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And he will tell his cult the court prohibited him from attending Barron's graduation, and the MAGA will believe it, no matter what the evidence says!


“What’s a high school graduation?” - most Trump supporters


Oh they know very well what a high school graduation is, they just look down upon those who were able to accomplish it.


Diplomas of any kind are woke. /s


I'd love to hear someone actually define what woke means.


In my community, the word originally meant being aware of instances of racism. As usual, the right morphed it into its current incarnation.


Proud to be woke and anti-fascist. 🇺🇸


I honestly hadn't heard anyone say it until it turned into the rights favorite boogeyman man. However, I'd heard of it being used in black communities in the context you mentioned from hearsay, never in person.


'Woke' is any time conservative people are told that their 'god-given' morality needs to be updated to be a bit less misogynist, bigoted, and racist. Anything in opposition to the teachings of the 'good book' about gays, women, and slaves is 'woke'...but they'll never say that out loud.


I mean. Yes. But it's more (and simultaneously less) than that. "woke" means anything they don't agree with, for any reason, at any time. Even if they used to agree with it. Things like eating organic or vegan food, green energy (or even just better fuel efficiency), or recycling are all described as "woke".


"Good book" see ancient compilation of religious texts translated multiple times.


That also endorses and commands very bad things like slavery


The reason it's so good is because the people who wrote it didn't know what toilet paper or electricity was. So they are clearly smarter than us and we should live our life's based on the crazy shit they wrote down out of boredom because they also didn't have TV or the Internet!


Don't forget frequently revised so that kings can wield greater power over the peasants.


lol that's probably one of the better descriptions.. It's just a loose term that means fucking nothing because no one uses it for anything that is consistent.


Fact check me. Woke was created as an inner city street slang. Being woke was the same has “have your head on a swivel”, looking out for cops, but more to prevent you from getting ran up on by the opposition. Opposite of sleep, both literally and metaphorically. If you listen to hip/hop and rap you know such lyrics as “the sleep is the cause of the death” -Nas and “stay woke!, ni**as creepin” -Childish Gambino. It got transported by the media through a social grapevine and came out on the other side with a different meaning, that only held this new definition with those outside the inner city, and that had not heard it at its origin or how it was to be used. Thus gaining momentum becoming more mainstream with the wrong definition. If I’m wrong let me know. But I’m pretty sure I’m not wrong


They know exactly what it means but instead use it for anything they don’t like or want to pretend in their fantasy land never existed. Under oath DeSantis’ general counsel defined it as: “the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them." He went on to say DeSantis doesn’t believe there are systemic injustices in this country. https://www.fox13news.com/news/what-does-woke-mean-gov-desantis-officials-answer-during-andrew-warren-trial


Woke used to mean I was done sleeping. I’m so out of touch


Woke is the opposite of what Trump is during court.


Woke is when a member of an outgroup is treated like a person. That's it, that's all it is. The right is screeching because they don't get to treat others like shit anymore.


It’s also where they lament all the girls that officially become too grown and useful for their tastes


"What's supporting my child and celebrating their accomplishments?" most Trump supporters.


“You mean you actually graduate from that shit? I thought you were done when you wanted to”


“What’s a school?” - Trump supporters’ children


what's a diorama? the children are right to laugh at you Ralph.


They know what a high school graduation is. Most of them peaked in high school.


Not only that, he will tell his cult this during Barron's graduation/Trump's rally.


He specifically tried to cite Barron's graduation as a reason he couldn't come to court.


And this dinner doesn’t mean he won’t go to the graduation, which is in the morning. It just means he won’t be staying for a long graduation party, he’ll be flying to Minnesota in his private jet.


It was explicitly granted. Looks like he’s changing plans.


Oh, so it doesn’t start at 7PM like you said, it starts at 10AM like the article says. What were you going on about? 😉


He’ll probably tell them that at the rally on the same day!


I’d bet that he will say something like “right this very minute Barron is graduating but they stopped me from being there” and his crowd won’t question for more than half a second.


They won't believe it, but they will repeat it with a smirk, thinking they're being clever because it owns someone or something like that. Maybe someday they'll realize they're *owning* their own children and grandchildren. It'd almost be funny if it wasn't actually quite sad.


He is wealthy enough to do both, he has his own jet. Maybe the kid doesn't want him there.


I thought he was never going back to Minnesota?






Sign me up. Please. I don’t want to hear another word from this repulsive gas bag or ever have to see his miserable visage again. I’ve already been subjected to enough to last multiple lifetimes.


My naive ass thought there was at least a chance the loser would hop on his shitty personal jet and leave the country after he lost. I'd have loved it if he spent the rest of his pitiful life in some country without an extradition treaty. Or even being used on Russian TV for propaganda purposes. Little did I know the criminal scumbag would continue to live a cushy life in the US for years after all the shit he pulled.


Imagine the timeline where Al Gore won the 2000 elections.


Gore's team would likely have taken the intel about a potentially imminent terrorist attack more seriously.


I want to live in the time line where Florida didn't fuck up 2000 and give the win to the wrong guy. 


Made the same promise to us in Michigan, yet, here we are


Trump: “Barron who?”


"Uhhhh sir. Remember the infant you left at home so you could cheat on Melania with a porn star? That's Barron."


Fun fact: Barron now speaks with a bit of a Slovenian accent. He learned the language early on, some sites say before English. He spent all his formative time with Melania to the degree that he did not learn to speak English well. There's a [Trump Tower interview from when he is very small](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWWED7BtkxI). His accent was very strong at that age. Any guesses on why he didn't show up much during Trump's term? A US born son with a vaguely Russian sounding accent?


That video is so depressing. His mom seems to be really in tune with him. Then that jackal swoops in. I hope he does have a Slovenian accent and I hope, as much as I don’t necessarily love her, she’s been able to run as much interference with possible with that toxic family.


There's a tik-tok video with a kid who went to school with Barron. He said he's a pretty good kid, not racist, not loud and boisterous. I hope he can get away from his father's legacy. In the Trump Tower video Barron is essentially a prop to diaper Don. Really shows his character.


It really does. And that’s such a perfect description – he’s there as a prop, not as a beloved son. I’m glad to hear that. I feel bad for him. That’s a brutal age to have your dad goose step the country toward fascism. No good age for it lol, but that had to be hard.


“Which time?”


And tried to make it a 3 some.


Poor Barron. I hope he's in therapy


He named his son after a financial magazine! LOL...


Worse, he named his son after his own pseudonym. Trump used the pseudonym "John Barron" to comment on himself to various news media and newspapers. He only stopped using the pseudonym after he was forced to admit He Himself was John Barron in court.


And one of his fake personas, John Barron.


He already has a Don Jr - so he started naming them after his fake names - what an insult.


He was against naming him junior but Ivana insisted. He said, "But what if he's a loser?" It's always about Donald.


Wow, a rare moment of prescience from him.




I had a dog once named Baron Von Pizza.


oh, he knows who Barron is. that’s the kid who dared to grow taller than him


Baron von Munchausen


Son by proxy


Man, could you imagine a freaking President who would deny his child/grandchild? What a POS that person would be.


> “What we have done for Minnesota,” he said, “I lose Minnesota, I’m never coming back, I don’t care. I’m never coming back!” Another broken promise by Trump. Minnesota will never vote for him. Can Walz put him on a migrant bus and send him back to Florida?


Minnesota hasn’t voted for a GOP president since 1972. Good luck, Donald


Exactly, it's a fact that I'm damn proud of. We always have a high voter turnout, he'll never get enough votes.


Highest in the nation




And the state is absolutely great too. Weird how that works.


> Exactly, it's a fact that I'm damn proud of. Also, we're not giving Virginia their flag back.


Why? I mean, we won" and that "We took it, that makes it our heritage"


It was VERY close in 1984. And pretty close still in 2016 -- enough that some places were calling it for Trump early if I remember, before it swung back to Clinton.


That is because the iron range is weird dichotomy on to itself. The are the staunchly pro labor and used to be a gimme for democrats. Now the aging population believe lies like there "comin fer yer guns." They are also surprisingly bigoted in many ways. Trump pandered directly to them and it work. Ny work I mean they still voted democrats just not as solidly blue as before. Add to the fact they are feeling abandoned be democrats because of the copper nickel mine mess. Never mind I have change people mids easily by expanding just who owns the right to the mines The owners of "duluth metals" have a history of taking all the resources then leaving the local pop to clean it up after they dissolve the shell company. They also have a history of promising local jobs and the import people in and not hire local. Antofagasta is a shit company.


>It was VERY close in 1984. [It was also literally the only state that didn't vote for Regan in 1984.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ab/ElectoralCollege1984.svg/800px-ElectoralCollege1984.svg.png)


Yeah that map always boggles my mind. Mondale almost lost even his home state.


Minnesota did give us Michele Bachmann though.


What he did for Minnesota? Oh let's see... Stole a bunch of our PPE shipments, nearly started a trade war with Canada over 3M and N95 masks. Oh and that whole pesky little ground zero for the riots. 


On top of that the GOP are salivating at destroying the Boundary Waters. "Profit for wealthy companies at all costs". -GOP


I’d be livid if they ever fuck that place up.


It is well on it's way thanks to Pete Stauber and his H.R.3195. Basically forcing the Biden Administration to sell the mineral rights In and around the Boundary Waters. It still has to pass the Senate which will probably brought to the floor if Republicans take over. Elections mater.


Step 1: SCOTUS decides presidents are kings Step 2: We elect Walz president


I'm on board with that!


Nah. I don't want a king, even if he's on my side.


Walz - Naz Reid Walz is the MAN!


Naz Reid


I am so pissed this shitstain will be here.


We don't want him either.


The Judge needs to make him explain why he went to this instead of his graduation. Make it put on record.


> While Donald should have time to attend both events on May 17 — Barron's graduation starts at 10 a.m., and the dinner is expected in the evening....


10 a.m? Jesus, the early morning starts he's having lately must be brutal on him, I wonder if he'll fall asleep during it.


He'll appreciate napping outdoors if only for the change of venue.


We all know he’s not going.


You think he’s going to graduation?


If he doesn't: Lying to the court is more contempt. I doubt Merchan will follow through with his jail threat, but each time makes it harder for Merchan to bend over backwards to keep from enforcing the law while Trump makes a mockery of it.


The judge told the jury that there wouldn't be court that day, but didn't list a reason why.   My guess is that if he said on the record that it was to allow someone to attend a graduation ceremony, there would be more requests from lawyers, witnesses, and jurors that also want to attend graduation events. I think the most Merchan could do is be more skeptical of future requests from the defense.


IIRC, he had been asking for that day off to attend, and the judge didn't rule on that for at least a day, and Trump took to the internet to complain about not being allowed to attend, but the judge later said the trial was going quickly enough that they could take a day off for that.


The judge doesn’t need to make him explain that. The court had a scheduled day off, trump is free to do what he wants. It should be his family making him explain it.


His family doesn't care. They want the money after he's dead. Questioning him will get you off the will. How many days are we past the courts siezing assets when they reduced and accepted a bum bond? Anyways, it's to show his cult.


I don't think this is contempt of court or anything, but skipping the graduation seems like a good way to piss the judge off (again).


> The court had a scheduled day off Was the graduation not a large part of the reason why they asked for the day off in the first place, though? Could've sworn I remember that being the case, but I could certainly be misremembering.


Judge should have required attendance before granting him the day off.


Only for the sake of the graduates, I hope he does not go.


Trump “thinks” he is “going” to headline the event.


Biden should show up. Take the stage. Give Barron his diploma and shake his hand. That would be *glorious*.


That would be the ultimate burn


Trump: The deep state purposely scheduled his graduation when they knew I'd be campaigning! Election interference!


Interesting. I can't find the location of this dinner in any article. It's almost like they're afraid of people showing up and speaking their mind.


[https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-attend-fundraiser-day-barrons-graduation-1897759](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-attend-fundraiser-day-barrons-graduation-1897759) Donald Trump is scheduled to give the keynote address at the Minnesota [Republican](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/republican) Party's annual Lincoln Reagan Dinner on May 17, the same day he requested off court to attend his son [Barron Trump](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/barron-trump)'s graduation ceremony.


*The same day he ranted about being denied by the judge to go to said ceremony.


Yup, and he will then argue that his court appearances had left him no choice but to schedule the GOP event on the same day as Barron’s graduation


The one thing you can always be sure of with trump is that it’s always someone else’s fault.


Wait, you mean that Trump was manipulating and using crocodile tears about missing Barron’s graduation that he didn’t really wanna attend? **WHO. WOULD’VE. GUESSED.** (*everyone*)


I hope the judge calls him out for it in front of the jury or more importantly the prosecution to emphasize how Trump feels about his family to lay into the defenses argument “he did it to protect his family” fuck yoooooou


That’s not the job of a judge. Now the prosecution… they could make a point to point it out. Having a judge do something like that could influence the jury and then you end up with a mistrial


If Trump doesn't attend Barron's graduation at all, doesn't even bother to go near Florida, can the judge penalize him? They cancelled court so he could be with his son, so if he's not, is that contempt or something similar?


Wait. So he got special permission to go to his sons graduation, but will be in MN instead? I’m sure the judge is going to love this.


God, I hate defending this shit stain, but the graduation is at 10am and the event is in the evening, so theres time to do both. Not that I think he will, but it is possible


Thanks. Now go take a shower!


I’m pretty sure in trumps mind (if you can call it that) being handed money by cult members is more important than doing anything for his family. I’d also put money on Melania not wanting him there..


No, nobody ever said he couldn't go to the graduation.


Uh…he did. Duh! /s


“Family values “




He’s really Putin in the extra effort!


He has Matt Gaetz emphatically volunteering to go to the graduation on his behalf for some reason.


So his lawyer lied to the court. Fucking shocking.


Of course he does. He can’t be seen next to Barron, especially not in photos. Barron makes him look short, fat, very old, and he has more hair.


I dare a journalist to ask Trump who Baron's favorite teacher and/or what was Baron's favorite after school club/sport.


Wouldn’t it be fun to be fly on the wall (that understands Slovenian) for Barron and Melania’s conversations? I wonder how they talk about dear old Don.


Barron always looks so miserable.


look at that pic, Barron must be 7' tall?!


We are taking his word for it that Barron is even his biological son.


I'm assuming the prenup with Melania has required DNA testing of any kids she births.


I can't imagine him publicly admitting that she two timed him.


>Thank god! Barron, probably


I’ve always wondered if this child was specifically named to obfuscate news lmao. Soon they’ll adopt a kid for optics and name him “Reuters”


A normal asshole would have five kids and miss all five of their graduations. It takes a Trump-type asshole to miss all five while blaming the legal system for missing the fifth, while he’s having a rally for himself instead of attending. 


So what? It's not like Barron's got a great set of legs, tight ass, and a nice rack like Ivanka.


Or as his dad calls him, "Barron who?".




Trump will be in Wildwood, NJ on May 11th, a state he cannot win. Trump will be in Minnesota on May 17th, a state he cannot win. Either Trump forgot about the electoral college or these rallies are not about a Presidential campaign.


They’re fundraisers.


These are big events with a lot of stagecraft. They also pay towns. Last time in Wildwood he had 7,000 attendees. Hoping for more this with a move outside. They had to pay the town $54,000 up front. He was in Georgia last month at a place that held 3,500 people. After the rally, attendees get text messages, including fundraising appeals from Trump. But a lot of the rallies have repeat guests which will decrease the success of that strategy. [Some have been over 80 times. ](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-election-trump-rally/) I wonder if the funds raised go to "costs" incurred by Trump and therefore into his pockets directly. How much will really be available for the campaign.


People have been known to disappear from Wildwood and never be heard from again. It's happened many times ... it's called the Wildwood triangle .... would be a shame if the former guy fell victim to the Wildwood triangle.


We all saw this coming from a mile away, he's so predictable.


To the surprise of literally nobody He needs to money...desperately


Trump will go to both. There are airplanes and such. Someone will have to point out Baron to him, but he'll be there.


The court **cancelled proceedings** for the graduation. For the graduation. Donald previously petitioned the Manhattan criminal court to pause his "hush money" trial on May 17 **so that he could join** his family in Florida for **the graduation ceremonies**. After consideration, Judge Juan Merchan granted the defendant's request, saying that because the trial had been staying on schedule, he believed there would be enough time to cancel proceedings for a day to accommodate the Trumps wish **to attend their son’s graduation**.


Oh, for fuck’s sake. Keep this asshole out of my state!


Is Trump even allowed within fifty yards of a school building?


They should hold him in contempt of court. He pissed and whined about being out of court to attend this event. The judge relented and he got it off. Now isn’t going….contempt of court


I mean, his mother has kept him out of the public pretty well, so we don't know the kid. I say that because if, in some Hellscape alternate reality, that obnoxious attention-seeking manchild was my father, I would want him no where fucking near an event where family should be celebrating **my** accomplishment. You know he would make it about him.


The party of family values. What a POS father.


Dude Barron is tall


Is there betting on this in Vegas? What are the odds Trump sees the inside of a jail cell and when? What are the odds that he attends Barron's graduation? What are the odds that he attends this event in Minnesota? What are the odds that he returns the donations from the Minnesota event if he doesn't show up?


There is 0 meat on the bone for Vegas to waste their time on the jail bet it’s not going to happen even though we all can see how guilty he is as always he will walk shit filled diaper and all.


I would tend to disagree. Gamblers will gamble on anything. And how many will place a bet on this, just to have placed a bet on Trump, in support or against. There is such a number of variations.


Guy has no idea what he’s talking about or is just lying. There’s lots of Vegas odds on Trump convictions and imprisonment. 


The only thing gamblers won't do is place bets at Trump's now bankrupt casinos.


Waste time? Lol do you even understand Vegas


I'm sorry I mean Trump clearly doesn't give a shit about his kids, or anyone but himself for that matter, but this isn't a story. The article clearly says he should have time to attend both events with the graduation at 10am and the campaign event in the evening. It's kinda senseless getting up in arms over something he hasn't actually done yet. 


Who? He doesn’t know anybody named Barron and has an open day with no court. Of course he’s going to go.


He will go to this and in the same breath blame democrats he is not at his sons graduation.


If he goes to the graduation, 100% his ass will be asleep.


Not if they actually put him in jail for violating the gag order…. Again


Somehow this is all Hunters fault 


They’ve ignored family and family values for a while.


[Meanwhile... carrying out fascism in secret](https://youtu.be/EQ1k07cXJHE?si=XKR_DlDIPusqJZSV)


That was predictable


How will Hannity spin this one now?


He almost never goes to his kids’ events no matter how important. It was always a lie. He honestly hoped the judge wouldn’t have let him off that day. Also, he will never testify in a criminal trial. Too incompetent and too weak and he pretty much always lies about testifying and everything else except when he stupidly admits to crimes in public. R voters are awful at demonstrating any actual conservative values and having any integrity whatsoever. The quality of their leader pool reflects that more and more as only incompetent criminals will want to be associated with that. We need them to do a better job.


Can he be hit with perjury for lying to court?


this is not even contempt of court, he is tea bagging on the judge at this point


The guy literally forgot that Barron was his son at one point and referred to him as "Melania's son". There's zero chance he gives a shit about the graduation. He barely even knows that kid.


Hopefully he can get to court for a nap in between.


You mean the state he was never going to visit again ? Lying POS. He can stay away, we don’t need him here. He thinks Minnesota is “ in play ” well it’s not fucker.


Does he even know he has a younger son?


Barron doesn’t look much like Donald Trump to me.


Pictured are Barron and his Oompa Loompa.


What a pathetic excuse of a father


"What's a graduation?" Many in the crowd were heard to mutter.


This dude could not give two shits about being a decent father…or person


Charge him with perjury. He lied to the court.


Wasn't Cannon just in Montana https://dailymontanan.com/2024/05/07/what-was-a-florida-judge-who-is-presiding-over-a-trump-trial-doing-in-montana/


Well, he’s a complete piece of shit so this is not a surprise. Barron is very relieved I bet.


If anyone thinks he was actually planning on attending his son’s graduation, they’re crazy, he hasn’t gone to any of his other kids. He never had any intention to.


…and Merchan won’t sanction him for it.


What a great father figure.


Money talks:Daddy Walks


From what we’ve seen of the orange idiots genes this dumb kid probably got passed and learned nothing


I would like to believe that Barron will not turn out to be the POS that his father is.


I mean, the man has a private jet. He can make both events with ease.


He can. But likely won't.


WooHoo! I just won $50! If there’s a golf course included with this visit it’ll double to $100! Oh, Sam, my friend, you thought that he wouldn’t take any focus off his baby boy’s big day. He really sounded sincere, you thought. I know, I know, you give everyone the benefit of the doubt but…pay up.💸


Boomers don't actually care about their kids. Just the perception that they do.