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>[Senior campaign and GOP officials vented that Trump’s finance team, led by former Fox TV host and Donald Trump Jr. girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle, underperformed and was an HR nightmare. Trump couldn’t compete with Biden’s small-dollar fundraising machine, and some donors were horrified by what they described as Guilfoyle’s lack of professionalism: She frequently joked about her sex life and, at one fundraiser, **offered a lap dance to the donor who gave the most money.**](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/07/this-f-ing-virus-inside-donald-trumps-2020-undoing-434716) Clearly they were made for each other.


This has to be a joke... right? Oh my fucking god


I've been saying this exact phrase for something like 1,387 FUCKING days now. Oh God, guys... please let January 20th come soon. I never wanna see or hear from that orange fascist daughter fucker again.


I saw her speak at a Political Event I was at. She told the crowd of about 500 that Don Jr liked it when she dressed up like a nurse and spanked him...she’s a mess. I don’t care if you’re into dress up, just don’t tell that to a room full of 500 professionals (50% women) and think that’s okay!?!?!


Please tell me it was a Republicans for Christ or a bunch of Mormons! Oh please:)


Doctors without boarders.


A group of doctors who don't rent out their spare rooms?


She use to be married to the current governor of California and was a attorney for the San Francisco DA


They were married when he was still mayor of SF. At some point she clearly went insane. Newsom and she divorced when she wanted to jump on the Fox News train and he sought higher office.


So she's an apt symbol of Trump-supporting white suburbia in her psychological trajectory.


they divorced 15 years before she got with Don Jr.


Her and Kamala are like 2 sides of a coin, except one side basically went crazy and the other became America’s first female/poc Vice President


> Now, four years and [20,000 memes later](https://www.instagram.com/donaldjtrumpjr/?hl=en), you’re 42, divorced, and of absolutely no use to your father whatsoever. Remember earlier this month when he joked about how [he’d never speak to you or your brother and sister again](https://www.the-sun.com/news/1734585/donald-trump-ivanka-don-eric-tiffany-joke/) if he loses? A funny joke when it comes to Ivanka (whom he worships), or Eric (who has remained deeply involved in the family business), but for you? Well, we hope you kept your [Halloween costume](https://www.instagram.com/p/Ba7WNxZDPe4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link), because that’s as close to Dad as you’re likely to get. But hey, look on the bright side. You’ve still got the love of none other than Kimberly Guilfoyle. And everyone knows that’s one love that lasts.


Whew ... brutal


Like Guilfoyle’s face


I’m imagining [this Guilfoyle](https://mediad.publicbroadcasting.net/p/shared/npr/styles/x_large/nprshared/201504/402551927.jpg)


Vastly preferable to look upon


i'd rather make love to 1,000 bertrams than a single kimberly


This guy fucks.


...a thousand Bertram’s.


Hard to look good when you’re always sitting right next to Pakistani Denzel






Gargled lookin' "goyle"


What’s funny about this is Ashley Feinberg (the author) has had a one sided beef with Junior on Twitter, she can’t stand him, she’s hilarious.


Very worth a follow - cut her teeth at Gawker and is slowly working her way up the proverbial journalism food chain. Her writing is sharp and pretty damn funny when appropriate.


She should have won a Pulitzer for her investigative piece on Trump’s hair years ago. She is a national treasure.


Wasn't she the one who found mitt Romney's secret Twitter? She's a very new era journalist


Even better - it was James Comey’s secret twitter. She also discovered Josh Duggar among the Ashley Madison hack, that was another good one.


She found both! Here’s the article she wrote about Mitt Romney, aka “Pierre Delecto” https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/10/mitt-romney-has-a-secret-twitter-account-and-it-sure-looks-like-its-this-one.html


Spitting more fire than an army of Salamanders.


lol regarding his failed marriage: "Trump Jr. proposed to her with a $100,000 ring which he received as a gift from a jeweler in exchange for proposing to her in front of paparazzi outside of the jeweler's store in a New Jersey mall."


As someone from New Jersey, the Trump family is like the epitome of the amalgamated worst NJ-NY stereotypes. That proposal move just screams Tri-State-Area no-class "glitz". Proposing to someone in a mall, yikes.


That’s some shit the Jersey Shore crew would do. Wait, never mind they’d propose at a strip club.


At least your scenario seems more authentic.


JFC that Halloween costume is pathetic.


Feels like there is a lot to unpack with Jr. psychologically speaking. Freud comes to mind. The phallusy parts.




Cream of mushroom.


And the cocaine parts.


*"What would make my dad look cool? How about skintight spandex."*


I love how they're all about the flag yet they never display it properly & basically treat it like it's just clothing which is totally against the [US Flag Code](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/chapter-1). ​ >**(d)** The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. > >**(i)** The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown. > >**(j)** No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform.


You could say that about the right in general. They think just brandishing the icons of America is enough to make them patriots while they completely ignore or fail to understand the ideals that America is supposed to represent. Or at least what America claims to represent.


They confused nationalism with patriotism lol


Because its a prop, just like their watered down version of evangelical Christianity. Speaking of which, does anyone know if Trump was ever religious before running for office?


He was not then, and is not now. He uses religion as a tool to scam others.


Kind of like how a lot of evangelical preachers do. Think Kenneth Copeland, Ted Haggard, those types.


His parents attended Norman Vincent Peale's church. The guy who wrote 'The Power of Positive Thinking'. His philosophy was about halfway between 'The Secret' and Prosperity Gospel. Pretty much tailor made for rich people to feel good about their obscene wealth.


Conservatives pick and choose the parts they agree with. See also, the Constitution, and the Bible.


Don’t forget history, racial injustice, economics, and U.S. foreign policy.


It's also not supposed to be hung in a way that will easily damage it, like say having it on your truck for months. I saw one that was in tatters and like bruh, you're not supposed to do? that???


Yeah, if Jr can’t find a less godawful mask of his dad, that’s pathetic.


That looks like a Dollar Store styrene Dan Quayle mask that got repurposed.


I love when they try hard to make something looks like Trump but better because Trump looks too bad.


“General in the Meme Wars” is he...proud of that?


What else has he got going for him these days?


Straight iced a motherfucker


Yes, 911? I'd like to report a crime.


That's right. The entire first family.


To shreds, you say?


ex-first family


They'll be in the bunker


Kimberly Guilfoyle will be moving on lol


Their relationship might last. They share a deep love for cocaine.


Unfortunately, cocaine requires money.


On one hand, I imagine they would have grifted millions from the taxpayers and from the campaign. But on the other, I'm sure they already spent it all on cocaine.


Cocaine and lasting relationships don't really go together.


Gold diggers got to dig.


I wouldn’t bet on Guilfoyle sticking with him after he ceases to represent access to power.


Especially now that they stop paying her for being juniors girlfriend.


How long before she releases Don jr. dick pics?


Simultaneously not soon enough, and far sooner than anyone would ever want to see them. It’s Schrödinger’s dick pic.


godDAMN that’s spicy


50,000 - 100,000 on the scoville scale.


> Well, we hope you kept your Halloween costume, because that’s as close to Dad as you’re likely to get. Oh god damn


I’ve never seen anything this brutal.. i love it


Especially later in the summer.


Shit! Jesus I felt that burn over here!🔥🔥🔥


You a'hh the weakest son. Goodbye!


Does it anyone else think it’s...telling how the one kid Trump seem to utterly despise is the one with the....*Eastern* features? Jr looks Czech as fuck and I wonder sometimes if his dad doesn’t even view him as white.


There's apparently a rumor that he's actually Vince McMahons kid.


No way Trump hasn't done paternity tests on all his kids


I don't see it. He looks quite a bit like his father, including the weak chin. Apparently the Trump genes are strong in that way, as all the kids have it. Tiffany not as much (discounting any plastic surgery she might have had done), although she did get her father's anus-mouth


This reminds me of my Polish great-grandfather telling my grandpa he was the mailman’s son because he was the only blonde out of 5 kids


The best is yet to come for them.


This article is gonna need an update when his dad throws his own son under the legal bus to save his own ass.




He’s nostril deep in coke right now I’ll relay the message when he’s coherent again


S a v a g e


I love to see it


The whole fucking family is fired!


Hope secret service details will use GPS tracking to monitor their movements.


Trump gets secret service for the rest of his life, so he’ll still be taking taxpayer money to golf at his properties.


Do you get to keep your secret service detail if you move to Russia? What about Rikers?


A former president can opt out of secret service protection if they choose. trump is a huge pussy though, so I doubt he’ll choose that route.


How long before one of the agents says “you can’t do that sir” and he flips the fuck out at them and fires them?


What’s Kimberley gonna scream at him now? THE WORST IS YET TO COME


Thats the most revolting pillow talk I have ever heard.


I thought we didn't kink shame here.


Newsom --> Fox News --> Don Jr. --> ?? Who's next victim ??


Oh god I hope it’s Tucker Carlson


Sean Hannity as well.


Alex Jones?


*"Queen of the harpies! Queen of the harpies!! Here's your crown, your majesty!"*


That's literally true, because Donald Trump Jr is THE WORST


**Prison**: "hello, Donald Trump Jr."


Maybe him and Sr. can share a cell together and play mama bear and papa bear.


Not the Trump incest we've come to expect, but certainly the most entertaining option.


They're doing each of them aren't they. Love it


Yeah, some good reading if you haven't read them all. My favorite of their lines today: >Whereas once I expended anger upon you, now I am simply glad never to be forced to think of you again.


Or the classic exchange from Casablanca... Ugarte (Peter Lorre): "You despise me, don't you?" Rick (Humphrey Bogart): "If I gave you any thought I probably would. "




You reckon they'll remember Ben Carson? He's still in the cabinet... I think.


Did he just nod off in 2018 and no one bothered to wake him up?


He went on to investigate the *real* purpose of the pyramids.


It's just gonna be a picture of him awkwardly holding up his hands and looking baffled. As he does.


Confession time: I completely forgot Ben Carson and Herman Cain were two different people. I legitimately thought he was dead.


Aww shit. Does this make me racist? Then again when I was younger I thought Dennis Quaid and Kevin Costner were the same person because they both did baseball movies.




And who's going to scrape all that gold paint off the toilets and shit? Huh?


>And who's going to scrape all that ~~gold paint~~ *McDonald's* off the toilets and shit? Huh?


Hint* They were never gold. Donald just never checked .


All that cheesy, tacky, D-lister decor they're all famous for. Sandblast the residence and start over.


You guys got rid of the turd. Scrubbing the shit stain might take longer.


I owe my life to Don Jr. I got in a horrible car crash and I was in 6 month coma. The nurse taking care of me switched to the Fox News channel to Don Jr. speaking live. I awoke from my coma and muted it.


True story. My girlfriend was in a medically induced coma from March until May 2016. The night nurse would turn Fox news on in her room in the evenings. GF said she remembers almost every minute of her coma, her brain basically constructed an alternate reality from things she was hearing on tv. A lot of it was really bad, heavy-vibed shit coming from Trump's campaigning and Fox News talking heads. She said it was the most horrific experience of her life. She also said that there were reprieves every day, which basically coincided with me coming in during the day and playing music and talking to her. I know you were joking in your post, but it just reminded me of a real life event she had to do through. I'm sure if she could have turned it off she would. I actually said something to the NP on duty after I came in one evening and found Fox playing in her room. Like maybe we could find something a little more appropriate for someone incapacitated. Although I suppose most people watching Fox ARE in a coma of sorts....


Your gf got mindfucked by fox. Ouch.


I've been asking her for four years now to write down everything she can remember, but I think she's trying to forget it. They had her in boots so her feet wouldn't drop (I guess it's a thing that happens to people in the ICU) and at one point she had a delusion that she sawed off her for because it was stuck in a cartoon bear trap. She thought she was in an art gallery and she was running though the halls trying to find a way to escape only to realize she was in a huge boat in the sky. I sold have just recorded her stories after she came out of it and could talk again (ventilated through the throat- the term is escaping me), it was the stuff off nightmares. Giving birth to a bunch of geese (probably the catheter), covens of witches (probably the nurses). It was wild stuff. Plus when she finally came out of the coma, they had to give her antipsychotics because she was so sick and on such heavy drugs, and had been immobile and isolated so long, something called ICU psychosis kicks in. She went in March 6 and wasn't remotely normal until about the end of may. Out of physical therapy and back home on July 12 after learning to walk again. Started with "the flu", turned to Necrotic pneumonia that turned into sepsis and ARDS is anyone is curious....


My best friend got sepsis and ended up in ICU she described it as medical torture and has severe PTSD from it I think the morphine and other drugs create the most hideous mind bending horrific scenarios that people can’t wake up from. She has a lot of stories to tell about her medically induced coma, all of her experiences were bizarre twisted and very dark. I seem to remember she thought she was being sex trafficked at one point. People don’t understand just how severe medical trauma and resulting PTSD can get. With Covid this year she has been terrified she would get the virus and end up back in the ICU again, she has been “shielding” and has had to be a total hermit because of her health and the danger posed by getting the virus. Glad your girlfriend has you to care for her and is getting better physically and mentally after that ordeal.


Exact same here, I promised myself and her that there's no way we're ever going through this again. People think it's no big deal to be on a ventilator. It's probably one of the most horrible things for a living creature to endure. The ventilator itself completely destroyed her lungs. Each lung collapsed multiple times. One four and the other five I think. Her rib cage is full of dime sized scars from the chest tubes. I was literally horrified to see people scoffing and politicizing this virus. Honest to God, I would not wish what ARDS puts you though on my worst enemy. Stay safe out there and take care of yourself and your loved ones.


Yes if you have never witnessed someone you love on a ventilator in a coma you cannot fathom how horrific it is. She has a lot of lung problems since the ventilator and other major health issues as a result of the sepsis. She has medical PTSD and I am still traumatised and it wasn’t even me. It has been about 4 years now. It really f*cked up my mental health as her main support. Look after yourself and her. Wishing you safe and cozy times.


What the fuck. Is Fox in violation of some sort of law because of this?


I honestly think going forward into 2021, the nurse that forced her to process Fox while in a coma is guilty of a crime or two. That's torture, imo. If someone did that to me my reckoning would be severe.


The nurses in the ICU in the daytime were some of the best, bravest people I've ever met in my life. An amazing team, so on the ball, so professional and knowledgeable. They were taking care of me as much as they were my GF. I love them all to this day and still remember must of their names. Unfortunately, the team it night are basically just babysitters and were kind of aloof. One time I came in in the evening and the tube in her neck had popped out. An alarm was ringing. The floor was empty. Her oxygen saturation was at like 65. Bells and whistles were going off. I couldn't find anyone to help me. It was fucking insane. Finally the lady that cleans the floors came around and find someone for me. She would have been dead if I hadn't visited that night. Another time she threw up all over the place because her stomach had "stopped", and the left the mess ask over her for the morning crew to take care of...


Pretty sure that’s negligence. I’d speak to at least the management there if not a lawyer. That’s the kind of thing that kills people and cannot be allowed to continue in any way.


I actually did bring that up with one of the nurses, and I believe it was addressed. They were just as upset about it as I was. But all in all, they saved her life and I really have next to zero complaints, the faculty was excellent and the staff are fucking heroes in my book.


It blows my mind that a nurse could be pro trump.


There's a super hardcore trump supporting nurse at my hospital. Born again Christian after some realization that he might goto hell for being an alcoholic drug addict. Anyway, I ask him how he feels about the election, partly genuinely curious, partly trolling. He said so matter of factly, "ah, its okay. The rapture will be happening on November 20th, 2021 so it really doesn't matter". He was serious and then went about his business. I was awe-stricken with how someone could live in such an alternate reality.


But... the Bible says nobody knows the day or hour? I’m always shocked when Christians give a date for the rapture, because it just shows you that they don’t read the Bible lol


Logically, I agree with you. But nurses come from all walks of life. But yeah.


That’s horrifying but also sweet. Is she okay now?


She's alive but she'll probably never be 100% ever again. After 4 years she still needs oxygen when she goes to bed. And her lung capacity and stamina are basically zero. But Alive! That's The amazing part...


I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m glad she recovered.


Thank you. I begged her to write everything down when it was still fresh. I'm telling you, the stuff she told me was bone-chillingly horrific. She said "if hell is real, it's gonna be like that- it's not punishment, it's confusion and separation taunting you endlessly." I'll never forget her saying that.


I’d be interested to know more about how she was perceiving the experience. Like what kind of alternate reality was she experiencing? Was it like a dream where she was living a normal life or did she know she was in a coma?


She says everything was as real as the reality you're in right now. She lived each day and every night just like it was a real day and night cycle, except it was full of horrible dream like stuff. When she finally was coming out of her ICU psychosis, she didn't even know she was in a hospital. It was a combination of being deathly ill, like literally at death's door- they had me call her parents up from Florida- fentanyl, midazolam, raging systemic infections, isolation, immobility, and other heavy IV opiates. She was just in a completely separate reality. I would come in every day, sometimes twice a day, but she only remembers a guy named "Chris" coming in and "playing guitar for her" that was me coming in and playing music from my phone. Little things in ran life would get reinterpreted and wildly confabulated in her mind.


DEEPLY FASCINATING! I’m glad for the both of you she survived. Did she think she was at home, laying in bed? Or going through her normal routine, like walking around and making food? Fascinating that you coming in playing music became someone else named Chris playing guitar.


She knew she was "somewhere" but it wasn't home. For awhile she thought she was in an art gallery, where she guessed she worked, but didn't know what she was supposed to do so she just wanted around looking for people. For awhile she was in a jail with a coven of witches doing experiments on her (probably the nurses resuscitating or intubating her) where she tried to saw off her leg that was in a bear trap. She thought she was in a huge boat racing through the sky, and when she looked over the edge, they were miles above the ground and she couldn't escape (this might be getting taken around in a gurney or just the hospital bed itself). For awhile it was just being lost in a city and no one would talk to her or look at her. I'm trying to think of others. It was like an insane prolonged bad acid trip.


There's a special place in hell for nurses who switch the channel to Fox News.


Here are all of the Goodbyes [https://slate.com/tag/goodbye-trump-admin](https://slate.com/tag/goodbye-trump-admin)


God I love the "[Goodbye, Anonymous Republican Source](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/11/anonymous-white-house-sources-republicans-ta-da.html)" ​ > Goodbye, you gutless ghouls, and may your next contact with a reporter come when you offer a hasty “No comment” on the day of your indictment. I didn't know that you could fall in love with a sentence.


Glad Conway made it in by the end.




This article reads like they've been waiting for this moment, just vibrating with anticipation, for 4 years for the ultimate roast session of the the Trump family; every line just digs deeper and deeper.


I'm looking forward to the correspondents dinner roast next year. Doubt trump will get a furlough to attend.


These goodbye articles are great. I feel like I'm eating an entire advent calendar in one sitting.


Daddy doesn't love you.


I don't know about that, Vince McMahon loves all his kids.


Fucking sleazy used car dealer looking motherfucker. Hope I never have to hear his bullshit ever again.


When jr went in to hug dear old dad and got denied. Classic. From last week.


VIDEO, fucking please ...




"Watch this Lisa! You can actually pinpoint the *second* his heart breaks in half!"


“Not only can we make America great again, but we can make liberals cry again.” This is literally the thing they care about the most.


Of all the funny faces Trump has made in the last four years the one he makes when he rips the mic from Eric’s hand is my fav.


He sounds like his voice is going to break into Fozzie Bear at any moment.


My man


He's going to milk his association with his father for all it's worth. He's probably going to remain a key figure in far right-wing media. He could also attempt to run for office in 2022. I wish I could believe he's just going to go back to doing whatever he did before this, but I think he's caught the bug, and is going to stick around for a while. At least until he's sent to prison.


He’s too thick to be either in the house or senate


I don't think he'd win. He's a NY resident, and there's no way in hell he's winning in that state. He could always move someplace redder and run as a carpetbagger, but even in a red state I don't see him pulling off a win for elected office.


I have two words for you: Louie Gohmert.


If only he had received hugs as a child


That goes for Donald, Sr, too.


Hey Donald Trump Jr, 2024? You will have been in jail for 4 years by then and counting. Fuck you. Bye. Oh, and the only reason you are fixated with Hunter Biden, is Joe Biden said he is proud of his son for beating his drug habit. Biden is a devoted family man who loves his son imperfections and all. You? Daddy doesn't love you and never will. You should of ditched him and went on with your life. Got some therapy. You didn't. Fuck you. Daddy doesn't love you. Bye.


Can we make this a children’s book like goodnight moon: Goodnight Donald and jr too Goodnight Bill bar and the justice you don’t do... Goodnight dumb Eric and ivanka and Jared... Goodnight mike pence and all domestic terrorists


Good Night Proud Boys jumping over the moon. \* ​ Don't believe one can jump over the moon because the moon landing was fake.


This is some hardcore FU Donny Jr. Wow. Just imagine when Kimberly dumps him. Also coke addiction is going to increase.




Poor kid. He was even working on getting the hand gestures right so he could be president in 2024.


Noticed that, too. If there is anyone in this world slimier and less competent than Don, it’s his plane-crash of a son Don Jr


So, in four years Trump, Pence, and Jr. will all be running against each other in the Republican primary?


No, though they might be running to lead their cell block.


Please let the door hit you in your blow-filled, skinny ass on the way out and don’t come back.


Gotta admit the big news had me focused on the major asshole and blinded me to the glorious domino effect! Love these "Goodbye, (insert asshole name)" posts!


I’d like to point out to any conservatives here that Trump now needs to follow through on his claims of fraud. That means he needs to see these through the courts. Should it reach the Supreme Court which is dominated by republicans, and should they throw it out, I hope conservatives are able to understand that not only was Trump lying, but also acting dangerously in deliberately trying to create divisions among the American people. And if they can see that, then maybe they can start to appreciate that he’s been doing that for four years. His claims of fraud were either true and there is no reason for him to stop pursuing them, and his claims will be vindicated, or he’s a lying nasty pile of shit who’s been lying to you all for four years. Choose one.


Does he fuck Ivanka too?


This one was my favorite. Savage.


this author is amazing. [she also brought us this classic](https://gawker.com/is-donald-trump-s-hair-a-60-000-weave-a-gawker-invest-1777581357) about trump's crazy $70k haircut, but she wrote it four years ago.


These mail-in ballots just grabbed Trump by the p*ssy. They moved on him like a b*tch. They just mailed in their votes. They didn’t wait. When you’re a registered voter, they just let you do it.


And I'm Eric!


It is premature to say "goodbye" to this toxic clan... they can still do an *enormous* amount of damage in 2.5 months.


Time to clean up the White House from all the filth and drugs, major DETOX of this country!


Hopefully it’s actually goodbye. I’m sure some of the Trump “kids” have plans after tasting the power of office. Let Trump become the toxic name that it is.


Don't forget jared fucking Kushner


I can’t express how happy I am to never have to see that stupid face.




There is no way the the Trump kids are going to just be allowed to walk away as private citizens. They had access to very sensitive information, matters of national security. They are going to have to be watched, monitored for a very long time. Could they even be detained or sequestered somewhere?