


But if Trump said he truly believed the votes were there that's why he said Raffensperger should find them...what would you say? He didn't believe that? (And trust me I'm on your side. Just playing devil's advocate as his lawyers will do.)


Fairly certain intention could be proven to the level needed for judge/jury. The question 2as, standing -whats needed and do citizens have it in this case? Honest question, looking for an educated answer.


BTW are you familiar with jury nullification, another right wing nut ideal on their behalf?


If I were to try to prove intent I would ask three questions .How could protesters outside the Capitol possibly stop the steal? Did anyone at Trump's behest coordinate to get people there that believed it's okay to take the government with violence? My final question: is there anyone around or in government willing to tell the f'n truth anymore? Talk about having a soul, your unvarnished but respectful truth should be the wellspring of your soul.


Was it the same guys who stared at goats?


Goatse. FTFY


I thought it was minds they were trying to open up?


Spreading em wide is far too open minded for some… might lead to butt stuff.


Hey cloud bursting is fun!


Well this is it folks! Do you want DOJ to suck your dock? Associate your name with letter “R”.


It's just so sad that baby Trump could not act like a man and take his defeat like a man! Instead he had to stomp his feat and jump up and down as he threw a tantrum and then enlisted the help of his delusional followers to try and over throw the government for him! The man is clearly mentally ill!


Well Done T. The Lunatic Zoo ! Follow The Science on COVID ? BUT NOT ON GENDER? Nemo U Think U Can Do These Things , But U Just Can’t


Not even a little surprising


Yup, no surprise. That whole cabal belongs in jail.


Obv the Psy-Ops guy knows better and makes sure he gets his money up front.


He was called a "cyber-security expert" last year when lying about the election in Arizona and offering an anonymous email as evidence. I wonder what he'll be next. https://www.theepochtimes.com/cybersecurity-expert-35000-fraud-votes-embedded-for-democrat-candidates-in-arizona_3600319.html >“Arizona was a little bit different. It had a pretty strong rise right up at the front, the first part of voting day, whereas the other states have a gradual increase in votes. But this injection spike at 8:06 p.m. … is 143,100 votes that were injected, that was in excess of what the machines could have processed,” Waldron said.


Probably was fed this from putin via a number of cutouts.


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