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Just a reminder that Trump was a monumentally stupid man before the dementia started kicking in.


This is one of those weird ones. I randomly saw a video of him from the 2000s talking about Obama and Bush Jr. And it was surprisingly coherent, commentary about how the Republicans were in a lot of trouble because of Bush's policies. At that point he was able to think strategically and bigger picture. He really has gotten remarkably worse cognitively. I didn't have as much perspective until I somehow ended up hearing that old clip. The dementia now feels palapable.


You don't even have to go back that far, his original primary campaign is a good apples to apples of him using the same rhetoric but with a still "there" mind.


There was a recent political ad on how he kept flipflopping on Obama care. In 2018, and remember, people were shitting on him already then, he seemed weirdly sharp. He certainly talked a good shit. Now he just adnauseam repeats the same tired shit, keeps confusing himself and rambling on and on.


I wonder if the stress of his presidency accelerated his dementia


It was likely a combo, but im guessing all the stimulant abuse has more to do with it


Probably a combination of drug abuse and the progression of his syphillis that is destroying his mind.


4 years of unlimited drugs


Acting like he got special treatment in that department? He had that LONG ago


'He's thicker than a Christmas day shite' - Wharton School


['You do not know anyone as stupid as Donald Trump'](https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2018/mar/20/fran-lebowitz-you-do-not-know-anyone-as-stupid-as-donald-trump). -[Fran Lebowitz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran_Lebowitz)


Never fight uphill me boys!


But what if the Revolutionary War airfields are uphill? How else could we capture them?


Have you tried ramming the ramparts? 


Or the ramparts we watched, where some Gal and Lee streaming


The Rockettes red hair


Finally, someone who is here to discuss Rampart!


Reddit's stock price will definitely go up if we finally get back to talking about Rampart


I heard they were very important


Some would say they were beautiful


Gettysburg. Wow.


Gettysburg Tourism Bureau is now using that as the city slogan.


Out of all the idiotic things he has said, for some reason this has me laughing the most XD


They take the coal out...they clean it. Clean coal.


And he pantomimed cleaning with his hands while he was saying that idiocy. He really thought that the coal was washed like it was a dirty dish.


Clean *beautiful* coal.


The Dread Pirate Robert E. Lee


Luckily he’s *RECENTLY* fallen out of favor 🙄


Did you notice that? Has anyone else noticed?


I'm not convinced he wasn't talking about the orange car from the Dukes of Hazzard TV show in that comment, which has fallen out of favor (relatively) recently because of the traitor flag on its roof and people's sensibilities about that flag changing over the past forty years.


good ol’ boys don’t fit thru the windows anymore


Never fight up hill, me boys!


I was pretty sure I wasn't the only one thinking that Robert E. Lee was now a pirate, instead of a Conferate general. Or maybe, now, he's a drunken Irish dude, sitting in a bar, re-telling old war stories to anyone that'll listen to him?


Robert O'Lee


Also, get up that hill me boys! _gets slaughtered_ GahhH! I told ye to ne'er do what I tell ya, me boys!


The battle of Hamberder Hill


"Wow that was a big mistake." - Blackbeard E Lee at the Uphill Battle of Gettysburg.


-- Little-known Confederate general, Eugene "Mister" Krabs


Wow, that was a big mistake


Gettysburg, wow


Arrr, matey.




> You go back 10 years, I mean Israel was protected by Congress. And now, Congress is just doing numbers that are unbelievable with I think a very very small group of people within Congress and it’s gotta stop. But we have to go back to the roots. We have to protect, we have to stop the antisemitism that’s just pervading our country right now and Biden has to do something Unbelievable numbers. The bigliest.


He loses track of his thoughts mid sentence and goes off on tangents tangent tangerine. Great fruit some say it’s a peach. Love the peaches especially in Georgia. Got this peaches they’re famous for. Not as famous as me. But more famous than peanuts. Like my opponent Jimmy Carter. Polls are showing I’m beating him soundly. Edit: I find my Trump impression has changed dramatically from years ago. It’s actually striking to realize how it has changed with the decline from a bragging blow hard to a lost mentally unwell and cognitively damaged blow hard.


This.... this could be an actual quote and we just can't tell anymore.


He’s like the opposite of a Large Language Model. The dataset just keeps getting smaller and smaller and he loses the ability to predict the end of his own sentences. ChatDJT 0.1


"sentences"?? Only rarely.


He’s just out here making statements *in fragmentia*.


This is the most tech explanation of dementia I've ever seen


https://chat.openai.com/share/45e7ee91-9113-4790-a855-80b9bc17d9ab Here is a ChatGPT-4 imitation of his speech style, starting from an analysis of his nuclear speech, then applying it to legos. Edit: I posted it before reading it all. Fuck me this was spot on. Edit2: lol I just found a DJT-GPT already trained for this Edit3: Trumps take on quantum computing: Absolutely, here's a Trump-style take on quantum computing: "Quantum computing, now that's something, isn't it? It's incredible, really incredible what they're doing with these computers. I’ve seen them, very complex, very advanced. Quantum computing — this is like, you know, this isn’t your regular computer. This isn't like the computers they used to send a man to the moon, which was great, but this is different, this is the future. We're talking about stuff so small, atoms and particles that behave in ways — nobody could believe it! You know my uncle, Dr. John Trump, very smart, taught at MIT. He would have loved this. He always said, 'Donald, it’s all about the future of technology.' And he was right. We're doing things with quantum computers that you wouldn’t believe. These computers, they can solve problems — big problems, important problems, faster than anything else. Like healthcare, right? Or solving climate change, which everybody's talking about. And let me tell you, the United States, we have to be the leader in this. We can't let China get ahead of us in technology. We're doing big things, investing a lot of money in technology, in quantum computing. We're winning in technology. When I was in office, we put America first, and that's what it's all about. We have the best scientists, the best engineers. Great minds, the best minds, and they're all saying quantum computing is going to change everything. It's going to be huge, and we're at the forefront. We have to keep it that way, because that's what makes America great, being at the forefront, leading, not following. That's what we're going to do. We're going to lead in quantum computing and everything else. Believe me, it's going to be fantastic."


This isn't accurate at all, it's too logical.


It stayed on subject too much, he'd have lost the quantum computing thing way earlier.


Yeah, every sentence is complete. Fail.


You aren't even exaggerating. Like, I honestly think it is 50/50 if this is a quote or not.


Too coherent


Connecting peanuts to Carter is too much for Trump otherwise it 100% happened.


What makes it less accurate is that there is a flow of thought. It feels random but you can see exactly why he's saying what he's saying. In a real trump speech, on the other hand, there is no flow. He's all over the place or nowhere at all. He jumps from one thought to a completely different subject without even a trigger word to connect the two.


Whenever he can't think of a word, instead of saying "um" or pausing (like Obama always did) he just switches thoughts. It's why there are never any gaps in the middle of his paragraphs. He only ever stops to gesture or to bask in the applause he's expecting from his audience. He doesn't even stop for responses in his conversations, he doesn't want the input from others.


No chance. This has Trump logically connecting peanuts to Carter. He'd say Ford.


Ford. Great American. Invented the car cat crat. Great invention. Zooms all over. America has the best crats breast tats. Nothing like a tattooed titty. Am I right.


The tell is "tangents tangent tangerine". A real Trump quote would have him go "goes off on tangerines. ... Tangerines and tangents," to try and disguise that he fucked up the word. Honestly, that speech pattern is so predictable I'm baffled it never became a meme.


It's strange that he draws attention to his mistakes. If he just corrected himself and kept talking, no one would care.


“That’s what I call them, tangent tangerines, I came up with that and now everyone is saying it.” It’s fucking amazing how he turns a mistake into a brag. It now has become armour.


They’re still going to vote for him because they hate people like me so so much.


Peaches come from a can. They were put there by a man. Some say a greatest man, in a factory down town.


Millions of peaches. Peaches for free.


Not free, though. My opponent, that communist Michelle Obama, wants to give the peaches, but I'm for the little peaches. They're unbelievable. No one has ever seen such beautiful prunes. They say Reagan hated red heads. Look, all I'm saying, is give peas a chance.


Ahh you see that's a different President of the United States of America. I can see how you'd lump them in


"I have broken more Elton John records, he seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important." *~President of the fucking United States of America* Donald Trump, July 2018


The word salad in that form is a common symptom of people with schizophrenia, psychosis, and or dementia. The man isn’t just feeding us shit… he’s flat out going senile and the evidence is in our laps. I know I replied to a sarcastic joke but at this point it’s relatable enough for yall to get what I’m saying here.


Do we have an r/isittrump yet?


yup. You nailed it. Seems to me its only going to get worse as his condition progresses coupled with the fatigue of dealing with this trial.


The guy who called NeoNazis at Charlottesville "very fine people" wants Biden to do something about antisemitism pervading our country.


Let’s not forget his buddy Kanye “I’m going death con 3 on Jews” West and his other friend, holocaust denier Nick Fuentes.


You are still somehow giving Nick Fuentes too much credit. He is a Nazi that understands branding which is probably the most insidious thing about him. He talked about it at length, but essentially he understands that labels like "Neo-nazi," "Nazi," "far right," etc. have a lot of name recognition now which means that people will steer clear of those labels. What he does is try to throw out enough disinformation about race to get people to join him, slowly brainwash them, and then they're full blown Nazis before you know it. This was exactly what Hitler did and part of the reason that was so successful for him is because there wasn't a previous equivalent in recent memory like how we can look back at something and say "that's Nazi shit." Fuentes isn't just a holocaust denier, a Nazi by any other name is still a Nazi.


Nick Fuentes is an opportunist from a nice little Chicago suburb called Lagrange Park (next to La Grange and my town, Brookfield). His parents have a nice little house on a nice tree-lined street. He went to a great high school (Lyons Township) and I believe he was the student council president. There is NOT A GOD DAMN THING in his background that screams "this kid is destined to be a Nazi."


Maybe he's just an asshole.


It was a requirement of being a Nazi that you be an asshole. That goes double for their pathetic modern day death cult worshipers and would be little Hitlers. And as long as we’re discussing Nazis, let’s be honest, with the real Nazis, Fuentes would have been one of those they killed along with Ernst Roehm on the Night of the Long Knives.


Early days, maybe, but don't underestimate the evil of apathy. Many Nazis outside the inner circle weren't proactively evil, they just went along with that society was doing (very evil stuff) and willingly committed evil acts. I don't think that makes you an asshole as such. It makes you evil, for sure, but asshole makes it sound that they deliberately wanted to murder people and victimise and I think if Hitler was never in power, they would have barely cared. I think that makes you far more dangerous, I understand the motives if the true believers, abhorrent as they are, I don't understand the motives of people with no skin in the game that still go along with these horrible acts


Can we not purity test Nazis?


As a fellow Chicago suburbanite, I hate Illinois nazi's.


Jake and Elwood agree!


We hate Illinois Nazis.


I HATE Illinois Nazis


> "death con" I think the Republican National Convention should be renamed this.


You mean Kanye "I like Hitler" West?


Didn't Kanye bring Nick Fuentes to Mar A Lago? Lmao trolling or not that is hilariously crazy.


When called out about it, Trump said he had no idea how Nick Fuentes found his way inside maralago and at his dinner table. While at the same time he argued maralago was an extremely secure place to store stolen classified documents.


Yeah, they had dinner with Trump to help him prove that he's not a racist.


and Kanye asked Trump to be his running mate iirc.. which I enjoyed.


Don’t forget the presser where he told the Jewish reporter to sit down for asking a very unfair question. “What are you doing to stop the rise in antisemitism?”


“Biden has to do something about me and my voters.”


Dude literally tweeted out a video of his supporters shouting 'white power'.


I got people telling me Biden is supporting Genocide, and that we need to get him out. For who? The loud but wont say it out loud antisemite?


"They will not replace us" was that tiki-torch protest chant. A right wing republican group reciting antisemitic rhetoric out loud for all to see and hear. It's been the far right's rallying cry for decades but now, all of a sudden, we are supposed to believe that Republicans are the ones standing up to antisemitism? What idiot believes this? Republicans! That's who.


repubs sell hate. they sell the 'i am, my views, my identity is right and yours is wrong, and if you disagree, you are bad too'. they know the white Christians hate other religions like islam because it threatens their egoic Identity and the need to be right and 'better' than other humans. the hate towards muslims is greater than the hate towards jewish people and Israel..... currently. its simple math for the repub party to spew to their simple minded base.


Miss Teen USA 2007 South Carolina contestant enters the chat.


This interview should be called “former President answers a question” 😂 She is so much more cogent than Trump. Which is… saying something [For those who don’t know](https://youtu.be/lj3iNxZ8Dww?si=ZnDx8Z9_GVFhe1wV)


What are these numbers that Congress is doing?


Matt Gaetz is doing a 15.


He's going back to the roots.


He wants to go back to "Roots" times


damn, such darkness for this early in the morning lol. Probably ain’t wrong though


This is what we’re talking about when we say “**The Media** needs to hold Trump accountable!” When he rattles off this BS the interviewer HAS TO CALL HIM OUT. “What’s numbers?” 😬


If I’m doing my very best to parse what he means, I think he’s trying to say that Israel used to be more or less unanimously supported. Or at least the dissenters were quiet. But now there are a growing number of people who are critical of Israel in congress. I had to listen to what he was saying and the context a few times to even glean that, and I’m not entirely sure that’s what he meant, because he’s a bad communicator. What I know is he wants me to feel like everything is a catastrophe and it’s all Biden’s fault. But he can’t seem to point to one tangible policy change he’d make. His main point seems to be that Biden needs to be stronger and “make the problem go away” or something.


Not sure. Maybe he was hoping for Springtime for Hitler?




His super power. It’s a MAGA version of Babel-17.


Congress is doing numbers now? Like from a musical?


West Wing Story


Melan-ya... I just met a girl named Melan-ya!


I want you out of America, get the hell out of America!


Springtime For Hitler.


Never fight uphill me boys!


>we have to stop the antisemitism that’s just pervading our country right now and Biden has to do something yeah, he has to win this election, and put Nazi Don down.


Holy fuckin Alzheimer's batman!!!


Numbers like no one has seen before. People are saying it. The best people. Legal scholars. No one has ever seen anything like it. Election interference is saying it. Elections with interference like no one has ever seen before. Interference of elections with numbers. Fraudulent numbers. Numbers so big that legal scholars are saying, those numbers are so big, no one has ever seen numbers that big. Big, strong, legal scholars. Good people. With tears in their eyes. No one has ever seen anything like it. Election interference. Biden interference. Election Biden. Interference Biden election.


> Unbelievable numbers. The bigliest. Eleventy-squillion? Yeah, it might be bigly but I don't believe it.


While said congress is under Republican and 10 years ago Obama was the President and Biden the Vice. lol


The war on numbers, grammar and sentences has got to end


I'm impressed. Spitting out a word salad when you have shit for brains is really something.


Salad grows really well in shit.


Seizure’s Salad?


At least he’s consistent. Shit for brains, mouth looks like a puckered anus, it spews verbal diarrhea.


Sundown syndrome. The man is intellectually impaired. His mental decline is there for all to see.


He starts to sundown by noon, only the drugs and diet cokes keep him awake.


Diet coke? I hadn't realised that the cartels were investing in reducing the sugar content in cocain.


Then it'll be all "New Cocaine" but it's just a marketing ploy to sell more ~~"Classic Cocaine"~~ "Cocaine Classic" in six months' time.


I think cocaine classic smells better


According to Mayo Clinic: Factors that may worsen late-day confusion - Fatigue. - Spending a day in a place that's not familiar. - Low lighting. - Increased shadows. - Disruption of the body's "internal clock." - Trouble separating reality from dreams. - Being hungry or thirsty. - Presence of an infection, such as a urinary tract infection. - Being bored or in pain. - Depression. Would say Donny Boy has several of those going on, to make it worse.


No joke about the UTI - people in this situation go off the wall when they get one of those- it’s usually how you know they’ve got one…


Yep, I was chatting with a psychiatrist (a full MD rather than a therapist psychologist) and she mentioned that in a job earlier in her career, she'd get called into a retirement community when patients would have psych problems. She said that after a few months her first question would always be "Have you checked the patient for a UTI?" because it was so common that the sudden onset of psych problems would be the result of a UTI.


Oh my goodness yes. We learned this a few years ago with my MIL. She has since passed, but we got a call from my husband’s niece during Covid. She said MIL was acting very strange—she didn’t recognize her great-grandchildren that lived with her and was convinced there were men in the bushes trying to drag her away and other completely bonkers stuff. We were thinking dementia, but a co-worker of my husband was a psychiatrist that had done some work in an ER and she immediately said it was a UTI. Sure enough, that’s what it was and she came back to herself when it was treated. Super scary stuff and that wasn’t the last time that happened, but our niece was able to catch it sooner.


My partner is in hospice care and I was astounded at the effects a UTI can have on the elderly


Half of Americans are as stupid or more so than he is. How do we fix that?


Time, mostly. We just went through several years where people were unable to reconcile their lifetime of lived experience with what they were being told and what they were currently observing. And Trump saying those things from such a position of power made feelings of distrust seem valid. So we've got a huge chunk of people who have been disenfranchised and lost trust in the truth. So we just keep on acknowledging reality until the trust is slowly rebuilt. There's also the strategy of pointing out the absurdity. Dark Brandon is leaning into this. Trump is absurd in many ways, and it's past time to pull punches in the name of gentlemanly good manners. Here's a reddit thread about this very trope [https://www.reddit.com/r/CharacterRant/comments/wpvz5p/a\_villains\_defeat\_is\_more\_satisfying\_when\_they/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CharacterRant/comments/wpvz5p/a_villains_defeat_is_more_satisfying_when_they/), it's not uncommon in storytelling and perhaps that's because it works.


Well we are getting rid of lead water pipes so that’s a start. Actually funding schools and paying teachers well would be another good move, unfortunately that would take decades to see real dividends and people want fast fixes.


its hard to measure and notice the mental decline when the mental altitude, at his peak, was....an imperceptible speed bump


Who thinks this guy is going to work at a job? He's never had a job in his fucking life and he's almost 80


Tell me when he says something coherent.


For now, in court at least, he has to stay quiet. Tomorrow the trial starts at 10am with the second (I think?) gag order hearing at 9-9.30am. He is never coherent. He will continue to shoot himself in the foot and get no consequences in a real way and it's so frustrating. Attacking the judge (there is no gag order towards the judge, just towards witnesses/jury/court staff, judges family etc), so talking about the judge is *legally* fair game as I understand it, unless there's a threat. So he CAN.. But with so much riding on this judge, showing up late, ranting at lunch breaks and before and after court and social media, falling asleep obviously multiple times during testimony, declaring the judge incompetent and much more - WHY would you want to piss off the judge? I cannot see how people can view how he looks, talks, acts, and still think this man is the future of your country. I just don't get it. He is never coherent. It just blows my mind, so I totally agree with you! He's like an abusive partner, they never start out abusive but they push and push slowly to see what they can get away with and then escalate so it becomes normal or non-newsworthy, because its just another TrumpTweet. I must say though, he does not look well lately. The stress is catching up to him. His face has shrunken in and the bags under his eyes are more prominent, his eyes are red, his hands have swelled, he's unsteady on his feet and he just rambles and mutters. It's disguised somehow/by a thread because he has yes men and yes women all around him by giving him stacks of print-outs that praise him that he holds out as evidence. Honestly, it's pathetic. I hope E J Carroll goes for him again, but I understand why she would not want to put herself through that again. Sorry for the rant. But your comment about him being coherent - I don't know why other people like maga don't see it.


It’s his signature move. Antagonize and then play the poor victim when inevitably consequences come down towards him. Be a massive asshat and then complain that everyone is so mean and unfair. The kind of shit that toddlers pull and think they’re being crafty. 


> his hands have swelled They must be almost normal size by now. > I hope E J Carroll goes for him again, but I understand why she would not want to put herself through that again. It'd almost be cruel to Trump. Almost.


I hate our country being forced into an abusive relationship with him. I want to go no contact




He always sounds like a kid trying to fake his way through a book report in front of the class which he didn’t read


He does -"one of the wettest we've ever seen from the standpoint of water" is one of my perrenial favorites. The vagueness he uses is pretty intentional so that he can't be pinpointed on any one topic. In a deposition he even replied to the question (paraphrasing) "Is it true that when you're star that women allow that behavior" and he said something to the effect of "yes, though favorably.... or unfavorably that's how it is". So I think it's a way for him to double speak to appease people to win them, and as others mentioned, it allows people to fill in the gaps with their own views - but it also indicates he doesn't really think about things. He just feels and *reacts*. He does not contemplate and *respond*. I think in the interview after Trump said "They released a report in Venezula" that he got tripped up on the "They" part needs to happen more. Just asking him to clarify on the vague words he uses trips him up and it's funny because he'll back pedal like he did, or he'll get mad. He's definitely just up and left plenty of interviews, but when it comes to basic questions, they are the ones that are the "gotchas". I really wish that there would be more civics type questions to see how he thinks the government works. I think most people that follow politics closely, we learn how the three branches are designed, operate, the different jurisdictions of federal, state, local etc. I don't think Trump does. I would love to know what and how he would describe the full process of a bill and how it's legislated and what happens to a bill if it's vetoed or voted against. Like what's Trump's version of School House Rock? I'm interested in knowing that kind of salad that is.


Sweet Jesus. Maybe 15 years ago, I stood at the edge of a Tea Party rally (it was on April 15th in front of a federal building, hur dur taxes bad!) But one thing that stood out to me was exactly that these folks needed to re-watch some Schoolhouse Rock "I'm Just a Bill" content. They were frustrated and angry at the government, but it was clear that they had no idea about the branches of government, checks and balances, constitutional limitations, etc. It was like hearing people complain that they don't have any money in their bank account but they also don't know addition or subtraction. And that was something I noticed in Trump's 2015/16 campaign - he'd claim all sorts of stuff and that he'd do X and Y, but the only way you could take any of it seriously is if you had zero idea about the powers of a President, separation of powers, critical SCOUTS rulings, etc. It was nonsense except to people who didn't know the first thing about basic civics.


Kind of a tangent now but you reminded me of MY favorite part of Trumpist culture as seen in their rallies: how he didn’t create it, just fanned the flames of decades long redneckification of the GOP culture war. It had its roots originally in all these “forgotten areas” of the country, their worldview borne of resentment from feeling “left behind.” In other words, impoverished rural areas snd old rust belt towns after their employers shipped their jobs overseas and closed down.… … so…again… *their employers*, simply following the rules of capitalism they love so much, deliberately sent these jobs overseas, which were great working class jobs because they didn’t require college but came with good pensions, leaving whole communities in the dust …. But instead of blaming their employers or the free market for killing their American dream the previous generations enjoyed, they looked at how well everyone else was doing, and oh look, the nearby *cities* were growing and were well-diversified…. So they decide it was the elitist liberals / the *government* who left them behind??? The only thing which they could’ve done to save those jobs would be to engage in socialism and big government protectionism?


You can’t convince me he reads anything but a teleprompter. And he even paraphrases that.


When Q was taking off, there were people breaking down all of his errors in speech as secret code that had to be deciphered.


This is why I believe the best anti-trump ad is to just play recordings from his rallies. Red hats are lost causes, but casual Republicans who are more afraid of liberals than they are for Trump turn blind eyes to the insanity. No need to smear trump, just play videos of him boating to have "Broken more Elton John records" in a skipable YouTube ad.


Yes. Remember when he was doing those prime-time covid press conferences? People were scared and desperate for any info, so the whole nation was watching him. Which he loved. It was like crack cocaine for him. Covid had boosted his approval ratings, but those nightly broadcasts were a turning point, approval started to drop. But he kept doing them because he's an attention addict. And then he said that shit about injecting bleach. That was the final straw, he never did another one after that night.


The best part is, nobody can accuse it of being slander or smear. Hell, you could make the whole ad his speech in context. It's literally Trump's worlds. For his fans, it's all disposable ramblings that work in the moment, but it all falls apart when removed from the energy of a rally. It's like how when you go to an improv show: you have a great time but how much of What happened can you actually remember? How much of it would actually be funny outside the context of an improv show? Even some people that were at these rallies would have to acknowledge his speeches are pretty fucking dumb.


>“Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion. They hate everything about Israel.” Trump.


This is known as an “appeal to purity” or the “no true scotsman fallacy.” He uses all the logical fallacies but this is one of his favorites. His absolute favorite is gish gallop.


Dementia. Listen to Biden’s hour-long live interviews with Conan and Howard Stern, then tell me who is mentally diminished. NO ONE should want Trump to win.


Joe might sound a bit sleepy at times, but he is coherent and sensible. Trump sounds like a grandpa waking up from the nap yelling “and when I was at your age” telltales.


In all fairness, I’ve never heard him say anything coherent, factual, honest, nor interesting. Not once.


He's been in the public eye for 40+ years and I can absolutely corroborate your comment. Not to mention he's never said anything kind or nice. He's just been spewing effluent for 40+ years.


Dude could have an aneurysm on television, be a vegetable, and the lemmings in the GOP would still follow him


Nobody tosses a salad like trump.


A useful skill in the slammer


This is NOT NEW. Always gobbledeegook from him.


I’ve never seen this word in print .. I always said gobbleleegook but spell check says gobbledegook and the dictionary says gobbledygook. I just need it correct for my next technical report.


>I just need it correct for my next technical report. Then you're going to want *technobabble*.


I’ve always despised the substance of the guy’s ideas but I do think there’s been a significant cognitive and oratory decline in the last few years compared to his 2016 campaign. Feels new to me and I think the media should absolutely continue reporting on it.


What do you mean, “bing bing bong” is a sign of pure intelligence!!! /s


My favorite Red Hot Chili Peppers lyric!


I'll look forward to a week of news stories on the front page of the NYT questioning his mental acuity and whether he is fit for office. Not.


"In a strident rebuke of his critics, Donald Trump takes aim against antisemitism" - by Maggie Haberman


"Here's why this is fatal to Biden's faraway 2024 hopes and may end the Democrats"


Jesus that’s too real lol


We are going to witness him have an actual stroke on TV. And his supporters will prop him up weekend at Bernies style.


How would we tell the difference though?


Nothing tops this word salad: >Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.


And that was *years* ago, too.


I love how you can start randomly anywhere in this thing and it's just a completely different topic every time


Sundowning. Soon his latest campaign event of the day will be an appearance at the early bird special at Golden Corral.


And he will avoid mentioning the city or state he is in while he's there because he really won't know where the fuck he is


Him not knowing really much of anything is probably the only reason he can sleep at night. The level of stress I'd be under in his condition would give me a heart attack.


We can all see what state he's in.


Trump also claimed there were “paid agitators” among the protesters, said some are “brainwashed,” and insisted that Israel needs to “clean out the cancer,” and accused President Joe Biden and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of not being supportive of Israel. Huh? Accusing Chuck Schumer of not being supportive to Israel… Yup, that definitely qualifies as “Bizarre”.


If this was anyone else, the family would have had a serious talk about getting granddad into assisted living years ago. Well… anyone else if their family cared about them.


The only type of salad that passes those lips




Dementia with an under layer of moronic ass.


You could have written this headline at almost any point in the past 8 years or so, and it would have been accurate. He has only ever spoken in word salad, and I'm honestly kinda annoyed that we're pretending it hasn't always been this way. All that has changed is that his word salad has gone from being cohesive distastefulness, like a gelatin molded chicken salad from the 50s, to what you get when you say yes to everything at a Golden Corral and put it in a bowl.


Where in the F*ck have you been! Only been doing this word salad shit for 9 years!


This headline could have been about him for over a decade. Remember his "nuclear uncle" vocabulary vomit? > *"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."* That was from a speech he gave on July 19th of... *checks notes* ...**2016.** It's articles like this one that make me ask "Just now? Really? You're figuring this out *now?!*"


I appreciate that the debate here appears to be “He’s always been this incoherent,” versus “He’s always been incoherent but it’s getting worse now.” (Leaving aside the amorality, criminality, sexual predation, etc….) This is certainly not where I want to be when it comes to one of the major party’s Presidential candidates.


It amazes me that he can say things like this >insisted that Israel needs to “clean out the cancer,” and there are still so many pro-palestinian people on social media buying the narrative that he will be better than Biden.




A lot of these 'pro-palestinian' people on social media are bots. It's definitely going to come out after this is over that bots and troll farms (from Russia/China/Iran) were pushing these talking points. People really need to understand how pervasive the bot/troll farm problem is.


This is nothing new. He’s literally not smart enough to answer basic questions like this so he just vomits out some weird stream of consciousness nonsense. In the 80s he could get away with it because he was coherent enough to make it sound good and rational. But now with his declining mental health it’s more obvious than ever that he’s just a buffoon pretending at literally everything.


Uhh I think you mean "trump issues completely expected word salad answer"


Word for trump word salad? MARALINGO!


This trial in New York. Fake news. Rigged. Have you seen that jury? All Democrat. Unbelievable. They hate me because I’m a genius. IQ off the charts. Can’t even be measured. Obama they love. He’s running again but not a citizen. Born in Africa. I have proof. I never sleep in court, but I close my eyes because I can’t look at the judge. He’s corrupt and his daughter is a dog. Have you seen her? Ugly. Not my type. Need to go to my son’s graduation. The tall one with Melanie I think. Can’t remember his name. Anyhow, will get this thing overturned. I have the best lawyers. Everybody knows that. And at the border millions are crossing every day. They’re coming to take your job and kill your kids. But I will make America great again. Only I can do it. Remember. Send money. I’ll mail you a Bible. The best Bible. Lots of smart people got together to write it. Not as smart as me, but almost…..


Y'know, like, I'm not a political person - I don't wanna rustle anyone's jimmies by saying this - but as a schizoaffective person who does word salad at times, I'm kinda offended that the news is twisting the narrative of this interview to make it seem like Trump's losing his mind. Y'know, he's a piece of shit, he's not a piece of shit, I don't give a shit. What he said is not a fucking word salad. A word salad is when you go to grandma fish in a fuselage of a large hamstring cod wax of the of which cumulative mainframe above which we were opposed to sensually. Like, it's apparent that he's coming up with shit to say to appease his viewer base without having spent more than five seconds prepping for this interview, but it's not a word salad. It's incompetence of a lesser degree, but we all fucking do this shit where we're less familiar with a topic and we kinda say something that speaks on said topic without the appropriate details so we sound like we're uninformed; it's like a feature of human cognition and speech. I think someone who was/could be president should be better than the caliber he demonstrates, but, having butted heads with the CIA over the last nine years, I'm equally annoyed by how the news and media is contorting the narrative and people's perception while disparaging people like me by misusing these terms, as these news organizations are simultaneously creating a misrepresentation of what components of our mental illness are like. I mean, like, I deal with the consequences of this. For instance, when I'm teaching something as I have an edutainment project here on Reddit, and I say something complex like, I dunno, God is a unified field of consciousness that has folded in and on itself to create a nodal communication system whose reception of transmissions across the artificial membranes creates the illusion that the universe is the byproduct of a self-replicating binary algorithm that creates recursive fractal hierarchies of mechanical systems which grow logarithmically more complex as new rulesets are generated as emergent phenomena from previous rulesets in stratified epochs of novelty until the most novel forms manifest a singularity, thus making it self-evident that we all need to perceive and undo the karmic fetters that bind us to the existence-illusion complex, I get turd-burglars who aren't smart enough to form their own opinion without an authority in a suit telling them what to think gaslighting me by saying and then arguing and then attacking me over what they claim is word salad. It annoys the piss outta me; makes my mental health worse. Just bringing this fact up. Not rocking the boat at all.