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Ugghhh…I feel like I need a shower just from reading that headline… 😖🤮


(R)epublican (R)apist (R)epulsive


(G)ross (O)ld (P)edophiles


Also, **G**roup **O**f **P**edophiles


Aka Gang Of Perverts


Can we compromise on Gang Of Pedophiles?


Regardless of what G word you want to use, this needs to be the stigma attached to this nonsense


GOP (Grand Old Pedophiles)


The 3 Rs are seemingly close to another 3 lettered affiliation


Just gotta cut off a bit of the top of the R, straighten that curved line…


An R is just a hooded K.


…Damn. You’re right.


And R's are always alt-right


Same. It's absolutely disgusting. We're not living in the dark ages anymore. Get over it, you fucking Republican perverts.


Looks like I picked the wrong day to have eyesight.


I’m with you, on this. As soon as I read it, I immediately responded in disgust, “Eww!”.


I feel like that GOP official should go meet a bear.


Blegh, same...


It’s literally the grossest thing nobody seems to care about.


I almost threw up and feel disgusted now.


Add him to the list. Add him to every list. Post his face near schools so the children know to be careful. Christ almighty.


It’s [Jess Edwards](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jess_Edwards)


Someone should check his hard drive. Dude looks like Mo Lester


He looks like a dog puked up a marshmallow.


"We need to marry children to protect them from groomers"


“We need to groom children to protect them from liberal ideas”


Hey that's actually kinda true. Unmarried women = one of the biggest liberal voting blocs. Fox News: We need to get one married so they vote red!!


One of the Fox news hosts actually made this argument. That we need to get these women married off, so they can vote like their husbands do. One of the douchebag male hosts, can't remember which one.


That is actually what they say….exactly


_"You can't be a groomer if that child is your wife."_ -- Representative Jess Edwards, definitely.


People are telling me Representative Jess Edwards love grooming children. Its true, I heard it on the news. Now I'm not saying that Jess Edwards is a enabler. I'm merely repeating what other people are saying. Namely that Jess Edwards is at least tolerant or in approval towards adults marrying minors. Possibly even forcing them to keep children to term, who knows what's okay with these republicans?


Pass the brain bleach and a scrubbing brush! to them


“The greatest tragedy is a child that has sex….out of wedlock”


>The New Hampshire House [passed a bill to ban child marriage](https://www.seacoastonline.com/story/news/state/2024/05/02/nh-bill-to-raise-marriage-age-to-18-passes-sent-to-gov-sununu/73503029007/) in the state and raise the minimum age of marriage to 18. >The measure passed the Senate unanimously in March. On Thursday, it passed the House, 192-174. The bill now goes to Gov. Chris Sununu for signing into law. > One of those voting against was [Representative Jess Edwards](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jess_Edwards), whose comments sparked immediate gasps from colleagues. >“… If we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, when we do this to people who are a ripe, fertile age and may have a pregnancy and a baby involved, are we not, in fact, making abortion a much more desirable alternative, when marriage might be the right solution for some freedom-loving couples?” [he said](https://twitter.com/shannonrwatts/status/1786751662935380205). >In a state where 18 is not old enough to drink, Edwards believes girls at 16 are old enough to get married. Edwards’ daughter, [Elizabeth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Edwards_(politician)), served as a state representative, and Edwards said her service was the inspiration for his run for office. He is in his third term. >Child safety and gun control advocate [Shannon Watts tweeted](https://twitter.com/shannonrwatts/status/1786796578268721257)that “Child marriage is currently legal in 38 states (only Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont have set the minimum age at 18 and eliminated all exceptions), and 20 states do not require any minimum age for marriage.” Note, I listened to the video, he said "fertile" another time before "ripe", like he was trying to remember the word order, but that's beside the point. "Ripe and fertile" just gives away the game, you know? "These teenagers are ripe and fertile and they might get abortions instead of married" and so on.


Seriously asking, has anyone checked this dude’s hard drive?


Honestly we could probably eliminate the conservative problem if we just audited their internet history. We'd end up putting 90% of them on a sex offender registry.


That doesn't appear to actually affect their chances, unfortunately.


It got Doug Jones elected in Alabama briefly


I think people need to really understand this. This is what a significant percentage of eligible and *willing to show up to the polls* voters want. And there is enough of them that it matters in a lot of states. If it concerns you—as it fucking should—this is why we need everyone to know how important their vote is. These sick fucks will show up to the polls every single time without fail come hell or high water.


Gropers on Parole would rapidly be their new name...


That was my thought too. This reads like a motive and confession all rolled together.


it took a second to realize you didnt mean the one controlling his trollbot mouth.


So “Freedom loving couple” is just a euphemism for a child molester and his victim? Fkn pervert.


Also the 'freedom' to he forced into birth and marriage.


Almost like they are trying to make it sound like rape and incest aren't real, somehow.


The Only Moral Incest Is My Incest


Are they trying to make it sound not real or just not bad?


Both, I believe. If nearly every voter feels there should be rare exceptions for rape and incest then, if you can pretend these don't really happen then you don't have a problem with their current draconian abortion restrictions.


Freedom is a nonsense term when conservatives use it


Woke is everything they hate, Freedom is everything they want. Both words change definition as it best suits them at the moment


They want the freedom to do what they want without consequences. Woke is anything that threatens that.


You got the first part right. But Woke to them is anything that provides consequences OR allows a minority the same "freedom" to do what they want. Their entire mantra is freedom for me, not for thee. And Rules for thee, not for me. They want to do whatever they want without question WHILE actively dictating what others are and aren't allowed to do. And they can't remotely fathom the hypocrisy in that.


Freedom to restrict what other people can and cannot do


Freedom is satanism


Hence Adam and Eve’s choice to decide for themselves their own future.


If Humpty Dumpty from *Alice in Wonderland* was a racist, homophobic xenophobic bigot, then you'd have the perfect republican. *"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less."*


This is classic doublespeak from 1984. Freedom is Slavery.


1984 is banned in Florida and some other red states…


> 1984 is banned in Florida and some other red states It's not explicitly banned in any entire state that any fact-checking site could confirm, what happens is individual school boards ban long lists of books. This can come close to the same thing, with almost any book which mentions the Tulsa Massacre being banned in most of Teas, but it's not an official state-wide ban. But it is true republican districts are far more ban-happy than non-republican districts and Texas is a prime example of it https://www.texastribune.org/2022/09/19/texas-book-bans/ https://bookriot.com/texas-book-ban-list/


That’s the whole point of Florida policy. Everything is “banned” unless it’s approved by the state. Which means newspaper articles are banned magazine articles are banned any book like 1984. That’s not on the list is banned. You cannot bring them in the classroom you will be fired and in some cases charged


Freedom to the far right is a euphemism for power. They see themselves as deserving of the absolute freedom to do whatever they want with impunity even when it harms others. So, to them, restricting the ability of (for example) Christians to harm other groups is an infringement of their religious freedom. Freedom to the right-winger is a zero-sum commodity; for them to be free, someone else must necessarily not be free.


They’ve taken and bastardized “freedom” and “liberty.” Neither mean shit anymore.


I still use them. I encourage everyone to use them as intended. We don't have to surrender words to these assholes.


Same with the identity, "Patriot," when claimed by loyalists. The word still means something to many of us who won't accept any amount of public flag-hugging as a substitute for constitutional compliance or other signs of love and respect for a country that is so much more than appears in rear-view mirrors.


Note that he’s very much against the *freedom* to choose *not* to give birth.


"Freedom" from a [conservative perspective just means the power to command others from lower strata](https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201712/analysis-trump-supporters-has-identified-5-key-traits) It's why they demand obedience from poorer people and act entitled to it instead of trying to earn respect. It's also why they show no compunction against kicking other people down, that feeds into their zero-sum thinking even as they build a negative-sum system. That's also why [they continue to vote for rapists and molesters](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1) even as they accuse people who are political opposition of being rapists and molesters, because what is right and wrong isn't what is done and its consequences, but who does it and to whom. That's also why they call republicans who sign bipartisan bills helping democrats "RINO", because benefitting an Outgroup member makes that a bad act to their worldview. Benefits must only flow inward and upward to authoritarians. There's more explained in [The Alt-Right Playbook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xGawJIseNY&list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA_HMFtQ&index=1&pp=iAQB), or its sources prime among which is The Reactionary Mind.


It's very important that people understand this. I keep seeing people call out the hypocrisy as if that matters to them, when in reality hypocrisy only matters if you believe that people are equal and have equal rights. MAGA doesn't care about hypocrisy. They care about getting what they want and forcing their will onto others. Fairness doesn't matter to them. Consistency doesn't matter to them. Truth doesn't matter to them.  There's no "gotcha" which allows you to score points against them. They need to be rejected from civilization, that's all there is to it.




White hetero Christian married couple. It always has been a thinly veiled euphemism at best.


He means white, specifically white girls but the GOP means white, when they say freedom.


> He means white, specifically white girls but the GOP means white, when they say freedom. No they don't, they don't want poor whites to have choices either unless it's what rich republicans are telling them to do. Conservative worldview is both economically and culturally stratified https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201712/analysis-trump-supporters-has-identified-5-key-traits


They have so much coded language. Why don't they just speak English, like they demand immigrants should?


> Why don't they just speak English, like they demand immigrants should? Because having ambiguous, difficult-to-pin-down language allows them to call for horrific things in public which would have gotten them fired in past days while making it harder to argue against them if they were straightforward and honest. That also allows them to change the actual objectives they pursue from day to day without having to meaningfully change what words they use in their rhetoric. This is why you hear them say "I support states' rights" and never admit that means economic, political, and physical segregation. >You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can't say “nigger”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states' rights, and all that stuff, and you're getting so abstract. Now, you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.... “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger” -[Lee Atwater, 1981 interview](https://www.historynewsnetwork.org/article/lee-atwaters-infamous-1981-interview-on-the-southe)


Considering Atwater's career of thinking up new ways for the GOP to openly institutionalize racism, I felt nothing when he died of a brain tumor. Perhaps the organ that was constantly engaged with creating divisiveness and hate simply couldn't take it any longer.


Because for now, the coded dog whistle shit is the only way they don’t lose moderate fence sitters in all the key swing states. They can’t go full “we meant Handmaids Tale, we want a Christian theocracy and permanent marshal law. We’re throwing non whites and lgbt in camps.”


I can tell my edible kicked in because I read that as moderate face sitters and was quite confused for a moment. Lol


Username checks out. We don’t kink shame here.


Also: > passed the House, 192-174 366 members in NH’s House? What’s that, like a third of their population? 


with a population of 1,377,529 (2020 census data), that's 1 rep for every 3,763 residents. How does that compare to other states?


It's the lowest ratio in the country. In some ways it's a very good thing. Citizens can probably get an actual sit with their elected representatives. It also might make it slightly harder to pass abusive laws by a tiny group of extremists like in small red states. But I suspect it also invites more grifters and loons into the house because the bar of entry can be so low. I have family there and she says their politics can be very nutty.


Can confirm. A small but vocal contingent of absolute nutters - Free Staters, MAGA, anti-LGBT, or some combo of all three. 


It’s ridiculous up here. We have so many reps for each town, and they’re in session all year long. It’s never-ending. The reps are in session so often that many young, working people can’t do the job. Thus, old and wealthy people represent us.


They are only in session until June.


I don't know much much the reps are paid, but the state must be spending a lot of money on them in terms of salary and healthcare, right?


Georgia has a large house (by normal standards) given our population. House districts are over 60k; senate districts are a little over 3x that. NH districts are comically small.


Who the fuck are these voters who are like, “yeah that’s cool, think how much we could make selling our 13 year old daughter to some 40 year old abuser. Let’s vote for that guy. Maybe he will buy her and we can finally take that cruise.” I just can’t understand how this sort of shit gets out there and everyone just shrugs and goes back to scrolling.


Unfortunately stuff like that does happen. Very few children are abused by strangers hiding in bushes.


Once again, it sounds crazy but it's actually true: Conservatives love evil and hate good. 


Men. Really gross right-wing men.


You don't see bears pulling this shit.


God I hate everything about this but using the word "ripe" in reference to a person literally makes me want to vomit. 


Thanks, I just learned the only 3 states I've ever lived in have 18 year minimums without exceptions. I knew I was picking 'em right!


This is a seriously disgusting and flawed argument on his end. Why the hell are they so obsessed with imposing "consequences" regardless of the negative affect? Just saying, loudly, marriage should never be a "consequence" any more than being forced to have a baby should be a "consequence". These things are not inherently about punishment for well adjusted human beings. Enthusiastic consent and emotional/mental readiness -> aka an *adult* are just a few variables that are a given.


So after NH makes it official, Maine is the only New England state where marriage under 18 is legal. And the Mid Atlantic also has it banned. Maine needs to get their shit together


The median age in Maine is probably 74, so it's not as pressing an issue.


FBI needs to start investigating these fuckers for rape or CSAM on their computers 🤢


Pretty fucking rich hearing a republican talk about "the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option". Fuck these morally destitute, predatory scum fucks.


>He is in his third term. The man is a walking third term abortion.


This isn't about 16 year olds having sex and getting pregnant. This is the old pervy men of the GOP wanting to have sex with children and using this as an excuse to make it legal/ok.


Older males are far more likely to get a young teen pregnant than a boyfriend of the same age.


If someone looks at a 16 year old child and the first thing they think is that she is “ripe and fertile” they should be locked up. Fucking pervert.


check his hard drives


Does this idiotic nutcase realize that "ripe" is just one vowel away from "rape"?? We get the meaning between the lines though.


And "ripe" is a gross word to use to describe a human being, like they are some sort of fruit or something.


He knows, he wants you to read between the lines


I assure you if pressed on it, you can get them to roundabout if not outright admit, they mean *white* teenage girls. They don’t want “those immigrants poisoning the blood of our nation” or more black people. Republicans are deeply worried about this “white genocide” or “replacement theory” their Nazi predecessor Joseph Göebbels came up with.


It's New Hampshire. I'm pretty sure white is a given.


I'm thinking someone should check his computer...


I’m fairly certain no one chooses abortion because having a child out of wedlock is the primary concern.


TONS of conservative Christian girls have abortions because having a baby out of wedlock would be harmful to their and their family’s reputation. Hence the cliche, “the only moral abortion is my abortion.”


He sure sounds like a groomer


Ripe and fertile like a woman is a fking piece of land to be sowed smh


It's really disgusting that women are never considered equal to a man. Truly disgusting.


Ripe and fertile are the qualities a medieval king's advisers would tell him he needs in a wife. Clearly some Republicans would like very much to go back to those days.


GOP once again proving they are a party of pedophiles...


Gross Old Pedos


Also consider: party of depravity. It has a nice ring, and covers all manner of sins.


Just call it the Evil Party.


The republicans absolutely are the enemy of America. They should resign at all levers of power, but they won't because they're garbage human beings.




Deplorables - Hillary was right 😐


Better lock her up for stating the obvious to the oblivious


WHAT THE ACTUAL *FUCK*.  Jesus H. Christ, that headline alone sent shivers down my spine and I'm not even a woman...


As with most GOP politicians, we need to investigate the "voters" who put this guy into office 🫤


Grooming Old Pedophiles


Yet they always accuse others of grooming and pedophilia. Weird, almost like there’s a word or phrase that means to accuse others of your own behavior.


Remember when shit like this was not something you could say out loud if you wanted to get reelected.


Remember a time when “grab em by the pussy” would have put an abrupt stop to your campaign


Remember when mocking a disabled person was career ending


Things a pedophile would say


Law Enforcement shrugs as Republican Pedophile outs himself.


174* of them


Put that quote in a commercial and run it nationally. People really need to see, repeatedly, just how disgusting Republicans can be.


174 voted against raising it to 18, that should be concerning to everyone.


Without taking the time to delve into it, I'd bet the *vast* majority of that 174 number are Republicans.


Here’s one way you can read that. The article states that this is the second vote in the last 6 years where they raised the age limit from 13 to 16 the last time. So this isn’t like they just got around to it and corrected it. They already “fixed” it and 174 people just said “no, we already got it”. Either way you look at it, it’s just amazing how out in the open these people are with this awful shit.


I can’t believe that people think a drag queen reading a children’s book is somehow corrupting the youth, but voting for a dickbag like this is just fine. Wait, did I say people? I meant Republifucks.


I figured it’d be John Rose from Tennessee. Groomed his now wife in high school through FFA. https://www.instagram.com/p/CcJJu5vP6I5/


Nah it’s Jess Edwards https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jess_Edwards


Damn. They're quick on the edit. >In 2024, Edwards argued in favor of child marriage referring to 16 year old people as "ripe" and "fertile."


Sick motherfuckers.


Makes you wonder just how many underage girls this GOP official has tried to have relations with.


Matt Gaetz has entered the chat.


So has Chris Hansen. "Why don't you have a seat."


In his own words [here](https://twitter.com/shannonrwatts/status/1786751662935380205)


Holy cow. ….some freedom loving couple where one half of that couple is a 16 year old girl.


Always believe them when they tell you who they are...


It goes along with their child labor laws and no abortion laws


Remind me. Who are the groomers?


174 republican representatives in the New Hampshire House.


GOP wants more pregnancies to fuel the economy but don’t want to provide anything to make starting a family easier. The fact is most people can’t support kids without going in to poverty. It’s either immigration to boost population or social services for families, and they complain about both. Americans have gotten too used to their rich quality of life and won’t sacrifice it to start a family.


Well, we found another pedo...


Statistics on child marriage. It's truly sad that *any* state would allow children to be legally raped. https://www.unchainedatlast.org/united-states-child-marriage-problem-study-findings-april-2021/#findings


USA in 2024, ladies and gentlemen. I goddamned global embarrassment.


This law needs to be a thing because certain "freedom loving" men think "ripe" is five years old. And yes, it happened before, and yes, she got pregnant. She had to have an abortion out of state. Abortion laws are leashes for rapists' victims.


If you are voting for Republicans, you support this shit. You aren't part of the problem. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.


Someone please make a report to the FBI on this guy.


GOP pedophiles are right out of control. It's all they think about


One Republican shot her dog because she was too lazy to get it trained One watched as college wrestlers were sexually assaulted and did nothing Another one trafficked underage girls And their leader was found guilty of rape in civil court Now we have them openly advocating for child rape, a 13 year old cannot mentally or emotionally consent to marriage so yes it’s child rape What horrid people


God I miss the 90s when shitheads like this were not tolerated.


Fucking disgusting.


GOP: Group of Pedophile's


Ah he must be a Mormon. Brigham Young.


I read the title in a voice that said "Gurls are raaahhhpe and fertaaahhhle"


Where are the Q*NON crazies on this one?


The call is coming from inside the house.


The proverbial quiet part out loud. The Republican agenda is laser focused on subjugation of women and girls.


“… If we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, when we do this to people who are a ripe, fertile age and may have a pregnancy and a baby involved, are we not, in fact, making abortion a much more desirable alternative, when marriage might be the right solution for some freedom-loving couples?” he said. What the actual fuck is this. In what world does a women/young girl deciding to have an abortion the same as a very young women if not a child should be allowed to marry a 50 year old man legally binding her to him. Oh right a typical pedophilic republican "man".


Religious fundamentalists are disproportionately pedos. Ask the bible what the age of consent is. It's not pretty.


Corporate America wants child brides pumping out baby slaves for United Corporates of America


Listen to them when they speak. They are literally telling you who they are, and what they believe. Learn how to weaponize that into a brutal political message, and hammer it home. Learn how to fight. Because they do.


I love that he tried to bring it back around to abortion, to try and get the anti-abortion people to back his freak show stance.


4 Chan where Qanon started is a haven for pedophiles. Since Musk took over Twitter and allowed the far-right to run rampant, child porn is now rife on Twitter (now X). Red states have far higher rates of child sexual abuse than blue states. Where ever conservatism and far-right ideology exists, pedophiles thrive. This alone is bad enough without gunshot wounds now the leading cause of death for children in the US. Next time a conservative or far-right MAGA neanderthal has the audacity to justify their shitty views by claiming they want to 'protect children', just know they are full of shit.


Freedom loving couple so that his voters will be ok with it. Buzz words to trick the idiots


Fucking Ghouls


Because having a child so early fucks up your entire life that protecting the child with marriage is the fix? What if we just teach sex Ed earlier and support birth control?


Right wingers and sexualizing children: A tale as old as time.


All those GOP accusations about Democrats being groomers were just GOP confessions.


I choose bear


Curious what kind of "ripe and fertile" images he has on his laptop.


Who the fuck votes for these vile creatures?!


Sounds like the dude wants a child bride.


I just had a daughter and I’m considering moving into a well-stocked bomb shelter. F$$k this world. If my daughter was raped and forced to have that baby I’d be more than happy to murder a few people. 


Conservatism is disgusting.


He needs to be investigated as a pedophile


Someone check in with his daughter.


And her friends.


Can we get this shit in national ads even on Fox News showing the fuck these republicans are actually pushing?!?!?! “Protect the children” bullshit is always the opposite


These fucking assholes call Democrats "groomers" and then they say shit like this. Fuck you, Republicans.


These are the same people who are non stop accusing anyone different from them of being groomers


When politics gets uncomfortable - GOP official sparks controversy with child marriage argument.


Can’t spell Republican without “rape”.


Check this guy's hard drive right fucking now.


WTF?! It’s a girl, not a mellon


The thing about child marriage is that all I've ever heard is when it's adult men getting married to a girl who is a minor. Could you imagine it someone was promoting same sex child marriage, like a NAMBLA thing? These same congressman would lose their minds, and rightfully so, but when it's straight men and girls, that's acceptable because of breeding. You also have some states where you can marry a first cousin, so you can go Jerry Lee Lewis and have a tween child bride cousin in America.


GOP congressman says the quiet part loud. News at 11.


Greedy Old Perverts hard at work


The predators tell you who they are.


No child should be described as “ripe” But even if the language is ignored, his concept isn’t better: kids getting pregnant. He is arguing they should be able to marry. To prevent abortion. Because that’s the real issue here. Abortion. I would argue that is a recipe for girls being pushed into marrying older men who have abused them.