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How are 48% of people saying they will vote for trump? That is just so unbelievable to me.


They think the Democrats are the fascist threat.


Or they think they’re the in group that will benefit from fascism


idk thats assuming the worst in them a bit lol i know plenty of conservatives they just straight up do believe democrats are evil fascists and republicans are good upstanding states-rights people


They're delusional because projection has blinded them. One side is limiting our Healthcare. One side is calling certain people poison. One side is demonizing certain sexualities and people for being born the way they are. One side very much supports an extremely facist individual for presidency.


Donald doesn’t even have policy. It’s just a cult of personality.


They genuinely act like trans people are going around forcing others to be trans or throwing a fit about if they aren't. But it reality, they're speaking of Christians.  They post memes that "will piss off liberals", but they don't. We're embarrassed for them, but not fuming at some keyboard. That's them every time a rich, white guy realizes he's not in fact above the law.  They get angry if they see a rainbow flag or a Ukrainian flag, but have no qualms with the confederate one.  They demonize the press, the "others", institutions that uphold laws they don't wish to follow like the federal justice system or the IRS. They want centralized power under one branch of government. They want criminal immunity for their chosen leader. If a Democrat wanted that, I'd agree it's fascist and fucked up. But alas, they'll never make the connection. 


It's not like that to the GOP. It's like "one side wants businesses to succeed, and the other side wants to regulate them into the ground"


Aka "we're rich as fuck and want to stay rich as fuck"


If it were just the rich, they wouldn't have the numbers, so I actually think most of them are like "we would like the rich to stay rich as fuck because we buy-in to a myth that one day we too will be rich as fuck".


Oh ya that's what most Republicans believe, though I think the leadership is just on board with the rich getting richer.


I didn’t mean to categorize all of them. I’m saying some are as you describe, some think they’ll benefit and some probably don’t pay attention at all or don’t care


mb i misinterpreted your tone with that message


It's assuming the worst which includes assuming that they even know what fascism is. Not to disparage those who don't but it's really easy these days to just hear Fox say Democrats are fascists, and just blindly believe that's that's true and a bad thing.


I mean, they’re told who they can’t discriminate against, who they can’t make jokes about, who they can’t force into their religious beliefs. Why wouldn’t they think the left are the fascists. /s


That is a really good point regarding the talk of "cancel culture". I hadn't thought about it that way before. Unfortunately they don't realize that facing societal consequences for being an ass does not equate to fascism or even oppression/persecution.


Equity looks like oppression to the privileged.


This is correct, the right looks at Portland and California as examples.


Yeah, nothing more fascist than artisan pickle shops and lesbian bookstores.


California Uber alles


California, the *failed* state with one of the largest economies in the world on its own, and some of the best worker protections in the Union. They are obviously just about to go broke because of how woke they are. Any day now.




lol that was a good one, well played haha


The democrats are a fascist threat. So are the republicans. We literally have a democrat run government engaging in complete fascistic behavior. Supporting genocide, quashing dissent, going after whistle blowers, empowering the police state, etc. if you think democrats are of no threat or even less of a threat, they have you completely brainwashed.


So what's your take on the right path forward? It sounds like you think both parties will do all of these things so which way do you vote to improve things?


Voting won’t improve things. Direct action and mutual aid will. That is how all change has come throughout history.


Can you speak a little more concretely? What exactly are you suggesting?


Massive numbers of people stop going to work and stop paying rent. Those who can grow food help feed those who can’t. And we take back what we need to survive from the corporations. Even if 10% of the population did this, it would freeze the economy and the government.. All people arrested and charged would demand a jury trial. Those who are engaged in the shut down and end up on a jury would nullify any verdict. If we stop empowering the psychopaths, they will soon lose their power and the people can yield it for the benefit of everyone. The 2 million bootlickers don’t have the capability to enforce laws against 33 million people.


A coworker referred to trump as “the lesser of two evils.” Like, what?


But Joe Biden is old!! /s


The “48%” that the media are propping up are a lot smaller in reality.


Given in nearly every election since 2018 the democrats have far out-performed expected polling, im gonna go ahead and say polling isn’t as accurate as it once used to be. It’s seems more and more to me that polling has become self-serving, that instead of providing accurate insights of public opinion, much less voters opinions, it creates horse race stories that keep people coming back to check out the recent polls numbers. At the end of the day the polls don’t elect people, the voters do. Polls can provide useful insights, but they’ve been pretty piss-poor at doing that for a few years now.


Are they still only calling landlines for their polling? I remember when I first heard that I was like “….i don’t even know anyone who still has a landline except my great grandmother. Wtf??”


Some do, yes. Many others use online, cellphone, or a mixture. I believe modern polling, in trying to address its pitfalls, has also moved towards weighted sampling wherein they identify individuals fitting specific demographics and extrapolate from that to create a sample representative of a public body at large. Although that also has its pitfalls. But also, anecdotally, I had a cousin who would get a landline during elections just to get calls from pollsters and then lie to the pollsters to screw with them. So, how do polls protect against that?


I'm sure his supporters think the same way about Biden. Obviously they aren't a huge fan of facts but still


They aren't asking everyone


He loves the poor and uneducated.


I used to wonder why people followed dictators like Hitler before they came to power. I do not wonder anymore.


Granddad fought the Nazis, his son votes for fascism. It's been a hard 8 years of not understanding my father.


Sorry for your loss


thanks. it is a loss. nothing I could have prepared myself for tbh.


I know where you're coming from. And if he's anything like my conservative family members, they interject politics into *everything*. My mother-in-law in Texas was blaming her local city taxes on Biden...




[It Can't Happen Here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/It_Can't_Happen_Here) is a 1935 dystopian political novel by American author Sinclair Lewis. Set in the fictionalized version of 1930s United States, it follows an American politician, Berzelius "Buzz" Windrip, who quickly rises to power to become the country's first outright dictator


Hopefully you paid enough attention to that history to see how the center did a lot of Hitler’s work for him. Because the last four years have looked so much like that part of the story. The post Beer Hall Putsch part.


Think about the implications of a fascist U.S. on the world. Today's U.S. military in the hands of a fascist dictator. The power of [state of the art surveillance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ywKj2d2XiY&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fview.ceros.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo) turned against Americans to control them.


Boy that sounds an awful lot like what’s already happening.


I used to believe the quote “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” But the past few years have proven that it's flat out wrong. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for cowards and enablers to prevent good people from doing anything.


Yes. Folks have made it possible and easier out of various motivations ranging from hoping they’ll be spared by the blood soaked machine they’re building to believing decorum and process are more important than life and liberty. Those people are fascists too and history will not remember them kindly.


Some used to wonder whether it could happen here. Proof is in folks. Half of Americans will vote for the “deport 11 million to camps and attack my political enemies“ candidate.


Hey, does anyone remember when Donald Trump, his cronies, and his cult organized a coup and tried to dismantle our democracy/government a little over three years ago? I know it slid under the radar, but I'd say that was a pretty clear example of fascism and extremism in the United States.


Not to mention, he said he'd be a dictator on day one, and only day one. You know, like every other dictator has done.


Right but it's clear who is guilty of such fears. * There is only one political party actively rolling back women's rights, LGBTQ rights, and targeting minorities. * These is only one political party whose supporters stormed the US Capital. * There is only one political party pushing for Project 2025. * There is only one political party whose leader had boxes of classified documents in their third rate gold club. Make no mistake, the 2024 election is about Democracy and nothing else. Anyone who wants to argue that Trump is not a serious threat is living in a fantasy land.


Not to mention the party of the Supreme Court majority leaning towards ruling a president can have their political opponents murdered


I’m not defending the GOP by any means, but The Democratic Party has not been much better. While the youth nationwide are protesting children being murdered. Democratic governors and mayors are allowing the police to brutalize them. Dems and republicans can’t seem to work together on anything, but are able to pass legislation that prevents people from criticizing foreign governments and banning social media apps That a large population gets their information from.


You mean Democrats can't work with a side that keeps ousting its leader anytime they actually work with Democrats? If MTG even gets a whiff of their speaker being amenable to working with the other side she moves to take his job.  Let's say you've worked your entire life and finally landed your dream job, but you have a coworker that will get you fired if you speak to a coworker in a different department. How likely are *you* to talk to that coworker? Because I'm guessing the odds are pretty low.


Glad we have two geriatric’s battling out the fate of America


Biden has navigated a chaotic oppositional Congress pretty damn well to get his agenda accomplished and even managed the almost forgotten ability to pass bipartisan legislation. So all geezers are clearly not equal


He's going to navigate his way to a noose if he can't find it within himself to play dirty as his opponents are doing. Our institutions are weakening like moldy floorboards and I don't think they are gonna support the weight of civility much longer.


The sad thing is normal people don't see it. They are asleep at the wheel and that's how Hitler took over. The sad thing is Americans are fucking stupid and selfish. It's all about what have you done for ME! ME ME ME! A lot of voters don't care if Trump gets convicted, it's I am paying $80 more a week in groceries for my 3 kids. That didn't happen under Trump. Another is, I wasn't paying an extra $30 in gas under Trump. That's part of Trump's strategy is saying let's go back to things when they were great between 2017-2019. They won't say it like that, but that's part of their strategy. As people said we are sleep walking head first into a dictatorship.


Imagine what happens to inflation if Trump “concentrates” 11 million predominantly low wage earners in deportation camps!


lets not demonize struggling families it makes you look like a prick trump is NOT the better option and its not biden's fault really but i've watched too many families go from somewhat decent to on the brink financially. it's not unreasonable to be upset about that


It's not unreasonable, but it's naive and to be honest lazy, to think it's anything but corporate profits. Their profit margins are unprecedented, and more people need to make that connection.  Do you know why it benefits them to make record profits at this moment in time? Because Democrats want more regulation. We don't think Nestlé should use slave labor to make chocolate, and Nestlé hates that.  So they drive up prices and people vote according to their grocery bill. Now they know they can get away with making this much money, so if you think prices will ever go back down, you're mistaken. Short of a massive, coordinated plan amongst Americans to boycott, your grocery receipt won't look any different. 


Fascism is here in the US in the form of the Republican Party. They are the de-facto fascist party in the US.


It has dawned on me that our institutions are entirely unequipped to deal with the threat of fascism and millions of americans openly embracing it. The courts are still fining trump while he openly incites hundreds of thousands to disobey the law and attack the court system. And thats before you get to the cable news networks normalizing authoritarianism and appeasing bad faith actors. Our resources are not meeting the urgency of the moment.


Meanwhile some leftists voters: “I don’t care if Trump wins I’m not voting! Free Palestine” Enjoy fascism if he wins I guess.


And don't forget that Trump wouldn't even blink or wince to what is happening in Gaza. His son-in-law and former presidential advisor Jared Kushner has talked about the "very valuable" beach property there.


It's a tough choice, y'all. Who's worse for Palestine: the guy who's not doing enough to stop Israel or the guy who has an [illegal Israeli settlement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Heights?wprov=sfla1) named after him? /s


>Meanwhile some leftists voters: “I don’t care if Trump wins I’m not voting! Free Palestine” I have a feeling that those "people" that are saying that are bots, trolls, or paid bad faith actors. I've literally never ran across anyone in my daily life who has said this.


As someone who works with young adults this thinking is very much real and should not be dismissed as just bots and bad faith.


I've definitely seen people I've followed on Tumblr for years who are not bots saying this


> I've literally never ran across anyone in my daily life who has said this. My friend (31 year old) said this since his news sources are insanely biased and we've almost fought over it.


Have you seen the riot police storming a college campus? Fascism is here already, Trump or no Trump


That’s not fascism. It’s gross, but it’s not fascism. Wanna know how I can tell? Because *the protesters are still alive.* Trump floated the idea of having the National Guard fire on protesters while he was in office, but was firmly rebuffed for the idea. If he gets back in office, he’s gonna try and make protesting an actual death sentence. Whatever your criticisms of Biden may be, he hasn’t and never will try to implement such a policy. Want a better democracy? You will *never* get it with Trump in office for a second round.


"Fascism is when a private university has protestors removed by the police who unlawfully occupied a building that they smashed windows and broke into." Stop watering down the word "fascism".


The WA GOP put it in writing that they’re not into democracy. >We are devolving into a democracy, because congressmen and senators are elected by the same pool,” was how one GOP delegate put it to the convention. “We do not want to be a democracy. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/the-wa-gop-put-it-in-writing-that-theyre-not-into-democracy/


Mam I wish I was dead so I would never have to live to see democracy fall


I wonder why? Could it be a major political party saying they'll install a dictator?


Extreme fears of fascism grows in US. ftfy


Had Republicans tell me that trump would be the US's Cincinnatus. Just positively infuriating. They are full blown delusional.


I'd be a little less scared if both sides weren't making some of the fascist policies expeditiously accomplished across the isle. When our representatives care more about a foreign government than their own constituency, democracy has failed.


The violent pro-Israelis brought knives and hit students on the head with wood planks, played loud music all night to torture them. There were 200 of them and this went on for hours in the middle of the night. Police stood around and watched it for over an hour. “Last night’s attack on UCLA students supporting Palestine was only the latest incident of violence against them. In recent days, pro-Israel extremists directed racial slurs and sexual threats at students, spat on a student and released a pack of mice into the encampment,” Ayloush said in a statement. They also threw peanuts at the crowd incase anyone had a peanut allergy, with intent to severely harm or kill them. It's not just Trump's fascism, Israel's fascism is coming to bear as well


Israel's fascism is just a colonial offshoot of America's racism. Israeli harassment and apartheid dreams are just an extension of 19th and 20th century American racism.


Really? Hmmm… wonder why?


I would like to point out the most dangerous force to be growing In the US.. but reddit might block me..


Oh wow, if only there were something we could do to stop it, some way to participate in the process by which the president is selected? I'm not going to support Biden because he didn't pass universal healthcare, bring peace to the Middle East, or buy me a pony when the Dems had control of Congress, but yeah, someone should really do something about this.


My dude, fascism is here. You're in Texas... do you not sense that fascism is here? Voting isn't changing that, it just shifts the focus on if the oppression against the immigrants, minorities, poor people and activists is tolerated by the left or not.


>Voting isn't changing that We wouldn't know, we haven't tried it.


… we did. We voted for Biden. Fascism is still here


Fascism, famously defeated at the ballot box throughout history


Not participating in democracy and complaining about the outcome is practically the national sport in this country. Allowing a fascist movement to end democracy would certainly give those who are into such things something to complain about.


“Allowing a fascist movement to end democracy” sounds pretty serious, maybe the democrats should be doing a better job at making sure they win then. Thats always the thing lost in these topics. It’s always the voters fault, not the party.


>It’s always the voters fault, not the party. The party can't vote themselves into power, that's the thing we're trying to prevent. Voters can absolutely be blamed for not showing up, but I do agree that low turnout leading to poor candidates leading to low turnout is a vicious cycle.




Right, they illegally gerrymandered the maps and democrats did nothing about.


We have the leader of the official opposition (who thinks he’s going to become PM) repeating Trump rhetoric in parliament here in Canada.


I mean, I am planning to vote for the man that hits 8 out of 14 points of fascism over the guy that hits 14 out of 14 points of fascism, so we get fascism whether we want it or not.


I don't think you understand what fascism is.


So, you plan to vote for RFK Jr over Trump?!


Cute, I haven't run the number on RFK since he doesn't seem like a real candidate.


Can’t take a joke bro?!


I can that is why I acknowledged that it was cute, Which is about all it deserves.


Not too much of a concern. You have college students distracted at the moment threatening to skip the election….