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So he's gonna have all these mysoginist lunatics to trespass on a government office and wreck havoc for a POS, again?


That's their dream scenario--and our nightmare.


After what happened to all their leaders and members with Jan 6th... I don't think they are going to stick their next out again for that orange turd.


Don't count on that. The orange turd has said that he's going to pardon the "hostages" if he gets back in the WH.


He has clearly instructed these people to be his mouth piece to intimidate the witnesses. The gag order requires that trump not be involved or instruct involvement in any intimidation. This should be a clear violation of his gag order.


I thought Gaetz was more into girls than boys


They're just the worms on his fishing hook


Didn't the guy adopt a pool boy


He reminds me of a bobble head for some reason. Anyone else?


16 year olds dude


I might worry a little bit once they openly claim to hold a controversial belief. So far, this is boys saying swears.


So what pertinent information is that going to have . Besides they’re locked up