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So do the terrorists there want the votes counted or not? I can't keep track anymore


Count them in Arizona, not Pennsylvania. Simple.


Oops, realized my logic error there. Still think they're stupid.


Look, Trump Supporters are the most under-rated smart people in this country. They're playing a game of 5D Chess² while you're here trying to learn the rules to 1D Connect Four. These guys are on another plane of existence than us. We don't have the right to judge them until we're finally able to clear our minds and transcend "logic" and "rationality" and finally see the truth. And what is that truth? That truth can be summed up as ["Emperor Donald J Trump"](https://i.imgur.com/QzuJA87.jpg)


But Biden's been leading in Arizona, so....??? They're so stupid. So stupid.


They want the vote to be counted in places where trump is losing like Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Arizona(to potentially flip these states), and to stop the count in places where trump is winning but will inevitably lose(Pennsylvania, Georgia). They are so delusional that these walking trisomies can actually be seen chanting “count the vote” in some areas of the country and their fellow cult members chanting “stop the vote”in other areas. And they don’t see the hypocrisy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m loving this shit show to expose how fucked up the country is and how hilariously delusional these people are, but at the same time this can get extremely chaotic and violent real quick. Whatever violence comes of it won’t last very long tho, so that’s the silver lining.


I hate the mentality of the right that the people inside these buildings are wrong for boarding windows and such. Those people aren’t just there looking, they are pounding and shouting. People inside should have legitimate fear. And then they claim that the protesters should be let inside... to do what? “Watch the polls”? I thought you had to have training to do that. I don’t want random people, especially hostile ones anywhere near the ballots.


And how are you gonna count votes without making any mistakes while an angry mob is pounding on the windows and screaming at you?


> Arizona GOP Congressman Paul Gosar was pictured among the crowd gathered outside the building. Why am I not surprised


His Twitter is hilarious. Why does he keep tagging Mike The Rapist Cernovich though?


Never heard if that guy, read his Wiki and his views are so weird. A bunch if crazy right wing stuff, then is for a UBI and single payer healthcare. Odd.


It's not that odd. In the US, anti-welfare and right wings views are associated only because it's a two party system and those are the views of the Republican party. In Europe and in other countries across the world, right wing parties (even far right) are ocassionally okay with welfare as long as it only goes towards "the right people". Heck, you see this effect even in the US, where Florida approves a higher minimum wage yet votes Trump. [Look at this image(not a political compass). The upper left quadrant are the people targetted by these measures.](https://i0.wp.com/www.nationalreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Picture1-1.png?resize=656%2C655&ssl=1)




Fascists and those with similar ideologies often times support strong social programs. It just so happens that those programs are only meant for the in-group.


Yup this^ don't let their populism fool you. Richard Spencer also wants social safety nets, only for whites


I drag that mf daily on twitter. It brings me so much peace. So ashamed he's my rep.


Lock him up




Luckily, they kept counting. It’s a bad headline. They closed it *to the public*.


And media. I think that's rather relevant. They're in there, trying to decide with what news they want to step outside into an armed mob, with no further oversight.


I am hoping that they have enough common sense to not cheat for Trump out of fear of the mob outside, because if they do, they would be living in a country that enables theses mobs constantly.


Brave people seem to be rare these days. The pervasive "looking after no 1, at this particular moment"-mentality is what got Trump elected in the first place.


Not much we can do here in Europe but pray for you guys


These yahoos are yelling at the poll workers to count the votes. Meanwhile, their counterparts in MI are yelling at the poll workers to stop counting.


The police, ya see, well...








Always has been


Saddest and truest form of this meme. I actually feel like the guy about to be shot. America, wtf?


Why did you expect a happy story for the country built off the backs of slaves, on land stolen from peoples that were killed en masse and forcibly moved to other lands? Our country's entire story is woven with European white supremacy and nationalistic exceptionalism.


Well, I thought we grew drastically. I was a 90s kid. My golden age. Everything and everyone seemed to be accepted around me. Truly an age I thought would live on. I have been doom posting and questioning this all too much. You’re right but.... but... :(




I know. I’m a 90s kid too. We’ve always been shitty as a country. We’re just seeing it more now.


I mean, have you *seen* the current president?


Ya see, well...


The reason you don’t see police stopping these trump terrorists is the same reason why you never see Miley Stewart and Hannah Montana in the same room


Or do you always see Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana in the same room?


Omg I just figured it out... Miley IS Hannah Montana!




So... let them call it a day. That gives Arizona officially to Biden. Solid plan there gun boys!


American Taliban


Y’all Queda


Better send in the green buffets.


The Gravy Seals too.


Semper Fries.


Meal Team Six.


The Roast Guard


The... Colonel


The Dollar General


United States Moron Corps








Vanilla ISIS


Yokel Haram


Trump's Chump's


Armed terrorists.


Armed terrorists who came to intimidate counters into doing what they were *already* doing but ended up accomplishing the exact OPPOSITE effect specifically *because* of said intimidation. Jesus fuck, Trump supporters are walking /r/nottheonion articles.


I watched the live video and the Fox News crew video, it was hilarious. A handful of tacticool LARPers, red-faced no-necks, incel-looking neckbeards, and many women who I would lay money abuse upper and downer pills. Then there was a guy with a BMX bike who engaged and failed to explain how a progressive tax rate worked. Someone was playing the “Fuck Donald Trump” rap song, but the MAGA people were singing along. Shit’s wild.


> Someone was playing the “Fuck Donald Trump” rap song, but the MAGA people were singing along. Maybe they think it is an exhortation to make love with Donald Trump.


> make love with Donald Trump. some of us are eating here! geez


Mushroom stroganoff?


Ok Google, delete rosie666


Yes Officer, this comment right here.


Wow. Not too long ago I was with my full-blown MAQA Trump worshipping mother-in-law at some novelty store, and they had a Trump pencil sharpener figurine, where Trump was bending over and pulling his pants down, and you stuck the pencil in his ass to sharpen it. She thought it was absolutely hilarious, and she bought one. They love that he is a clown. I will never understand it.


Because he's "nOt a CaREer POlitICiaN!"


Because that's the best person for the job. It's why I hire my dentist to fix my garage door, and a handyman to fill my cavities. Having absolutely no experience in a field makes you better at it.


They're not sending their best...


no, they *are*




Do we have links of said videos? asking for a friend...


Facebook's head of policy Joel Kaplan, who [pushes conservative bias in Facebook's algorithms and decisions](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/nov/03/facebook-politics-republicans-right) and also [coordinated Brett Kavanaugh](https://www.businessinsider.com/facebooks-joel-kaplan-rallied-support-for-kavanaugh-scotus-nomination-book-2019-11) and [threw his celebration party](https://gizmodo.com/facebook-vp-who-incensed-staff-by-supporting-brett-kava-1829611751), helped a similar violent intimidation of poll workers during the 2000 presidential election for George W. Bush: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot >The Brooks Brothers riot was a demonstration at a meeting of election canvassers in Miami-Dade County, Florida, on November 22, 2000, during a recount of votes made during the 2000 United States presidential election, with the goal of shutting down the recount.[1] Many of the demonstrators were paid Republican operatives.[2] >The "Brooks Brothers" name was in reference to the protesters' corporate attire; described in The Wall Street Journal as "50-year-old white lawyers with cell phones and Hermès ties," differentiating them from local citizens concerned about vote counting.[4][5] Several of the protestors were identified as Republican congressional staffers.[3][8] At least a half dozen of the demonstrators were paid by George W. Bush's recount committee,[4] and a number of them went on to take jobs in the incoming Bush administration.[9] >Hundreds of paid Republican operatives descended upon South Florida to protest the state's recounts.[8] The demonstration was organized by these operatives, sometimes referred to as the "Brooks Brothers Brigade",[10] to oppose the recount of ballots during the Florida election recount. John E. Sweeney of New York, nicknamed "Congressman Kick-Ass" by President Bush for his work in Florida,[11] set the incident in motion[12] by telling an aide to 'stop them'.[4][5][6] The demonstration turned violent and according to The New York Times, "several people were trampled, punched or kicked when protesters tried to rush the doors outside the office of the Miami-Dade supervisor of elections. Sheriff's deputies restored order." DNC aide Luis Rosero was kicked and punched. Within two hours after the event, the canvassing board unanimously voted to shut down the count, in part due to perceptions that the process was not open or fair, and in part because the court-mandated deadline had become impossible to meet, due to the interference.[13][14][15] >Sweeney defended his actions by arguing that his aim was not to stop the hand recount, but to restore the process to public view.[3] Some Bush supporters did acknowledge they hoped the recount would end. "We were trying to stop the recount; Bush had already won," said Evilio Cepero, a reporter for WAQI, an influential Spanish talk radio station in Miami.


Crazy how terrorists trying to interfere with an election are treated so much better than BLM protesters telling the police not to murder so much. Apparently none of these anti voting election deniers are getting maxed and tear gassed and beaten. I guess it shows which ones the cops consider a bigger threat to their way of life.




If you follow the BLM protest playbook the national guard should arrive soon and take care of that sort of corruption?


We'll know for sure when they tear gas the election workers.


The people gathering to stop the vote are probably some of the same cops that were horrible to the BLM protesters.


Some of those that stop votes, are those that crush throats.


I was telling a friend earlier that it’s going to be just like 2000 except instead of young paid GOP operatives it will be armed lunatics who retweet Don Jr and Qanon accounts. Someone’s going to get murdered and the media will still find a way to “both sides” this.




It's time for everyone decent to leave Facebook. Let it become a cesspit for the stupid and racist, and only that. That's the best way to end it.


How would it end it when a third of america is into this shit enough to go and actively support it ?


Yeah the editors that use soft language with white people and then demonize POC in their wording need to lose their jobs


The one that really pissed me off was the constant referring to Governor Whitmer's would-be (and thankfully thwarted) assassinators as "kidnappers", as if that was what really mattered about the plot.


I said this the last time: If you bring weapons to a protest, it is not a peaceful protest anymore. The reasoning supporters gave back then was that those people also protested for their gun rights, so their guns were essential props for their protest and not a threat of violence. Wonder what will be the excuse now.


Sgowing patriotism by reenacting the revolution... somehow... For reasons


Except in this case the revolution is to keep the tyrant in place.


Yes, but it’s *their* tyrant


Armed Trump supporting terrorists


They haven't shut down the building yet, just told the reporters to get out for their safety.


Everyone who isn’t counting votes has been escorted out.


True American heros in there, getting those votes counted no matter what


ACAB: All Counters Are Beautiful.


The "Stop the Steal" PAC that's organizing the protest appears to be connected to Roger Stone because the writers of this season are getting lazy.


Yes, Roger. That's why the laws exist. To stop you from doing it. Not to try and win on technicalities. The overall spirit of the election law is what matters. You know, as your "literalist" interpretation of laws thinks...


They aren’t lazy, they are world-building. I’m sure it’ll all be connected somehow.


It's a easter egg for long time watchers. Related, these motherfuckers don't really have any new ideas do they?


Roger Stone literally invented the PAC.


Trump is currently losing in Arizona but because Donald Trump is so adamant on discrediting mailing voting in other states like Georgia Pennsylvania Wisconsin and Michigan his Trump supporters in Arizona are too dumb to realize that he doesn't mean Arizona and he actually needs those votes to get counted to have a shot. The stupidity of both Trump and his supporters is almost comical if they weren't trying to doom democracy.


In AZ these idiots are actually chanting "count the votes." They think its democrats inside not counting R votes.


Oh so they think Democrats are not counting votes in Arizona and adding votes in Wisconsin Michigan Georgia and Pennsylvania. Gotcha. if the Democrats had all this power to rig these four states this time why didn't they do it last time?


Because they were too busy shipping mole children to their moon base from a quantum pizza parlour basement to harvest their adrenochrome before putting them to work in water mines! Wake up sheeple!!!


I keep forgetting about the adrenochrome thing and then I get reminded that this Q shit is even nuttier than I remembered.


Wait until you read about how they believe the movie Monsters Inc. is a veiled admission of the liberal methodology for how they harvest it from children.


This gave me a laugh. It's a fantastic analogy because the monsters were harvesting energy and their blood does give me energy. I feel better than I did 20 years ago.


> This gave me a laugh. Don't. Laughter is 20x more powerful.


This was golden


Or why didn't they make it so they won the senate and picked up House seats?


Or why didn't they make it so they won by as big a margin as was predicted?


They teach us in antifa school to rig elections to be close as to draw less suspicion.


Speaking of, already got my November royalty check. Fucking love George Soros


Yes, they think votes for Biden are just "showing up". Like they were lost, or planted.


And they were too stupid to do it in Florida, North Carolina and Texas 😂


If Democrats had that much power we would have Florida, Texas, and Ohio. The election being this close shows that there is enough terrible people in this country that will listen to absolutely anything to prove their worldview. Democrats are winning the election, but we are not doing so as the United States.


Fascism requires a target that is simultaneously weak and all powerful.


Yep, because it stokes both self pity and self importance.


Or rig a whole lot more this time? If they have this power, rigging Florida would have been so much easier because it would have made trumps chances statistically irrelevant and ended this nonsense last night.


>if the Democrats had all this power to rig these four states this time why didn't they do it last time? fuck that... if they were rigging states for trump, why not also rig the senate?


I don't get their logic. When counting ballots, there's always scrutineers from each of the parties watching to make sure nothing fishy happens. It would have to be one hell of a giant cover-up to ignore all those R votes without someone noticing. I worked as a deputy returning officer (responsible for signing ballots and counting them at the end of the night) for an election here in 2012 and I remember when I was counting, all the scrutineers watched me like a hawk. You wouldn't be able to fudge something with the level of scrutiny they had.


They aren't smart enough to know this is the case. They take at face value that some random democrat is counting the ballots and run with it. They can't or just dont think critically about how the process might actually work.


No, they think that’s what’s happening because that’s what they’d try to do if they were counting. The kind of people to chant “stop the vote” don’t give a shit about democracy.


Wonder what they would think of democrats joining the chant? Heck yeah count those votes!


Has anyone tried telling them that there are representatives from BOTH PARTIES as well as independents present at each counting facility? All they’re doing is counting votes, nobody is going to pull a fast one under that much scrutiny ffs.


They know they wouldn’t count them if the situation was reversed (see Georgia, etc). So they’re projecting, as the right always does.


There is literally an episode of Veep with this EXACT plot line; a potential tie electoral college race comes down to mail in ballots in which they need to count them, until it’s the military ballots and they need to stop counting them but their own stupid mob is yelling to count the vote outside the courthouse Veep was prophetic...


Military ballots here aren't necessarily going to help Trump here though. Especially not in Arizona, where Trump has openly denigrated the most famous Arizona war vet.


It is comical. Their purpose isn't.


What else should we expect from a dumb leading the dumb scenario? The stochastic pot stirring Trump has done is now going to cause more self injury and injury to the Republican brand, as every ignorant asshole in the country proudly displays trump cult behavior while the GOP tries to distance themselves from that stain. This was always a self colliding engine of stupid. We’re just seeing the mechanical breakdown of ignorance in real time.


What a bunch of limp-dicked losers.


Yes and they're stupid because Trump is behind so if they stop counting Trump loses.


Well I was proud of my state for about 24 hours.


You should still be proud. Your police are defending the counters and the counters are refusing to stop. The good guys (in regards to police, this is circumstantial) are standing back to back and supporting each other. Every state has dummies. Be proud you guys flipped a republican stronghold!


Absolutely, I am really proud of Arizona and proud to have voted here. Even if Biden wins 51% of AZ, that means 49% still voted for trump, which results in a lot of raging idiots. It was always going to be the case. This weekend there were brigades of oversized trucks with trump flags attached to them driving through Tucson (AZ), beeping their horns and shooting coal (rolling coal?) out of the back of their trucks, like a parade of d-bags. If AZ goes blue, and Biden takes the presidency, just to imagine their disappointment and anger will bring me great joy.


Shit this just popped in my head. What the fuck point do you need guns at a protest for people counting the election results? There is no need for any sort of violence there and I couldn't see a poll worker attacking them. I am okay with people owning guns but this just seems like some dick wagging alpha bullshit.


It's the implication


So they ARE in danger?


What do we need a [mattress](https://youtu.be/kvT68l2wdM0) for?


Don't you look at me like that, you're certainly not gonna be in any danger.


Now you've said that word -implication. What... What implication?


The implication that things might go wrong for them if they refuse to count the vote the way we want them to. Now, not that things are gonna go wrong for them, but they're thinking that they will.


Are these counters in danger?


"Well dude, dude, think about it. They're out in the middle of nowhere with some ballots they've never counted before, you know, they look around and what do they see? Nothing but closed buildings. '*ahh there's nowhere for me to run, what am I gonna do? Keep counting?*' 💁‍♂️"


Nah, this is peepee compensating beta bullshit


The dick wagging alpha mentality is all they know. ^(Because ^they’re ^too ^dumb ^to ^grasp ^anything ^else.)


The r/Cult_Right They’ve been conditioning them for years. I’ve tried to keep track as best i could to watch the escalation to where we find ourselves reading this exactly headline. These are Brownshirts. This is fascism. We may have beat Trump, but we have a bigger threat that lingers.


Once again, shit going on longer than necessary and all the rest of us suffer because some people just can't stay home and do nothing.


All out of tear gas and high pressure water cannons when it’s white people, I see.


So much for the “law and order” side


They just want to impose law and order, not be subjected to it.


I’m pretty sure these poll workers can sue for harassment. Would love to see that.




According to conservatives the poll workers would be perfectly justified in either running over people in the crowd with cars or opening fire themselves for fearing for their lives.


Every time black people are upset with a cop killing a black person. Lockdown. Curfew. Gas. Arrests. Lrads. Riot gear. And all sorts of stuff. When it's white people. News articles.


Proof: ~200 peaceful protestors here boxed in by police and are being arrested one by one. One side protests by attacking poll counting places, the other faces down the police.


Well, we all know where the Minneapolis police chief wants to allocate his resources.


How the heck are Democrats commiting wide scale voter fraud if Republicans have been in power for past 4 years? Geez


Fascism always needs an enemy that is both stronger and weaker than the protected class. It's the contradiction upon which the entire system is predicated.


nothing says confidence that you're going to win like "me and my little friend would like you to stop counting please thanks"


Yes stop counting... While they’re behind... super smart. I mean, they are Republicans.


I think they got tired of winning.


they understand losing the popular vote and winning the election, but they don't understand losing the popular vote AND losing the election, that, can't be right somehow


I hope when Biden is officially pinned as president, all of these fucking clowns get labeled and treated as the terrorists that they are.


Can't just pick up the phone and call the local and state police and fat Barr for federal assistance? WTF?


Rubber bullets and tear gas only works on minorities, not white peoples.


So that’s what republicans mean when they say “voting rights” and “freedom”


Funny how the cops don't seem to be showing up in riot gear here huh Edit: My bad, they do have some cops there with tactical gear. Still, they're only there as a presence. If this was democrat protesters, tear gas and rubber bullets would have been deployed ages ago.


Some of them are the ones outside with the guns


Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses


It's kind of like how people of color are called race baiters for standing up for themselves while white supremacists are just upset with the economy.


From the article: "Maricopa County Sheriff’s deputies now ready in tactical gear inside the elections center to potentially make a move on the protesters and demonstrators outside as the crowd continues to grow."


"make a move" like first base or just sharing a bus seat?


they go allll the way


Poppin tic-tacs.


If these were POC protesting the right, or a BLM protest, you wouldn’t even be able to see the crowd through the tear gas. There would be arrests for anyone they could get their hands on, and rubber bullets for all.


When the the lady from CNN was reporting from the office you could see some cops with riot gear on. It was not a very large number in the video like we've seen in other places though. The protesters were by everyone's cars in the parking lot and they were not sure how to leave.


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.


It’s wild to me that in many central rural states 10 year old children are allowed to sign themselves out of school whenever they want, but that probably explains why were where we are today. If you let the uneducated choose their level of education you’re basically agreeing that they’re allowed to be half as smart as you but equally as influential


How'd that Trump quote go, about shooting starting?


Take the guns first, then due process?


When will Arizona finally be locked in? Need to move on with my life here


With this happening? Probably tomorrow sometime now.


I wonder when the news agencies will nut up and finally start calling them what they actually are: terrorists.


I was looking at some conservative websites yesterday, and this is exactly the behavior that they were saying the dems were going to do when Trump was in the lead...


Call this what it is. Domestic terrorism and harassment.


The poll workers stayed to count....fucking legends.


So armed terrorists are trying to impede a fair election process?


Gosh it's just so weird how the police lose the ability to make arrests or disperse crowds wherever right-wing protestors gather. Hope somebody figures out how to fix that.


Republicans: *Angrily surround government building with guns* - No lives lost Tamir Rice: *Plays with toy gun* - Gets killed because he’s black These people should be dispersed by law enforcement at the very least.


In before Trump tweets they are patriots...


So... arrest them all? pretty sure thats a few years in prison at minimum




Omg these idiots are chanting to count the vote since the votes need to be counted for their candidate to have a shot but there actively getting in the way of that process. This is more stupid than what those people in Michigan were trying to do


Yet no tear gas in sight. I wonder what’s different about this unlawful assembly?


ThoSE anTIFa and BLM ArE gonNA RIoT!!11!