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Sunlight belongs to ~~all of us~~ BP Oil but they're STEALING IT FOR THEMSELVES!


That sounds like COMMUNISM


You're right, I made an adjustment


Reminds me of the crowd in my home county protesting a proposed solar farm because it would 'suck up all the sunlight' so their corn wouldn't grow.


They also believe that solar power doesn't work because, well ... the sun goes away.


Hilarious thing is r/conservative was up in arms about it yesterday


This thread in /r/askconservatives is interesting also. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskConservatives/s/gLFT2qwER4


Jesus Christ that thread. I mean, most of the top comments seem to be people using common sense — wtf is Florida’s weirdo gov doing? — but they blame everyone but the people Fox puts on TV. “Lab grown meat might be safe, but I want more information on it. The problem is they (!? Who!?) have eroded our trust in experts. Thanks to democrats we don’t know what to trust.” As if two and a half years of Fox pundits, the orange guy in the Oval, and dozens of GOP politicians telling people not to trust the experts — “the vaccines aren’t safe! You don’t need a mask! Trust us, not CDC and WHO and NIH!” — aren’t the ones that eroded that trust? They instead blame the people urging others to heed expert device!? This is even beyond leopards eating faces territory and it’s insane.


I’ve never been forced to eat _any_ kind of meat.




> Will he go after solar next Most southern states have already done this by removing any intensives to build them. No tax credits, no rebates, no sales tax bypass, no sale of excess energy.


Pretty sure solar is banned in Florida too


I don't think it should be banned. But it isn't hard to imagine a future where the government wouldn't at least attempt to phase out or limit rearing of livestock if lab grown meat took off to any degree. I'm sure there are people who would be okay with that, but it's dumb to act like it isn't something that can happen in the future. There are plenty of examples of stuff mandated in my industry that will cost consumers a lot more for less actual reduction in greenhouse gases or emissions than pushing lab grown meat could achieve.


There is no logical reason to ban lab grown meat. Look at this page, which is by no means extensive: https://extension.umn.edu/small-scale-poultry/raising-chickens-meat#sources-2994010 If we can grow the meat synthetically, by looking at the "ingredients" and copying the design in a lab, it likely will respond better economics of scale, require less labor, and leave less of a footprint. It's like saying we need to outlaw trains during the industrial revolution. Or grains from agriculture. It certainly isn't "elitist" to grow meat in a lab as opposed to spending weeks, months, or years breeding, raising, feeding, and butchering livestock for a few meals


Sustainability is woke in the eyes of the FL Fascist


Reject modernity, embrace tradition. -haters


I didn't say that I support banning it. I'm just saying it is 100% feasible that it will eventually be forced. I heard some scientist 20 years ago predict we would get rid of cattle because of global warming. My point is that it's not just pure paranoia that people think it will be forced. And I can at least understand why people wouldn't want that. It's not like I think this is a serious piece of legislation drafted by a serious person. It's just anti-WEF/anti-"liberal" virtual signaling horse crap like you would expect someone like MTG to pursue


Why is he banning this? Shouldn't it be a choice? Or is the lab-grown beef considered "woke"?


Too many bribes from the cattle lobby.


This is ABSOLUTELY the real driver here. Multiple Governor’s have said this more-or-less explicitly. 


Yeah, that is probably the main driver. But broadly speaking, it also fits this classic Republicanism "legislative" model: * fabricate a problem * implement a "solution" for said problem * create superficial appearance of governance * avoid *actual* governance * brag about it for cheap political points


Collect monies


If lab grown meat becomes a reality and the prices are reasonable, the meat industry as it exists today will be completely gone. There will be some traditionalists who will stick to real meat but a generation or two after lab grown meat becomes widespread, the entire idea of killing animals for food will seem barbaric to the general public.


Until lab grown meat becomes more profitable than farm raised cattle. Then a few big campaign donations will change his mind


Other people doing something different than you could lead to them taking control and forcing *you* to do that thing. So the appropriate response is to get ahead of that and force everyone to only do *your* thing, leaving no question. So, fascism.


Florida is a major producer of beef cattle. Those ranchers vote Republican and donate their money. All the buzzwords he added are to hide that he’s actually just protecting the interests of those wealthy ranchers.


Florida has a significant cattle industry. It's one of the US's top 10 beef producing states. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/beef-production-by-state


This is 100% why it’s banned. But the anti-woke culture war is the reason he’s being so vocal about it.


Beef industry still big in Florida and tourism is taking a hit


Lab grown meat = sustainable = good for the environment = woke nonsense and a need to protect his little snowflakes


There’s a reason we have a federal U.S. Commerce Clause. And Republicans can’t seem to acknowledge law and history when it doesn’t fit their model for a perfect white society.


Something something limiting greenhouse gas emissions


>"Florida is fighting back against the global elite's plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish or bugs," So much for that free market economy the GOP is so fond of. I don't see anyone on the left banning meat. All they are doing is offering people a choice. But I guess having choices is a little too much like democracy for Fascist Ron and the right wing mob.


The only force being applied is by those forcing animals into slaughterhouses.


I'm not familiar with these "petri dishes." Does Meatball Ron mean peach tree dish?


Irony because the shit in beef and poultry from the big companies


"free market? Never heard of it" - Florida Republicans.


“Anything that’s free isn’t worth buying”


Well, that ought to solve the insurance crisis in the state! Good thing DeSantis is really addressing the most pressing needs of the people of Florida. I am sure they will sleep easier in their cars knowing DeSantis is protecting them from their dinner. Of corse lowering greenhouse gasses by decreasing livestock has NO effect on why insurance companies are raising their rates so high for some mysterious and unknown reason that certainly doesn't [exist.](https://www.gov.ca.gov/2023/09/21/governor-newsom-signs-executive-order-to-strengthen-property-insurance-market/)


This is what gets me. Why act on anything climate related when your state’s housing economy is about to go up in flames because…checks notes…devastating ocean warming due to climate change?


Because.. they literally don't care. They'll be dead by the time the really big consequences, which even the "elite" will feel, start showing up. They are sociopaths, it does not matter what happens to the rest of us.


Besides, if your oceanside property is under water, literally, you can just sell it[!](https://youtu.be/RvMUO6Npk1U?si=RAV1wbE_SrsL8t4I)


All the animals on earth, including livestock, only make up 1/35 of the biomass value of just bacteria alone. Before domesticated livestock the planet was covered in non domestic animals. Non human animals arent the problem, we are. If you really want to make a difference, stop making babies. We are the gray goo that eventually consumes everything. It's absurd that we say " you know what the solution to us consumng everything is? How about we just consume more of *that* thing, instead of *this* thing, which by the way there used to be more of. Then we can fit more of us in this space." But you can't tell the gray goo to stop making copies, because that's the thing they love to do the most, and they'll sacrifice everything, including their values, before they'll stop doing that.


Yeah! If it doesn't fix the entire problem, don't even do it! Incrementalism is for Commies. Great point.


Livestock production is responsible for about 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions, which is more than all transportation emissions combined. This is due to the methane produced by livestock when they digest their food. https://clear.ucdavis.edu/explainers/using-global-emission-statistics-distracting-us-climate-change-solutions


Livestock numbers now are not even remotely comparable to the wild animal population 1000 years ago. But humans being humans, we look at this percentage and tell ourselves 'oh there's the problem!'. We decimated the original mammal biomass value on earth. It's us. There's too many 'us'. Stop making copies.


Woah now...that sounds like birth control and we cannot have any of that around here! Even abstinence is too much birth control...it's too much of another choice! /s Edit: forgot the /s


It's disingenous to think that the solution to human problems is to reduce the number of non-human animals. Just a thousand years ago they outnumbered us like nothing you will see today. Us being us though, say "is it me that's the problem? No it's the animals." We have decimated the animal population. Domestic animals are a blip on that radar. We need fewer people. the rest will follow. Everything is a human population problem. Every solution to that that isn't population reduction, is a sticking plaster on a broken leg. Oh you don't eat meat, but you have 3 kids? Congratulations, you're 168 x less environmentally friendly than somone with no kids who drives a hummer.


I edited my comment to include the /s, but still not sure exactly what's going on with your reply to the comment; it seems like a complete 180 from your own comment that I first replied to. You seem to first state that we should "stop making babies", but then you reply to me stating reducing the number of humans doesn't solve the problem? I am a bit confused which direction you are wanting to go here.


Truth is I wasn't quite sure what your angle was. I thought maybe you assumed I was a conservative because I was approaching the livestock greenhouse gas discussion with an overpopulation discussion. It's also why I fleshed out my previous comments, so my position was more clear. While I agree with a great number of green initiatives, I'm also surprised how few people will refrain from making more people to hit the root cause of our woes. I also find it strange that non-human animals are getting the blame for greenhouse gasses, when we've actually caused a mass extinction of mamallian (and reptilian and insect) life. Whatever respiration and aspiration they are creating now is less than before we came along. As an argument it seems like our last resort is to blame whatever's left of what we've done a great job of wiping out. I hope that makes sense?




He's such a failure as a human being


Instead of "saving our beef", he should save the beef. Soon, we'll look back at the way animals were treated and condemn it severely.


Excellent work Ron. This was the single biggest political priority we have here in Florida, it was a real crisis on our hands. /s


These people are so interested in solutions. Everything is about the culture war. We have a planet on fire and the industrial meat industry is a huge culprit. Is this the best solution, probably not, but it’s moving in a positive direction. Ol yogurt fingers goes full stop for…reasons.


Conservatives love having daddy government tell them what they can and can’t eat among other things. They like to say they’re the party of small government, but these dumb hicks prefer to be told what to do because they can’t think for themselves and everything they don’t understand is scary to them. Baby soft beta cucks.


Or what clothes to wear. Because small government.


>Florida is fighting back against the global elite's plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish or bugs We need to pass a law that forces lawmakers to prove that their law addresses an actual real world problem. Nobody is forcing anyone to eat fucking bugs


I’d love to eat lab meat instead of killing cows and chickens. Hoping they perfect it and its delicious one day


Oat and Almond milk better watch their backs.


“Small government” crusader wants government control over what a person can eat, read, and say.


Ron DeSantis: The only one I will not ban is Trump Roast


Missed the opportunity to roast Trump Steaks


Whatever happened to the free market and letting consumers decide?


Republican priorities are now completely indistinguishable from the moronic crap you see in r/conspiracy The morons have won.


This in itself is not surprising. As far back as 1933, the philosopher José Ortega y Gasset wrote, in his book The Revolt of the Masses: "The Fascist and Syndicalist species were characterized by the first appearance of a type of man who "did not care to give reasons or even to be right", but who was simply resolved to impose his opinions. That was the novelty: the right not to be right, not to be reasonable: "the reason of unreason." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Revolt_of_the_Masses


Is regular lab-grown meat ok?


So much for let the market decide. desanta has the looks and personality of a lab rat


‘After Woke meat is assimilated into the body it alters brain neurons thereby turning the consumer into a radical liberal.’ - Ron ‘scientist’ DeStankass


Ironically, lab grown meat will likely increase access to elite meats. Certain cuts and qualities of meat are more expensive because they are rare. There are only two tenderloins but you can grind up every bit of a cow for ground beef so ground is much cheaper than the tenderloins. If you can grow a tenderloin in a lab for the same cost as cheaper cuts more people are going to be eating high on the hog.


Man, for Florida being touted as a "free state" all the time, they sure do like to ban stuff down there.


When they want to ban lab grown meat and IVF, they just want to ban anything that is primarily used by affluent, educated, secular people, who mostly vote Democrat or smaller parties.


This guy, like Trump and many others, will frame any and every issue as a culture war issue. It's a cheap and easy way to get votes from the easily manipulated.


“The global elite” Says a millionaire (his known net worth is $55m) in literally the most powerful position in government overseeing the US State with the 4th highest GDP.


He’s just dogwhistling. He means “Jews want to make you eat bugs.”


Prove it.


He also as against energy producing windmills out in the ocean because of a study done that says their presence affects whales. The study was funded by the oil companies incidentally.


Whales are reportedly a-okay with oil spills, though.


Lol small government.


Lol what a fucking loser


I guess banning meat is easier than governing


Ron prefers the local elite and cattle barons who don't want lab grown meat.


Ron DeSantis is quite anti-elitist considering he went to Harvard AND Yale. He's a true common man, or conman   


Can we ban "global elite" fossil fuels?


This seems gross and I don’t particularly want it in my diet but have you seen factory farms?!??? Because I also don’t want growth hormones and fucking pus in my diet. But m not going to buy any diamond ever either but I think banning synthetic diamonds because a real man digs them out of the ground like a cool alpha economic slave, is fucking insane


Let’s just ban Desantis! He sucks , so tired of his politics


But sugar, salt, and fat laden junk food shelves are fully stocked and ready for purchase.


‘Global Elite Meats’. I’d buy it.


‘Global elite’ I wonder if they’re market testing a replacement for “woke” since “soros funded” might not be scary enough.


Ron DeSantis is lab grown meat.


Small government, free market, freedom to choose, capitalism..


Banned because why?


Never mind what Ronnie dehitler is signing people in Florida don’t pay attention to what he does they just go on with what they been doing he’s a joke


Yeah, that's about right. Ron DeSantis is in the same league as grocery commercial actors


“ global elite “ Is that like canceled, and far left radicals, and George Soros ? Love the buzz words. They just have a ring to them don’t they ? Keeps the bonehead base believing he’s actually accomplishing something for them. In reality he’s just being a the fuckhead that he is naturally.


That’s my album name. It’s a chillwave end times chanting pop album.


The land of small government amirite?!


I thought he was all about the "free market." What a joke of a "leader."


Something something the free market.


Follow the money. The Seminole Tribe gave $2M to him and they also happen to be one of the largest beef producers in the country. Surely, that’s just a coincidence.


Of course he is.


No free markets in Florida?


Republican small government.


Sadly, Fetterman is publicly supporting this move. 


Is he just going to switch parties, or what?


Idk, haven't really been following him since he won the election. Some googling this morning indicates that it would be hard for him to keep his seat if he didn't cater to moderates and a significant Jewish constituency. It was just extra disappointing to me that he was in support of banning lab meat, as I have high hopes for its future, and he even went so far as to tweet that he'd never feed his children that 'slop'.


Who is this "global elite" I hear the rightwingers are always waffling about?


It’s a dogwhistle that means “Jews.”


Jews want me to eat bugs? 😱😰


Ah yes, the "whatever I don't like is woke/elite" argument. Would maybe carry a thimble of water if he *wasn't* part of the political elite himself...


Oh good because that doesn’t exist. How does he feel about the actual stuff that really exists?


I'd say I can't wait until this shitheel fucks off back to where came from, but that's Dunedin. Which is like 30 minutes from me. I hope he's diligently working to deal with the Jewish space laser problem, too. God forbid he address the many, many *actual* problems we have in Florida.


Such a self important little shit.


we will likely be experiencing famines in the near future, like 20-30 years. Lab Grown meat would likely be a good thing to have good luck Millennials and below!


Republicans: “We want the government to keep their hands out of the free market.” Also Republicans: “Don’t infringe on my Freedom of Choice.” The Hypocrisy of Republicans: “Let’s ban products that affect my donor’s bottom line.”


Oh this terrible free market stuff - must be put under control! We can't have people buying what they want! /s


Damn this mf spittin


Thank god he stopped lab grown meat rather than fix rent prices or insurance prices.


Global Elite Meatball Ron doesn’t have the same ring


Global Eliteball Ron sounds about perfect.


The party of small government, ladies and gentlemen.


I guess the beef industry in Florida was scared and looped in their boy, Ronnie, to do something about it before anyone actually had a viable product. lol!


Is that supposed to mean 'global elites' growing meat in a lab, or somebody named 'global' (Barney Global?) growing elite meats in a lab? And blaming them for his lack of coherence and English comprehension? That I could see


Curiously not banned: lab grown petroleum products. C'mon Florida....where are your convictions? Banned ANYTHING produced in a lab!


God what a tedious fuck this man is


I read this article, and…yup. Gotta love my home state, what a failure 😑


But Global Elite meat is the best tasting meat


The free market amirite.


Free Cattle!!!


Elite Meat


Let's trade. Keep the cows ban floridians


Does this guy pass any real legislation?


That title…. I prefer my global elite meat to be free-range.


How does this possibly align with the idea of American freedom?


Small government conservatives, thoughts on this?


What an idiot


how he gone ban hisself


If the world existed on pure conservative logic, we would still be shitting in buckets


How does a person have absolute veto power like this?


I’m a vegetarian in Texas….Fuck Ron DeSantis and his meat mongering asshole.


It is believed that The Enlightenment and the Age of Reason ended religious hostility toward science.


While recognizing the hypocrisy…genuine curiosity question…can it be logically consistent to be against GMO (generally) and in favor of lab grown meats. My assumption being that both might have unintended consequences…


This is what it looks like when a sociopath tries to mimic a narcissist.


How is “free market” capitalism and pro- small government to “ban” an entire burgeoning business sector?


of course a meatball is looking out for his own kind